
  1. mio

    Lightweight non-blocking I/O

    v1.0.3 13.2M #async-io #io #non-blocking #async-networking #tcp-udp #async #event-queue
  2. tokio

    An event-driven, non-blocking I/O platform for writing asynchronous I/O backed applications

    v1.43.0 11.2M #async-io #async #io
  3. tonic

    A gRPC over HTTP/2 implementation focused on high performance, interoperability, and flexibility

    v0.12.3 5.7M #grpc #grpc-client #protobuf #rpc #rpc-server #rpc-framework #async
  4. futures

    streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces

    v0.3.31 10.0M #asynchronous-programming #future #stream #async #zero-allocation #control-flow #composability
  5. actix-web

    Actix Web is a powerful, pragmatic, and extremely fast web framework for Rust

    v4.9.0 1.3M #web-framework #async-http #websocket #async #web
  6. sqlx

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.8.3 1.8M #sql-database #sql-query #sqlite #database-driver #compile-time #async #postgresql
  7. tracing

    Application-level tracing for Rust

    v0.1.41 10.9M #logging-tracing #logging #metrics #async #log-messages
  8. sea-orm

    🐚 An async & dynamic ORM for Rust

    v1.1.5 285K #async-orm #sqlite #orm #sql-query #sql-database #postgresql #async
  9. tracing-opentelemetry

    OpenTelemetry integration for tracing

    v0.29.0 3.4M #distributed-tracing #open-telemetry #tracing #jaeger #zipkin #async #distributed-systems
  10. futures-lite

    Futures, streams, and async I/O combinators

    v2.6.0 5.3M #async-io #future #async #asynchronous
  11. console-subscriber

    A tracing-subscriber::Layer for collecting Tokio console telemetry

    v0.4.1 554K #tracing-subscriber #debugging #tracing #debugging-tool #async #tokio-task #tracing-layer
  12. mlua

    High level bindings to Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau with async/await features and support of writing native Lua modules in Rust

    v0.10.3 97K #lua-bindings #lua #lua-jit #luau #scripting #scripting-language #async
  13. deadpool

    Dead simple async pool

    v0.12.2 2.3M #connection-pool #object-pool #async-pool #pool #async #connection-manager #database
  14. futures-timer

    Timeouts for futures

    v3.0.3 3.1M #future #timeout #async #timer
  15. blocking

    A thread pool for isolating blocking I/O in async programs

    v1.6.1 2.7M #thread-pool #async-io #file-io #async #stdin #file #stdio
  16. tokio-metrics

    Runtime and task level metrics for Tokio applications

    v0.4.0 1.4M #async-task #async #metrics #debugging #future
  17. oneshot

    spsc channel with (potentially) lock-free non-blocking send, and a receiver supporting both thread blocking receive operations as well as Future based async polling

    v0.1.10 411K #oneshot-channel #channel #single-consumer #async #spsc #single-producer #send-receive
  18. pollster

    Synchronously block the thread until a future completes

    v0.4.0 313K #async-executor #run-time #executor #async #block-on #minimal
  19. smol

    A small and fast async runtime

    v2.0.2 446K #async-io #async-networking #async-await #async #networking #io #future
  20. async-compression

    Adaptors between compression crates and Rust's modern asynchronous IO types

    v0.4.18 2.9M #async-io #brotli #compression #async #gzip #zstd #adaptor
  21. async-global-executor

    A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io

    v2.4.1 2.0M #async-executor #async-await #async-task #executor #async #future #await
  22. async-std

    Async version of the Rust standard library

    v1.13.0 1.8M #async-version #async-await #async
  23. multer

    An async parser for multipart/form-data content-type in Rust

    v3.1.0 1.8M #multipart-form #form-data #async #multipart-uploads #byte-stream #formdata #multipart
  24. async-fs

    Async filesystem primitives

    v2.1.2 1.0M #async-io #file-io #filesystem #io #async #fs-file #async-write
  25. async-executor

    Async executor

    v1.13.1 2.6M #executor #async #spawn #single #multi #asynchronous
  26. mysql_async

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.35.1 148K #mysql #database-client #connection-pool #async #async-client #database #database-driver
  27. tracing-test

    Helper functions and macros that allow for easier testing of crates that use tracing

    v0.2.5 403K #logging-tracing #testing #assertions #testing-debugging #debugging-logging #async #testing-tools
  28. h3

    An async HTTP/3 implementation

    v0.0.6 44K #quic #http-3 #client-server #async #server-api #transport #async-api
  29. waker-fn

    Convert closures into wakers

    v1.2.0 2.5M #waker #callback #closures #async #wake #closure
  30. futures-concurrency

    Structured concurrency operations for async Rust

    v7.6.3 127K #async #concurrency #future #stream #structured #operations #multiple
  31. tokio-serde

    Send and receive Serde encodable types over the network using Tokio. This library is used as a building block for serialization format specific libraries

    v0.9.0 282K #serialization #serde #async #send-receive #codec #networking #format-json
  32. scc

    High-performance containers and utilities for concurrent and asynchronous programming

    v2.3.3 1.3M #hash-map #concurrency #async #concurrent-programming #cache #tree
  33. diesel-async

    An async extension for Diesel the safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder

    v0.5.2 145K #async-orm #query-builder #connection-pool #sql-database #orm #async #database
  34. ws_stream_wasm

    A convenience library for using websockets in WASM

    v0.7.4 282K #websockets #wasm #async #stream #async-io #web-api #api-bindings
  35. suppaftp

    A super FTP/FTPS client library for Rust

    v6.0.7 56K #ftp #async #network-protocol #ftps #async-tls #ftp-client
  36. deadpool-redis

    Dead simple async pool for redis

    v0.19.0 127K #connection-pool #async-pool #redis #pool #async #connection-manager
  37. csv-async

    CSV parsing for async

    v1.3.0 52K #csv #async #comma #parser #async-context
  38. want

    Detect when another Future wants a result

    v0.3.1 8.1M #future #async-channel #channel #async #futures #async-stream
  39. async-trait

    Type erasure for async trait methods

    v0.1.86 9.5M #traits #async #erasure
  40. salvo

    powerful web framework that can make your work easier

    v0.76.2 227K #web-framework #async-http #web-server #async #http-server #openapi #web-services
  41. embassy-time

    Instant and Duration for embedded no-std systems, with async timer support

    v0.4.0 56K #timer #tick #duration #rate #async #timeout #timekeeping
  42. backon

    Make retry like a built-in feature provided by Rust

    v1.3.0 356K #retry #backoff #blocking #customizable #async #features #behavior
  43. async_zip

    An asynchronous ZIP archive reading/writing crate

    v0.0.17 72K #zip-archive #zip #async-io #tokio #async #archive #data-stream
  44. amqprs

    AMQP 0-9-1 client implementation for RabbitMQ

    v2.1.0 10K #amqp-client #rabbitmq #amqp #lock-free #async-client #tokio #async
  45. keycloak

    Admin REST API

    v26.1.0 13K #rest-api #rest #rest-client #api-bindings #async
  46. tonic-build

    Codegen module of tonic gRPC implementation

    v0.12.3 3.0M #grpc #grpc-client #protobuf #grpc-server #rpc #codegen #async
  47. soketto

    A websocket protocol implementation

    v0.8.1 681K #websocket-server #async #websocket-client #codec #future #client-server #async-http
  48. cucumber

    testing framework for Rust, with async support. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.

    v0.21.1 628K #test-framework #testing #bdd #async #atdd #test-runner
  49. vfs

    A virtual filesystem for Rust

    v0.12.0 49K #virtual-filesystem #unit-testing #file #virtual #async #file-access #async-version
  50. async-once-cell

    Async single assignment cells and lazy values

    v0.5.4 111K #lazy-evaluation #async #async-version #lazy #static
  51. ntex

    Framework for composable network services

    v2.11.0 9.9K #async-networking #framework #async #networking #composable-networking #async-http #future
  52. netlink-proto

    async netlink protocol

    v0.11.5 447K #netlink #linux #async #protocols #sockets #packet #proto
  53. minus

    An asynchronous data feedable terminal paging library for Rust

    v5.6.1 7.1K #pager #less #dynamic #async #asynchronous #command-line-interface #more
  54. embassy-futures

    no-std, no-alloc utilities for working with futures

    v0.1.1 67K #future #async #embassy #alloc #executor #utilities #no-alloc
  55. actix-codec

    Codec utilities for working with framed protocols

    v0.5.2 1.3M #codec #async-networking #async #framework #networking #future #network-protocol
  56. salvo-serde-util

    serde util for salvo

    v0.76.2 207K #web-framework #async #openapi #swagger #http
  57. etcd-client

    An etcd v3 API client

    v0.14.1 123K #etcd #api-client #client #async-client #tls-connection #async #rustls
  58. futures-locks

    Futures-aware lock primitives

    v0.7.1 225K #future #primitive #lock #async #tokio #futures-aware #task
  59. tarantool


    v6.1.0 3.3K #fiber #database #space #tuple #api-bindings #index #async
  60. pyo3-async-runtimes

    PyO3 bridges from Rust runtimes to Python's Asyncio library

    v0.23.0 622K #pyo3 #python #async #async-io #python-bindings #events #ffi
  61. exponential-backoff

    An exponential backoff generator with jitter

    v2.0.0 71K #backoff #exponential #retry #async
  62. diatomic-waker

    An async, lock-free synchronization primitive for task wakeup

    v0.2.3 197K #synchronization-primitive #async-task #waker #async #atomic #no-alloc
  63. poem

    full-featured and easy-to-use web framework with the Rust programming language

    v3.1.6 80K #web-framework #poem-web #async #web-server #async-http #web #tower-layer
  64. actix

    Actor framework for Rust

    v0.13.5 286K #actor-framework #actor #actix-actor #future #async #tokio #actors
  65. monoio

    A thread per core runtime based on iouring

    v0.2.4 4.2K #async-io #io-uring #run-time #io-operations #async #per-thread #runtime
  66. rtic

    Real-Time Interrupt-driven Concurrency (RTIC): a concurrency framework for building real-time systems

    v2.1.2 5.1K #rtos #embedded #async #run-time #events #no-std
  67. atomic-waker

    A synchronization primitive for task wakeup

    v1.1.2 6.3M #synchronization-primitive #async-task #async #future #waker #wake #notify
  68. asynchronous-codec

    encoding and decoding frames using async/await

    v0.7.0 622K #codec #async #future #networking #async-io #futures
  69. r2r

    Easy to use, runtime-agnostic, async rust bindings for ROS2

    v0.9.4 10K #ros2 #bindings #async #message #ros #robot #integration
  70. ldap3

    Pure-Rust LDAP Client

    v0.11.5 61K #ldap-client #ldap-server #ldap #tokio #client #async #client-server
  71. may

    Rust Stackful Coroutine Library

    v0.3.49 440 #stackful-coroutine #coroutine #synchronization-primitive #async-io #async #multi-threading #multi-thread
  72. actix-service

    Service trait and combinators for representing asynchronous request/response operations

    v2.0.2 1.3M #service #framework #async-networking #async #future #networking
  73. embassy-usb

    Async USB device stack for embedded devices in Rust

    v0.4.0 10K #embedded-devices #embedded-hal #usb #usb-hid #embedded #async #hal
  74. tracing-forest

    Preserving contextual coherence among trace data from concurrent tasks

    v0.1.6 52K #tracing-subscriber #tracing #logging #tokio #async
  75. irc

    usable, async IRC for Rust

    v1.0.0 5.0K #irc-client #async-client #tokio #client #thread-safe #async
  76. tachyonix

    A very fast asynchronous, multi-producer, single-consumer bounded channel

    v0.3.1 63K #bounded-channel #async-channel #mpsc #channel #async #future
  77. async-h1

    Asynchronous HTTP 1.1 parser

    v2.3.4 99K #http-parser #async-http #parser #async #stream #http1 #http-1
  78. tokio-socks

    Asynchronous SOCKS proxy support for Rust

    v0.5.2 487K #socks5-proxy #tokio #sock #proxy #socks5 #async #socks
  79. r2g_mlua

    High level bindings to Lua 5.4/5.3/5.2/5.1 (including LuaJIT) and Roblox Luau with async/await features and support of writing native Lua modules in Rust

    v0.10.6 450 #lua-jit #lua #luau #lua-bindings #scripting #async #api-bindings
  80. async-scoped

    Spawn scoped (non 'static) asynchronous futures for async_std and tokio runtimes

    v0.9.0 250K #async-std #tokio #async-await #async #scoped #spawn #run-time
  81. fast-socks5

    Fast SOCKS5 client/server implementation written in Rust async/.await (tokio)

    v1.0.0-beta.2 36K #async-await #proxy-server #proxy #async #vpn #sock #io
  82. maybe-async

    A procedure macro to unify SYNC and ASYNC implementation

    v0.2.10 663K #async-api #proc-macro #async #async-version #macro #async-write #future
  83. tokio-graceful

    util for graceful shutdown of tokio applications

    v0.2.2 4.6K #graceful-shutdown #shutdown-signal #non-blocking #future #async #io
  84. leaky-bucket

    A token-based rate limiter based on the leaky bucket algorithm

    v1.1.2 26K #rate-limiting #token-bucket #rate-limit #throttle #async #future
  85. tokio-uring

    io-uring support for the Tokio asynchronous runtime

    v0.5.0 30K #io-uring #async #fs #fs-file
  86. unicycle

    A scheduler for driving a large number of futures

    v0.10.2 7.5K #future #futures #async
  87. opentelemetry-semantic-conventions

    Semantic conventions for OpenTelemetry

    v0.28.0 2.4M #open-telemetry #metrics-collection #async
  88. console-api

    Protobuf wire format bindings for the Tokio console

    v0.8.1 536K #debugging #async #tokio-console #debugging-tool #tonic #tracing #collect
  89. openai_dive

    OpenAI Dive is an unofficial async Rust library that allows you to interact with the OpenAI API

    v0.7.4 2.2K #openai #chat-completion #chatgpt #artificial-intelligence #async #async-api #ai
  90. capnp-futures

    async serialization for Cap'n Proto messages

    v0.20.1 148K #serialization #async #proto #messages #capnp
  91. stretto

    high performance thread-safe memory-bound Rust cache

    v0.8.4 7.0K #cache #concurrency #caching #async #tinylfu #store-key
  92. eyeball

    Add observability to your Rust types!

    v0.8.8 7.4K #observable #reactive #async #async-await
  93. iroh-quinn

    Versatile QUIC transport protocol implementation

    v0.13.0 10K #quic #protocols #async #upstream #quinn #stream #iroh
  94. madsim

    Deterministic Simulator for distributed systems

    v0.2.31 13K #distributed-systems #deterministic #simulation #async
  95. actix-server

    General purpose TCP server built for the Actix ecosystem

    v2.5.0 1.3M #tcp-server #server-framework #tcp #server #async #networking
  96. actix-web-lab

    In-progress extractors and middleware for Actix Web

    v0.23.0 101K #actix-web #actix-web-middleware #web-framework #http-middleware #async #async-http #actix-middleware
  97. cdrs-tokio

    Async Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v8.1.5 12K #cassandra #database-driver #driver #load-balancing #async #client #connection-pool
  98. if-watch

    crossplatform asynchronous network watcher

    v3.2.1 332K #ip-address #networking #cross-platform #watcher #async #routing #asynchronous
  99. tor-rtcompat

    Compatibility layer for asynchronous runtimes, used by Tor

    v0.27.0 7.4K #tor #arti #async-io #async #async-networking #async-await
  100. stream-cancel

    interrupting asynchronous streams

    v0.8.2 168K #async-stream #future #async #asynchronous #futures #wrapper
  101. deadpool-postgres

    Dead simple async pool for tokio-postgres

    v0.14.1 303K #postgresql #async-pool #connection-pool #async #connection-manager #pool #database-client
  102. tokio-retry2

    Extensible, asynchronous retry behaviours for futures/tokio

    v0.5.7 109K #retry #backoff #tokio #async #behavior
  103. aws-smithy-async

    Async runtime agnostic abstractions for smithy-rs

    v1.2.4 1.6M #aws-sdk #run-time #async #aws-smithy #async-trait #tokio #abstraction
  104. tokio-console

    The Tokio console: a debugger for async Rust

    v0.1.13 7.7K #debugging #async-task #console #async #tokio-task #debugging-tool #tracing
  105. async-signal

    Async signal handling

    v0.2.10 1.4M #signal #async #signal-hook-registry #unix-socket #signal-hook #send-message #sockets
  106. fast_log

    Rust async log High-performance asynchronous logging

    v1.7.6 1.6K #async #log-file #metrics #tracing #low-overhead #data-channel #per-thread
  107. maitake-sync

    No-std async synchronization primitives from Maitake

    v0.2.1 1.8K #synchronization-primitive #async #mutex #async-std #sync #rwlock #os
  108. actix-tls

    TLS acceptor and connector services for Actix ecosystem

    v3.4.0 358K #tls #async-tls #tls-connector #ssl #transport #async #networking
  109. sibyl

    An OCI-based (synchronous or asynchronous) interface between Rust applications and Oracle databases

    v0.6.18 310 #database-interface #oracle #async-api #database #async #sql #ffi
  110. ttrpc

    version of ttrpc

    v0.8.4 28K #grpc #rpc #protobuf #low-memory #async #async-await #async-version
  111. fn_graph

    Dynamically managed function graph execution

    v0.15.0 3.1K #graph #function #batch #dispatch #async #cargo-toml
  112. embassy-embedded-hal

    Collection of utilities to use embedded-hal and embedded-storage traits with Embassy

    v0.3.0 46K #embassy #embedded-hal #utilities #embedded-hal-i2c #i2c-bus #spi #async
  113. async-shutdown

    one-stop solution for async graceful shutdown

    v0.2.2 55K #graceful-shutdown #shutdown-signal #shutdown #async #async-task #graceful
  114. async-openai


    v0.27.2 45K #openai #chat-completion #api-bindings #async #artificial-intelligence #async-api #ai
  115. async-memcached

    An Tokio-based memcached client for Rust

    v0.4.0 2.8K #memcached #async #tcp-connection #tokio #client #deprecated #async-tls
  116. ntex-h2

    An HTTP/2 client and server

    v1.8.5 10K #non-blocking #client-server #async #async-http #http-server #http #async-client
  117. ohkami

    Build web app in intuitive and declarative code

    v0.23.0 370 #web-framework #web-server #server-framework #async-http #async #server #web-api
  118. ws_stream_tungstenite

    Provide AsyncRead/AsyncWrite over Tungstenite WebSockets

    v0.14.0 28K #websocket #async-io #websockets #async #websocket-server #stream #async-api
  119. gearbox

    Excessive tooling for Rust, boosting productivity and operations

    v4.0.1-beta.3 1.9K #future #http-request #tooling #async #serialization #pipeline #async-networking
  120. future-queue

    Adapters to manage a queue of futures, where each future can have a different weight

    v0.4.0 121K #future #futures #stream #async #buffer-unordered
  121. motore

    modular and reusable components for building robust clients and servers. Motore is greatly inspired by Tower.

    v0.4.1 4.6K #async-networking #async-io #non-blocking #async #service #future #client-server
  122. async-event

    An efficient async condition variable for lock-free algorithms

    v0.2.1 65K #async #events #bounded-channel #synchronization-primitive #future #atomic #send-notifications
  123. tor-guardmgr

    Manage a set of guard relays for Tor network

    v0.27.0 5.6K #tor #arti #async #networking
  124. tokio-tun

    Asynchronous allocation of TUN/TAP devices using tokio

    v0.13.0 7.0K #tun-tap #tokio #async-networking #tun #tap #async #packet
  125. service-async

    A Service like tower in async style

    v0.2.4 #tower-service #service-factory #service #async-trait #async #traits #future
  126. embedded-hal-async

    An asynchronous Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) for embedded systems

    v1.0.0 88K #hardware-abstraction-layer #abstraction-layer #embedded-hal #hal #embedded-io #io #async
  127. hirun

    A concurrent framework for asynchronous programming based on event-driven, non-blocking I/O mechanism

    v0.1.22 1.6K #async-io #non-blocking #async #future #net
  128. async-imap

    Async IMAP client for Rust

    v0.10.2 6.0K #imap #email-client #email #client-server #mail-server #async #protocols
  129. fixed-buffer

    Fixed-size buffers for network protocol parsers

    v1.0.0 6.4K #network-protocol #async-io #async-networking #io #byte-buffer #protocols #async
  130. wasm-bindgen-futures

    Bridging the gap between Rust Futures and JavaScript Promises

    v0.4.50 4.6M #promise #future #wasm-bindgen #async #wasm-module #conversion #wasm-interface
  131. async-dup

    Duplicate an async I/O handle

    v1.2.4 99K #async-io #async #duplicate #clone #share #async-task #arc-mutex
  132. rsntp

    An RFC 5905 compliant Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) client library for Rust

    v4.0.0 14K #sntp #date-time #networking #network-protocol #async #time #api-version
  133. openssh-mux-client

    openssh mux client

    v0.17.6 34K #openssh #ssh-client #ssh #multiplex #async-networking #async #api-bindings
  134. shuttle

    testing concurrent Rust code

    v0.8.0 152K #concurrency #thread #async #testing-debugging #lock
  135. trillium

    a modular toolkit for building async web apps

    v0.2.20 3.9K #web-apps #async #web-framework #toolkit #modular #applications #framework
  136. dropshot

    expose REST APIs from a Rust program

    v0.15.1 21K #rest #openapi #async-http #async #server-api #http-request #build-system
  137. tokio-seqpacket

    unix seqpacket sockets for tokio

    v0.8.0 46K #unix-socket #tokio #sockets #unix #message-delivery #seqpacket #async
  138. async-backtrace

    Efficient, logical 'backtraces' of async tasks

    v0.2.7 52K #stack-trace #async #async-task #backtrace #framed #logical #functions
  139. zbus_systemd

    A pure-Rust library to interact with systemd DBus services

    v0.25701.0 5.3K #systemd #dbus #linux #async #zbus
  140. openssh-sftp-client

    Highlevel API used to communicate with openssh sftp server

    v0.15.2 38K #sftp #async-api #ssh #async #networking #multiplex #api-bindings
  141. lamellar

    asynchronous tasking runtime for HPC systems developed in RUST

    v0.7.0 750 #distributed-computing #memory-region #shared-memory #distributed #async #run-time #distributed-systems
  142. tmq

    ZeroMQ bindings for Tokio

    v0.5.0 10K #zeromq #tokio #pub-sub #sockets #async #bindings #subscribe
  143. tonic-reflection

    Server Reflection module of tonic gRPC implementation

    v0.12.3 1.0M #grpc #grpc-server #reflection #rpc #grpc-client #async #rpc-server
  144. esp32-nimble

    A wrapper for the ESP32 NimBLE Bluetooth stack

    v0.10.2 950 #esp32 #bluetooth #ble #embedded #async
  145. apca

    interacting with the Alpaca API

    v0.30.0 #market-data #trading #async #finance #stocks #stock #async-api
  146. async-graphql-value

    GraphQL value for async-graphql

    v7.0.15 675K #graphql #async-graphql #graphql-server #graphql-schema #async #future
  147. seaography

    🧭 A GraphQL framework and code generator for SeaORM

    v1.1.4 360 #graphql #async-graphql #async #mysql #postgresql #sqlite #postgres
  148. tor-circmgr

    Manage a set of anonymous circuits over the Tor network

    v0.27.0 5.6K #tor #arti #async #networking
  149. tokio_schedule

    schedule tasks in tokio runtime

    v0.3.2 8.0K #tokio #task-scheduling #async-task #cron #async #schedule #cron-job
  150. tauri-specta

    Completely typesafe Tauri commands

    v2.0.0-rc.21 5.1K #type-safe #specta #typescript #rspc #async
  151. tower-service

    Trait representing an asynchronous, request / response based, client or server

    v0.3.3 8.3M #request-response #service-request #client-server #tower #middleware #async #traits
  152. actix-multipart

    Multipart form support for Actix Web

    v0.7.2 210K #web-framework #web-server #http-request #future #async-http #async #web
  153. Alice-Database_DBMS

    Alice-Database is a comprehensive data management solution designed to integrate seamlessly with the Kingdom System. This plugin provides robust functionality for creating, updating…

    v1.2.3 230 #alice-database_dbms #dbms #grpc #tokio #async #database #data-management
  154. via

    An async multi-threaded web framework for people who appreciate simplicity

    v2.0.0-rc.17 4.2K #web-framework #web-server #async #routing #parameters #response #minimalist
  155. mendes

    Rust web toolkit for impatient perfectionists

    v0.9.4 4.8K #http-server #web-framework #async-http #web #http #async
  156. hannibal

    A small actor library

    v0.12.0-rc.1 310 #actor #async #message #tasks #state #lifecycle #multiple
  157. sqlx-postgres

    PostgreSQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.3 1.7M #postgresql #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #compile-time #queries
  158. tor-rtmock

    Testing mock support for tor-rtcomapt

    v0.27.0 5.4K #tor #arti #async #testing #async-write
  159. edge-dhcp

    Async + no_std + no-alloc implementation of the DHCP protocol

    v0.5.0 4.3K #dhcp-server #no-alloc #protocols #raw-sockets #network-protocol #async #edge
  160. tokio-postgres

    A native, asynchronous PostgreSQL client

    v0.7.13 705K #postgresql #async-client #sql-database #database-client #async #database #sql
  161. tsyncp

    Async channel APIs (mpsc, broadcast, barrier, etc) over TCP for message-passing

    v0.4.1 650 #async-channel #channel #broadcast-channel #communication-channel #tcp #mpsc #async
  162. sea-streamer

    🌊 The stream processing toolkit for Rust

    v0.5.0 7.6K #stream-processing #async-stream #stream #kafka #async-io #async-api #async
  163. rusthound

    Active Directory data collector for Bloodhound written in rust

    v1.1.69 #ldap #bloodhound #user-group #tokio #pentesting #async #pentest
  164. tokio-tfo

    TCP Fast Open (TFO) in Rust for tokio

    v0.3.1 54K #tokio #tcp #networking #open #tfo #async #sockets
  165. mco

    Rust Coroutine Library like go

    v0.1.48 #coroutine #stackful-coroutine #async #multi-thread #multi-threading #io-read #local-storage
  166. cxx-async

    interoperability between C++ coroutines and asynchronous Rust

    v0.1.2 380 #async #async-await #cpp #ffi
  167. sqlx-mysql

    MySQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.3 1.8M #mysql #database-driver #sql-database #sqlx #sql-query #async #compile-time
  168. hyper-tungstenite

    websockets for hyper servers using tungstenite

    v0.17.0 20K #hyper-server #websocket-server #websocket #hyper #async #hyper-request #http-server
  169. volo

    high-performance and strong-extensibility Rust RPC framework that helps developers build microservices

    v0.10.4 4.6K #rpc-framework #grpc #rpc #thrift #protobuf #async
  170. futures-bounded

    bounding futures in size and time

    v0.2.4 322K #future #backpressure #async #futures
  171. futures-async-stream

    Async stream for Rust and the futures crate

    v0.2.12 5.5K #async-stream #stream #future #async #futures #macro
  172. reblessive

    A small runtime for running deeply nested recursive functions

    v0.4.2 17K #stack-overflow #call-stack #stack #heap-allocated #run-time #memory #async
  173. wrpc-transport-nats

    wRPC NATS transport

    v0.27.1 32K #rpc-framework #nats #wrpc #transport #wasm #async #component-model
  174. spdlog-rs

    Fast, highly configurable Rust logging crate, inspired by the C++ logging library spdlog

    v0.4.1 3.5K #log-level #logging #log #log-format #env-var #spdlog #async
  175. wstd

    An async standard library for Wasm Components and WASI 0.2

    v0.5.1 700 #wasm-component #wasm #component #async #wasi #stdlib #async-io
  176. hrobot

    Unofficial Hetzner Robot API client

    v6.1.0 1.7K #api-client #robot #hetzner #client #async #server-api #api
  177. tonic-health

    Health Checking module of tonic gRPC implementation

    v0.12.3 1.0M #grpc #health-check #grpc-client #grpc-server #rpc #async #healthcheck
  178. stream_throttle

    Stream combinator, to limit the rate at which items are produced

    v0.5.1 66K #async-stream #rate-limiting #stream #future #async #throttle #throttling
  179. popol

    Minimal non-blocking I/O

    v3.0.1 1.1K #async-io #io #async-networking #async #poll #io-write #read-write
  180. ratchet_rs

    Async WebSocket implementation

    v1.2.1 1.6K #websocket-server #async #deflate #future #websocket-client #tokio
  181. safina

    Safe async runtime

    v0.6.0 1.1K #run-time #async #safe #future
  182. trauma

    Simplify and prettify HTTP downloads

    v2.2.6 600 #progress-bar #async-http #download #http #tokio #async #indicatif
  183. pmtiles

    v3 spec with multiple sync and async backends

    v0.11.0 1.5K #gis #tile #geo #async #back-end #async-http #amazon-s3
  184. async-bincode

    Asynchronous access to a bincode-encoded item stream

    v0.7.3 6.0K #serialization #bincode #data-stream #tokio #async-stream #async #asynchronous
  185. obws

    (obvious) remote control library for OBS

    v0.14.0 1.2K #remote-control #obs #obs-websocket #async #api-bindings #tokio
  186. rama-cli

    rama cli to move and transform network packets

    v0.2.0-alpha.6 270 #rama #service #non-blocking #packet #io #async #async-networking
  187. bevy_defer

    asynchronous runtime for executing async coroutines

    v0.13.3 #async-task #async #bevy #bevy-ecs #defer #game-engine
  188. tor-log-ratelim

    Facility for rate-limiting log messages in Arti

    v0.27.0 5.9K #rate-limiting #log-messages #tor #arti #async #error-logging #error-message
  189. reactive-mutiny

    async Event-Driven Reactive Library with advanced & optimized containers (channels) and Stream executors

    v1.3.0 #microservices #event-driven #async-stream #reactive #event-driven-architecture #async #performance
  190. loole

    A safe async/sync multi-producer, multi-consumer channel

    v0.4.0 8.0K #async-channel #channel #mpmc #mpsc #thread #async
  191. form-data

    AsyncRead/AsyncWrite/Stream multipart/form-data

    v0.6.0 1.4K #async-http #http-request #multipart-form #file-upload #http #async #hyper
  192. scc2

    High-performance containers and utilities for concurrent and asynchronous programming

    v2.4.1 340 #hash-map #cache #concurrency #tree #async
  193. async-openai-wasm

    OpenAI on WASM

    v0.27.1 340 #openai #wasm #async #artificial-intelligence #ai #openapi
  194. async-walkdir

    Asynchronous directory traversal for Rust

    v2.1.0 61K #directory-traversal #async #async-io #directory #recursion #walk #thread-pool
  195. bp3d-logger

    A flexible Log implementation intended to be used with BP3D software

    v2.0.0-rc.3.0.0 370 #bp3d #logging #multi-threading #tracing-subscriber #flexible #configurable #async
  196. pingora

    A framework to build fast, reliable and programmable networked systems at Internet scale

    v0.4.0 42K #proxy #http-proxy #async #networking #http
  197. rustyline-async

    A minimal readline with multiline and async support

    v0.4.5 5.9K #read-line #input #multiline #async #unicode #crossterm #history
  198. triggered

    Triggers for one time events between tasks and threads

    v0.1.2 39K #events #mpmc #event-listener #oneshot #async #sync #task
  199. retry-error

    An error type for an operation that can fail more than once

    v0.6.2 6.3K #retry #tor #arti #async
  200. tor-dirclient

    Downloads specific Tor network directory objects over the Tor network

    v0.27.0 5.3K #tor #download #networking #arti #async #http-client #http-request
  201. hooks

    Compile-time, async hooks

    v3.0.0-alpha.15 #functional-programming #hook #compile-time #state #async #component #reactive
  202. online

    📶 Library to check your Internet connectivity

    v4.0.2 11K #tcp-connection #tokio #connection #async #tcp #up
  203. actix-utils

    Various utilities used in the Actix ecosystem

    v3.0.1 1.2M #async-networking #async #framework #networking #future #futures
  204. rusty_pool

    Self growing / shrinking ThreadPool implementation based on crossbeam’s multi-producer multi-consumer channels that enables awaiting the result of a task and offers async support

    v0.7.0 83K #thread-pool #worker-thread #thread #crossbeam-channel #concurrency #async #future
  205. rh2

    An HTTP/2 client and server

    v0.4.11 4.7K #client-server #non-blocking #http-client #http-server #http #async-http-client #async
  206. qldb

    Driver for Amazon's QLDB Database implemented in pure rust

    v3.2.9 23K #amazon #database-driver #async #driver #database
  207. rust2go

    main shared library

    v0.4.0 4.1K #golang #data-exchange #async #ffi #go #sockets
  208. vinted-rs

    An async Vinted API wrapper

    v0.10.0 1.2K #vinted #async #redis #filter #api #diesel #api-wrapper
  209. servlin

    Modular HTTP server library, threaded handlers and async performance

    v0.6.0 850 #http-server #async-http #server #threaded #request-response #async #server-sent-events
  210. trait-variant

    working with impl traits in Rust

    v0.1.2 260K #async-trait #traits #impl #async
  211. rocketmq-client-rust

    Apache rocketmq client

    v0.4.0 #send-message #future #async #rocketmq-rust #rocketmq-client #api-bindings
  212. yacme

    ACME client

    v5.0.0-rc.2 1.3K #acme #tls-certificates #networking #https #async #jwt
  213. r3bl_redux

    Redux library built using Tokio, concurrent & parallel

    v0.2.8 #tui #redux #user-interface #tokio #parallel #async #concurrency
  214. piper

    Async pipes, channels, mutexes, and more

    v0.2.4 2.4M #single-consumer #single-producer #pipe #async #async-channel #mutex #read-write
  215. esp-hal-embassy

    Embassy support for esp-hal

    v0.6.0 4.2K #espressif #esp32 #embedded #abstraction-layer #async
  216. tokio-io-utility

    Some helper functions for tokio::io

    v0.7.6 37K #tokio #async #byte #reading #vec #helper #container
  217. qiniu-apis

    Qiniu HTTP APIs for Rust

    v0.2.4 #http-api #storage-api #qiniu #storage #http-request #async #sdk
  218. tor-dirmgr

    Bootstrap and update an accurate Tor network directory

    v0.27.0 4.1K #tor #download #arti #async
  219. tor-chanmgr

    Manage a set of connections to the Tor network

    v0.27.0 5.6K #tor #arti #networking #async
  220. rskafka

    A minimal Rust client for Apache Kafka

    v0.5.0 2.5K #kafka #write-ahead-log #protocols #async #consumer-group #socks5-proxy #api-bindings
  221. poster

    MQTTv5 client library written in Rust

    v0.3.1 290 #mqtt-client #async-client #mqtt #client #non-blocking #async #runtime-agnostic
  222. async-fn-stream

    Lightweight implementation of async-stream without macros

    v0.2.2 20K #async-stream #stream #async
  223. slice_ops

    A selection of useful slice operations

    v1.0.7 430 #slice #ops #operations #utility #async #no-alloc
  224. openssh-sftp-protocol

    Data format used to communicate with openssh mux server

    v0.24.1 38K #sftp #ssh #async #networking #ssh-client #multiplex #network-protocol
  225. async-ssh2-lite

    Asynchronous ssh2

    v0.5.0 6.8K #ssh-client #ssh #ssh2 #async #sftp #remote #file
  226. sqlx-sqlite

    SQLite driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.3 1.7M #sqlite #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #postgresql #maria-db
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. indexed-db

    Bindings to IndexedDB that default the transactions to aborting and can work multi-threaded

    v0.4.2 700 #web-apps #wasm #web #async #wasm-bindings #events
  229. tokio-vsock

    Asynchronous Virtio socket support for Rust

    v0.7.0 72K #virtio #sockets #tokio #async #micro-vm #run-time #agents
  230. apcacli

    A command line tool for trading stocks on Alpaca (alpaca.markets)

    v0.1.9 #trading #stocks #finance #async #command-line-tool #api-bindings #command-line-utilities
  231. executor-trait

    A collection of traits to define a common interface across executors

    v2.1.2 161K #async-executor #async-await #async #executor #future #await
  232. async-recursion

    Recursion for async functions

    v1.1.1 1.9M #recursion #async #proc-macro #future #await #functions #boxed
  233. embassy-usb-synopsys-otg

    embassy-usb-driver implementation for Synopsys OTG USB controllers

    v0.2.0 16K #usb #hal #usb-device #embedded #async #embedded-hal #embedded-devices
  234. ntex-files

    Static files support for ntex web

    v2.0.0 1.0K #ntex #async-http #http #async #future
  235. async-mutex

    Async mutex

    v1.4.0 158K #synchronization-primitive #synchronization #mutex #lock #async #rwlock #operation
  236. specta

    Easily export your Rust types to other languages

    v2.0.0-rc.22 18K #typescript #type-safe #rspc #async
  237. kanal

    The fast sync and async channel that Rust deserves

    v0.1.0-pre8 81K #async-channel #communication-channel #channel #oneshot-channel #async #data-channel #mpmc
  238. salvo_extra

    Salvo is a powerful web framework that can make your work easier

    v0.76.2 24K #web-framework #async-http #async #http-server #framework #web #openapi
  239. dark-std

    asynchronous containers build on tokio. It uses a read-write separation design borrowed from Golang

    v0.2.16 3.7K #async #read-write #tokio #wait-group #container #separation #design
  240. wg

    Golang like WaitGroup implementation for sync/async Rust

    v0.9.2 7.7K #wait-group #async-await #sync #async #wake #notify
  241. ocl

    OpenCL bindings and interfaces for Rust

    v0.19.7 4.0K #opencl #gpgpu #gpu #async #api-bindings
  242. stakker

    A lightweight low-level single-threaded actor runtime

    v0.2.11 #actor #run-time #async #runtime #erlang #pony
  243. slog-async

    Asynchronous drain for slog-rs

    v2.8.0 403K #logging #slog #async #log #asynchronous
  244. lockable

    offers hash map, hash set and cache data structures where individual entries can be locked

    v0.1.1 6.5K #key-value-store #thread #locks #mutex #concurrency #data-structures #async
  245. irondash_run_loop

    Consistent, platform-independent interface to system run loop

    v0.6.0 5.2K #platform-independent #run #system-interface #loops #thread #async #consistent
  246. mio_httpc

    fully async and sync http client running on top of mio only

    v0.10.6 3.9K #http-client #async-http-client #mio #native-tls #async #websocket-client #http
  247. roslibrust

    interfacing with the ROS's rosbridge_server

    v0.12.2 490 #ros #robotics #websocket #json #async #package
  248. qiniu-upload-manager

    Qiniu Upload Manager for Rust

    v0.2.4 #qiniu #storage #upload #manager #async #sdk #trust-dns
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