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We make studying easier
As a new student at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen University Library and the Royal Danish Library give you access to a wealth of digital and printed resources.
We provide literature within your subject, and if there is something we do not have ourselves, we get it for you.
In addition, we offer a varied and up-to-date study environment where you can work, as well as receive guidance and courses in e.g. literature search.
You must register as a user at Royal Danish Library in order to use our services. Create your account as a UCPH student. Once you have confirmed your email, you can order physical books and have access to the library's electronic books and articles.
Always remember to be logged in when searching the library system.
As a student at the University of Copenhagen, you have access to all online resources from home if you are correctly logged in when using the library system.
You will find books, articles etc. in the library's search system. In addition, you can get an overview on your subject page of which books, databases, journals, etc. are used in the subject in particular. As a student at the University of Copenhagen, you have access to all online resources from home if you are correctly logged in when using the library system.
You are welcome to use the libraries' group facilities and reading places.
You can also book a group room and borrow a locker at the university library's various locations.
You can go on wifi at all our locations. Either Eduroam or KB-guest (Det Kgl. Biblioteks net). More about wifi.
At Copenhagen University Library, you can meet two different printing systems
- KU print: Guide to KU printers (KUNet-login)
- The Royal Library print system: KB print.
Feel free to ask at the library's information desk.
A good way to keep track of your literature for the task and avoid plagiarism is to use a reference management tool.
A reference tool helps you to organize your references, correct citations, and to make an accurate list of the literature in the assignment.
The library teaches 3 different tools
- Endnote (UCPH license)
- Mendeley (Free)
- Zotero (Free)
You can always find relevant courses in the library's course calendar.
Can you keep track of your notes? Are they spread out bewteeen your computer, your phone or the bootom of your school-bag? Maybe we can help you.
Take this course in “Note-organization” and learn how to create an overview and how to retrieve your notes.
It is permitted to cite a copyrighted work without obtaining permission from the author, provided that the work has been lawfully issued or published.
- must be reduced to what is absolutely necessary
- may only be a minor part of the work you cite from
- must have a purpose in the work you write yourself
- may only form a minor part of your own work
- must be marked so that it is clear where the quotation begins and where it end
- must be cited. You need to tell exactly where the quote comes from.
It is also permitted to refer to copyrighted works without obtaining permission from the author.
By "referencing" is meant to reproduce in general terms what the work in question is about.
If in doubt, ask the Library.
As a student, you basically have the copyright for the assignments, projects and dissertations you prepare.
Your supervisor or teacher will not have any rights to your work unless they themselves contribute. Do several of you work together on a task, e.g. a thesis, then you share the copyright.
The copyright belongs to the person or persons who created the work - whether it is a text, a picture, a lecture, a discussion post, a translation or something else.
A work is protected for 70 years after the author's death and then becomes public property and can be used freely. Søren Kierkegaard's works have thus been public property since 1925, and Jakob Ejersbo's works will be in 2078. Although the copyright has expired, it is still good practice to mention the name of the author in accordance with paternity law.
If in doubt, ask the library.
If you cannot find the book / article in the library's search system, you can try looking in, which is a common database for all Danish libraries.
If you do not find the book / article in, you can order it via "Didn't find it" on Then we will try to get it from a foreign library.
If you think the library should have the book or journal, feel free to send a request via "Suggest a title" (KUNet).
If you have any questions, you are always welcome to contact us at the information desk in your library.