Papers by Sanjukta Bhattacharya
Journal of Politics, Dibrugarh University, vol. 23, 2024
Given China's ambitions in the Indian Ocean and the willingness of some littoral states and islan... more Given China's ambitions in the Indian Ocean and the willingness of some littoral states and island nations to partner with China, firstly, because of its huge economic investments in the region and secondly, as an
alternative to India, the US, or France to reduce security dependence on any one country, India needs to draw up long-term strategic plans for its maritime domain.
India-Africa: Building Synergies in Peace, Security and Development, Ed. Ruchita Beri, 2024
India and Africa are both simultaneous victims and producers of terrorism. At the forum summits, ... more India and Africa are both simultaneous victims and producers of terrorism. At the forum summits, India and Africa speak of cooperation in countering terrorism. It is time to move beyond speech to practical cooperation based on the local context.
Human Fetal Growth and Development, 2016
The study of the body’s immunity and immune defense system has enabled physicians to understand h... more The study of the body’s immunity and immune defense system has enabled physicians to understand how in a successful pregnancy, the baby is allowed to grow inside the mother’s body without being rejected. All healthy individuals have an immune system that will reject germs, viruses and donated organs, e.g., kidneys, hearts and livers, with the immune rejection reaction. However, during a successful pregnancy, this outside interference with the mother’s immune system in not activated.

War has existed from the beginning of human history and will continue in centuries to come even i... more War has existed from the beginning of human history and will continue in centuries to come even if all states accept democracy as their preferred form of government. The United States and India are both democracies and both have been involved in wars and conflicts since their inception as democracies. However, they face different threats and their responses to challenges have been different. Geopolitics, a country’s status in the world, historical background and other factors shape a country’s responses to crisis situations, and sometimes its democratic credentials play a very small role in this. America’s superpower status and its objective of maintaining its unique position has often coloured its responses to security challenges. India is a comparatively new democracy, and its main concern till recently has been to maintain its territorial security. However, it is an ‘emerging ’ country and is now seen as emerg-ing as a global player. Will its changing status have an effect on its...

Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 2015
India's strategic importance in South Asia, its geostrategic positioning in Asia and its emer... more India's strategic importance in South Asia, its geostrategic positioning in Asia and its emerging status in the world, places it in a position that cannot be ignored by any state. Shortly before the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) decisive victory in the 2014 general elections, the US Assistant Secretary of State, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Nisha Desai Biswal, noted, " the end, regional growth hinges on the region's economic engine. In South Asia, that engine is India".1 Unfortunately, despite remarkable economic growth, during much of the past 25 years while China made impressive strides, India was marked by political weakness and drift, which eroded the country's regional and extra-regional clout. A Foreign Affairs article entitled "India's Feeble Foreign Policy" in 2013 focused on how India was obstructing its own rise. Far from being proactive, India's foreign policy was not even reactive to the major events taking ...
India and Africa Looking Ahead: Contemporary Realities and Emerging Prospects, eds. Nivedita Ray and Sankalp Gurjar, 2023
Although trade is growing between India and African countries and a lot of platitudes can be hear... more Although trade is growing between India and African countries and a lot of platitudes can be heard about the historical relations between Indian and African people at the India-Africa Forum Summits, in reality, relations between countries can really flourish when there is positive and vibrant relations between the peoples of the countries. There is not much people-to-people connection between Indians and Africans, and this certainly needs to be addressed, perhaps with the government taking certain facilitative steps.
FPRC Journal, 2022
E-mail Interview
Indian Foreign Affairs Journal, 2020
In the globalised world of the 21st century, inputs that shape bilateral foreign relations come f... more In the globalised world of the 21st century, inputs that shape bilateral foreign relations come from multivariate sources. While personality matters, as was evident from the administration of US President Trump, relations are between States, and not Heads of States. Here other dynamics come into play: for instance, the quest for military and strategic supremacy; global supply chains and economic power; ideology and values; climate and environment; domestic constraints; and,
The presentation re-visits ideas and ideologies of past African-American thinkers on economic dev... more The presentation re-visits ideas and ideologies of past African-American thinkers on economic development in a holistic manner, placing them in the context of their times. It is true that many of them advocated collectives, cooperatives, and group enterprise but were these an end in itself, or were they promoting such activities as a measure toward equal status in the USA, that is, until they could avail of equal economic opportunity on their own? In fact, even those who encouraged exclusion from the economic mainstream did not abandon the US territorial space or its market economy. Where necessary, collectives and cooperatives will provide the necessary boost for survival and developing opportunities for the betterment of African Americans.

Conflicting Identities, 2019
THERE IS A GROWING body of literature centred on the idea that regional institutions, and more sp... more THERE IS A GROWING body of literature centred on the idea that regional institutions, and more specifically, regional organizations, are becoming important actors in international politics. Many analysts further feel that regionalism and regionalization can contribute not only to economic growth and stability but also political liberalization and even democracy. Observers have noted that regional entities in both Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa have had a positive effect. However, West Asia is perhaps one of the exceptions that prove the rule: it is not a region that can be easily associated with regionalism although regional institutions here go back to among the earliest ones to appear in contemporary world politics. The basic puzzle is that despite geographical proximity, a relatively high degree of social, cultural and religious homogeneity as well as political, military and economic interaction, there has been historically a low level of institutional regional cooperation. In the current context too, the lack of influence of regional institutions is very strongly evident in the events that have shaken the region, particularly since 1991. Institutional shortcomings, domestic constraints and rivalries and international interventions are some of the more obvious barriers to regional political cooperation, particularly on issues centred on conflict and conflict resolution. Interestingly, regional institutions that are more functional and focus on economic matters have achieved a degree of success that has eluded the political ones.
... The Koran is the word of God, and thus differs from the Gospels or other works written by men... more ... The Koran is the word of God, and thus differs from the Gospels or other works written by men, and as such, must be followed. ... The Koran provides for no state in Islam. All it says is that there is no God but God and Muhammad is His Prophet. ...

Jadavpur Journal of International Relations, 1995
The primary aim of American national security as defined by the National Security Council (NSC) w... more The primary aim of American national security as defined by the National Security Council (NSC) which was founded in 1947 to serve as a forum for integrating "domestic, foreign and military policies relating to national security", is "to preserve the United States as a tree nation with our fundamental institutions and values intact". The implication here is diat national security, as understood in die United States, has bodi an external ("foreign and military policies"; "free nation") and an internal ("domestic"; "fundamental institutions and values") content. Historically, die internal component has sometimes overshadowed die external as during the Civil War or the economic depression period following die stock market crash of 1929. However, in the more immediate past, during die Cold War era, national security came tomean foreign policy in general and military policy in particular. President Truman, in fact, enlarged American national security to also encompass all 'free' nations when he declared in 1948 that "the loss of independence by any nation adds directly to die insecurity of die United States and all free nations".' The world, as seen by the United States, was divided into communist and Tree' nations and it was in America's national security interests to keep the 'free' nations from being engulfed by the 'evil empire'. The end of the Cold War. therefore, should have spelt a major change in American national security interests and policies-because, in essence, it meant the adoption of the democratic values and the free market system of the United Stales—"fundamental institutions and values"—by its perceived enemies. The spread of communism had been effectively checked and the "evil empire' had imploded.
India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs, 1981
Papers by Sanjukta Bhattacharya
alternative to India, the US, or France to reduce security dependence on any one country, India needs to draw up long-term strategic plans for its maritime domain.
alternative to India, the US, or France to reduce security dependence on any one country, India needs to draw up long-term strategic plans for its maritime domain.