
  1. sourcemap

    Basic sourcemap handling for Rust

    v9.1.2 858K #basic #source-map #processing #javascript #bundle #ram #ram-bundle
  2. http-auth

    HTTP authentication: parse challenge lists, respond to Basic and Digest challenges. Likely to be extended with server support and additional auth schemes.

    v0.1.10 234K #basic-authentication #basic-auth #authentication #http-server #http #digest #basic
  3. aliasable

    Basic aliasable (non unique pointer) types

    v0.1.3 1.1M #raw-pointers #data #unique #non #basic #types #escaping
  4. sfml

    Rust binding for sfml

    v0.24.0 3.5K #multimedia #bindings #ci #tested #game #platform #basic
  5. ra_ap_base_db

    Basic database traits for rust-analyzer. The concrete DB is defined by ide (aka ra_ap_ide).

    v0.0.264 27K #database #language-server #ide #rust-analyzer #traits #db #basic
  6. nextest-runner

    Core runner logic for cargo nextest

    v0.74.0 123K #test-runner #testing #testing-cargo #nextest #cargo-subcommand #basic #junit
  7. chlorine

    Just the C types for no_std, but builds faster

    v1.0.13 18K #libc #ctypes #builds #faster #basic #no-std
  8. bevy_atmosphere

    A procedural sky plugin for bevy

    v0.12.2 1.5K #sky #bevy #plugin #procedural #game-engine #atmosphere #basic
  9. statsd

    A basic statsd client for rust

    v0.16.1 2.6K #metrics #client #timer #statsd-client #daemon #basic #tracking
  10. riscv_simulator

    A RISC-V simulator built in Rust, supporting basic arithmetic, memory, and control-flow instructions

    v1.0.7 320 #instructions #memory #risc-v #basic #arithmetic #cpu-memory #built
  11. toolbox-rs

    A toolbox of basic data structures and algorithms

    v0.2.2 230 #toolbox #basic #structures #data #data-structures #graph #cells
  12. b2c2-compiler


    v1.0.6 #fizzbuzz #src #basic #integer #nop #input #b2c2
  13. endbasic

    programming language - CLI

    v0.11.1 #programming #basic #interpreter #learning #text-editors
  14. error_tools

    Basic exceptions handling mechanism

    v0.19.0 500 #exception #fundamental #general-purpose #mechanism #basic
  15. b2c2


    v1.0.11 #src #basic #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #nop #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成します
  16. basic-cookies

    Low-level RFC 6265 combatible cookie handling library for Rust

    v0.1.5 323K #cookies #low-level #rfc #rfc6265 #compatible #basic #6265
  17. basic-text

    Basic Text strings and I/O streams

    v0.19.2 #io-stream #text-format #plain-text #string-literal #basic #stream #string-format
  18. pathfinder_geometry

    Basic SIMD-accelerated geometry/linear algebra

    v0.5.1 99K #linear-algebra #vector-graphics #geometry #simd #simd-accelerated #primitive #basic
  19. rustkey

    — rust library for tillitis TKey application development

    v0.4.3 110 #applications #t-key #tillitis #setup #devices #byte #basic
  20. sprinter

    Run parallel queued tasks

    v0.3.0 130 #tasks #parallel #queue #task-queue #queued #basic #push
  21. rust_mdns_client

    TUI mDNS client

    v0.1.2 350 #mdns #client #tui #basic
  22. etcdv3client

    etcdv3 client

    v0.4.0 #etcd #key #client #async #etcdv3 #etcd-client #basic
  23. b2c2-casl2


    v0.1.4 #src #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #b2c2におけるcasl2の雑なパーサー #basic
  24. Calen-sCLI

    A very basic CLI utility tool

    v0.1.1 #calen-scli #cli #find #command-line-tool #basic #utility #search-pattern #directory
  25. rusty_json

    A lightweight and straightforward JSON library for Rust, providing basic JSON functionality, serialization, and manipulation

    v2.0.5 #json #serde-json #basic
  26. abnf

    A nom-based parser for ABNF

    v0.13.0 41K #nom #parser #rules #error #basic #node #repeat
  27. b2c2-debugger


    v0.1.8 #src #basic #b2c2 #limit #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました
  28. matrix_lib

    easy to use library to operate on matrices

    v0.7.1 800 #matrix-operations #basic #operate
  29. mcp-sdk

    Model Context Protocol (MCP)

    v0.0.3 110 #mcp #protocols #model #context #server #basic #client
  30. clang-format

    A basic clang-format Rust wrapper

    v0.3.0 35K #formatting #format #clang #basic #across #variables #env-vars
  31. belnapian

    Belnap's 4-valued logic basic building blocks in Rust

    v0.2.0 #logic #truth #basic #building-block #enums #values #unknown
  32. sysinfo-report

    gathers some basic system info and generates a serializable report

    v1.1.2 93K #system-information #report #serializable #generates #basic #gather
  33. sxd-document

    XML DOM library

    v0.3.2 30K #xml #xml-document #xpath #dom #string #basic #expressions
  34. mago-typing

    basic type inference for PHP code, deducing variable and return types to assist in static analysis and automated tooling

    v0.10.0 1.9K #php #static-analysis #mago #basic #inference #types #variables
  35. spyglys

    programming language for text manipulation

    v0.2.3 360 #string #programming-language #interpreted #embedded #basic #larger #meant
  36. tiny-dfr

    The most basic dynamic function row daemon possible

    v0.3.3 #daemon #dynamic #row #cairo #basic
  37. microcad-lang

    µcad language

    v0.1.0 #µcad #language #file #basic #evaluate #microcad #object
  38. thallium

    A basic game engine

    v0.6.6 #game-engine #ecs #component #entities #basic #query #people
  39. mm_music_tui

    music TUI application. Supports a basic library stored in the home directory, downloads songs via yt-dlp, and has a TUI while playing

    v0.9.2 140 #song #music #tui #download #basic #artist #playing
  40. rsdisk

    Imagine fdisk but it's a Rust library (and also a cli but that's not so important)

    v0.0.12 750 #partition-table #drive #utility #cli #basic #warnings #fdisk
  41. rusty-vision

    A basic Image manipulation library

    v0.0.4 100 #image-processing #computer-vision #basic #shape #traits #point #codec
  42. binmatch

    binary pattern matching crate

    v1.2.2 600 #pattern-matching #binary-data #basic
  43. b2c2-flag


    v0.1.5 #src #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #b2c2のコマンドライン引数を保持するだけのやつ #basic
  44. endbasic-std

    The EndBASIC programming language - standard library

    v0.11.1 #interpreter #programming #basic #learning #text-editors #script-runner
  45. b2c2-stat


    v0.1.5 #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #src #デバッグ用にところどころで使ってるぽい #basic
  46. adana-cache-command

    namespaces aliases for command lines & basic scripting language

    v0.18.6 #scripting-language #command-line #repl #programming-language #aliases #namespaces #basic
  47. mimium-scheduler

    basic scheduler implementation as a plugin for mimium

    v2.2.7 #scheduler #plugin #basic #mimium #sound #music #musical
  48. logisheets_base

    some basic definitions for LogiSheets

    v0.7.0 550 #definition #logi-sheets #basic
  49. b2c2-jis-x-201


    v0.1.1 #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #src #utf-8とjis-x-201を雑に変換処理する #basic
  50. binstalk-types

    The binstall toolkit that contains basic types for binstalk crates

    v0.9.3 15K #binary #binstalk #types #toolkit #basic #binstall
  51. nitf-rs

    Minimal NITF interface

    v0.3.1 1.0K #nitf #file #reading #would #read #metadata #basic
  52. operations_parser_kucherenko

    A Rust-based parser for basic math operations with function support

    v0.1.1 #parser #operations #basic #expression-parser #kucherenko #arithmetic #rust-based
  53. operations_parser

    A Rust-based parser for basic math operations with function support

    v0.1.3 #parser #expression-parser #operations #basic #arithmetic #grammar #rust-based
  54. h_modals

    A leptos component library using tailwindcss for basic modals

    v0.2.6 1.6K #leptos #component #modals #modal #basic #success #status
  55. junction-typeinfo

    reflection for junction API generation

    v0.3.1 170 #reflection #api #basic #junction #junction-client #generation #public-api
  56. bittorrent-primitives

    collections of basic types for BitTorrent projects

    v0.1.0 6.3K #bittorrent #projects #collection #basic #primitive #types #info-hash
  57. tibber

    A minimal set of bindings to Tibber graphql API

    v0.6.0 300 #graphql #bindings #api #basic
  58. bt_math

    Basic math expression evaluator library. Support basic math operators (+,-,*,/,^), parenthesis, and functions such as log10, ln, log2, exp, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, abs, sqrt…

    v0.3.0 260 #expression-evaluator #numbers #basic #operator #negative #sin #tan
  59. lspath

    Very basic ls tool for the PATH environment variable

    v0.1.3 #path-environment #env-vars #variables #ls #listing #tool #basic
  60. basic_game_of_life

    A basic terminal implementation of Conway's Game of Life!

    v0.1.1 #cellular-automata #life #conway #terminal #basic #terminal-game #turing-complete
  61. jonlang

    basic scripting language made to learn rust

    v0.1.0 #scripting-language #scripting #programming-language #learn #basic #programs #built
  62. mini-tokio

    basic asynchronous rust executor

    v0.3.2 #async-executor #async-task #run-time #task-scheduling #basic #events #tokio
  63. decanter

    implements basic cryptographic primitives native to the ecosystem

    v0.1.6 180 #cryptography #primitive #hash #security #ecosystem #basic #native
  64. granite_reckoner

    aggregator enabling basic statistical operations on Vec<T> in the specified number of threads. Works for all Rust's built-in numeric types.

    v0.3.3 310 #statistical #operations #numeric #thread #numbers #aggregator #basic
  65. image_changer

    A basic image lib wrapper to learn from

    v0.6.1 #image-processing #image #learn #added #manipulation #discord #basic
  66. flat_db

    Flat file database

    v0.3.0 440 #flat-file #lock-files #hash #items #database #basic #file-format
  67. unix_sock

    unix control socket abstraction

    v0.8.0 #unix-socket #socket-programming #control #abstraction #text #stream #basic
  68. nl80211-ng

    Basic nl80211 crate for interacting with Netlink / Rtnetlink and manipulating WiFi interfaces

    v0.5.5 140 #wifi #netlink #rtnetlink #nl80211 #interface #github #basic
  69. dotzilla

    Native Rust implementation of efficient basic linear algebra routines

    v0.2.0 130 #linear-algebra #dot #product #basic #routines #native
  70. whynot-errors

    A basic setup for app errors in axum

    v0.1.2 210 #error #axum #basic #setup
  71. neozip

    The ZIP archive handler used by Acridotheres

    v0.3.3 130 #zip #archive #handler #acridotheres #basic #implemented #format
  72. fp_server

    A basic HTTP Server lib

    v2.0.5 #http-server #basic #lib
  73. tree-sitter-integerbasic

    integer basic grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library

    v2.0.0 #tree-sitter #integer #basic #incremental #parser
  74. rogue_config

    Basic options pattern

    v0.2.0 400 #basic #pattern #github #follow #specification #commit #conventional-commits
  75. pkmn-core-types

    Basic types for Pokémon games

    v0.1.0 #pokemon #types #index #basic #numbers #items #species
  76. oxiced

    An iced themeing library

    v0.2.0 120 #iced #widgets #toml #themes #themeing #protocols #basic
  77. upload-things

    toolset for interacting with UploadThing

    v0.1.2 310 #upload-thing #toolset #basic
  78. rsabpoa

    abpoa rust binding

    v0.1.1 #binding #abpoa #msa #bindgen #generate #basic
  79. upnp-rs

    basic Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) protocol implementations

    v0.2.0 #upnp #devices #protocols #networking #discovery #basic #universal
  80. mrvillage-cli

    My personal CLI

    v0.1.15 #personal #command-line #command-line-interface #task #basic #own
  81. basicftp

    A Basic library for FTP using Std::net supporting EPSV and basic features as well as read only non authenticated, non-encrypted text based traffic

    v0.2.4 170 #basic #ftp #epsv #traffic #authenticated #non #supporting
  82. matrix_engine

    a small game engine developed by drmatrix

    v0.2.4 #ecs #game-engine #basic #plugin-system #renderer #matrix #window
  83. groq-cli

    A basic Cli to interact with Groq Api

    v0.1.1 #groq #cli #interact #basic #model #cargo-build #api-key
  84. smlog

    A very basic stdout logging implementation

    v0.1.4 310 #logging #basic #stdout #init
  85. chesspos

    Basic structs for representing chess squares

    v0.2.0 #chess-board #chess #position #squares #rank #structs #basic
  86. rust-rcs-core

    Core libraries that provide basic RCS capabilities (SIP, MSRP, etc.)

    v0.3.1 160 #sip #rcs #networking #msrp #basic #client #capabilities
  87. cpclib-basic

    cpclib libraries related to locomotive basic

    v0.9.0 #amstrad-cpc #basic #locomotive #demoscene #cpclib
  88. lib-hearts

    Basic Implementation of the hearts card game

    v0.1.28 220 #card-game #heart #card #cards #basic
  89. wbsl

    Wizards Basic Server Library

    v0.1.1 #server #basic #wizard
  90. linear_algebra

    basic linear algebra operations in Rust

    v2.0.0 1.3K #matrix #vector #linear #matrix-operations #vector-math #algebra #basic
  91. endbasic-repl

    The EndBASIC programming language - REPL

    v0.11.1 #basic #interpreter #programming #learning #strong-typing
  92. bios-basic

    An embeddable message queue system

    v0.2.0 #basic #bios #service #business #applications #message-queue #access
  93. sicompiler

    A basic compiler for SiCoMe programs

    v1.0.1 #compiler #syntax-error #programs #basic #si-co-me #comments #input
  94. erudite

    basic machine learning toolkit for rust

    v0.3.4 #machine-learning #toolkit #basic #functional
  95. os-checker-plugin-cargo

    A plugin to os-checker to collect basic information from cargo and git

    v0.1.4 #cargo #basic #collect #information #git #os-checker #plugin
  96. bios-iam

    An embeddable message queue system

    v0.2.0 #system #bios #basic #message #business #platform #os
  97. nebby

    command-line tool designed to quickly review basic information about a range of different file formats. It provides various commands to interact with Excel, JSON, and CSV files - with more to come!

    v0.1.4 #data-analysis #basic #file #excel #file-format #csv #command
  98. python_comm

    writing python modules with rust easier

    v0.4.2 #python-module #date-time #conversion #comm #replacement #matching #basic
  99. openmls_basic_credential

    A Basic Credential implementation for OpenMLS

    v0.3.0 340 #key-pair #mls #credentials #openmls #basic #messaging #protocols
  100. forest-adventure-game

    A basic text-based adventure game in a forest

    v0.1.0 #forest #adventure #game #basic #text-based
  101. bt_time_utils

    Basic time formatting utility

    v0.1.0 #time-formatting #time #formatting #date-time #utility #basic #format
  102. aqua-verifier-rs-types

    Aqua protocol data types and basic utility types

    v1.2.0 #aqua #aqua-protocol #verifier #types #protocols #data #basic
  103. bt_string_utils

    Basic string operations

    v0.1.0 #string #split #basic #operations
  104. unisock

    Unified socket with different implementations

    v1.0.0 #socket #sockets #back-end #basic #api #different #unified
  105. term_color_support

    Determine whether a terminal supports color or not, and identify the level of color support

    v0.1.1 #terminal-colors #true-color #level #determine #detect #identify #basic
  106. fliters

    basic rust bindings for flite c library

    v0.1.7 130 #bindings #output-stream #flite #basic #rodio #playing #controlling
  107. mimium-test

    Common test modules & basic regression tests for mimium

    v2.0.0-alpha2 #module #testing #basic #regression #mimium #build
  108. endbasic-rpi

    The EndBASIC programming language - Raspberry Pi support

    v0.11.1 #basic #programming #interpreter #learning
  109. loggify

    Small and simple rust logger

    v1.4.0 #log-level #logging #projects #output #basic #terminal
  110. rusttyper

    Basic text layout, using rusttype

    v0.6.1 #font-rendering #text-layout #glium #styling #basic #rusttype #word-wrapping
  111. jake_the_dog

    skeleton project that you can use to start a basic webserver using Rust and PostgreSQL

    v1.0.1 #postgresql #actix-web #web-server #tokio-postgres #basic #start #run-time
  112. vedasynth

    A very simple synth library, very WIP but works for basic sine waves really easily

    v0.0.3 120 #synth #sine #basic #waves
  113. endbasic-sdl

    The EndBASIC programming language - SDL graphical console

    v0.11.1 300 #basic #programming #interpreter #learning
  114. b2c2-compiler-common


    v0.1.4 #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #src #b2c2-compiler以外の箇所でも使う要素を抜粋 #basic
  115. endbasic-client

    The EndBASIC programming language - cloud service client

    v0.11.1 #programming #learning #basic #interpreter
  116. ostring_sqlx

    A basic configuration persistence wrapper

    v1.0.0 #sqlx #ostring #sqlite #basic #persistence #configuration
  117. b2c2-common


    v0.1.1 #b2c2 #basic言語風の独自のプログラミング言語 #fizzbuzz #のソースコードファイルからcasl2のソースコードファイルを生成しました #src #b2c2の共通部分 #basic
  118. forte_engine

    A core for a basic render/game engine designed to have little overhead

    v0.2.3 130 #wgpu #overhead #render #light #basic #engine #module
  119. nel

    Basic utilities for building and sending NEL reports

    v0.1.6 6.3K #error-logging #reports #networking #background #utilities #basic #building
  120. bcar

    basic bicycle car computations

    v0.2.1 #car #bicycle #computation #basic
  121. timer_by_pakel

    Just a very basic timer

    v0.1.0 #timer #basic #pakel
  122. complex-number

    A basic implementation of complex numbers in rust

    v0.1.2 #complex-numbers #complex #numbers #basic
  123. framebuffer

    Basic framebuffer abstraction. Handles the necessary ioctls and mmaps the framebuffer device.

    v0.3.1 950 #fb #ioctl #abstraction #basic #devices #handles #necessary
  124. dagpirs

    A pure rust wrapper for dagpi, with image manipulation and data fetching

    v0.1.7 #dagpi #pure #fetching #basic #blocking #link #request
  125. very_basic_crate

    A very basic crate to add one or two

    v0.2.0 230 #add #basic #performing #calculations #utilities #collection
  126. endbasic-terminal

    The EndBASIC programming language - terminal console

    v0.11.1 #programming #basic #interpreter #learning
  127. crane-webserver

    fast webserver

    v0.1.6 #web-server #basic #crane #build
  128. sunlight

    A very simple Protobuf binary parser

    v0.1.0 190 #binary-parser #forensics #protobuf #basic #biome #data
  129. area_crate

    Basic Area function

    v0.1.1 #area #triangle #rectangle #circle #sector #basic #functions
  130. rustrix

    Supports macro and basic operations for matrix

    v0.2.0 190 #matrix-operations #macro #basic #scalar
  131. mimium-guitools

    basic analyzer tool plugin with egui for mimium

    v2.2.7 700 #plugin #egui #tool #plot #basic #analyzer #gui
  132. goth-gltf

    A lightweight, low-level reader for gltf (and glb) files

    v0.1.1 #gltf #low-level #reader #glb #basic #extension #goth
  133. imgui-glow-renderer

    glow renderer for the imgui crate

    v0.13.0 1.7K #imgui #opengl #renderer #glow #render #basic #imgui-rs
  134. astrotools

    Basic building block for the lightspeed protocol and lightspeed compliant drivers

    v0.8.0 460 #protocols #driver #building-block #lightspeed #basic #compliant
  135. csv_parser_moshkovskyi

    CSV parser built with Pest parser for Rust

    v0.1.0 #csv #parser #show #pest-parser #built #grammar #basic
  136. gluesql-derive

    Derive traits for GlueSQL

    v0.2.5 #glue-sql #traits #orm #basic #generate #derive #decimal
  137. steam-profile

    get basic profile statistics from steam

    v0.2.1 230 #profile #steam #basic #statistics #sync #default #async
  138. doru

    providing basic Todo functionality

    v0.1.0 #todo #terminal #status #cli #delete #edit #basic
  139. twothousand-forty-eight

    a basic engine and move validator for the game 2048

    v0.22.1 #game-engine #move #validation #2048 #basic #wasm-bindings #2048-game
  140. bevy_fly_camera

    A basic flying camera in Bevy

    v0.10.0 270 #camera #bevy #plugin #basic #bundle #default #3d
  141. scrpr

    Basic rust scraper and data selector

    v0.1.0 #scraper #selector #basic #data
  142. gpt_core

    chatGPT UI's core crate. Offer the basic functionalities and mock server for chatGPT UI.

    v0.0.6 310 #chatgpt #openai #ui #mocking #chat #offers #basic
  143. hebrides

    Implementations for the real numbers, complex numbers, and basic linear algebra

    v0.1.46 #complex-numbers #linear-algebra #real-number #math #matrix #vector #basic
  144. poro

    toy neural network library

    v0.1.2 160 #neural-network #toy #tensor #operation #basic #layer #networking
  145. shortlang

    A programming language designed for code golfing

    v0.4.0 #programming-language #golfing #performance #world #basic #concise #python
  146. embedder

    Get basic website information with ease

    v0.3.5 #website #information #firefox #basic #ease #geckodriver
  147. crystal-cif-io

    parse and write crystallography cif format

    v0.1.1 #crystallography #chemistry #write #parse #atom #basic #parameters
  148. litegrep

    A basic tool for searching in files for lines of text, based on a query

    v0.1.2 #file-search #text-search #grep #command-line #search-query #basic #tool
  149. rmat

    minimal implementation of two-dimensional matrix algebra

    v0.1.1 #matrix #algebra #matrix-operations #basic #transpose #dot-product #two-dimensional
  150. my_first_parser_1wannabebetter1

    Basic parser that uses peg crate and code example from its documentation

    v0.1.0 #first #basic #documentation
  151. fuzzcheck_mutators

    Basic mutators for fuzzcheck-rs

    v0.6.0 #fuzzing #test #mutator #fuzzcheck #basic
  152. ext_format

    A small, yet powerful, Rust crate for string interpolation

    v0.1.1 #string-interpolation #macro #multiline #white-space #leading #variables #basic
  153. ostring_base

    ostring base crate include some basic function

    v1.0.0 #base #ostring #basic #macos #os
  154. rust-money

    basic and precise Money operations such as rounding, splitting and allocating

    v0.1.1 #money #splitting #rounding #precise #operations #allocating #basic
  155. wasm-nopackage

    Basic alloc and dealloc and module setup for lightweight WASM modules

    v0.1.5 #wasm-module #memory #alloc #setup #browser #set #basic
  156. om-snapper

    A very basic commandline tool to download AWS EC2/EBS snapshots

    v0.6.5-alpha #tool #command-line-tool #snapshot #download #basic #aws #continue
  157. rgb24

    Basic 24-bit colour representation and manipulation

    v0.3.1 #color #24-bit #representation #basic
  158. bookgrep

    Basic grep equivalent, minor mods to Chapter 12

    v0.1.3 #grep #basic #chapter #minor #book #12 #mod
  159. xcf

    A basic standalone GIMP XCF library in Rust

    v0.4.0 #gimp #layer #rgba #pixel #file-reader #basic #standalone
  160. rustbasic

    Rust Basic : Planned Development

    v0.0.24 220 #basic #wasm #rust #planned #learn #aims
  161. crcnt_ddd

    CRCNT DDD Basic Objects

    v0.2.14 #ddd #basic #objects #crcnt #framework
  162. papyrust

    A very basic Rust script runner aimed at near zero launch latency

    v0.1.1 #script-runner #scripting #launch #basic #aimed #zero #near
  163. stailwc-swc-utils

    Some basic SWC utils

    v0.16.0 #swc #tailwind #stailwc #nextjs #vite #next #basic
  164. zamm_yang

    A basic, experimental code generator

    v0.2.0 #concepts #codegen #yang #code-generation #generator #experimental #basic
  165. basic_allocator

    A very simple global allocator written in pure Rust

    v0.1.6 #allocator #memory-allocator #basic #global-allocator #read #block-list #raw-alloc
  166. expresso

    A very basic expression parser, and runner. For educational use only.

    v0.2.5 #expression-parser #expression #runner #educational #basic #parser #experimental-educational
  167. esp-hal-dshot

    Basic async no_std DSHOT implementation for esp-hal. Utilizes Remote Control Peripheral (RMT) to send the DSHOT frames as pulses.

    v0.3.1 #esp32 #dshot #remote-control #frame #esp-hal #basic #send
  168. minifb_tile_base

    A basic tile updater for minifb

    v0.3.1 #tile #base #minifb #2d #updater #basic
  169. dynamic_dict

    A lightweight basic crate to create dynamically typed dictionaries

    v0.2.4 150 #dictionary #dynamically #typed #basic #create
  170. gandiva_rust_udf_shared

    A basic shared library for gandiva rust udf

    v0.1.5 #udf #gandiva #shared #basic
  171. endbasic-core

    The EndBASIC programming language - core

    v0.11.1 110 #interpreter #programming #basic #learning
  172. cw20-base

    Basic implementation of a CosmWasm-20 compliant token

    v2.0.0 10K #token #cw20 #basic #compliant #base #build #extension
  173. monitor-common

    Basic data structure and algorithm of linux-monitor tool

    v0.2.8 #algorithm #data-structures #structure #basic #linux-monitor #tool
  174. iron_torch

    A very basic neuralnet set up and user will keep updated for abit

    v0.1.18 110 #basic #neuralnet #updated #keep #set #up #user
  175. kidding

    an easy to tune program asking Math questions

    v1.0.0 #learn #programming #coding #tune #basic #asking #math
  176. dino

    lightweight database for rust!

    v0.1.2 #tree #database #json #storage #str #basic #usize
  177. zamm_yin

    A basic, experimental knowledge-base

    v0.2.1 #knowledge-base #database #experimental #yin #basic #kb #neo4j
  178. ipstuff

    IP structures and utilities

    v0.1.5 #ip #subnet #networking #utilities #bit-manipulation #basic #mask
  179. vtil-parser

    Read/write VTIL files in Rust

    v0.7.0 #parser #vtil #read-write #routine #basic #in-place #architecture-identifier
  180. bootsector

    Read partitions from block devices or files

    v0.2.0 120 #partition-table #mbr #gpt #read #basic #devices #bootloader
  181. posix-regex

    parsing POSIX regular expressions

    v0.1.1 360 #regex #posix #regular #expressions #parser #basic #no-std
  182. cairo-lang-runner

    Basic cairo runner

    v2.10.0 31K #zero-knowledge-proofs #run #runner #basic #language #stark-net #gas
  183. funlib

    Rust functional library

    v0.1.8 #functional #composition #monads #functor #progress #lib #basic
  184. rf-core

    The core library for the RuFi framework

    v0.6.0 210 #framework #ru-fi #concepts #basic
  185. fp_tui

    A very basic tui library

    v0.2.2 #tui #basic #terminal #menu
  186. qualia

    Basic semi-schemaless document store

    v0.15.2 #store #document #flexible #semi-schemaless #query #undo #basic
  187. snail

    Parasitic network manager

    v0.4.0 #network-manager #networking #script #dns #parasitic #lua #basic
  188. basic-lang

    The BASIC programming language as it was in the 8-bit era

    v0.7.1 #basic #language #programming-language #was #org #era #8-bit
  189. dlfile

    A basic utility to download files over HTTPS

    v0.5.0 #download #https #tls #sandbox #cli #basic #utility
  190. fwatch

    file watching crate

    v0.1.5 #watching #file #basic
  191. input_conv

    A basic stdio extension to automatically translate basic inputs to a given type

    v1.2.0 #user-input #conversion #automatic #stdio #basic #extension #fs-file
  192. gfastats

    GFA statistics

    v0.1.3 #statistics #graph #gfa #input #data #basic
  193. dashing

    ASCII-style roguelike engine

    v0.0.2 #rogue-like #engine #input #building #basic #time #lot
  194. rinfo

    Get basic information about your system from the command-line

    v0.2.5 #command-line #information #basic #cross-platform #linux-macos #thread #user
  195. source_generator

    Basic source code generation features

    v0.0.3 #generation #source #applications #basic #vhdl #port #creation
  196. basicaf

    A (Dartmouth) BASIC to Brainf**k compiler

    v0.1.2 #basic #compiler #brainf-k #db #dartmouth #bf #compile
  197. lafere-api

    A more or less simple communication protocol library

    v0.1.0 #message #action #client-server #basic #byte #json #less
  198. librualg

    Collection of basic algorithms for everyday development

    v0.29.1 120 #binary-search #binary-tree #collection #basic #table #bloom #bloom-filter
  199. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  200. tvdb

    API wrapper to http://thetvdb.com (open database for TV episode data)

    v0.6.0 #api #web #com #episode #com-interface #basic #thetvdb
  201. aryth

    a iterable toolset

    v0.0.11 #math #iterable #toolset #statistics #basic
  202. silly-alloc

    A collection of very basic allocators

    v0.1.0 #allocator #bump-allocator #basic #collection #memory #mind #bucket
  203. hydroperfox-sourcetext

    Source text containing line locations

    v1.0.0 #line-column #source #offset #string #retrieval #locations #basic
  204. instagram-basic-display-api

    Instagram Basic Display API

    v0.3.1 #instagram #api #basic #display #package
  205. tiny-ml

    A very basic ml libary

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #ml #basic #tiny #scale #learning #parallelization
  206. openmls_memory_keystore

    A very basic key store for OpenMLS implementing openmls_traits

    v0.2.0 #key-store #openmls #memory #basic #security #in-memory #open-mls-key-store
  207. gandiva_rust_udf_build

    A basic shared library for gandiva rust udf

    v0.2.1 200 #udf #gandiva #shared #basic
  208. matrix-math

    Mathematical matrices

    v0.1.1 #matrix #matrix-operations #math #basic #matrix-calculations
  209. hex_it

    hex viewer and basic editor written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #hex-editor #viewer #basic #file #command
  210. fp_log

    A basic logging library

    v0.2.1 #logging #basic #fp
  211. sc-basic-authorship

    Basic implementation of block-authoring logic

    v0.48.0 14K #basic #logic #substrate #authorship #block-authoring #factory #proposer
  212. elr_primes

    prime number iterator and methods for basic calculations with prime numbers

    v0.1.2 #prime #numbers #iterator #prime-factors #calculations #methods #basic
  213. simple_genetic

    aid with genetic learning

    v0.2.0 #genetic #learning #basic #aid
  214. basic-calc

    Basic TUI calculator

    v1.0.4 #basic #calculator #tui
  215. sophus_sim

    Basic camera simulation

    v0.14.0 #robotics #optimization #camera #sophus #basic #simulation #prelude
  216. polys

    A package for polygon geometry

    v0.4.2 #polygon #geometry #structs #basic #circle #area #triangle
  217. rust_io_test

    basic program for searching content in files

    v0.1.0 #search #content #basic
  218. asm6502

    A basic 6502 assembler

    v0.1.2 #assembly #assemble #immediate #6502 #input-file #basic #output
  219. blek

    Blek le Rat is a fast, simple template tool for the commandline

    v0.1.0 #template #le #date #tool #commandline #rat #basic
  220. actions-core2

    ✅ Get inputs, set outputs, and other basic operations for GitHub Actions

    v0.1.0 #github-actions #input #outputs #set #operations #basic
  221. fastx-statistics

    Compute simple statistics for fasta-like files

    v1.0.0 #statistics #compute #basic #fastq #fasta #fasta-like
  222. general_pub_sub

    A general use, fast, and flexible PubSub implementation

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #flexible #pattern #basic #contents
  223. contain

    defining/extending lifetimes

    v0.4.0 #lifetime #memory #container #deduplicating #str #backed #basic
  224. data-utility-belt

    perform a series of basic operation on data

    v0.1.5 #array #operation #cli #object #belt #data #basic
  225. swc_js_sourcemap

    Basic sourcemap handling for Rust

    v5.0.2 #source-map #javascript #basic #bundle #ram #list
  226. petr-vm

    a basic VM for running and debugging petr IR

    v0.1.0 #petr #programming-language #debugging #vm #ir #basic #petr-ir
  227. mxadm

    CLI interface to basic Matrix room admin tasks

    v0.1.2 #room #admin #tasks #interface #basic #cli-interface #tool
  228. simple-text-editor

    Basic implementation of a simple text editor, as a Rust library and CLI

    v0.2.3 #editor #command #basic #input #delete #buffer #numbers
  229. uf2-decode

    Basic decoding of UF2

    v0.2.0 2.6K #uf2 #bin #decoding #basic #py #uf2conv #adaptation
  230. ssb-db

    The most basic sqlite backed db that you need to do replication on ssb

    v0.1.7 #replication #ssb #db #basic #sqlite #backed
  231. misc_ecs

    basic Entity Component System library, being developed as a way to learn

    v0.1.14 200 #ecs #basic #image-processing #learn #programming #graphics #book
  232. basic-text-internals

    Basic Text string literal implementation details

    v0.19.2 #string-literal #basic #literals #details #io
  233. tide-http-auth

    Basic and Bearer auth support for Tide

    v0.5.1-alpha.0 #tide #basic-auth #authentication #bearer #basic
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