Welcome to kelp's digital garden. This is a slice of my obsidian instance that contains what I've decided is worth sharing with the void.
Anything goes here, really. I have some video game reviews, I have a decent vegetarian recipe collection, and I have a bunch of technical documents.
This site is navigable via the document tree on the left. I found the file/folder paradigm to be the most comfortable for me. Just how my brain works. If you're on mobile, peep the arrow on the bottom left. It's a clickable button to open the document tree.
This site is part of the Merveilles Webring.
Internal links are formatted > [like this], and external links have no additional formatting, and may also appear as plain http(s) URLs.
If you want to learn about me specifically, see > [the about page].
Incoming: > [changelog] > [index]