
  1. path-clean

    cleanname or path.Clean

    v1.0.1 543K #path #filesystem #clean #elements #string #directory #eliminate
  2. cargo-trim

    Binary application to cleanup $CARGO_HOME cache

    v0.13.0 #cache #cargo #clean #remove #manage #directory #config-directory
  3. collclean

    Clean up collaboration commands in LaTeX files

    v0.4.2 340 #latex #collaboration #cleanup #command #up #alice #clean
  4. aws-sdk-cleanroomsml

    AWS SDK for AWS Clean Rooms ML

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #model #ml #clean #rooms #audience #user-data
  5. peace

    zero stress automation

    v0.0.14 160 #automation #build-automation #error-reporting #cleanup #clean #framework #stress
  6. arpeggio

    CLI for managing Arpeggio-based projects

    v1.0.6 420 #cqrs #clean #projects #template #architecture #ddd #command
  7. aws-sdk-cleanrooms

    AWS SDK for AWS Clean Rooms Service

    v1.67.0 650 #aws-sdk #collaboration #web-services #query #member #clean #rooms
  8. clean_git_history

    A Git history linter to ensure it stays clean for those who prefer rebasing and fast-forwarding compared to merge and squash commits

    v0.2.0 500 #git-history #git #git-commit #history #clean #linting #lint
  9. swim-clean-all

    Recursively cleans swim projects

    v0.2.1 600 #swim #recursion #clean #projects #cargo-clean #file #skip
  10. build-clean

    Clean all build caches on your disk!

    v1.6.0 600 #build #cache #clean #cargo-clean #cargo-build #multi-threaded #package-manager
  11. rmrfrs

    powerful filesystem cleaning tool designed to optimize storage by identifying and removing unnecessary files within known project structures

    v0.8.5 #delete #cleanup #clean #free #unreal-engine
  12. ripnode

    deleting node_modules and other folders

    v1.1.11 1.0K #node-modules #folder #delete #clean #cli
  13. peace_resource_rt

    Runtime resources for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 110 #automation #peace #state #directory #clean #diff #resources
  14. cargo-ci-cache-clean

    Clean up unnecessary Cargo artifacts to improve CI caching performance

    v0.0.4 800 #cleanup #cargo #ci #clean #cache
  15. tergo

    Format code written in R

    v0.2.4 100 #format #installed #clean #lat #command-line #machine #going
  16. toolchain-clean

    Cleans rust toolchains installed by cargo msrv

    v1.0.0 330 #toolchain #installed #beta #stable #nightly #unstable #clean
  17. kondo

    filesystem cleaning tool that recursively searches directories for known project structures and determines how much space you could save by deleting the unnecessary files

    v0.8.0 #cleanup #clean #free #delete #cargo-build #cargo-clean #build-tool
  18. makeclean

    Clean up projects you're no longer working on

    v1.3.0 1.0K #cleanup #build-tool #gitignore #projects #file #ignore #clean
  19. peace_webi_output

    Web interface output for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 #automation #peace #web-interface #output #framework #items #clean
  20. cache_diff

    Generate clean, human readable diffs between two cache structs

    v1.1.0 200 #cache #diff #human-readable #structs #generate #clean #derive
  21. cargo-clean-all

    Recursively clean all cargo projects in a given directory that match the specified criteria

    v0.6.2 160 #cargo-clean #target-directory #cargo #clean #recursion #cargo-plugin #walk-dir
  22. clean-path

    A safe fork of the path-clean crate

    v0.2.1 156K #path #clean #safe #cleaning #cross-platform #fork #utility
  23. peace_params

    Constraints and specifications for parameters for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 230 #automation #peace #framework #parameters #specification #constraints #clean
  24. jist

    Welcome to Jist a lightweight and efficient programming language built in Rust, designed for simplicity, flexibility, and fast performance with a clean and readable syntax. Github: https://github.com/jon429r/JistR

    v0.1.9 750 #programming-language #built #github #performance #syntax #clean #readable
  25. filerefine

    🧹 FileRefine is a Rust-based CLI tool that renames files in a directory to remove unwanted or problematic characters from filenames

    v0.1.6 450 #clean #tool #file #filename #filenames #filesystem #command-line-tool
  26. clearurls

    Clear URLS from tracking parameters with crowd-sourced rules from https://clearurls.xyz

    v0.0.4 1.5K #url #clear #clean
  27. peace_item_tar_x

    Manages extracting a tar file for the peace framework

    v0.0.14 120 #tar #automation #peace #framework #file #clean #extracting
  28. htmlfixinator

    A composable HTML transformation library with filters for cleaning, modifying, and standardizing HTML content

    v0.1.0 110 #filter #html #html-content #transform #clean #sanitize
  29. notox

    no toxic names anymore

    v1.0.10 #filename #file-rename #clean #file #filenames #tool #filesystem
  30. cargo-recursive-clean

    A CLI app that cleans all Rust projects recursively given a base directory

    v0.2.310 #recursion #clean #cargo-clean #cargo #recursive
  31. peace_diff

    Diff types for the peace automation framework

    v0.0.14 150 #automation #peace #diff #framework #configuration #error #clean
  32. targers_clean

    command line tool to clean up target directories

    v0.5.0 #clean #target #directories #command #up #cleanup #line
  33. peace_item_blank

    Copies a number from one resource to another

    v0.0.14 120 #automation #resources #peace #clean #numbers #framework #error
  34. cargo-kill-all

    Remove old node_modules, cargo target to save space

    v0.2.0 240 #target #node-modules #cargo #projects #kill #npm #clean
  35. git-nuke

    Remove all ignored files from a git repository, fast

    v0.2.1 #git-repository #gitignore #git #clean #ignore #git-directory
  36. fluent-asserter

    write tests assertions with a fluent interface

    v0.1.9 1.8K #assertions #tdd #fluent #clean #testing #interface #automated-testing
  37. cargo-clean-plus

    Remove artifacts for every cargo project under a directory

    v0.1.0 #cargo-clean #clean #cargo #remove #subcommand #cargo-subcommand #plugin
  38. version-control-clean-check

    Checks if the version control is clean. Based on code from Cargo.

    v0.1.4 240 #version-control #cargo-version #cargo-check #control-system #clean #error #safety
  39. guessing_game_ogunodabasss

    A fun game where you guess what number the computer has chosen

    v0.1.2 #game #numbers #guess #computer #fun #clean #run
  40. cronus_cli

    The CLI for cronus API spec

    v0.2.8 1.0K #api #generator #http-api #dsl #clean #openapi #cronus
  41. git-bonsai

    Command-line tool to clean the branches of your git garden

    v0.3.0 #git-branch #git-repository #git #command-line-tool #git-tool #git-version #clean
  42. peace_item_spec_tar_x

    Manages extracting a tar file for the peace framework

    v0.0.9 #tar #automation #peace #framework #file #clean #configuration
  43. python-sweep

    help you clean up your Python virtual environments

    v0.0.4 #python #disk-space #cleanup #environment #virtual #clean #up
  44. kondo-ui

    filesystem cleaning tool that recursively searches directories for known project structures and allows you to clean them of unnecessary files like build artifacts

    v0.8.0 #clean #cleanup #delete #free #cargo-build #cargo-clean #filesystem
  45. lets_expect

    Clean tests for Rust

    v0.5.1 #testing #expect #test-framework #assertions #clean #boilerplate #syntax
  46. clean-base

    package with useful dependencies for Rust packages

    v1.2.0 170 #clean #error #architecture #package #clen-architecture #projects #base
  47. clean-workspace

    remove package folders from projects in a workspace

    v1.1.0 #workspace #cleanup #clean #nodejs #cargo-toml #package-json #json-file
  48. xitca-router

    router for xitca

    v0.3.0 500 #xitca-web #xitca #router #routing #immutability #clean #safe
  49. apivolve_generator_api

    Api for creating generators for Apivolve, an API evolution tool that helps keep your APIs backwards compatible yet clean

    v0.1.1 #api #generator #apivolve #evolution #backward #compatible #clean
  50. cronus_generator

    The generators for cronus API spec

    v0.2.8 1.0K #generator #cronus #openapi #specification #typescript #clean #architecture
  51. cl0g

    A clean logger

    v0.1.0 #cl0g #clean #logger
  52. texclean

    Recursively clean all LaTeX projects in a given directory

    v0.2.0 #clean #latex #cleanup #tex #cli
  53. jira-clean

    clean up Jira task description that is an output of jira-cli tool

    v0.1.2 #clean #jira #description #issue #cleanup #command-line-tool #issues
  54. innocence_keeper

    removes objects from the file system rather than sending them to the recycle bin. However, for legal compliance reasons, it does not overwrite the disk, so there is still a possibility of data recovery.

    v0.0.1-alpha3 #filesystem #file #data #remove #compliance #clean #bin
  55. error_handling

    Macro used to clean and centralize error handling within async processes

    v1.0.0 #error #async #processes #clean #macro #centralize #stratum
  56. filx

    fast file organization tool

    v0.1.2 #clean #organize #file #performance #fast #efficiency
  57. clean_git_history_lib

    A Git history linter to ensure it stays clean for those who prefer rebasing and fast-forwarding compared to merge and squash commits

    v0.2.1 #git-history #clean #history #git #lint #linting
  58. simpleargs

    clean alternative to getopt

    v0.1.0 #command-line-arguments #arguments-parser #arg #cli #getopt #clean #error
  59. devcleaner

    search for node_modules an clean the projects selected

    v0.1.2 #clean #package #node #manager #npm #npm-package #package-manager
  60. devclean

    clean up your development environment

    v0.1.1 #up #clean #cleanup #directory #path #node-modules #dev
  61. purilo

    CLI tool to find rust projects and clean them up

    v0.1.0 #cleanup #projects #filesystem #clean #command-line-tool #up #find
  62. build_stamp

    Make build time, git revision, etc available to Rust binaries at runtime

    v1.0.2 #git #build #revision #git-status #build-time #binaries #clean
  63. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  64. swp

    CLI tool to clean up and remove old generated code in your Rust, Javascript and Java projects

    v1.0.3 #clean #cleanup #sweep #delete #free
  65. reups

    A clean implementation of the eups package management system in rust

    v0.3.0 #command #setup #management #command-line #eups #clean #environment
  66. clean_url

    takes a URL, formats it correctly, and returns the version of the URL that returns a 200 series response

    v0.1.9 #clean #url #status-code #formating
  67. clearshell

    A shell environment built with the goal of being simple, clean, and easy to use

    v0.0.1-alpha-2 #shell-environment #built #clean #command #goal #toml #linux
  68. joat-path

    Absolute paths

    v0.0.9 #path #operating-system #unix #general #windows #clean #rules
  69. kic

    Delete uselss files automatically

    v0.1.1 #ignore #directory #cron #automatic #delete #clean #keep
  70. glow_plug

    Testing macro for diesel to create a clean database for each test

    v0.1.1 #diesel #testing #clean #database #macro #create
  71. cargocleaner

    Runs cargo clean on all subdirectories

    v0.9.6 #cargo-clean #clean #cargo #cargo-toml #cache #tool #cargo-command
  72. purgo

    Clean up your filesystem! It's like a spell, you cast purgo and it just works

    v0.1.0 #cleanup #up #filesystem #clean #cast #spell #cleaner
  73. cargo-big-clean

    clean the target directories of many Rust projects

    v0.1.0 #target-directory #projects #space #delete #clean #sub-directory #save
  74. clean

    A temporary emacs file cleaner

    v1.0.0 #emacs #temporary #tmp #cargo-install #cargo-build
  75. clean-node_modules

    clean node_modules dir recusively

    v0.1.2 #clean #node-modules #cli
  76. lexiclean-cow

    Lexically clean paths

    v0.1.1 #path #lexiclean #clean #lexically #directory #file-path #resolve
  77. abandonment-issues

    Clean up build and package files from old projects

    v0.1.0 #cleanup #projects #package #up #build #clean #old
  78. toml-maid

    Keep your TOML files clean

    v0.3.0 130 #toml #keep #clean #sorting #maid #formatting
  79. cargo-rebuild

    A cargo subcommand to clean the project, then build it

    v0.1.0 #rebuild #cargo #cargo-subcommand #clean #cargo-build
  80. belilo

    A command-line tool for whitening images

    v1.0.0 #image #tool #clean #quickly #uniform #precise #created
  81. detox

    Quickly clean up your development directories on disk

    v0.1.2 #clean #backup #cleanup #compression #nodejs
  82. lets_expect_assertions

    lets_expect assertions. This crate is internal to the lets_expect crate and should not be used directly.

    v0.5.1 #testing #assertions #lets-expect #clean #internal
  83. do_while

    macro allowing clean 'do-while' loops in Rust

    v0.1.0 #clean #macro #index #allowing #standard #condition #evaluated
  84. penis2

    An improved penis generator

    v0.1.0 #generator #penis #penises #basic #clean #documentation #full
  85. cargo-rclean

    Clean your rust projects, recursively

    v1.2.0 #clean #cargo-clean #recursion #cargo #recursive
  86. bail-out

    Macros to help keep code clean for validations and error handling

    v0.2.0 #macro #error #validation #help #keep #clean #ensure
  87. latex_cleaner

    cleaning LaTeX intermediary files from the current directory or one passed in

    v1.3.0 #latex #directory #cleaner #clean #cleaning #intermediary #remove
  88. clean_coder


    v0.1.0 #coder #clean #para #de #tutorial #em #utilizado
  89. mapillary-seq-cleanup

    clean mapillary_tools proceeded GoPro timelapse images

    v0.1.2 #image #mapillary #gopro #clean #duplicates #timelapse #proceeded
  90. mwc

    private and scalable cryptocurrency implementation based on the MimbleWimble chain format

    v5.3.5 #mimble-wimble #crypto #chain #clean #status #scalable #cryptocurrency
  91. latexclean

    A command line application to remove auxiliary files generated by LaTeX tools

    v0.1.0 #latex #clean #applications #auxiliary #generated #line #command
  92. filesets

    Your swiss-army knife for dealing with identical files

    v0.1.1 #knife #dealing #identical #duplicate #clean #swiss-army #find
  93. url-status-checker

    cleans URLs from an input file and verifies their status codes. Cleaned URLs and their status codes are stored in an output file.

    v0.1.0 #status-code #url #input-file #cli #codes #input-output #clean
  94. cargo-tests

    generate llvm-cov reports when testings

    v0.2.2 #report #testing #generate #cargo #llvm-cov #testings #clean
  95. git-mix

    Mix the git data with AES-256-ECB mode

    v0.1.5 #clean #git #mix #smudge
  96. milim

    Powerful and clean API for graphics and computation!

    v0.1.0 #computation #clean #graphics #api
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