
  1. futures-executor

    Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library

    v0.3.31 9.4M #async-task #task-execution #future #thread-pool #executors #task-scheduling #building
  2. rpm

    A pure rust library for building and parsing RPMs

    v0.16.0 18K #packaging #parser #pure #linux #signature #building #pgp
  3. rustc-build-sysroot

    Build a rustc sysroot with custom flags

    v0.5.4 28K #sysroot #rustc #flags #build #source #standard #building
  4. jam-pvm-build

    CLI utility for building PVM code blobs, particularly services and authorizers

    v0.1.12 380 #service #jam #pvm #blobs #building #utility #command-line-tool
  5. libp2p-swarm-test

    Test framework for code building on top of libp2p-swarm

    v0.5.0 13K #p2p #peer-to-peer #framework #libp2p-swarm #decentralization #top #building
  6. tauri-cli

    Command line interface for building Tauri apps

    v2.2.7 17K #desktop-applications #tauri-app #command-line #command-line-interface #webview #system #building
  7. typeface

    The package provides a foundation for building and parsing fonts

    v0.4.3 2.8K #font #typography #true-type #opentype #postscript #parser #building
  8. mizuki

    A toolkit for building Tauri Plugins that enables type-safe IPC through GraphQL

    v1.0.1 550 #tauri-plugin #graphql #ipc #toolkit #building #type-safe
  9. changelogging

    Building changelogs from fragments

    v0.7.0 1.0K #changelog #change #fragments #version #context #building #installed
  10. hugo-build

    A wrapper around the hugo binary to proving building capabilities

    v0.144.1 500 #hugo #build-dependencies #site #building #github #binary #capabilities
  11. xcframework

    A Cargo plugin and library for building Apple XCFrameworks

    v0.1.0 #macos-ios #cargo-build #cargo-plugin #apple #cargo-toml #xc-frameworks #building
  12. caw

    A framework for building software-defined modular synthesizers

    v0.6.0 480 #synthesizer #audio #modular #signal #building #framework #musical
  13. rxpect

    Extensible fluent expectations for Rust

    v0.4.0 390 #testing #expectations #fluent #assertions #extensible #building #fluently
  14. atlaspathwaysai

    An opinionated library for building LLM powered applications

    v1.1.3 #model #applications #llm #building #feedback #forms #documentation
  15. dbsdk-cli

    Command-line utility to simplify building Rust games for the DreamBox fantasy console

    v0.1.3 170 #fantasy-console #gamedev #command-line-tool #dream-box #utility #build #building
  16. ft-sys

    ft-sdk: SDK for building FifthTry Applications

    v0.2.0 200 #fifth-try #applications #ft-sdk #building
  17. bevy_clay_tiles

    A procedural-mesh building system for bevy

    v0.15.1 #bevy #2d-3d #tile #mesh #region #level #building
  18. derive_generic_visitor

    Boilerplate for building rust visitors

    v0.1.1 5.2K #visitor #derive #drive #boilerplate #building #visit #generic
  19. pktbuilder

    Safe builder for building packets

    v0.1.0 #builder #packets #building #buffer #build #buildable #encoded
  20. cbvm

    Cross bytes virtual machine used for building, running and reading CBVM files

    v0.7.4 800 #virtual-machine #cross-compilation #byte #running #building #reading #cross-byte
  21. repl-block

    A crossterm-based library for building Read-Eval-Print-Loops (REPLs)

    v0.10.0 1.2K #repl #building #read-eval-print-loop #block #history #build #read-eval-print-loops
  22. rubedo-ssg

    The final stage in the alchemical process of building a static website

    v0.5.0 350 #ssg #static-website #markdown #final #process #stage #building
  23. pkcs11-sys

    Generated bindings for pkcs11.h. Useful for building PKCS#11 modules in rust.

    v0.2.24 #pkcs11 #module #bindings #pkcs #11 #generated-bindings #building
  24. ant-libp2p-swarm-test

    Test framework for code building on top of libp2p-swarm

    v0.5.0 #p2p #peer-to-peer #top #building #framework #repository #libp2p-swarm
  25. swift-package

    Cargo plugin and library for building Apple Swift Packages

    v0.1.0 #swift #packages #cargo #building #cargo-subcommand #framework #generated
  26. rust_on_rails

    Rust On Rails is a rust framework to make building native and web apps easy as possible

    v3.0.0 200 #rails #apps #native #building #framework #web-apps
  27. pax-kit

    Main entrypoint for building with Pax

    v0.38.3 #design #pax #user-interface #rendering-engine #building #gui #graphics
  28. risc0-build-kernel

    RISC Zero tool for building kernels

    v1.3.0-rc.1 8.1K #risc0 #kernel #zero #zk-stark #risc #building #risc-v
  29. nex-datalink

    cross-platform datalink layer networking. Part of nex project.

    v0.18.0 #data-link #networking #packet #cross-platform #low-level #layer #building
  30. nostr-minions

    A Yew-based framework for client side Nostr apps

    v0.1.7 140 #nostr #framework #client-side #apps #secure #building #widgets
  31. miku-http-util

    parsing or building parts of HTTP requests and responses

    v0.5.5 390 #http #response #fluent-uri #http-request #parts #parser #building
  32. grafana-plugin-sdk

    SDK for building Grafana backend plugins

    v0.5.0 230 #grafana #plugin #back-end #sdk #building
  33. chimerai

    A package for quickly building AI agents

    v0.1.0 #agent #building #quickly #ai #chimera #是一个基于rust语言编写的智能代理库,旨在处理复杂的决策过程。它通过集成llm(大语言模型)、工具调用以及内存管理等功能,能够执行各种任务和交互,并根据需求动态调整策略。
  34. clap-utils

    A collection of utilities for building command line applications

    v0.4.3 #command-line-utilities #clap #applications #utility #cli-applications #building #collection
  35. bep-core

    An opinionated library for building LLM powered applications

    v0.5.0 #llm #applications #bep #building #information #found #powered
  36. unsvg

    SVG building library

    v1.2.1 360 #svg #vector-graphics #scalable #building #generate #foundation #resvg
  37. forgy

    Derive macro for building dependency graphs

    v0.1.0 #graph #building #macro #input
  38. aranya-capi-core

    Aranya's C API tooling

    v0.1.0 850 #aranya #api #tooling #building
  39. mc-sgx-sdk-tools

    Tools for building SGX enclaves

    v0.11.0 550 #sgx-enclave #intel-sgx #sgx #build #building
  40. hydro_std

    Standard library of distributed systems building blocks for Hydro

    v0.11.0 #distributed-systems #hydro #standard #building #blocks #building-block #monorepo
  41. sparta

    software components specially designed for building high-performance static analyzers based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation

    v0.1.2 #static-analysis #abstract #interpretation #formal-verification #component #theory #building
  42. h2x

    Thin wrapper around h2 with some ergonomic API for building HTTP/2 servers

    v0.5.0 #http2 #server #h2 #http-server #async-api #async-http #building
  43. pathbuf

    A macro to conveniently build PathBufs

    v1.0.0 650 #path #macro #conveniently #construct #build #path-bufs #building
  44. neos-build

    A CLI tool for building the NEOS software stack

    v1.1.2 #stack #neos #tool #command-line-tool #building
  45. rpm-infra

    A pure rust library for building and parsing RPMs

    v0.12.2 100 #rpm #packaging #parser #signature #pure #fedora #building
  46. steeldb

    database built from scratch in Rust

    v0.1.4 #database #scratch #parser-generator #repl #built #building #shell
  47. ark-module

    Ark Wasm module implementation helper

    v0.17.0-pre.24 7.4K #wasm-module #ark #helper #building #level #binaries #root
  48. backend-kit

    set of tools and helpers for building backend services in Rust

    v0.0.3 #back-end #backend-service #helpers #building
  49. rktk-cli

    CLI for RKTK

    v0.1.0 #rktk #firmware #cli #building #keyboard #help #detail
  50. svg2avif

    convert svg to avif

    v0.1.14 240 #svg #convert #avif #markdown #translation #website #building
  51. goldboot

    A command-line application for building goldboot images

    v0.0.9 #command-line #command-line-utilities #applications #image #building #pushing #devops
  52. ds-rom

    extracting/building Nintendo DS ROMs

    v0.4.2 #rom #ds #nintendo #extract #building #extracting #component
  53. utils-cli

    a compilation of utility scripts for every day use in building applications and using certain features on my laptop

    v1.1.1 #script #applications #send-email #sms #utility #tasks #building
  54. nodl

    Command line tool for building a directed graph of links between notes

    v0.2.1 #directed-graph #notes #command-line #note #links #command-line-tool #building
  55. nex-packet-builder

    high-level packet building on top of nex-packet. Part of nex project.

    v0.18.0 #packet #networking #cross-platform #data-link #building #low-level #nex
  56. uri-resources

    Resource URI building library

    v0.2.5 430 #uri #resources #path #building #arguments #check #required
  57. unionfind

    A union find library made for building type inference engines. Can be used as general purpose datastructure.

    v0.2.1 #find #union #data-structures #engine #building #inference
  58. ft-sys-shared

    ft-sdk: SDK for building FifthTry Applications

    v0.2.0 700 #fifth-try #sdk #applications #ft-sdk #building
  59. geogebra-types

    Geogebra types and API for building them

    v0.1.5 #geogebra #api #types #geo-aid #building #geo-gebra #format
  60. architect-api-schema-builder

    Auxiliary crate for building architect-api

    v0.1.0 120 #building #auxiliary #architect-api
  61. mdbook-indexing

    mdbook preprocessor for index generation

    v0.1.2 220 #mdbook #index #book #building #text #generation #indexing
  62. alemat

    type-safe building of MathML

    v0.8.0 #mathml #markup-language #element #notation #building #xml #tags
  63. cuda_builder

    Builder for easily building rustc_codegen_nvvm crates

    v0.3.0 #cuda #gpu #builder #ecosystem #extremely #building #rustc-codegen-nvvm
  64. nel

    Basic utilities for building and sending NEL reports

    v0.1.6 6.3K #error-logging #reports #networking #background #utilities #basic #building
  65. zinnia_libp2p

    A libp2p extension for Zinnia. This crate provides JS APIs wrapping rust-libp2p. It should be compatible with any engine building on top of deno_core.

    v0.20.3 #zinnia #p2p #js #deno-core #extension #run-time #building
  66. lambda-rs

    A framework for building cross platform graphics & compute applications

    v2023.1.30 #cross-platform #graphics #compute #applications #framework #lambda #building
  67. rpm-rs

    A pure rust library for building and parsing RPM's

    v0.8.1 130 #rpm #packaging #parser #signature #pure #pgp #building
  68. dep-tree

    Dependency tree structure for building dependency requirements

    v0.1.0 #tree-structure #requirements #building #dep
  69. cargo-quad-apk

    Cargo subcommand that allows you to build Android packages

    v0.1.4 #android #apk #build #cargo-subcommand #building #applications #default
  70. xenet-packet-builder

    high-level packet building on top of xenet-packet. Part of xenet project.

    v0.5.0 2.9K #packet #packet-parser #networking #cross-platform #building #low-level #xenet
  71. tiny-data

    A cli tool for building computer vision datasets

    v0.1.2 #computer-vision #dataset #building #tool #image #command-line-tool #tiny
  72. edgee-components

    Edgee crate for authoring, building and publishing components

    v0.6.1 100 #edgee #component #publishing #authoring #building #edge
  73. flutter-download

    Download flutter engine for building

    v0.3.5 #flutter #download #engine #desktop #building #dart
  74. minigrep_io_practice

    An I/O Project: Building a Command Line Program

    v0.1.0 100 #io #building #line #command #command-line #txt #run
  75. halide-build

    A library/utility for building Halide kernels

    v0.6.0 #halide #kernel #build #command-line #filter #building #compile
  76. dome_cloomnik

    A framework for building DOME plugins using Rust

    v0.1.12 #framework #dome #plugin #building #game-engine #plugin-framework #context
  77. citybound/citybound

    A work-in-progress, open-source, multi-player city simulation game

    GitHub 0.3.0 #city #game #detail #planning #building #collaborative #design
  78. netcdf-src

    Build scripts for building netCDF from source

    v0.4.1 5.0K #net-cdf #source #building #netcdf #script #version #pinned
  79. coyote-build

    Explicit project building tool

    v0.1.0 #build-system #build-tool #explicit #building #coyote #cli #serving
  80. cargo-pkg

    subcommand for the Cargo package manager for building GTK packages from Rust projects

    v0.2.84 370 #package-manager #cargo #gtk #projects #cargo-toml #pkg #building
  81. asimov

    building high performance LLM-powered applications

    v0.1.8 550 #llm #performance #high #applications #building #io #llm-powered
  82. ofdb-seed

    A seed library for building OpenFairDB based web applications

    v0.12.2 #web-apps #applications #seed #open-fair-db #building #database #openstreetmap
  83. anodyne

    An opinionated set of tools for building applications (mostly with axum)

    v0.1.0 #web #opinionated #set #building #axum #applications #web-apps
  84. s-string

    s!() macro for quick String::from()

    v1.0.0 #string #macro #quick #building
  85. ffmpeg-dev

    Self contained (no net/sys deps) static rust bindings to ffmpeg

    v0.3.8 #ffmpeg #video #self-contained #bindings #static #deps #building
  86. netherite

    A tokio implementation of the Minecraft Protocol with derive macros

    v0.1.3 #macro-derive #minecraft #protocols #tokio #packet #building #blocks
  87. yew-alt-html

    Alternative macro for building Html in Yew

    v0.4.0 #html-macro #yew #tags #interpolation #building #applications #closing
  88. lib-hyper-organizator

    A minimalistic set of features for building web services with Rust and Hyper

    v0.4.5 #web-services #hyper #metrics #minimalist #logging #building #set
  89. pxcli_unlocked

    The companion CLI for Pavex, a Rust framework to build API services and web applications

    v0.1.49 150 #pavex #framework #api #web #building #companion #services
  90. halo2-wasm

    Wasm bindings for the halo2 circuit library

    v0.3.4 #zero-knowledge-proofs #wasm-bindings #wasm-module #circuit #halo2 #proof #building
  91. xenet-packet

    Cross-platform packet parsing and building library. Provides low-level packet handling. Part of xenet project.

    v0.5.0 3.0K #packet-parser #packet #networking #cross-platform #low-level #data-link #building
  92. fluke-maybe-uring

    Replicates some tokio-uring types to allow building code without it

    v0.1.1 #io-uring #tokio-uring #types #fluke #building #replicates #platform
  93. cosmwasm-std

    Standard library for Wasm based smart contracts on Cosmos blockchains

    v2.2.1 63K #cosmwasm #cosmos #contracts #smart-contracts #standard #blockchain #building
  94. fez

    A pure rust library for building and parsing RPMs

    v0.8.1 #rpm #packaging #parser #pure #building #signature #verifier
  95. version

    A very simple library who's job is to return the version of your crate if you're building with Cargo

    v3.0.0 4.0K #cargo-version #building #job #who #return #macro #you-re
  96. lego_elevation

    Get elevation data suitable for building a terrain map out of legos

    v0.1.0 #lego #elevation #terrain #building #data #map #level
  97. json-api

    Idiomatic types for building a robust JSON API

    v0.4.1 #json #api #robust #building #idiomatic #serialization
  98. yoyo

    Animation library for Polyhorn

    v0.4.1 #animation #polyhorn #user-interface #cross-platform #building #projects #apps
  99. meet

    building website

    v0.2.0 #site #tool #static-website #building #variables #fastest #com
  100. casco

    CSS-like parser for procedural macros

    v0.4.0 #proc-macro #polyhorn #parser #procedural #building #interface #cross-platform
  101. rpm-rs-temporary

    A pure rust library for building and parsing RPM's

    v0.6.1 #rpm #packaging #pure #parser #building #signature #verifier
  102. acadcheck

    flexible library for building checkers used in programming contests or homeworks

    v0.1.12 #building #flexible #programming #different #homeworks #checkers #contests
  103. xenet-datalink

    cross-platform datalink layer networking. Part of xenet project.

    v0.5.0 2.9K #data-link #networking #packet-parser #cross-platform #layer #low-level #building
  104. rust_on_rails2

    Rust On Rails is a rust framework to make building native and web apps easy as possible

    v0.1.1 #apps #native #building #rails #framework #web-apps
  105. nanohttp

    parsing http requests and building http responses

    v0.2.0 #http-response #http-server #http-request #http-parser #tcp-server #request-response #building
  106. cargo-devcade

    CLI tool for building and packaging devcade games

    v0.8.0 110 #devcade #packaging #building #tool #game #command-line-tool #cli
  107. dashing

    ASCII-style roguelike engine

    v0.0.2 #rogue-like #engine #input #building #basic #time #lot
  108. effect-engine

    Effect Engine for building video games

    v0.2.7-alpha #game-engine #effect #events #vulkan #api #building
  109. keebrs

    Keyboard firmware building blocks

    v0.3.0 #keyboard #traits #types #blocks #building #firmware #keyboard-firmware
  110. uri-routes

    URI building library

    v0.1.3 120 #uri #building #routes #builder
  111. mnemos-userspace

    A tiny embedded operating system userspace library

    v0.1.0 #userspace #building #operating #system #tiny #embedded #applications
  112. lovm2

    a lightweight virtual machine with a focus on simplicity and extendability

    v0.4.8 #interpreter #virtual-machine #programming-language #bytecode #intermediate-representation #own #building
  113. xenet-socket

    Cross-platform socket library. Part of xenet project. Offers socket-related functionality.

    v0.5.0 #sockets #networking #packet-parser #cross-platform #data-link #low-level #building
  114. staging-xcm-builder

    Tools & types for building with XCM and its executor

    v18.0.0 130K #xcm #building #executor #types #stable #config
  115. gridbugs

    Collection of re-exported crates for building roguelike games

    v0.10.0 #rogue-like #building #re-exported #collection #game
  116. polyhorn

    rapidly building cross-platform apps in Rust

    v0.4.1 #user-interface #building #cross-platform #apps #rapidly #react #native
  117. draco

    building client side web applications with Web Assembly

    v0.1.2 #client-side #web-apps #applications #wasm #assembly #building #render
  118. freertos-cargo-build

    lib for building & using FreeRTOS in rust projects inside the build.rs

    v0.1.1 #free-rtos #applications #build #building #cargo #stm32 #embedded
  119. build-bpf

    Tools for building ELFs and Skeletons for typical (e)BPF programs

    v0.2.0 #bpf #programs #building #elf #typical #build #skeletons
  120. mmo

    Libraries for building scalable game servers

    v0.0.2 #game-server #scalable #building
  121. veloxide

    The CLI for Veloxide, the stack for building web apps with Rust

    v2.0.1 #web-apps #stack #command-line #building #command-line-tool #utility #veloxide-cli
  122. kanga-rpm-rs

    A pure Rust library for building and parsing RPM files

    v0.7.0 #rpm #packaging #pure #parser #building #signature #verifier
  123. cargo-concordium

    build and test smart contracts on the Concordium blockchain

    v4.0.0 #smart-contracts #cargo #concordium #cargo-build #building #source #blockchain
  124. osbuilder

    OS-agnostic builder for building custom OS

    v0.3.0 #os #builder #building #os-agnostic #buildopts
  125. concurrency-demo-benchmarks

    A small utility to benchmark different approaches for building concurrent applications

    v0.0.8 #benchmark #latency #building #different #applications #concurrency #demo
  126. polyhorn-ui

    Shared API contract for multi-platform Polyhorn UI

    v0.4.0 #polyhorn #style #shared #building #ui #user #interface
  127. comfy-core

    A comfy 2d game engine in Rust

    v0.4.0 160 #comfy #2d-game #game-engine #dont #rendering #egui #building
  128. foxhole-production-calculator-cli

    API to calculate buildings and resources needed for building production facilities

    v0.2.2 #factory #command-line-tool #production #cli #output #calculate #building
  129. parseme

    A framework for building robust parsers

    v0.2.0-alpha #parser-combinator #framework #xid #unicode #building #identifier #robust
  130. concat_strs

    Macro for quickly building a String from components

    v1.0.2 100 #string #macro #component #building #quickly #concat
  131. polyhorn-ios-sys

    Low-level iOS bindings for Polyhorn

    v0.4.0 #polyhorn #ios #bindings #apps #building #user #rapidly
  132. pnacl-build-helper

    Build script helper for building PNaCl/NaCl C/CXX libraries from source

    v1.4.11 3.7K #build-script #helper #codes #c-cxx #building #source #p-na-cl-na-cl
  133. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  134. lunatic-common-api

    Common functionality for building lunatic host function APIs

    v0.13.2 #lunatic #api #run-time #host #wasm #building #erlang
  135. promkit-async

    Async for promkit

    v0.1.1 #interactive #async #toolkit #promkit #version #prompt #building
  136. taxi

    Navigation library for Polyhorn

    v0.4.1 #user-interface #polyhorn #navigation #cross-platform #building #warnings #build
  137. polyhorn-ios

    Polyhorn for iOS

    v0.4.0 #polyhorn #ios #building #command #user #apps #rapidly
  138. dylint_building

    Utiltities for building Dylint libraries

    v0.1.0-pre.2 #dylint #building #utiltities #user #package #refer
  139. arcboot

    An executable tool for building rust-based kernels and compiling, assembling and linking any extra dependencies

    v0.1.4 #building #linking #bootloader #build #kernel #assembly #cargo
  140. goldboot-linux

    A command-line application for building goldboot images

    v0.0.2 #image #linux #goldboot #command-line #applications #building #command-line-utilities
  141. logiscript

    script for building and testing LogiSheets

    v0.1.0 #script #testing #sheet #logi-sheets #switch #input #building
  142. tuple_tricks

    A couple of traits on tuples that allow inductively building new traits

    v0.2.1 #tuple #traits #tricks #building #head #couple #inductively
  143. pipe_sim

    a Pipe Simulator Framework for fast building of complex pipelines

    v0.2.3 #pipe #pipeline #framework #simulation #complex #building
  144. rust-algorithm


    v0.1.4 #algorithm #first #building
  145. tlpt

    A set of protocols for building local-first distributed systems

    v0.8.0 #distributed-systems #local-first #protocols #building
  146. fndg

    An unchained map game where you battle for resources while building your nation up

    v0.4.1 #gamedev #map #building #up #resources #battle #noise
  147. arp-parse

    ARP parsing and building library

    v0.1.0 #arp #building #parser #packet-parser
  148. rcommunity

    Subsystem for building a community on top of existing business

    v0.0.3 #community #top #business #building #subsystem
  149. cata

    toolkit for building large CLIs

    v0.1.1 #command #user #building #output #toolkit #output-format #parser
  150. cli_kit

    One stop shop for building a next gen terminal applications

    v0.1.11 120 #next-gen #applications #stop #shop #building #terminal #command-line-interface
  151. alternator

    Tools for building effect system -like functionality by abusing async

    v0.3.0 #async #run-time #effect #building #system #abusing
  152. xlogic

    Package for developing, building, testing, packaging and deploying FPGA and ASIC projects

    v0.1.0 #packaging #projects #building #fpga #asic #developing #deploying
  153. starbase-tools

    A collection of tools created to help with ship building in the game Starbase by FrozenByte

    v0.1.1 #ship #building #created #collection #help #game #starbase
  154. gadget-sdk

    SDK for building Blueprints and gadget on Tangle Network

    v0.6.2 1.0K #key #gadget #blueprint #key-store #tangle #context #building
  155. art_dice

    Contains structures for building dice with arbitrary symbols and functions for determining roll probabilities

    v0.4.1 #dice #determine #symbols #roll #probabilities #functions #building
  156. iterate

    Support crate for iterate

    v1.0.0 #iterator #fly #building
  157. docki-cli

    cli for building and publishing documentation using asciidoctor

    v0.1.0 #documentation #cli #asciidoctor #building #publishing
  158. data-query-lexical

    a lexical support library for the Data Query

    v0.1.3 #data-query #query-lexical #support-library #building
  159. jsglue

    framework for building frontends with JS/TS!

    v0.1.0 #typescript #frontend-framework #tauri #preact #building #js-ts #install
  160. mhteams

    Idiomatic building of MS Teams messages

    v0.1.0 #team #messages #ms #idiomatic #building #section #image
  161. template-rust-panoramix

    A template for building Rust projects

    v0.2.0 #projects #template #building
  162. fragments

    building and managing fragments assets

    v0.1.0 #assets #fragment #building
  163. cognitive

    Curate package for crates related to building display compositors or window managers

    v0.1.0 #window-manager #display-compositor #building #package #wayland #curate #dynamic
  164. pop-contracts

    generating, building, deploying, and calling ink! smart contracts

    v0.6.0 #smart-contracts #path #generate #deploying #pop #calling #building
  165. nodium-pdk

    Nodium Plugin Development Kit: A Rust library for building Nodium plugins with Services and Nodes

    v0.1.1 #plugin #node #service #nodium #kit #building
  166. mwaka

    A UI toolkit for building accessible web apps and design systems with Leptos

    v0.0.2 #web-apps #ui-toolkit #building #accessible #design #leptos #systems
  167. steel-cli

    A command line interface for building Solana programs

    v3.0.3 490 #solana #steel #interface #building #command #contract #api
  168. clockwork-utils

    Tools for building blocks on Solana

    v2.0.19 100 #solana #clockwork #building #blocks #building-block
  169. procmd

    A helper library for building commands

    v0.1.0 #command #helper #building
  170. polyhorn-style

    Shared types for Polyhorn style

    v0.1.0 #polyhorn #shared #style #types #building #own #called
  171. ngyn_macros

    Modular backend framework for web applications

    v0.5.2 350 #ngyn #web-apps #applications #server #framework #building #middleware
  172. create_rust_lib_template


    v0.1.0 #description #exec #first #building #build #publish #cargo-exec
  173. deterministic

    building blocks for testable systems

    v0.1.2 #testing #systems #realtime-scheduler #building #testable #random #thread
  174. concat-strs-derive

    Forked from Rebecca Turner <rbt@sent.as> 's "https://github.com/9999years/concat_strs". No more proc-macro-hack = "0.5", and updated to-date (20240916)

    v0.1.20250112 180 #string #proc-macro-hack #concat #github #forked #building #component
  175. locate-header

    simplify locating header files when building -sys crates

    v0.1.1 310 #build #pkg-config #locate #header #system #building
  176. polyhorn-core

    Core types used in Polyhorn

    v0.4.0 #polyhorn #building #command #launch #breaking #apps #rapidly
  177. clockwork-sdk

    An SDK for building automated programs on Solana

    v2.0.19 #solana #clockwork #programs #building #automated
  178. penguin-application

    Appbuilder and abstraction layer for building applications using legion ECS

    v0.1.1 #abstraction-layer #applications #ecs #building #logger #penguin #legion
  179. rstmt-core

    focuses on building a music theory library that can be used to generate music theory data structures and algorithms

    v0.0.2 160 #music-theory #music #objects #musical #rstmt #data-structures #building
  180. xlogic-compiler

    Package for developing, building, testing, packaging and deploying FPGA and ASIC projects

    v0.1.0 #xlogic #packaging #projects #building #fpga #asic #developing
  181. weboxi

    An *opinionated* Rust framework for building modern web APIs

    v0.1.0 #web-api #modern #opinionated #framework #building
  182. liboj

    A high performance framework for building online judge system

    v0.3.0-alpha.1 #judge #online #building #high #performance #framework #system
  183. wasm-bpf-binding

    Binding for building eBPF programs in Wasm

    v0.1.0 #ebpf #binding #wasm #building #programs
  184. clams

    help building shells

    v0.0.16 #shell #cli #help #building
  185. tx-bakery

    Cardano transaction builder

    v2.0.0-beta.4 #transaction #cardano #builder #bakery #component #building #build
  186. ri-utils


    v1.0.0-beta.2 #tauri-app #building #polyglot #html #webview #numbers #applications
  187. builders

    Rust macros for building structs

    v0.2.0 140 #structs #building #macro
  188. tbb-sys

    Intel Threading Building Blocks

    v1.1.0+2021.5.0 130 #intel #threading #tbb #building #blocks #building-block
  189. embedded-builder

    Helper objects and macros for building embedded hardware interfaces

    v0.1.1 #helper #register #objects #builder #building #region #macro
  190. polyhorn-layout

    Abstraction over flexbox layout algorithms

    v0.2.0 #layout #flexbox #abstraction #user-interface #algorithm #polyhorn #building
  191. bpm_core

    Cross-platform software helping to verify, prove and secure package compilation, building, fetching, and deployment. Core package.

    v0.1.0 130 #package #deployment #secure #compilation #building #fetching #cross-platform
  192. fawkes-crypto

    zk-SNARK circuit building framework

    v4.4.0 #circuit #zk-snarks #framework #building #merkle-proof #cs #bellman
  193. pchain_compile

    ParallelChain Smart Contract Compile CLI - A command line tool for compiling ParallelChain Smart Contract

    v0.4.3 #docker #smart-contracts #command-line-tool #parallel-chain #compile #building #compiling
  194. emsdk

    building C++ projects with emcake. This facilitates building wasm binaries with both Rust and C++ code.

    v0.1.1 #emcc #emcmake #facilitate #projects #binaries #building #emcake
  195. micro

    Attempt to create Rust library for building micro services

    v0.1.0 #microservices #services #building #create #attempt
  196. xenosphere

    cross-platform App Framework

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #cross-platform #framework #building #engine #template #template-engine #cross-plaform
  197. construct

    A macro for building container literals

    v0.0.3 #macro #building #literals #container #collection
  198. narui_widgets

    core widgets for the narui gui framework

    v0.1.2 #gui-framework #widgets #narui #building #react
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