
  1. sailfish

    small, and extremely fast template engine for Rust

    v0.9.0 8.6K #template-engine #html-templating #template #html #markup
  2. typst

    A new markup-based typesetting system that is powerful and easy to learn

    v0.13.0 8.9K #typesetting #markup #document #formatting #latex #compiler #system
  3. rinja

    Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

    v0.3.5 81K #template #template-engine #html #jinja #compile-time #jinja2 #markup
  4. mlc

    The markup link checker (mlc) checks for broken links in markup files

    v0.21.0 450 #markdown-html #markdown #markup #broken #html #documentation #link-checker
  5. typst-eval

    Typst's code interpreter

    v0.13.0 250 #typst #typesetting #markup #learn #math #everything #compiler
  6. typst-kit

    Common utilities for Typst tooling

    v0.13.0 3.4K #typst #typesetting #system #markup #compilation #tooling #font
  7. jotdown

    A parser for the Djot markup language

    v0.7.0 #markup-language #djot #markup #pull-parser #events #document #output
  8. tagger

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v4.3.5 4.1K #html-xml #xml #svg #markup #html #xml-element #tags
  9. typst-realize

    Typst's realization subsystem

    v0.13.0 250 #typst #system #typesetting #rules #learn #math #markup
  10. typst-html

    Typst's HTML exporter

    v0.13.0 250 #typst #html #system #typesetting #learn #document #markup
  11. tui-markup

    markup langauge for terminal styled text

    v0.5.0 430 #terminal-text #markup-language #text-parser #tui #markup #text #terminal
  12. typst-syntax

    Parser and syntax tree for Typst

    v0.13.0 18K #syntax-tree #typst #syntax-node #typesetting #markup #syntax-highlighting #compiler
  13. seam

    Symbolic Expressions As Markup

    v0.4.3 #markup #sexp #lisp #symbolic-expression #macro #html-xml #s-exp
  14. parse-hyperlinks

    A Nom parser library for hyperlinks with markup

    v0.27.2 30K #nom #html-parser #parser #restructuredtext #parse-markdown #markdown-parser #markup
  15. mdbook-typst

    An mdBook backend to output Typst markup, pdf, png, or svg

    v0.1.7 #mdbook #typst #png #markup #pdf #svg #output-format
  16. typst-pdf

    PDF exporter for Typst

    v0.13.0 7.1K #typst #pdf #typesetting #document #markup #exporter #system
  17. usv

    USV: Unicode Separated Values (USV) for data markup. This is for spreadsheets, databases, content management, and more. This builds on ASCII Separated Values (ASV) and contrasts with Comma Separated Values (CSV).

    v0.19.1 160 #unicode-characters #unicode #spreadsheet #markup #data
  18. typst-timing

    Performance timing for Typst

    v0.13.0 8.9K #performance #typst #typesetting #system #markup #timing #compiler
  19. stilts

    A compiled templating language with rust syntax

    v0.3.3 #template-engines #html-templating #html #jinja2 #markup #jinja #render-template
  20. sailfish-compiler

    small, and extremely fast template engine for Rust

    v0.9.0 7.4K #template #html-templating #html #markup
  21. htmf

    hypertext markup functions: functions for generating HTML

    v0.2.0 190 #html #markup #hypertext #generate #functions #prelude #element
  22. typst-utils


    v0.13.0 16K #typst #typesetting #markup #scripting #compiler #document #hash
  23. markup

    A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust

    v0.15.0 2.4K #template-engine #template #html #pug #compile-time #proc-macro #haml
  24. typst-svg

    SVG exporter for Typst

    v0.13.0 2.3K #typst #svg #typesetting #system #document #markup #compile
  25. pukram2html

    converting Pukram-formatted text to HTML

    v0.3.0 240 #markup-language #text-formatting #html #convert-text #markup #pukram #text-content
  26. askama_parser

    Parser for Askama templates

    v0.2.1 491K #html-templating #template #jinja2 #html #markup #template-engine #proc-macro
  27. elm-parser

    Elm markup parser to leptos

    v4.0.11 5.9K #leptos #elm #markup #parser
  28. pullup

    Convert between markup formats

    v0.3.8 #convert-markdown #markdown-parser #mdbook #typst #markup #events #pulldown
  29. rinja_parser

    Parser for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 81K #template #template-engine #html-templating #markup #jinja2 #html #proc-macro
  30. bevy_mod_bbcode

    Use BBCode-formatted text inside of Bevy

    v0.3.0 250 #bevy #rich-text #bevy-plugin #gamedev #markup #bbcode #bb-code
  31. tagu

    Write SVG / HTML / XML programmatically

    v0.1.6 4.6K #html-xml #svg #xml #markup #html #tags #tag
  32. auk

    An eDSL for writing HTML using standard Rust syntax

    v0.6.0 #domain-specific-language #html #dsl #html-templating #markup #html-content #markup-language
  33. inkling

    Limited implementation of the Ink markup language

    v0.12.5 #markup-language #ink #dialog #markup #game
  34. reva

    Type-safe, compiled Jinja-like templates for Rust

    v0.13.2 #template #html #markup #jinja2 #jinja
  35. djot-ssg

    Plain and simple static site generator for Djot markup

    v2.0.1 #static-site-generator #djot #markup #plain #themes
  36. atext2html

    Convert a text with markup hyperlinks to HTML

    v0.27.2 100 #markdown-html #restructuredtext #convert-text #text-parser #markdown #hyperlink #markup
  37. moostache

    Mustache template engine

    v0.6.0 #template #mustache #html #markup #template-engine
  38. oml

    Open Markup Language!

    v0.0.6 #markup-language #configuration #scripting-language #config-file #markup #configuration-language #dynamic
  39. markdoll

    a structured and extensible markup language

    v3.0.3 470 #markup-language #tags #markup #syntax #extensible #text #structured
  40. tui-markup-renderer

    TUI and markup to build UI terminal interfaces

    v1.1.1 #tui #terminal-interface #markup #line
  41. mintyml

    A minialist alternative syntax to HTML

    v0.1.18 950 #html #markup #syntax #minimalist #convert #reference
  42. bbscope

    BBCode to HTML with scoping rules, auto-close tags, highly extensible

    v0.2.0 #html-parser #html #markup #scope #bbcode #parse #parser
  43. origami-engine

    A templating engine for rust

    v0.1.3-alpha.7 650 #template-engine #html #html-templating #template #web #markup #engine
  44. kul

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #programming-language #parser #text-parser #markup #safe #domain-specific-language
  45. somedoc

    A very simple document model and markup generator

    v0.2.10 #markdown #document #model #markup #write #common-mark #writer
  46. mle

    The markup link extractor (mle) extracts links from markup files (Markdown and HTML)

    v0.25.2 #markdown-html #markup #links #markdown #html #link #broken-links
  47. ogam

    A markup language for story writers

    v1.1.0 #markup-language #markup #story #fiction #dialog #rules #domain-specific-language
  48. markerml_frontend

    Frontend of simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.4 #language #frontend #markup #templating #transpiled #html #markerml
  49. pulldown_typst

    A pull parser for Typst markup

    v0.3.7 #pull-parser #typst #markup #books
  50. reva_parser

    Parser for Reva templates

    v0.3.1 #template #markup #jinja2 #html
  51. rinja_warp

    Warp integration for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 600 #template #html #web-framework #jinja2 #markup #jinja #rendering-engine
  52. yarte_config

    Config file parser of yarte

    v0.6.1 #template #html-templating #handlebars #markup #html #compile-time #conditional
  53. rinja_actix

    Actix-Web integration for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 #template #html-templating #html #jinja2 #markup #jinja
  54. reva_actix

    Actix-Web integration for Reva templates

    v0.15.1 #template #markup #jinja2 #html
  55. yarte_html

    Markup parser

    v0.15.2 260 #handlebars #html-parser #template-engine #html #template #markup #html-templating
  56. reva_axum

    Axum integration for Reva templates

    v0.5.1 #axum #template #markup #jinja2 #html
  57. yarte_codegen

    Code generator for yarte

    v0.15.7 650 #template-engine #html-templating #template #html #handlebars #markup #template-generator
  58. rinja_rocket

    Rocket integration for Rinja templates

    v0.3.5 #rocket-web #web-framework #rocket-framework #template #jinja2 #html #markup
  59. askama_actix

    Actix-Web integration for Askama templates

    v0.14.0 2.5K #jinja2 #template #html #markup #template-engine
  60. litua

    Read a text document, receive its tree in Lua and manipulate it before representing it as string

    v2.0.0 #lua #text-document #markup #document-generation #content-tree #text-processing
  61. doccy

    brace based markup language

    v0.3.2 13K #markup-language #html #markup #language #text #command-line #command-line-interface
  62. cursive-markup

    Markup view for cursive, supporting HTML

    v0.3.0 #tui #cursive #html #markup
  63. flatiron

    A parser and HTML renderer for the Textile markup language

    v1.0.5 #markup-language #markup #html #textile #converter #parser
  64. markerml_cli

    CLI for simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.0 #html #language #command #markerml #markup #templating #transpiled
  65. templr_parser

    Parser for templr templates

    v0.2.1 #template #template-engine #rsx #html #markup #compile-time #web-framework
  66. markupsth

    define and print out formatted Markup Languages

    v0.2.0 #markup-language #html-xml #markup #html #syntax #xml #language
  67. yarte_parser

    Ast, lexer and parser for yarte

    v0.15.2 600 #template #template-engine #handlebars #markup #html #html-templating #ast
  68. wearte

    Type-safe, compiled Handlebars

    v0.0.2 #template #handlebars #template-engine #html #markup #html-templating
  69. yarte_hir

    Intermediate representation for yarte

    v0.15.6 800 #template-engine #intermediate-representation #template #handlebars #html #html-templating #markup
  70. stpl

    Super templates (html, etc.) with Plain-Rust, no textfiles

    v0.5.0 #html #dynamic #markup #template #render-template
  71. murkdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for composing and decomposing hypertext documents

    v0.1.1 110 #markup #generator #hypertext #literate-programming #markdown #static-site-generator #markup-language
  72. simpleml_macro

    A macro for placing SimpleML content directly into Rust source code

    v2.0.0 #markup-language #markup #language #sml #simple #reliable-txt
  73. russx

    template library

    v0.3.4 #template #html #rsx #compile-time #markup #template-engine #rendering-engine
  74. yarte_dom

    Markup parser

    v0.15.1 170 #template #handlebars #html #markup #html-templating #conditional
  75. blueml

    blue markup langauge

    v0.4.0 130 #markup #blue #langauge #universe #growing
  76. askama_warp

    Warp integration for Askama templates

    v0.13.0 380 #template #html #jinja2 #web-framework #markup #html-templating #template-engine
  77. aldoc

    CLI and library for parsing and compiling Aldoc Markdown documents

    v0.2.0 #latex #markdown #markup #markup-language #typesetting #markdown-parser #line-ending
  78. markerml_middleend

    Middleend of simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.2 #language #templating #markup #transpiled #html #template-engine #markerml
  79. deml

    The Directed Acyclic Graph Elevation Markup Language

    v0.1.0 #directed-acyclic-graph #dag #markup #graph #parser #data-structures
  80. markerml_backend

    HTML backend of simple markup and templating language, that is transpiled to HTML

    v0.1.2 #html #backend #language #templating #markup #transpiled #templating-language
  81. askama_gotham

    Gotham integration for Askama templates

    v0.14.0 #template #jinja2 #html #markup #template-engine #web-framework
  82. askama_tide

    Tide integration for Askama templates

    v0.15.0 #tide #template #html #markup #web-framework #template-engine #http-types
  83. superconf

    A barebones configuration file made for low-dependency rust applications

    v0.4.3 #config-parser #config-file #configuration #markup #parser #config #no-dependencies
  84. parse-hyperlinks-extras

    Extra parser for a Nom parser library for hyperlinks with markup

    v0.27.2 #nom #parser #html-parser #restructuredtext #hyperlink #markup #markdown
  85. assemblage_view

    Linearized View Model and Bindings for AssemblageDB

    v0.1.0 #view #db #block #model #style #spans #markup
  86. opengraph

    Parses html and extracts Open Graph protocol markup

    v0.2.4 #extract #graph #open #markup #parses #protocols #html
  87. marked

    Parsing, filtering, selecting and serializing HTML/XML markup

    v0.3.0 #html #sanitization #filtering #markup #selecting #serialization #html-xml
  88. terarium

    Wrapper for the Tera template system with template grouping and bulk rendering of templates

    v0.3.0 #tera-templates #template #tera #markup #jinja2 #multi-template
  89. ogmarkup

    A markup language for story writers

    v0.99.0 #markup #markup-language #dialog #writers #reply #story #document
  90. jsonml

    deserialization and serialization

    v0.4.2 #serde-json #json #serialize-deserialize #markup #serde
  91. yarte_helpers

    Helper collection for yarte

    v0.15.8 650 #template #html #handlebars #markup #html-templating
  92. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  93. matthewdown

    My markdown-inspired markup language

    v0.2.0 #html #markup #markup-language #document #visitor #markdown-inspired
  94. rustextile

    Textile markup language parser for Rust

    v1.0.2 #markup-language #markup #html #textile #text #regex
  95. vmml

    Very Minimal Markup Language

    v1.0.1 #markup-language #markup #language #parse #light-weight #parser
  96. aresty

    A compiling template library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #template #restructuredtext #html #markup #compile
  97. pandoc-filter-diagram

    render diagram markup in a Pandoc abstract syntax tree as SVG

    v0.2.1 #diagram #pandoc #svg #syntax-tree #ast #markup #render
  98. deface

    Lightweight markup to HTML converter

    v0.1.2 #markup #markdown #markup-language #html #line #converter
  99. wearte_config

    Config file parser of wearte

    v0.0.2 #template-engine #template #handlebars #html #markup #handlebars-config
  100. typst-macros

    Proc-macros for Typst

    v0.13.0 8.9K #typst #element #typesetting #documentation #learn #everything #markup
  101. html5ever-arena-dom

    Parse templates, and tidy them up using html5ever

    v0.1.2 #template #html #markup
  102. markup-css-once

    Render embedded styles only once per template with Markup Rust template engine

    v0.1.0 #style #template #markup #once #template-engine #render #per
  103. acts-tag

    trait to markup the struct and help recognize the struct's attributes

    v0.2.0 #tags #struct #help #attributes #acts #recognize #markup
  104. markup-proc-macro

    A blazing fast, type-safe template engine for Rust

    v0.15.0 3.8K #template #markup #template-engine #blazing #define #html #type-safe
  105. colored_markup

    parsing and rendering colored markup with CSS style rules

    v0.1.1 #markup #css #ansi #color #terminal #css-color
  106. sailfish-macros

    small, and extremely fast template engine for Rust

    v0.9.0 15K #template #html #markup
  107. fartdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for crafting hypertext documents

    v0.1.0 #generator #hypertext #markup #markdown #static-site-generator #literate-programming #markup-language
  108. tera-introspection

    introspecting Tera templates

    v0.1.0 #tera-templates #template #django #markup #jinja2 #html
  109. opengraph-rs

    Parses html and extracts Open Graph protocol markup. Fork of https://github.com/kumabook/opengraph

    v0.2.6 #opengraph #extract #protocols #parses #markup #html #fork
  110. publication

    Pluggable Markup Language

    v0.1.4 #markup-language #markup #pluggable
  111. mlang

    An Markup Language To Create Metaverse Applications

    v0.1.0 #markup #create #applications #language #markup-language #metaverse
  112. uil_parsers

    Parsers for uil

    v0.0.3 #ui #parser #language #uil #style #markup #part
  113. fountain

    Parser and formatter for the Fountain screenplay markup language

    v0.1.12 #markup #parser #nom #html #screenplay #markup-language #formatter
  114. djot

    Djot parser written in pure Rust

    v0.0.2 #markup #parser #pure
  115. unimarkup-render

    providing traits and types used for rendering Unimarkup markup

    v0.4.0 #render #traits #unimarkup #markup #rendering #html #elements
  116. papyri-lang

    Compiler for the Papyri markup language

    v0.7.0 #markup-language #markup #html #papyri #programming-language
  117. askama_hyper

    Hyper integration for Askama templates

    v0.1.0 #template #jinja2 #markup #html
  118. tera-v1

    Template engine based on Jinja2/Django templates

    v1.0.0-alpha.4 #django #template #jinja2 #html #markup #tera-templates #template-engine
  119. kul_core

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #parser #markup #data-format #text-macros #programming-language #heap-allocation
  120. seam_argparse_proc_macro

    proc-macro crate for seam arguments! macro

    v0.1.1 320 #macro #seam #proc-macro #arguments #html #markup #symbolic
  121. namumark


    v0.1.0 #markup #nom #parser
  122. apollon

    markup language

    v0.1.0 #markup #text #formatting #markup-language
  123. rcml

    An easy way to create stunning desktop applications

    v0.1.0 #desktop #markup #xml #desktop-applications #app
  124. oil_parsers

    Parsers for oil

    v0.1.0 #parser #ui #oil #style #markup #part #now
  125. owml-parser

    A lightweight parser for a lightweight markup language

    v0.1.2 #parser #markup-language #markup
  126. marked-cli

    Command line tool for markup I/O processing

    v0.3.1 #sanitization #html #markup #command-line-tool #io #processing #html-xml
  127. askama_iron

    Iron integration for Askama templates

    v0.10.0 #template #jinja2 #markup #html
  128. askama-plus-html5ever

    Parse Askama templates, and tidy them up using html5ever

    v0.2.1 #template #html #markup
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