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Good Morning!🙏😘🦋❤️
I don't know what time you are leaving to Köln... so I better say Good Morning fast, before doing my shopping. LIDL, Combi, DM and pharmacy... so it will also take a bit longer😁😂 Hope your party was nice, and your dreams even nicer!😁😇🦋 This morning Anne and the girls will be coming... in the afternoon Christian and also Nattie... she wants to get some advices from him concerning chemistry... viel Ruhe gibt es heute nicht!😁😂 but mainly I will be with you in anyway!😉🙏😘 Have a good day, my dear!🙏😘🦋❤️
Good Monring😉😘🦋❤️
ich habe gerade aus meinem Fenster geschaut😁😉 und dabei meine Augen zu und meine Vorstellungskraft an gemacht!😁🤣🤣🤣 so geht es!😁🤣 I have to bring Josh to his match this morning... picking him up at 0930 and driving to Haarenufer... then Feierabend... then resting, a bit paperstuff, a bit sport... and waiting until 1800 to see how germany is going to look like the coming years.... I only hope it will not be tooooo bad... difficult to be optimistic in this case.... anyway: Have a nice day, my dear!🙏😘🦋❤️
I had a nice nap... afterwards a coffee already and peacefully watching a bit sport... now it is a nice time for another coffee... this time with a cake!😁😇... MU😘🍰🦋❤️ Have a nice and sunny afternoon!😘🦋❤️
just back from Taxidrive...
... eyes are really not getting better... on long straight street like Westfalendamm... car coming from front, I see 2 cars... one on the other side, one on mine😁🤣 when closing my right eye, everything fine... I told Josh already, as Taxidriver I will be off this week. Will call the eyedoc tomorrow and push for appointment soon. And I told Mel that I will ask him to drive me there... or you want to drive me?😁😉🤣
träume süß ...
... von (m)einer leckeren Pommessauce!😁😇🍟🥩🤣 ich spüre dich heute schon wieder ein bisschen mehr als gestern... und fühlt sich schön an🙏😘🦋❤️ I will hold you close and will kiss you... kiss you... kiss you!!! ALL OVER!!! 😘🦋🦋🦋❤️ Sleep well and join my dreams... no matter how naughty it will be tonight!😁😇😉🤣
nothing can Stop LOVE❤️❤️❤️
and nothing can stop 🍰🥩🍟🦋❤️
simply can't forget ...
... the sweetest taste there is....😇😘🍰🍰🍰🦋❤️ my eyes.... not too funny... have to see the eyedoc... wanted to wait a few days, to see if maybe it is just Erschöpfung... but not getting better... I saw it again today, when driving, when shopping... and also in the garden... I know it is far less serious as the day after vac, when all started... and probably I just need Prismenfolie again... but still a bit frustrating if things that even got better already, now are getting worse again😥 moodkiller... but I am well-rooted as you know. and it is not as important as the Erschöpfung and also the Geräuschempfindlichkeit... and far less impostant as the nice thingsin life... including the LOVE I feel! The LOVE I feel for you, and the LOVE I feel from you! 😘🦋❤️
Need more Magic... And 🍟🍟🍟
I think I need a cold shower ...
... before watching with you!😁🤣😇 achso... forgot to mention that: the Weinkarte is really looking nice!💪 and "Primitivo" is somehow charmant!😁🤣 like it!😉😘
nice 😁🍉🍉😘🦋❤️
really wishing we could be couching this evening together.... having nice snacks together... like sweet 🍉, delicious 🥓 and all the other things... and follow the ESC a bit😁😉😇 by the way: last week was friday and saturday... this week only today the semifinal... next week the final😉😘 M&J were supposed to remove the big Haufen of Grünschnitt from our backgarden (Terrasse) and bring it to the frontgarden... they started twice, were "busy" for at least 2 hours, but only managed to do about 10% of ... as if they are always afraid of maybe touching a spider or Käfer... then putting 3 small branches on the Schubkarre. then one is pushing the Schubkarre, and then other one Begleitschutz😥🤣
any better ideas for this evening?😁😉😘🦋❤️
very nice and proud of both of you... thursday Weinprobe, today new card and zack... bestellt!!! 😁😉😂🙏💪💪💪 THX to D also!🙏😘💪 Christian just left. After him talking to Nat for quite a while, we went into the garden for 20 minutes fast, and did what Jelle and Maile could not even do 10% in 2 hours... now resting a bit and then having Roulade😉. But additional dinner with you would be okay!😁😉😇🍰🍟🥩🦁🦋❤️ JUst in case it would not be possible today, can we watch ESC together at least?🙏😉😘
well done!!! 🙏😘❤️
was busy... just saw your comment... As I am always saying: You have both sides: Gefühlsmensch and Kopfmensch! Your Gefühl told you something, and your Kopf decided wisely! And as a good girl, you asked your Dad if it okay! As I am always saying: You are PERFECT!!!!🙏😘🦋❤️ And I know I don't have to tell you to rest... surely you still have enough things to be done!😁😉😂 Really making me happy to know that you are listening to your Bauch and taking care of yourself! So I do not always have to remind you!😁😉😂
... when you come to bed!🙏😉😘🍰🍟🦋❤️
nice that D is having back his license! And nice that you went to party before already, and then closed work early! Enjoy your party, my dear! 🙏😘🦋❤️ I will go to bed early, to be fit when you wake me up!😁😉😇 Sleep well and have some really naughty dreams!😁😉😇
just saying!😁😉😂🍟🍟🍟😘🦋❤️
Have a nice shift, and then a nice bday-party!😉😂 I think I will be sleeping when you come to bed... please wake me up for some "frying"😁😉🍟😇😂 love you!😘🦋❤️
the recipies are not only nice...
... also inspiring😁😉🍟😇🍟😇🍟😇 Just remember that you also wrote about M&L yesterday evening... 4 years!!! BRAVO!!! But I am not surprised! You remember the day you told me?😉 You were quite surprised that I guessed right immediately... And then I said that I knew even before M&L knew themselves!😁😂 they were süß to each other before already😁😂 I think they can really make it! Would be nice!🙏🙏❤️ I will go and nap soon... was sleeping quite okay tonight, but only 6 hours... but first day I was not feeling "gerädert" in the morning... 🙏😊❤️