
  1. cudarc

    Safe wrappers around CUDA apis

    v0.13.6 21K #cuda #gpu #cu-blas #safe-wrapper #nvrtc #api-wrapper #nvidia
  2. cubecl

    Multi-platform high-performance compute language extension for Rust

    v0.4.0 5.4K #gpu #cuda #gpgpu #scientific-computing #gpu-computing #wgpu #tensor
  3. cubecl-cpp

    CPP transpiler for CubeCL

    v0.4.0 4.3K #gpu #cuda #cpp #hip
  4. arrayfire

    high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. Its array based function set makes parallel programming simple. ArrayFire's multiple backends (CUDA…

    v3.8.0 500 #parallel-processing #scientific-computing #opencl #cuda #compute #platform-independent
  5. ec-gpu-gen

    Code generator for field and eliptic curve operations on the GPUs

    v0.7.1 4.2K #elliptic-curve #gpu #opencl #field #cuda #operations #arithmetic
  6. sppark

    Zero-knowledge template library

    v0.1.11 6.4K #zero-knowledge #cuda #cryptography
  7. bindgen_cuda

    Bindgen like interface to build cuda kernels to interact with within Rust

    v0.1.5 7.4K #cuda #bindings #kernel #automatic #interface #gpu #interact
  8. kn-cuda-eval

    A CUDA executor for neural network graphs

    v0.7.3 750 #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #onnx #gpu #cpu-gpu #inference
  9. rust-gpu-tools

    Rust OpenCL tools

    v0.7.2 900 #opencl #gpu #cuda #kernel #run #write #abstraction
  10. rustacuda

    CUDA Driver API Wrapper

    v0.1.3 750 #cuda #gpu-computing #api-bindings #gpgpu #bindings
  11. fil-rustacuda

    CUDA Driver API Wrapper

    v0.1.4 950 #cuda #gpu-computing #gpgpu #bindings #api-bindings
  12. kn-cuda-sys

    A wrapper around the CUDA APIs

    v0.7.3 750 #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #cpu-gpu #inference #onnx #run-time
  13. async-cuda

    Async CUDA for Rust

    v0.6.0 #cuda #gpu #async #async-io #npp #nvidia
  14. risc0-circuit-rv32im

    RISC Zero circuit for rv32im

    v1.3.0-rc.1 31K #virtual-machine #risc0 #risc-v #zero-knowledge #zk-vm #circuit #cuda
  15. usls

    integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models

    v0.0.20 #computer-vision #onnx-runtime #models #ml #sam #collection #cuda
  16. autd3-backend-cuda

    CUDA Backend for AUTD3

    v28.0.0 3.8K #autd3 #cuda #autd #back-end #gain #holo
  17. RayBNN_Sparse

    Sparse Matrix Library for GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.2 430 #raybnn_sparse #sparse #opencl #cuda
  18. kn-runtime

    Dynamic wrapper around CPU and GPU inference

    v0.7.3 290 #cpu-gpu #neural-network #machine-learning #cuda #inference #onnx #run-time
  19. mwa_hyperdrive

    Calibration software for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope

    v0.5.0 220 #calibration #radio-astronomy #mwa #telescope #array #cuda #murchison
  20. zfp-sys

    Raw Rust bindings to ZFP (https://github.com/LLNL/zfp)

    v0.3.0 1.7K #bindings #zfp #cuda #github #com-llnl-zfp #linker
  21. async-tensorrt

    Async TensorRT for Rust

    v0.9.0 #cuda #tensor-rt #gpu #async #tensorrt #nvidia
  22. ug

    Micro compiler for tensor operations

    v0.1.0 20K #tensor #cuda #machine-learning
  23. RayBNN_DiffEq

    Matrix Differential Equation Solver using GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.2 440 #raybnn_diffeq #differential-equations #equation-solver #sparse-matrix #differential #opencl #cuda #equation
  24. ug-cuda

    Micro compiler for tensor operations

    v0.1.0 2.8K #tensor #cuda #machine-learning
  25. RayBNN_DataLoader

    Read CSV, numpy, and binary files to Rust vectors of f16, f32, f64, u8, u16, u32, u64, i8, i16, i32, i64

    v2.0.3 480 #raybnn_dataloader #csv #numpy #data #opencl #cuda #binary-file #open-cl
  26. burn-cuda

    CUDA backend for the Burn framework

    v0.16.0 4.2K #deep-learning #cuda #machine-learning #gpu #back-end
  27. RayBNN_Raytrace

    Ray tracing library using GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.3 500 #raybnn_raytrace #ray-tracing #cpu-gpu #ray-tracer #opencl #cuda #open-cl #raytracer
  28. cust

    High level bindings to the CUDA Driver API

    v0.3.2 5.5K #cuda #gpu #api-bindings #driver #extremely #ecosystem
  29. mistralrs_cudarc_fork

    Safe wrappers around CUDA apis

    v0.12.2 650 #cuda #cu-blas #gpu #nvrtc #nvidia
  30. ug-metal

    Micro compiler for tensor operations

    v0.1.0 2.2K #tensor #cuda #machine-learning
  31. rcublas

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuBLAS

    v0.6.0 #cu-blas #cuda #blas #nvidia
  32. find_cuda_helper

    Helper crate for searching for CUDA libraries

    v0.2.0 5.7K #cuda #gpu #helper #search #ecosystem #executing
  33. raybnn


    v0.1.5 #neural-network #machine-learning #gpu #opencl #cpu-gpu #cuda #cpu
  34. img_rcc

    image processing with CUDA, C++

    v0.1.0 #image-processing #cuda #gpu #benchmark #cpu-gpu #rust #computer-vision
  35. sbv2_core


    v0.2.0-alpha4 #onnx-runtime #model #style-bert-vits2 #text-to-speech #cuda #tensor-rt #cuda-tf32
  36. cubecl-cuda

    CUDA runtime for CubeCL

    v0.4.0 5.2K #cuda #gpu #run-time #cubecl #language #gpgpu #compute
  37. cuda_setup

    Assists with CUDA setup when using the CUDARC lib

    v0.1.0 110 #cuda #gpu #cudarc #api-bindings
  38. cust_raw

    Low level bindings to the CUDA Driver API

    v0.11.3 5.9K #low-level #cuda #gpu #driver #api #ecosystem #executing
  39. RayBNN_Cell

    Cell Position Generator for RayBNN

    v2.0.3 350 #raybnn_cell #opencl #ray-tracing #cuda #ray-tracer #open-cl #cpu-gpu #raytracing
  40. cuda-driver-sys

    Rust binding to CUDA Driver APIs

    v0.3.0 99K #cuda #gpgpu #ffi
  41. cuda_std

    Standard library for CUDA with rustc_codegen_nvvm

    v0.2.2 1.2K #cuda #guide #gpu #standard #executing
  42. hpt-cudakernels

    implements cuda kernels for hpt

    v0.0.13 300 #cuda #kernels #hpt
  43. del-msh-cudarc

    2D/3D Mesh processing using Cuda for scientific prototyping

    v0.1.39 #cuda #mesh #scientific #prototyping #processing #2d-3d
  44. rcudnn

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuDNN

    v1.8.0 #cudnn #neural-network #cuda #nvidia
  45. cuda-runtime-sys

    Rust binding to CUDA Runtime APIs

    v0.3.0-alpha.1 92K #cuda #gpgpu #ffi
  46. quick-stats

    Quick stats

    v0.1.0 #cuda #statistics #processing #quick #amf #platform #npp
  47. cuda-rs

    A safe rust wrapper for CUDA Driver/Runtime APIs

    v0.1.9 #cuda #ffi #api #run-time #driver #install #driver-runtime
  48. turbo-metrics

    Toolkit to compute quality metrics fast using a GPU

    v0.3.0 #cuda #gpu #metrics #ssimulacra2 #compute #npp #video
  49. zfp-sys-cc

    Raw Rust bindings to ZFP (https://github.com/LLNL/zfp) with Microsoft Windows 10 support

    v0.1.5 310 #bindings #github #cross-platform #zfp #com-llnl-zfp #10 #cuda
  50. gpu_rand

    GPU-friendly random number generators for the Rust CUDA Project

    v0.1.3 #numbers #gpu #cuda #generator
  51. arrayfire_fork

    ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. Its array based function set makes parallel programming simple. ArrayFire's multiple backends (CUDA…

    v3.8.1 #parallel-processing #scientific-computing #array-fire #opencl #cuda #gpu-computing #compute
  52. zenu-cuda

    CUDA bindings for Rust

    v0.1.0 #cuda #cu-blas #cudnn #bindings #deep-learning #hpc #gpu-computing
  53. candle_embed

    Text embeddings with Candle. Fast and configurable. Use any model from Hugging Face. CUDA or CPU powered.

    v0.1.4 220 #hugging-face #embedding #cuda #vector #search #huggingface #embeddings
  54. RayBNN_Optimizer

    Gradient Descent Optimizers and Genetic Algorithms using GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.1 140 #raybnn_optimizer #optimization #opencl #cuda #cpu-gpu #gradient-descent #open-cl #optimizing
  55. del-geo-cpp-headers

    CUDA device utility functions

    v0.1.33 #devices #cuda #utility #functions
  56. cuda_builder

    Builder for easily building rustc_codegen_nvvm crates

    v0.3.0 #cuda #gpu #builder #ecosystem #extremely #building #rustc-codegen-nvvm
  57. nvvm

    High level bindings to libnvvm

    v0.1.1 #cuda #gpu #bindings #level #high #libnvvm #executing
  58. cubecl-common

    Common crate for CubeCL

    v0.4.0 2.9K #cuda #wgpu #gpu
  59. cumath

    Cuda-based matrix/vector computations

    v0.2.7 #cuda #matrix #gpu #ffi #wrapper #matrix-multiplication
  60. rstrace

    strace to trace system calls and CUDA API calls

    v0.2.2 110 #syscalls #strace #cuda #tracing #api-calls
  61. del-fem-cudarc-kernel

    Cuda PTX for the fem operations

    v0.1.0 130 #fem #operations #cuda #ptx
  62. cudarse-video

    Bindings to the CUVID/NVDEC libraries

    v0.1.0 #cuda #npp #bindings #video #ssimulacra2 #hardware #amf
  63. collenchyma

    high-performance computation on any hardware

    v0.0.8 #opencl #cuda #computation #back-end #hpc #cpu-gpu
  64. llama-cpp-sys-2

    Low Level Bindings to llama.cpp

    v0.1.96 2.4K #cpp-bindings #low-level #llama #cuda #api
  65. custos-math

    Matrix operations with custos

    v0.6.3 #matrix-operations #matrix #opencl #cuda #deep-learning #arrays #open-cl
  66. pasta-msm

    Optimized multiscalar multiplicaton for Pasta moduli for x86_64 and aarch64

    v0.1.4 370 #multiplication #optimized #x86-64 #multiscalar #pasta #cuda #aarch64
  67. codec-bitstream

    Parsers for common bitstream structures found in video codecs

    v0.1.0 #codec #cuda #bitstream #parser #video #npp #ssimulacra2
  68. llama-cpp-sys-4

    Low Level Bindings to llama.cpp

    v0.1.94 330 #llama #cpp #sampler #bindings #low #api #cuda
  69. llm_devices

    Device management and build system for LLM inference

    v0.0.3 180 #llm #devices #cuda #management #layer #optimization #cpp
  70. tree-sitter-cuda

    cuda grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library

    v0.20.7 170 #tree-sitter #cuda #incremental #parser
  71. zenu-cuda-config

    CUDA configuration for Zenu

    v0.1.0 #cuda #configuration #zenu #deep-learning #hpc #autograd #cu-blas
  72. cublas

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuDNN

    v0.2.0 #cuda #blas #nvidia
  73. cudarse-driver

    Bindings to the CUDA Driver API that tries to stay faithful to the original

    v0.1.0 #cuda #api #driver #bindings #npp #ssimulacra2 #hardware
  74. RayBNN_Neural

    Neural Networks with Sparse Weights in Rust using GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.3 440 #raybnn_neural #neural-network #opencl #cuda #machine-learning #cpu-gpu #deep-learning #open-cl
  75. ptx_compiler

    High level bindings to CUDA's ptx compilation APIs

    v0.1.1 #cuda #ptx #gpu #compilation #bindings #high #level
  76. async-cuda-npp

    Async NVIDIA Performance Primitives for Rust

    v0.4.0 #cuda #gpu #npp #async #nvidia
  77. cuda-colorspace

    Colorspace handling on CUDA

    v0.1.0 #cuda #color-space #npp #kernel #ssimulacra2 #hardware #amf
  78. libdebayer

    debayer images with CUDA

    v0.3.0 #cuda #image #opencv #debayering #cc #api #gpu
  79. luminal_cudarc

    Safe wrappers around CUDA apis

    v0.10.0 #cuda #gpu #cu-blas #nvrtc #deep-learning #api-wrapper #safe-wrapper
  80. ptx-linker

    NVPTX modules linker

    v0.9.1 #linker #cuda #llvm #nvptx #kernel
  81. rustc_codegen_nvvm

    A codegen backend for Rustc which targets the libnvvm CUDA library

    v0.3.0 #cuda #gpu #back-end #libnvvm #codegen #targets #rustc
  82. gradients

    An OpenCL, CUDA and CPU based Deep Learning Library

    v0.3.4 #opencl #deep-learning #cuda #machine-learning #open-cl #science #cpu-gpu
  83. rcudnn-sys

    FFI bindings to cuDNN

    v0.5.0 #cuda #cudnn #sys
  84. cudnn

    safe Rust wrapper for CUDA's cuDNN

    v1.3.1 500 #cuda #neural-network #nvidia
  85. RayBNN_Graph

    Graph Manipulation Library For GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.3 140 #raybnn_graph #graph #opencl #cuda #sparse #traverse #graph-traversal #open-cl
  86. cudi

    A small tool for displaying CUDA device properties

    v0.1.0 #cuda #devices #properties #displaying #information #tool #cli
  87. nvidia-video-codec-sdk

    Bindings for NVIDIA Video Codec SDK

    v0.3.1 #codec #bindings #cuda #decoding #encoding #nvidia
  88. ptx-builder

    NVPTX build helper

    v0.5.3 #cuda #gpgpu #nvptx #cargo-build #source
  89. cudarse-npp

    High-level bindings to the CUDA NPP libraries

    v0.1.0 #npp #cuda #bindings #stream #ordered #calls
  90. accel

    GPGPU Framework for Rust

    v0.3.1 #gpgpu #cuda #framework #devices #kernel #generate #docs
  91. crseo-sys

    Cuda Engined Optics Rust Interface

    v1.3.0 #cuda #telescope #optics #interface #astronomy #crseo #engined
  92. parenchyma

    A high-performance computing (HPC) framework

    v0.0.33 #opencl #hpc #cuda #back-end #computation
  93. cuda

    CUDA bindings

    v0.4.0-pre.2 #bindings #run-time #api #driver #random #bindgen #module
  94. cuda-config

    Helper crate for finding CUDA libraries

    v0.1.0 85K #cuda #gpgpu #ffi
  95. gpgpu

    WIP GPGPU framework built on top of wgpu

    v0.2.0 #compute #opencl #cuda
  96. af-opencl-interop

    ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. This crate is an addition on top of ArrayFire crate to enable users to mix RAW CUDA code in rust and ArrayFire.

    v3.7.1 #array-fire #parallel-processing #opencl #cuda #performance #computing #bindings
  97. cuda-oxide

    high-level, rusty wrapper over CUDA. It provides the best safety one can get when working with hardware.

    v0.4.0 #cuda #api-calls #gpu
  98. matrix_operations_cuda

    perform matrix operations using cuda

    v0.1.2 #matrix #cuda #mathematics
  99. rcublas-sys

    FFI bindings to cuBLAS

    v0.5.0 #cuda #cu-blas #sys #nvidia #cublas
  100. cuvs

    RAPIDS vector search library

    v24.6.0 #vector-search #nearest-neighbor #machine-learning #gpu #cuda #information-retrieval #approximate
  101. ssimulacra2-cuda

    Ssimulacra2 implementation running on CUDA

    v0.1.0 #cuda #ssimulacra2 #npp #kernel #image #results #pair
  102. cudnn-sys

    FFI bindings to cuDNN

    v0.0.3 500 #cudnn #cuda #sys #neural-network #nvidia
  103. darknet-sys

    -sys crate for Rust darknet wrapper

    v0.4.0 #darknet #bindings #neural-network #cuda #run #recursion #source
  104. icicle-core

    GPU ZK acceleration by Ingonyama

    v1.3.0 #gpu #acceleration #cuda #zk #ntt #cryptography #ingonyama
  105. bullet_lib

    Neural Network Trainer for 2-Player Games

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #cuda #trainer #chess #bullet #nn #back-end
  106. ulib

    Universal data storage library for CPU/GPU heterogeneous applications

    v0.3.3 #heterogeneous #cpu-gpu #applications #cuda #universal #computing #devices
  107. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  108. nvrtc

    Bindings for NVIDIA® CUDA™ NVRTC in Rust

    v0.1.3 #bindings #cuda #gpu #ptx #api-bindings
  109. babichjacob-llama-cpp-sys-2

    Low Level Bindings to llama.cpp

    v0.1.85 #llama #cpp-bindings #cuda #low-level #api
  110. tensorgraph-sys

    backbone for tensorgraph, providing memory manamagement across devices

    v0.1.11 #cuda #numeric #blas #neural-network #machine-learning
  111. simt_cuda_sys

    part of simt. cuda driver api bindings

    v0.2.0 #cuda #kernel #driver #compute #part #bindings #api-bindings
  112. simt_hip_sys

    part of simt. hip driver api bindings

    v0.2.0 #hip #driver #compute #kernel #api #cuda #time
  113. ptoxide

    A virtual machine to execute CUDA PTX without a GPU

    v0.1.0 #cuda #virtual-machine #ptx #kernel #execute #learn #model
  114. cuda-colorspace-kernel

    Colorspace handling on CUDA (device code)

    v0.1.0 #cuda #color-space #kernel #npp #ssimulacra2 #hardware #amf
  115. fatbinary

    manipulate CUDA fatbinary format

    v0.2.0 #cuda #format #manipulate #ptx #entries #elf #cuobjdump
  116. nvptx-std

    stdlib for nvptx64-nvidia-cuda

    v0.1.0 #cuda #nvptx64-nvidia-cuda #std #math #compiled #kernel #functions
  117. simt_cuda

    part of simt. cuda backend

    v0.2.2 #cuda #back-end #interface #simt #hip #compute #part
  118. cudarse-video-sys

    Low-level bindings to the CUVID/NVDEC libraries

    v0.1.0 #cuda #npp #bindings #video #ssimulacra2 #hardware #amf
  119. simt

    compute support for rust

    v0.2.3 #cuda #compute #interface #hip #focus #port #emitting
  120. af-cuda-interop

    ArrayFire is a high performance software library for parallel computing with an easy-to-use API. This crate is an addition on top of ArrayFire crate to enable users to mix RAW OpenCL code in rust and ArrayFire.

    v3.7.1 #parallel-processing #opencl #array-fire #cuda #gpu #computing #interop
  121. tensorrt-rs-sys

    Rust binding to NVIDIA TensorRT

    v0.1.2 #cuda #tensor-rt #tensorrt #nvidia #ffi
  122. tensorgraph-math

    backbone for tensorgraph, providing math primitives

    v0.1.11 #blas #cuda #neural-network #machine-learning #numeric
  123. zenu-macros

    Procedural macros for Zenu

    v0.1.0 #zenu #macro #procedural #proc-macro #deep-learning #gpu-computing #cuda
  124. cudarse-driver-sys

    Low-level bindings to the CUDA Driver API

    v0.1.0 #cuda #api #driver #bindings #npp #ssimulacra2 #hardware
  125. zenu-cuda-kernel-sys

    CUDA kernel bindings for Rust

    v0.1.0 #cuda #kernel #bindings #deep-learning #gpu-computing #autograd #cu-blas
  126. cuda_dnn

    cuDNN API bindings

    v0.1.1 #cudnn #cuda #bindings #api-bindings
  127. libdebayer-sys

    unsafe sys crate to the libdebayer C library

    v0.2.0 160 #libdebayer #build #cuda #cc #nix #develop #dev
  128. criterion-cuda

    CUDA benchmarking for criterion

    v0.2.1 #cuda #benchmarking #measurement #criterion #cuda-time #kernels
  129. cust_core

    Core library for cust that can be shared across CPU and GPU

    v0.1.1 5.4K #cuda #gpu #cpu-gpu #cust #ecosystem #executing #safety
  130. ssimulacra2-cuda-kernel

    Ssimulacra2 CUDA implementation (device code)

    v0.1.0 #ssimulacra2 #cuda #kernel #devices #component #build #10
  131. zenu-cublas-sys

    Rust bindings for cuBLAS

    v0.1.0 #cu-blas #bindings #deep-learning #gpu-computing #autograd #cuda #cudnn
  132. zenu-cudnn-sys

    Rust bindings for cuDNN

    v0.1.0 #cudnn #bindings #deep-learning #gpu-computing #cuda #autograd #cu-blas
  133. zenu-cuda-driver-sys

    Rust bindings for CUDA Driver API

    v0.1.0 #cuda #driver #bindings #api #deep-learning #gpu-computing #autograd
  134. coaster

    high-performance computation on any hardware

    v0.2.0 #opencl #cuda #computation #back-end #hpc
  135. tensorrt

    Rust wrapper for NVIDIA TensorRT

    v0.1.0 #cuda #nvidia #ffi
  136. torch-build

    link libtorch FFI interface

    v0.1.0 #link #build #interface #libtorch #cuda #torch #cc
  137. zenu-cuda-runtime-sys

    CUDA runtime bindings for Rust

    v0.1.0 #cuda #run-time #bindings #deep-learning #gpu-computing #autograd #cu-blas
  138. ucc

    Universal compiler invocator for heterogeneous CPU/GPU computation applications

    v0.2.1 #universal #heterogeneous #compiler #header #cpu-gpu #cuda #compile
  139. grumpkin-msm

    Optimized multiscalar multiplicaton for the Grumpkin curve cycle

    v0.1.0 #curve #cycle #cuda #grumpkin #multiscalar #optimized #multiplicaton
  140. icicle-cuda-runtime

    Ingonyama's Rust wrapper of CUDA runtime

    v1.3.0 #cuda #gpu #wrapper
  141. nvcodec

    Rust safe wrapper for NVIDIA Video Codec SDK

    v0.1.1 #codec #cuda #video #ffi #sdk #nvidia
  142. cuda_parsers

    Parsers for CUDA binary files

    v0.1.0 #cuda #parser #gpu #cubin #fatbin
  143. async-cuda-core

    Async CUDA streams and buffers for Rust

    v0.4.0 130 #cuda #gpu #async #nvidia
  144. rustacuda_core

    Minimal kernel-support crate for Rustacuda

    v0.1.2 1.5K #devices #rustacuda #kernel #kernel-support #types #cuda #gpu
  145. cufft_rust

    A safe cuFFT wrapper

    v0.6.0 #cuda #fft #cu-fft #subset #api-bindings #cufft
  146. cublas-sys

    Safe CUDA cuBLAS wrapper for the Rust language

    v0.1.0 #cu-blas #cuda #cublas #sys #nvidia
  147. cudarse-npp-sys

    Low-level bindings to the CUDA NPP libraries

    v0.1.0 #npp #bindings #cuda #low-level #image-processing #original #segmentation
  148. luminal_cuda

    Cuda compiler for luminal

    v0.2.0 #deep-learning #cuda #compiler #luminal
  149. cuda_blas

    cuBLAS API bindings

    v0.1.0 #cu-blas #cuda #blas
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