
  1. metrics

    A lightweight metrics facade

    v0.24.1 1.7M #facade #telemetry #counter #gauge #histogram #collecting #author
  2. counter

    package to count generic iterables

    v0.6.0 77K #multiset #bag #count #set-operations
  3. perf-event

    interface to Linux performance monitoring

    v0.4.8 56K #performance-monitoring #perf-event-open #perf-events #perf #counter #linux-api #interface
  4. amdgpu_top

    displays AMDGPU usage. The tool displays information gathered from performance counters (GRBM, GRBM2), sensors, fdinfo, gpu_metrics and AMDGPU driver

    v0.10.3 650 #amd-gpu #tui #performance #counter #display #driver #sensors
  5. ccm

    Generic implementation of the Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) mode

    v0.5.0 56K #authenticated-encryption #aead #block-cipher #counter #encryption #mode #cbc-mac
  6. iroh-metrics

    metrics for iroh

    v0.31.0 10K #metrics-collection #iroh #prometheus #http-server #counter #expose #glue
  7. uuid7

    UUID version 7

    v1.1.0 2.5K #uuid #identifier #id-generator #version #numbers #generation #counter
  8. alpha-counter-cli

    Alphabetic counter

    v0.2.6 440 #counter #command-line #alphabet #command-line-tool #numbering #alphabetic #alpha-counter
  9. perf-event2

    interface to Linux performance monitoring

    v0.7.4 360 #performance-monitoring #perf-event-open #linux #linux-api #counter #events #perf
  10. measured

    A better way to measure your application statistics

    v0.0.22 23K #metrics #counter #label #statistics #histogram #applications #benchmark
  11. cargo-warloc

    Smart LOC counter for Rust projects

    v0.1.0 #loc #cargo #line #counter #comments #documentation #count
  12. measured-process

    Linux process metrics for measured

    v0.0.22 22K #linux-process #metrics #counter #measured #thread #better #memory
  13. kc

    Kayla's (line) counter (of code) :)

    v1.0.0 1.0K #line #programming-language #counter #directory #scanning #tally #up
  14. tally-cli

    A CLI for managing counters in the terminal

    v0.1.4 190 #counter #tally #sqlite #terminal #command-line #template #tool
  15. clorange

    shell-oriented counter CLI

    v1.2.0 190 #counter #shell #increment #numbers #time #count #period
  16. unicount

    Alphabetic counter supporting unicode

    v0.1.2 #counter #supporting #unicode #alphabetic
  17. wcc

    my own version of wc for personal use

    v1.0.11 #line-count #word-count #wc #personal #own #version #counter
  18. mpegts_pid_tracker

    MpegTS Pid Tracker for udp-to-hls and hls-to-udp

    v1.0.2 #mpeg-ts #pid #tracker #packet #counter #continuity #packet-stream
  19. precision

    Low overhead, high precision measurement crate

    v0.1.18 110 #high-precision #low-overhead #measurement #counter #benchmarking #hardware #performing
  20. allocation-counter

    Count the number of memory allocation of some code

    v0.8.1 1.7K #memory-management #memory #memory-allocator #allocation #allocator #performance #counter
  21. bash-builtins

    implement loadable builtins for bash

    v0.4.1 #shell #bash #loadable #builtins #counter #explanation #how
  22. metriken

    A fast and lightweight metrics library

    v0.7.0 1.1K #metrics #counter #gauge #distributed #value #static #access
  23. ctrlgen

    Generate enums for message-passing services

    v0.3.5 410 #enums #service #generate #message-passing #trait-enumizer #counter #service-proxy
  24. width_counters

    Atomic counters with variable bit widths and customizable atomic ordering

    v2.0.2 600 #counter #atomic #order #integer #width
  25. biometrics

    provide the vitals of a process in the form of counters, gauges, moments, and T-digests

    v0.11.0 100 #counter #gauge #process #histogram #moment #forms #t-digests
  26. alloc_counter

    Count allocations, reallocations, deallocations. Allow, deny, or forbid allocations on an expression or function basis.

    v0.0.4 850 #profiling #debugging #allocation #counter #analysis #single-threaded
  27. papi-bindings

    Rust PAPI bindings

    v0.5.3 #performance #papi #bindings #counter
  28. bevy-fps-ui

    Fancy FPS counter for Bevy Game Engine

    v0.3.0 480 #game-engine #fps #counter #bevy-ui #fancy
  29. alpha-counter

    Alphabetic counter

    v0.2.1 #alphabet #iterator #counter #ascii #alphabetic #constructor #methods
  30. instrumenter

    Basic framework to allow collecting tracing data and hw counters on multithreaded applications

    v0.1.4 #multi-threading #counter #tracing #data #applications #framework #collecting
  31. autoperf

    Automate the recording and instrumentation of programs with performance counters

    v0.9.5 #performance-monitoring #counter #events #perf-events #instrumentation #intel #profiling
  32. resourcetrack

    Basic tools for counting objects

    v0.4.1 160 #counting #resource #tracking #counter #object #memory #performance
  33. bevy-fps-counter

    FPS counter plugin for Bevy

    v0.6.0 170 #fps #bevy #counter #bevy-plugin #game-engine
  34. atomic-counter

    Atomic (thread-safe) counters for Rust

    v1.0.1 94K #counter #thread-safe #order #atomic #lock-free #memory #relaxed
  35. countroo

    give basic code analysis inside your rust projects, it supports line counting, module counting, dependency counting, project listing as well as Rust Edition & rustc Version detection

    v0.1.7 180 #analysis #line-count #line #module #rustc-version #counter #statistics
  36. gd-death-counter

    A death counter for Geometry Dash

    v0.4.4 500 #death #counter #geometry #dash
  37. invocation-counter

    Datastructure to answer to: how many times a function has been called in the last X minutes?

    v0.1.0 #counter #invocation #memory-management #concurrency #data-structures
  38. perfcnt

    configure and read hardware performance counters in rust

    v0.8.0 4.6K #performance #counter #events #perf #perf-event #pmu
  39. mt-debug-counters

    support high performance debug counters for heavy multithreaded applications

    v0.1.4 #multi-threading #counter #thread-local #performance #applications #debugging #high
  40. mset

    / multiset / bag implementation

    v0.1.1 5.3K #multiset #set-operations #bag #collection #counter
  41. thread-counter

    way of efficiently keeping track of active threads and waiting for them to exit

    v0.1.1 #thread #counter #thread-synchronization #condvar #concurrency
  42. global_counter

    Global, thread-safe counters

    v0.2.2 3.1K #counter #synchronization-primitive #thread-safe #global #atomic #mutex #generic
  43. byte_counter

    Timestamped byte counter

    v1.0.0 #byte #counter #timestamped
  44. arcu

    An Rcu implementation using an Arc to keep the read critical section short and handle cleanup

    v0.1.2 410 #rcu #synchronization #critical-section #counter #thread-local #arc #read
  45. bounded-counter

    Generic Incremental Bounded Counter

    v0.1.3 #incremental #counter #bounded #generic #upper-bound #increment
  46. async_counter

    Counter that implements a future to await on specific value

    v0.1.3 500 #counter #future #async #value #shared #tasks #await
  47. pmc-rs

    A safe abstraction for interacting with Performance Monitor Counters on FreeBSD

    v0.2.2 #freebsd #counter #cpu #api-bindings #pmc #counters #hardware-abstraction
  48. wcount

    CLI word counting tool

    v0.1.0 #word-count #word #csv #counter #command-line-tool
  49. tracing-perfspan

    Tracing layer to enable usdt probes for perfspan

    v0.1.0 #tracing #spans #counter #layer #tracing-layer #usdt #latency
  50. lazy-cow

    Copy-on-write pointers with lazy modification support to minimise clones with a cost counter to limit work duplication

    v0.1.0 120 #lazy-evaluation #duplicates #pointers #copy-on-write #limit #counter #clone
  51. signalmessagecounter

    Rust CLI tool to count signal messages

    v0.1.0 #sqlite #signal #desktop-applications #command-line-tool #counter #command-line #messages
  52. metrics-derive

    Proc macro for automatically describing and initializing metrics

    v0.1.0 38K #metrics #proc-macro #gauge #macro-derive #automatic #counter #description
  53. trussed-auth

    Authentication extension for Trussed

    v0.4.0 #pin #extension #trussed #authentication #applications #counter #auth-client
  54. fps_counter

    A Frames Per Second (FPS) counter

    v3.0.0 1.0K #fps #counter #frame #piston #tick #frames
  55. kuznechik

    Synchronous encryption algorithm "Kuznechik" (GOST R 34.12-2015, GOST R 34.13-2015)

    v0.4.0 #block-cipher #synchronous #gost #message-authentication #electronic #output #counter
  56. invade

    reflect on Rust types and generate code

    v0.0.6 #reflection #generate #types #counter #count
  57. highroller

    high-level rolling index that is thread-safe and guarantees cheap runtime-unique IDs

    v0.1.0 #unique-id #unique-identifier #thread-safe #id #counter #arithmetic-operations #ruid
  58. dfc

    Duplicate filename counter - a program to count the number occurances of duplicate filenames within a directory structure

    v0.1.5 #duplicates #filename #duplicate #directory-structure #counter #deduplication #command-line-tool
  59. loop-rs

    UNIX's missing loop command

    v0.6.1 #loops #unix-command #shell #execute-command #unix-shell #script #counter
  60. alloc_geiger

    allocator which makes sound when active, like a Geiger counter

    v0.2.0 #allocator #geiger #sound #counter #active #rodio #time
  61. variant_counter

    Rust's Enum variant counter

    v0.4.0 #enums #variant #counter #data #macro-derive #statistics #erase
  62. raii-counter

    RAII Counter

    v0.4.1 950 #counter #raii #numbers #count #tracking #instance #transactions
  63. call-counter

    Call Counter

    v0.1.0 #counter #call-counter #call
  64. vote-counter

    An opinionated single transferrable vote counter for the command line

    v0.2.1 #command-line #vote #single #opinionated #counter #transferrable #ballot
  65. unicount-lib

    Alphabetic counter supporting unicode

    v0.1.2 #counter #supporting #unicode #alphabetic
  66. bmap

    A bitmap with an internal counter

    v0.2.2 #bitmap #counter #bitvec #set-bit #bit-array #track #looking
  67. iascar

    incremental answer set count with anytime refinement

    v0.2.1 #set #counting #incremental #counter #smoothing #model #propositional
  68. fast-counter

    A sharded concurrent counter

    v1.0.0 15K #counter #concurrency #sharded #thrpt #numbers #atomic #contention
  69. box-counter


    v0.3.0 160 #counter #box-counter #box
  70. counter-cli

    cli for counting- anything

    v0.5.4 290 #counting #counter #anything #cli
  71. take-breath

    A program that reminds you when to take a breath from your computer

    v0.1.5 #health #computer #computer-hygiene #time #linux-command #counter #process
  72. metrics-runtime

    A batteries-included metrics library

    v0.13.1 2.7K #metrics #histogram #counter #gauge #telemetry
  73. CLI-game-of-life

    (Took jbar code and added the following features - if nothing is inserted into the cargo run command the alive and dead cells are randomized for the game. - added using buttons + to…

    v0.1.0 #cli-game-of-life #cells #game #counter #generation #added #button #speed
  74. tui-counters

    counters TUI

    v0.4.0 110 #tui #counter #increment #scoring #numbers #decrement #ratatui
  75. click7

    website click counter with 7 segment display

    v0.2.0 #display #counter #click #segment #website #rendered
  76. register-count

    Counting Registers created by a Counter

    v0.1.0 1.7K #counter #register #asynchronous
  77. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  78. strings_counter

    Strings counter script

    v1.0.2 #string #windows-file #counter #script #directory #count #filesystem
  79. std-semaphore

    A counting, blocking sempahore extracted from rust 1.7.0

    v0.1.0 2.4K #semaphore #counter #blocking #counting #extracted #atomic #documentation
  80. sancov

    Rust bindings to LLVM’s SanitizerCoverage interface

    v0.1.0 #counter #coverage #fuzzing #fuzz #counters
  81. type-census

    Track the number of extant instances of your types

    v0.3.1 #instance #numbers #track #types #extant #counter #census
  82. async-alloc-counter

    measures max allocations in a future invocation

    v0.2.1 #future #measure #allocations #alloc #allocator #counter #invocation
  83. mlsp

    small library for smart pointers that use both thread local and global atomic counters

    v0.2.0 #smart-pointers #thread-local #counter #atomic #global #rc #reference
  84. crdt-sample

    containing samples of crdts

    v0.2.0 #crdt #sample #set #aworset #remove #observed #counter
  85. monotone

    counters and queues for coordination in distributed systems

    v0.4.0 #counter #distributed-systems #distributed #monotonic #aws #configuration-management
  86. xor_rand

    An arbitrary byte length, counter based PRNG crate

    v0.1.3400 #random #xor #length #byte-length #counter
  87. lazy_id

    A thread-safe lazily-initialized ID

    v0.1.0 #id #lazy-evaluation #static #const #counter #lazy
  88. epc

    epub page counter

    v0.1.2 #epub #page #counter #count #file #path
  89. atomic_sibling_counter

    A shared counter that allows parallel threads/tasks to check how many siblings they have. The counter is atomic and threads/tasks are not synchronized or coupled in any way.

    v0.1.0 #counter #rate-limiting #atomic #siblings #arc #parallel-processing
  90. fenster

    sliding window implementation

    v0.1.1 #sliding-window #counter #windowed
  91. tsc-timer

    Time stamp counter (TSC) based timer

    v0.1.5 #timestamp #counter #stamp #measurement #tsc #time
  92. twitter/rustcommon-metrics

    Common Twitter Rust lib

    GitHub 0.1.2 #metrics #twitter #instance #registered #counter #lib #name
  93. intfic

    An interactive fiction framework written in Rust

    v0.3.8 #game-state #story #text-adventure #counter #framework #color #branch
  94. conseq

    Macro to conditionally repeat a piece of code in a sequence

    v0.1.0 #macro #repeat #conditionally #piece #counter #sequence #sequential
  95. driveby

    Debug counter for Rust

    v1.0.1 #counter #debugging #pass
  96. playhead

    A small and simple counter utility

    v0.2.2 #time #counter #play #stop #pause #utility #educational
  97. simple-counter

    Macro for generating thread-local static counters. Useful for basic ID generation.

    v0.1.0 1.1K #counter #id #count #identifier
  98. iframe-traffic-counter

    An iframe-based website traffic counter / server

    v0.1.0 #traffic #counter #server #website #iframe-based
  99. tsc-time

    Time stamp counter (TSC) based timer

    v0.1.0 #timestamp #counter #stamp #measurement #tsc #time
  100. cortex-m-microclock

    software clock for Cortex-M devices based on the CYCCNT hardware counter

    v0.1.0 #counter #cortex-m #cyccnt #dwt #microseconds #measure-time #duration
  101. counter-fpy

    Python's Counter module in Rust

    v0.1.2 #counter #python-counter #collection #module #fpy
  102. simple-word-count

    word count function, try to get same result with Microsoft Office Word application

    v0.1.1 #word-count #word #count #counter #word-counter #character
  103. maunucm

    Russian Counter Strike nickname generator

    v0.1.0 #strike #counter #generator #russian #nickname #localization #characters
  104. wincounter

    Binary win counter that supports ties

    v0.1.1 #win #counter #binary #ties #results #tie #player
  105. frame_counter

    frame counter and limiter

    v0.1.2 #frame-rate #counter #cold #hot #loop #cap #limiter
  106. wz-utf8

    UTF-8 counters for wz

    v1.0.1 #utf-8 #counter #wz #line-break #human-readable #byte #output
  107. atomic-borrow

    atomic reference counter

    v0.1.3 #atomic #counter #reference #borrow #rc
  108. word_counter

    A program that displays word count of a file

    v0.3.0 #word-count #word #counter #cli
  109. project_analyzer

    Fast Rust binary that counts line numbers of a codebase

    v2.1.0 #codebase #source #analyzer #counter #line-numbers #project
  110. makepad-example-news-feed

    Makepad news feed example

    v0.6.0 #makepad #applications #feed #news #framework #counter #events
  111. innumerable

    counting events in Rust libraries

    v0.1.0 #events #counting #statistics #counter #count
  112. counters

    count events for debugging purposes

    v0.5.0 #counter #events #debugging #filter #foo #dummy #key
  113. fly

    Convergent Replicated Data Types in Rust

    v0.2.0 #replicated #systems #counter #type #convergent #set #g-counter
  114. rdefer

    providing go like defer functionality in both sync and async contexts

    v1.0.0 #defer #go #sync #async #counter #synchronous #context
  115. mixed_radix_counter

    A no_std crate for counting in a mixed radix system

    v0.1.0 #counter #radix #system #mixed #limit #counting #overflow
  116. sharded-counter

    A fast and concurrent counter

    v0.1.0 #counter #pool #sharded #concurrency #numbers #unique #local-counter
  117. metriken-core

    A fast and lightweight metrics library

    v0.1.3 1.0K #metrics #metriken #counter #gauge #value #registered #static
  118. lines-rs

    ⚡ A fast line counter written in rust

    v0.1.8 #line #counter #concurrency #
  119. app-state

    Thread-safe, mutable application states for rust

    v0.1.0 500 #state #mutable #thread-safe #applications #counter #u32 #initialization
  120. nors

    program for counting the number of rows and records in a CSV file

    v0.1.0 #csv #counter #wc
  121. timer_heap

    A binary heap based timer management system

    v0.3.0 #binary-heap #timer #heap #key #active #counter #expired
  122. chars_counter

    The trait that implements character counting for the &str type

    v0.1.1 #counting #character #chars #str #counter
  123. zxy-counter-publish-demo

    v0.1.1 #zxy-counter-publish-demo #counter #publish
  124. wait_group

    golang sync.WaitGroup in Rust

    v0.1.4 #golang #thread #wait #sync #group #counter #add
  125. monotone-cli

    Monotonic counter cli implemented on top of AWS DynamoDB

    v0.4.0 #counter #monotonic #distributed #aws #distributed-systems #configuration-management
  126. thread_reviver

    A Discord bot to revive any archived threads (to counter Discord's auto-archive function)

    v0.2.1 #discord-bot #counter #thread #archived #revive #auto-archive
  127. dao-proposal-hook-counter

    A DAO DAO test contract for counting proposal hook calls

    v2.6.0 #hook #dao #proposal #contract #counter #governance #calls
  128. wz-utf16

    UTF-16 counters for wz

    v1.0.2 #counter #utf-16 #wz #utf-8 #human-readable #output #wc
  129. hotmic-stdout

    a stdout exporter for hotmic

    v0.1.0 #metrics #counter #gauge #telemetry #histogram
  130. neis_calculator

    bytes counter for NEIS

    v0.2.0 #byte #counter #neis
  131. dividebatur

    Single Transferable Vote election result counter

    v0.2.1 #vote #election #counter #voting #transferable #data
  132. iterators-rfoxmich

    A sample crate I created from the iterators/closures chapter of te RUST book do not use

    v0.1.1 #iterator #counter #shoes #sample #created #book #chapter
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