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The Sharing Economy
Como bien señala Danielle Sacks en The Sharing Economy (2011), Silicon Valley y especialmente San Francisco son la meca del consumo colaborativo. El consumo colaborativo conecta creadores con consumidores en un mercado diseñado a medida -sin los intermediarios tradicionales-, y dando un nuevo valor económico a la capacidad ociosa de los objetos. Hugo Pardo Kuklinski • @Hugo_pardo
KIT­KAT-M&M-taart recept - Allerhande | Albert Heijn
Recept - KITKAT®-M&M-taart - Allerhande
"It's Fashion Week in New York! New Dream thinks the best way to celebrate fashion [could be] to swap—not shop. Join one of the dozens of #PeersSwap events happening around the country! Find one near you: "▶ Peers: Growing the sharing economy movement [… U]sing our local knowledge & unique skills to support ourselves & enrich the lives of others[…] We free ourselves up to live on our own terms:)
How to Barter, Give, and Get Stuff
There is a growing and exciting world of barter, work exchange, gift circles, mutual aid societies, time banks, local currencies, and other modes of transacting that don’t use regular money. These transactions form a huge component of the “sharing economy.”
Sharing is the new buying: Insights into the Collaborative Economy - Impact Lab
Libraries were the original sharing economy. Now technology is making it fast and efficient to share far more than just books, and we're just getting started. Great infographic.
Abbiamo iniziato a condividere - Comune-info
Abbiamo iniziato a condividere - Car sharing, carpooling, bike sharing, file sharing. Ma anche crowdfunding, cohousing, coworking, opensource. In due parole ‘sharing economy’, o economia collaborativa, quella che punta tutto sulla possibilità di usufruire di beni e servizi in condivisione.
Swapdom - How it works. Circle Swaps, Square Deals. Swapdom is an exchange system for the sharing economy driven by the power of the crowd. ...
Our friend from is talking about the sharing economy at our Peers Dinner in a Knok home in Barcelona
IdeaSprout: Sharing economy, together we are stronger
The Real Sharing Economy Is Booming (And It's Not the One Venture Capitalists Are Cashing In On)
The Real Sharing Economy Is Booming (And It's Not the One Venture Capitalists Are Cashing In On) | Alternet widget
Explora esta imagen interactiva: the Sharing Economy, Explained for Grist by Susie Cagle
Mapping the sharing economy in Toronto - Collaborative ConsumptionCollaborative Consumption
Mapping the sharing economy in Toronto - Collaborative Consumption
Wie geeft, die krijgt wat - waarom dit principe juist online geldt
Sharing is caring: de sharing economy is in opkomst. #sharing #economy