
  1. ssh2

    Bindings to libssh2 for interacting with SSH servers and executing remote commands, forwarding local ports, etc

    v0.9.5 170K #ssh #ssh-client #remote #bindings #forwarding #command #client-server
  2. openssh

    SSH through OpenSSH

    v0.11.5 141K #ssh #remote #ssh-client #orchestration #api-bindings
  3. tame-index

    access to local and remote cargo registry indices

    v0.18.0 208K #cargo-registry #index #local #cache #remote #indices #sparse
  4. russh

    A client and server SSH library

    v0.50.4 53K #ssh-client #client-server #ssh #sftp-client #public-key #remote #channel
  5. remoc

    🦑 Remote multiplexed objects, channels, observable collections and RPC making remote interactions seamless. Provides multiple remote channels and RPC over TCP, TLS or any other transport.

    v0.15.0 1.5K #distributed-systems #channel #remote-procedure #remote #async-channel #rpc #client-server
  6. axoasset


    v1.2.0 8.8K #assets #read-write #remote #local #copy #path #string
  7. lapce/lapce

    Lightning-fast and Powerful Code Editor written in Rust

    GitHub 0.4.2 #remote #editor #lsp #intelligent #modal #protocols #completion
  8. port_check

    Get a free local port or check if a port somewhere is reachable

    v0.2.1 25K #port #networking #check #local #free #ipv4 #remote
  9. datafusion-federation

    Datafusion federation

    v0.3.5 1.7K #query-engine #execution-engine #query-execution #sql-query #remote #federation #data-fusion
  10. denokv_remote

    Remote (KV Connect) backend for Deno KV

    v0.9.0 9.7K #deno #kv #remote #back-end #database #self-hosted #connect
  11. ssher

    command line tool for connecting to remote servers

    v0.4.0 480 #server #command-line #remote #command-line-tool #connecting #connect #completion
  12. async-ssh2-lite

    Asynchronous ssh2

    v0.5.0 6.8K #ssh-client #ssh #ssh2 #async #sftp #remote #file
  13. turbo-remote-cache-rs

    A remote cache server for turbo

    v0.3.4 140 #cache #turbo #self-hosted #object-storage #remote #azure-storage #env-var
  14. rvimage

    A remote image viewer with a labeling tool

    v0.4.29 200 #image-viewer #bounding-box #image #computer-vision #remote #viewer #label
  15. ratrod

    Tunnels a local port to a remote server, which then redirects traffic to a specified remote host

    v0.3.2 #remote #server #redirect #port #local #traffic #tunnels
  16. tauri-plugin-upload

    Upload files from disk to a remote server over HTTP

    v2.2.1 1.0K #tauri-plugin #upload #http-server #remote #disk #download
  17. gho

    cli to open your repo in the Github/Gitlab web ui

    v0.5.0 210 #github #gitlab #browser #open #web-ui #remote #command-line-tool
  18. clipcast

    A bidirectional clipboard synchronization tool that seamlessly connects local and remote machines over SSH, enabling real-time clipboard sharing with automatic reconnection and customizable clipboard handlers

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #remote #ssh #sync #tool
  19. git-helper

    git-helper is a Git-based tool designed to simplify the management of multiple remote repositories. It extends Git’s functionality by providing one-click initialization and pushing to multiple remote repositories…

    v0.1.0 #repository #remote #git-repository #git #helper #tool #repositories
  20. golem-wasm-rpc

    Golem WASM RPC support library

    v1.1.20 900 #golem #serialization #protobuf #remote #values #conversion #wit
  21. gabriel2

    Indeed, an actor library based on Tokio, written in Rust

    v1.5.0 #actor #load-balancing #messaging #event-bus #send-message #tokio #remote
  22. jetstream_wireformat

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 1.5K #rpc-framework #protocols #jetstream #quic #low-latency #9p #remote
  23. renoir

    Reactive Network of Operators In Rust

    v0.4.0 110 #operator #stream-processing #data-processing #block #dataflow #remote #distributed
  24. razel

    a command executor with caching for data processing pipelines

    v0.5.3 #data-processing #command #execute-command #cache #execution #pipeline #remote
  25. todoterminal

    A CLI tool for managing TODOs on a remote server

    v0.1.6 #server #remote #env #python #find #cli #tool
  26. jetstream

    RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 850 #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #9p #protocols #secure #remote
  27. cachepot

    sccache-like tool. It is used as a compiler wrapper and avoids compilation when possible, storing a cache in a remote storage using cloud storage.

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #cache #compilation #build-system #cloud-storage #sccache #distributed #remote
  28. bazel-remote-apis

    Rust bindings for Bazel Remote APIs

    v0.15.0 1.4K #remote #bazel #protobuf #serialization #bindings #api-bindings
  29. jetstream_client

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 900 #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #9p #remote #mtls #secure
  30. jetstream_9p

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 1.0K #rpc-framework #quic #remote #9p #protocols #jetstream #performance
  31. jetstream_rpc

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 1.1K #rpc-framework #quic #remote #secure #protocols #9p #filesystem
  32. tritium_remote

    connecting to remote Robots running TritiumOS

    v1.5.1 550 #graphql #websocket #systems #tritium-os #remote #robots #query-language
  33. bevy_remote

    The Bevy Remote Protocol

    v0.15.2 1.2K #entity-component #bevy #remote #bevy-ecs #request #protocols #request-response
  34. zenoh-plugin-remote-api

    Zenoh: The Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.2.0 900 #zenoh #zero #overhead #protocols #remote #typescript #future
  35. jetstream_ufs

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 800 #rpc-framework #quic #low-latency #remote #protocols #internet #9p
  36. may_rpc

    RPC framework for Rust based on coroutine

    v0.1.7 #remote-procedure #rpc #procedure #rpc-service #remote #serialization #rpc-server
  37. nexus-actor-remote-rs

    Remote library for Nexus Actor

    v0.1.2 160 #actor-model #actor #grpc #actor-system #remote #tonic #nexus
  38. jetstream_server

    Jetstream is a RPC framework for Rust, based on the 9P protocol and QUIC

    v8.1.2 850 #rpc-framework #low-latency #quic #9p #remote #s2n-quic #protocols
  39. breakmancer

    Drop a breakpoint into any shell

    v0.2.0 #build-script #debugging #remote #shell #github-actions #build-environment #command-line
  40. cargo-tess

    A cargo subcommand to build your project on a remote tesseract server

    v0.2.0 390 #build #remote #cargo #server #artifact #distributed #tesseract
  41. scaficionado

    A scaffolding tool to create repeatable project structure using files and scripts from local or remote repositories

    v0.6.0 230 #script #scaffolding #repository #local #remote #create #scaffold
  42. post-commands

    execute preconfigured commands via HTTP post requests

    v0.1.4 120 #command #remote #http-post #post-requests #execute #preconfigured
  43. readarr

    API docs

    v0.1.0 #api-client #api-version #docs #language #remote
  44. radarr

    API docs

    v0.1.0 #api-client #api-version #docs #language #remote
  45. lidarr

    API docs

    v0.1.0 #api-client #api-version #docs #language #remote
  46. rasn-h282

    Data types for the Remote Device Control Protocol (H.282)

    v0.24.0 370 #devices #control #remote #protocols #282
  47. codemp

    -- code multiplexer

    v0.8.5 #text-editing #real-time #crdt #collaborative #remote #synchronization #cursor
  48. cloudllm

    bridging applications with remote LLMs across various platforms

    v0.1.5 120 #language-model #llm #artificial-intelligence #openai #platform #api-integration #remote
  49. git-superprune

    prune merged remote branches from the local repository

    v0.1.6 340 #git-branch #git-repository #local-git #remote #prune #pull-request #merge
  50. rrc

    A manage remote repository clones

    v0.2.1 #git-repository #git #tool #git-tool #clone #remote #manage
  51. sonarr

    API docs - The v3 API docs apply to both v3 and v4 versions of Sonarr. Some functionality may only be available in v4 of the Sonarr application.

    v0.1.0 #api-client #api-version #docs #applications #apply #language #remote
  52. remote-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Remote API

    v0.1.2 310 #api-client #remote #generated #opinionated #user #environment #details
  53. gitwrap

    wrapper around git command

    v0.11.0 #git #progress #remote #git-ops
  54. cargo-warp

    Build then copy your project binary to a remote host

    v0.1.9 270 #binary #remote #build #cargo #transfer #projects #cross-compilation
  55. gimic

    The solution for maintaining borrowed directories/files in remote repos

    v0.1.33 #git-repository #remote #file #repo #update #borrowed #mimic
  56. cooklang-sync-client

    A client library for cooklang-sync

    v0.2.6 280 #file-synchronization #sync #client #namespaces #file-sync #remote #schema
  57. robonet

    manage network connectivity and to facilitate remote access to robots

    v0.3.2 600 #remote #networking #systems #robotic #connectivity #network-connectivity #tool
  58. lawn

    interact with trusted remote development systems

    v0.4.0 230 #remote #local #local-filesystem #unix-socket #machine #ssh-agent #local-file
  59. astu

    Remote execution multitool

    v0.1.0 #remote #execution #multitool
  60. rco_utils

    Shared functions for "Remote Code Execution"'s (RCO's) binaries

    v1.3.0 440 #execution #remote #rco #binaries #shared #functions
  61. bp3d-debug

    Tracing subscriber implementations for use with BP3D software. Supports traditional logging through bp3d-logger and supports remote profiling through TCP.

    v1.0.0-rc.6.1.0 #bp3d #tracing-subscriber #tracing #debugging #profiling #logging-tracing #remote
  62. mco-rpc

    RPC framework for Rust based on mco

    v0.1.8 #rpc-framework #remote-procedure #rpc #procedure #remote #serialization #load-balancing
  63. rusty-runner-api

    serves purely as an REST api abstraction for a remote script execution server

    v2.0.0 #command-line #script #execution #server #remote #file-server #purely
  64. drpc

    Rust High Performance Async RPC Framework

    v0.2.3 #rpc-framework #load-balancing #microservices #serialization #performance #high #remote
  65. axum-jwt-auth

    JWT authentication middleware for Axum

    v0.5.0 270 #jwt #axum #extract #middleware #claim #remote #validation
  66. re_protos

    Rerun remote gRPC/protobuf API types

    v0.22.1 9.7K #rerun #types #remote #api #store #generated #grpc
  67. pupdate

    update remote and local systems

    v0.2.0 #local #system #remote #helper #update #ssh #arguments
  68. prometheus-reqwest-remote-write

    A prometheus remote write client for reqwest

    v0.2.1 950 #prometheus #write #remote #reqwest #reqwest-client #header #metrics
  69. git-github

    git command line plugin of github

    v0.1.4 260 #github #open #remote #git #repository #url #browser
  70. openssh-tmux

    programmatically run commands in a remote tmux session over openssh to avoid aborted commands when the ssh session is interrupted

    v0.2.4 110 #tmux-session #tmux #openssh #run-command #ssh #remote
  71. porg

    A command-line tool for renaming, organizing, and backing up photos to local and remote destinations

    v0.1.2 #photos #rename #remote #local #destination #backing #up
  72. xwiimote

    Idiomatic Rust bindings to the xwiimote user-space library

    v0.2.5 #bindings #userspace #remote #idiomatic #wii #devices #applications
  73. rtorrent-xmlrpc-bindings

    XMLRPC API bindings for rtorrent

    v1.0.4 #remote-control #api-bindings #xml-rpc #rtorrent #remote #control #rpc
  74. datafusion-flight-sql-server

    Datafusion flight sql server

    v0.4.6 290 #sql-server #sql-query #query-engine #data-fusion #flight #query-execution #remote
  75. rs_machine_input_chirho

    A command-line tool to synchronize computer resource information with a remote database

    v0.1.2 #sqlite #system-info #synchronization #remote #database #computer #data-synchronization
  76. fast-scp

    A fast and simple scp CLI tool

    v0.1.5 600 #scp #remote #file #command-line-tool #linux #file-copy #host
  77. rekker

    Attack library written for rust and python

    v0.1.14 800 #tcp-socket #attack #tcp #sockets #remote #send #recv
  78. fav_cli

    Fav's CLI, helping persist the remote resources. Repo: https://github.com/kingwingfly/fav

    v0.2.37 1.2K #favorite #bilibili #remote #resources #command-line-tool #fav #local
  79. px-wsdom

    roundtrip-free Rust to JavaScript *remote method invocation* or *distributed objects* system

    v0.0.2 #remote #rpc #javascript #api-bindings
  80. usvg-remote-resolvers

    resolving remote resources in SVG files for usvg

    v0.1.2 130 #svg #resolver #remote #resources #usvg #image #resolving
  81. rocketmq-client-v4

    rocket mq rust client for remote protocol. works on rocket mq V4

    v0.4.2 #producer-consumer #rocket-mq #client #protocols #remote #message #body
  82. remotesysmonitor

    monitoring remote servers

    v0.3.0 #remote #monitoring #command-line-tool #ssh
  83. remotemob

    Console tool for streamlining remote mobbing

    v1.2.1 #mob #branch #remote #cli-tool #console #programming #git
  84. print-nanny-client

    Official Print Nanny Rust API Client

    v0.10.0 #print-nanny #api-client #remote #open-api #com #generated
  85. infrared

    remote control library

    v0.14.2 180 #remote-control #remote #nec #rc6 #rc5
  86. process-memory

    that can read/write the memory of other processes

    v0.5.0 400 #memory #process #memory-management #read-write #debugging #debugging-tool #remote
  87. kitty-remote-bindings

    Bindings for Kitty Terminal's remote commands

    v0.5.0 120 #kitty #terminal #remote #remote-control #bindings #command #api-bindings
  88. hippo-openapi

    Auto-generated client for Hippo

    v0.10.1 1.6K #api-client #hippo #openapi-generator #auto-generate #remote #openapi-spec
  89. cerberus-api

    API specification for cerberus remote signer

    v0.1.0 #signer #bn254 #remote #api #specification #cerberus #client
  90. manticore-openapi

    Сlient for Manticore Search

    v0.1.1 #search #api-client #manticore #generator #open-api #generated #remote
  91. l4p

    fast layer 4 proxy in Rust

    v0.1.9 #proxy #tls-connection #networking #layer #tcp #remote #back-end
  92. fwd

    Automatically forward ports to a remote server over ssh

    v0.9.0 380 #port #ssh #remote #server #forwarding #connection #automatic
  93. rs-docker

    Docker Remote API in Rust

    v0.0.60 110 #docker #remote #container-image #networking #compatible #backward
  94. nodo_nng

    Remote message passing with NNG for NODO

    v0.12.0 #robotics #framework #message #nng #remote #nodo
  95. ductile

    A channel implementation that allows both local in-memory channels and remote TCP-based channels with the same interface

    v0.3.0 #channel #data-channel #single-consumer #crossbeam-channel #actor #networking #remote
  96. git-pusher

    Small CLI helper to track changes in repos and push them to a remote

    v0.1.2 #repos #remote #push #track #helper #commit #file
  97. dfhack-remote

    Interacting with the Dwarf Fortress remote API exposed by DFHack

    v0.9.0 #dwarf-fortress #remote #remote-control #df-hack #api #api-bindings
  98. git-who

    List remote branches by author and date of last commit

    v0.1.4 #git-branch #git-remote #branch #git-commit #git #remote #branches
  99. cdumay_http_client

    call remote web application

    v0.3.2 #http-client #http #web-apps #serde #error #applications #remote
  100. zika

    IP Tunneling over MQTT

    v3.4.4 160 #mqtt #iot #ip #devices #networking #tunneling #remote
  101. bevy_remote_inspector

    A remote inspector for Bevy game engine, allowing you to inspect and modify entities in real-time

    v0.1.0 230 #inspector #remote #entities #real-time #modify #allowing #inspect
  102. dremoc

    Microservices library base on remoc

    v0.1.8 420 #microservices #remote #rpc #remoc
  103. pam-ssh-agent

    A PAM module that authenticates using the ssh-agent

    v0.5.0 120 #ssh-agent #pam #authentication #user-identity #module #remote #sudo
  104. distant

    Operate on a remote computer through file and process manipulation

    v0.20.0 #remote #process #ssh #networking #computer #server #manager
  105. mwc-libp2p-wasm-ext

    Allows passing in an external transport in a WASM environment

    v0.27.1 #p2p #peer-to-peer #transport #networking #external #wasm #remote
  106. ed-daemon

    docker based container deployment

    v1.0.0-rc.4 #deployment #container-image #remote #run-time #daemon #mtls #config-file
  107. px-wsdom-macros-decl

    wsdom crate

    v0.0.2 #wsdom #invocation #distributed #objects #system #remote #javascript
  108. undr

    protocol implemented in Rust

    v0.2.0 #dataset #protocols #processing #download #remote #streaming #toml
  109. px-wsdom-dom

    wsdom crate

    v0.0.2 160 #wsdom #remote #objects #system #distributed #invocation #javascript
  110. mdbx-remote-sys

    Raw bindings for libmdbx

    v0.3.0 #mdbx #remote #database #bindings #networking #safely #libmdbx
  111. srp6

    A safe implementation of the secure remote password authentication and key-exchange protocol (SRP version 6 and 6a)

    v1.0.0-alpha.6 #key-exchange #secure-password #remote #srp #protocols #authentication #user
  112. ckb-gdb-remote-protocol

    GDB remote protocol

    v0.117.0 500 #gdb #protocols #remote #lldb #user #targets #modes
  113. stund

    An SSH tunnel maintenance daemon

    v0.1.6 #ssh #tunnel #connection #daemon #maintenance #remote #multiplexing
  114. px-wsdom-javascript

    wsdom crate

    v0.0.2 #wsdom #javascript #remote #objects #system #distributed #invocation
  115. print-nanny-api-client

    Official Print Nanny Rust API Client

    v0.16.0 #print-nanny #api-client #api-version #remote
  116. bp3d-tracing

    Tracing subscriber implementations for use with BP3D software. Supports traditional logging through bp3d-logger and supports remote profiling through TCP.

    v1.0.0-alpha-2.0.0 #bp3d #tracing-subscriber #logging-tracing #tracing #profiling #tcp #remote
  117. sshkit_rs

    execute commands on remote hosts using SSH

    v0.1.0 #execute-command #ssh #secure #remote #secure-communication #host #connection
  118. chim

    Cross-platform binary shims with optional remote fetching

    v1.1.2 #shim #cross-platform #binary #remote #fetching #optional #automatic
  119. gitweb

    Open the current remote repository in your browser

    v0.3.5 #browser #git #git-repository #open #remote #command-line #command-line-interface
  120. px-wsdom-ts-convert

    wsdom crate

    v0.0.2 #wsdom #object #system #invocation #distributed #remote #javascript
  121. rkyv-with

    Third-party derive macro for rkyv's *With traits

    v0.1.2 #macro-derive #rkyv #remote #with
  122. bevy_remote_stream

    Remote streaming plugin for Bevy

    v0.1.0 250 #remote #plugin #bevy #entities #modify #inspect #streaming
  123. nasu

    Command-line utility which poll on remote addresses in order to perform status checks periodically

    v0.1.0 #remote #check #addresses #perform #status #task #utility
  124. dfhack-proto

    Generated code from the DFHack API

    v0.9.0 #dwarf-fortress #api-bindings #protobuf #remote #df-hack #plugin #generated
  125. bailongma

    Official Prometheus Remote Storage Adapter for TDengine

    v0.2.4 #prometheus #remote #td-engine #blm #table-column
  126. ssh2-patched

    Bindings to libssh2 for interacting with SSH servers and executing remote commands, forwarding local ports, etc

    v0.9.4-p1 410 #ssh #bindings #libssh2 #remote #forwarding #server #port
  127. rics

    Remote Inter-Connected Streams - datastream and bus routing

    v0.2.2 #server-client #tcp-socket #data-stream #server-connection #bus #routing #remote
  128. gosh-remote

    Distributed parallel computing over multiple nodes

    v0.3.2 #parallel-processing #distributed-computing #node #script #worker #hpc #remote
  129. remote-attestation-verifier

    Remote Attestation Verifier for AWS Nitro Enclaves

    v0.1.2 160 #attestation #aws #nitro #enclave #remote #verifier #certificate
  130. swarmd_generated

    # Introduction blblbllb

    v0.1.1-alpha.3 #api-client #open-api #swarmd #generated #remote #generate #client-server
  131. sshrpc

    RPC through ssh port forwarding

    v0.2.0 #rpc-server #ssh #port #forwarding #remote #remote-procedure #channel
  132. sesh-cli

    CLI crate for Sesh, a Unix terminal session manager

    v0.1.12 #terminal-session #session-management #unix-socket #manager #grpc #sesh #remote
  133. resymo-agent

    A remote system monitoring tool for a small set of servers

    v0.1.0 #home-assistant #monitoring #server #networking #remote #agent #tool
  134. clipboard-anywhere

    Copy text to the clipboard, even in WSL and SSH sessions

    v0.2.3 #clipboard #ssh #wsl #copy #remote #session #control
  135. ghcl

    GitHub Clone

    v0.1.2 #github #git-repository #upstream #clone #cloning #remote #git
  136. remote_shell

    remote shell written by rust

    v2.0.0 #shell #remote #slave #client-side #iot #ssh #installed
  137. rco_config

    Configuration for "Remote Code Execution"'s (RCO's) binaries

    v0.3.0 100 #remote #execution #binaries #rco
  138. cannyls_rpc

    RPC library for operating cannyls's devices from remote nodes

    v0.3.1 #rpc #node #operating #remote #devices #cannyls
  139. cargo-remote

    Cargo subcommand to build rust projects remotely

    v0.2.0 #remote #build #cargo-subcommand #projects #remotely #compile #flags
  140. oramfs

    fully encrypted and optionally authenticated Oblivious RAM filesystem

    v1.0.0 #oram #directory #remote #ftp-server #read-write #data #manual
  141. tee-attestation-verifier

    Remote Attestation Verifier for AWS Nitro Enclaves

    v0.1.4 #attestation #aws #nitro #enclave #remote #verifier #certificate
  142. spurs

    setting up and running experiments remotely

    v0.9.2 #ssh #remote #experimentation #setting-up #spur-py
  143. libmdbx-remote

    Access remote mdbx database seamlessly

    v0.3.0 #remote #mdbx #libmdbx #database #accessing #seamlessly #fork
  144. lawn-constants

    error and logging types, traits, and codes for Lawn

    v0.4.0 320 #error-logging #remote #constants #lawn #traits #types #codes
  145. moosicbox_scan

    MoosicBox scan package

    v0.1.0 #scan #remote #local #audio #file
  146. steroid

    A lightweight framework for dynamic binary instrumentation

    v0.5.0 #process #process-memory #memory-mapping #remote #dynamic #instrumentation #binary
  147. mwc-libp2p-noise

    Cryptographic handshake protocol using the noise framework

    v0.29.2 #noise-protocol #public-key #p2p #handshake #mwc #protocols #remote
  148. docker

    Remote API in Rust

    v0.0.41 #api-bindings #remote #openssl #version #info #path #stats
  149. resm

    Remote Server Management tools

    v0.1.2 #server #remote #management #web #systems
  150. oxsync

    file synchronization tool. It enables fast, local reads with a remote filesystem

    v0.3.0 #file-synchronization #remote #local #directory #reads #filesystem #exclude
  151. remote-clipboard

    A CLI tool to share content across different clients

    v0.4.0 #clipboard #remote #cli #serverless #command-line-tool
  152. tourniquet

    Async native round-robin manager for remote services

    v0.4.0 1.0K #round-robin #service-provider #async #remote #error #connection-manager #automatic
  153. remote_config

    Flexible crate for asynchronously loading configuration from remote source with caching and automatic revalidation

    v0.2.0 #remote #config #cache #async #http-header #http-service #public-key
  154. lawn-protocol

    protocol types, traits, and codes for Lawn

    v0.4.0 250 #protocols #definition #lawn #traits #types #codes #remote
  155. rfbutton

    decoding 433 MHz RF remote codes

    v0.1.1 #rf #remote #decoding #433mhz #codes #m-hz #433m-hz
  156. lopxy

    local proxy server tool for some unreachable remote tiny file

    v0.1.3 #proxy #proxy-server #local #file #stop #remote #tiny
  157. castled

    Best tunnel for development and kubernetes

    v0.0.1-alpha.3 130 #tunnel #kubernetes #port #remote #service #random #grpc
  158. sssync

    A version control system for large files backed by online blob storage

    v0.1.1 #version-control #storage #commit #file #remote #control-system #online
  159. lawn-fs

    Generic file system functionality for Lawn

    v0.4.0 #filesystem #system #file #remote #generic #lawn #definition
  160. there

    planning and executing commands on local and remote hosts

    v0.1.2 #execution #ssh #remote #tasks #command #task #execute-command
  161. barberousse

    edit secrets from AWS Secrets Manager without storing them locally

    v0.1.6 #secret #secrets-manager #aws #editor #edit #remote #storing
  162. clipat

    CLI tool for sharing clipboard with remote SSH sessions

    v0.1.1 #ssh #remote #clipboard #sessions #sharing #server #command-line-tool
  163. redarrow

    Execute commands on remote servers

    v0.18.0 #remote #execute-command #server #atomation
  164. prom-write

    CLI for writing metrics to Prometheus over the remote write API

    v0.2.1 #prometheus-metrics #remote #write #api
  165. codebase

    Manage your codebase like a boss!

    v0.11.0 #git-hook #git-repository #git-configuration #manage #directory #remote #projects
  166. nix-remote

    The nix remote protocol

    v0.1.1 #nix #nix-build #protocols #remote #ops #command #response
  167. reapi

    A wrapper around REAPI for rust using prost and tonic

    v0.2.0 #grpc #api-bindings #remote #execution #build #remote-execution #tonic
  168. launcho

    Ultra-simplified k8s replacement in 2k lines of Rust

    v0.1.0 #health-check #process #load-balancing #k8s #line #replacement #remote
  169. cwiid

    (Wii remote "Wiimote") based on libcwiid-sys bindings

    v0.1.15 #wii #wiimote #bindings #remote #nintendo #communicate #api
  170. clin

    Command completion desktop notifications

    v0.3.0 #desktop-notifications #notification #notifications #remote #server #cli #cargo-build
  171. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  172. forage


    v0.0.3 #remote #hash #tor #storage #byte #channel #encryption
  173. cw20-ics20

    IBC Enabled contracts that receives CW20 tokens and sends them over ICS20 to a remote chain

    v2.0.0 2.2K #tokens #send #contract #receive #chain #ibc #remote
  174. bie

    Drop a file from a remote without almost any access

    v0.1.0 #file #remote #access #uploader
  175. distant-ssh2

    enable native ssh-2 protocol for use with distant sessions

    v0.20.0 #distant #ssh #session #remote #protocols #ssh2 #native
  176. remote_jupyter

    Manage multiple Jupyter sessions running on remote servers through SSH tunneling

    v0.1.2 #jupyter #command-line-tool #remote #ssh #session #science #server
  177. actix-remote-ip

    Tiny extractor to get real client IP address, parsing X-Forwarded-For header

    v0.1.0 600 #ip-address #client-ip #remote #extractor #tiny #real #header
  178. spurs-util

    setting up and running experiments remotely

    v0.3.1 #ssh #remote #experimentation #spur-py #setting-up #utilities #user-group
  179. distant-protocol

    Protocol library for distant, providing data structures used between the client and server

    v0.20.0 #protocols #client-server #distant #data #data-structures #messaging #remote
  180. tfc-server

    A server that facilitates remote control using the TFC library. Repo contains an iOS app.

    v0.7.0 #remote-control #remote #control #keyboard #mouse #websocket-server #networking
  181. rust-call

    Make remote development more elegant

    v0.3.0 #remote #call #build #key-file #cli
  182. getit

    An easy to use file getter for local and remote files

    v0.1.0 #ftp #file #getter #remote #local
  183. swc-css-fonts-dl

    Download remote fonts referenced in stylesheets

    v0.0.3 #font #css #swc #download #style-sheet #remote #user-agent
  184. encrypt-remote-hook

    A rust-based initcpio hook to configure full-disk encryption by reading a secret key from a remote endpoint

    v0.2.0 #hook #encryption-key #remote #reading #disk #endpoint #configure
  185. dfmn

    dotfile manager

    v0.1.0 #remote #repository #reset #file-manager #link #show #command
  186. ecli-server-codegen

    RESTFul APIs provided by ecli-server

    v1.0.0 #client-server #http-client #remote #date #api-client #data #generate
  187. tourniquet-celery

    Async native round-robin manager for remote services. celery integration.

    v0.2.0 850 #round-robin #remote #services #celery #async #task #integration
  188. rustssh

    ssh tools

    v0.1.2 #ssh #sudo #password #scp #remote #command #pattern
  189. slink

    remote dev environments over SSH

    v0.2.2 #remote #ssh #environments #dev #shell #directory #forward
  190. libcwiid-sys

    Rust bindings for cwiid (Wii remote "Wiimote" api bindings)

    v0.1.18 #bindings #api-bindings #wii #cwiid #remote #wiimote #bindgen
  191. rtime_rs

    Retrieve the current time from remote servers

    v0.1.3 #server #remote #retrieve #host #rtime #time #sync
  192. cradle_system

    A watchdog timer but more powerful

    v0.0.1-alpha2 #system #watchdog #timer #p2p #remote #local #cradle
  193. tourniquet-tonic

    Async native round-robin manager for remote services. Tonic integration.

    v0.5.0 200 #round-robin #async #manager #service #grpc #remote #tonic
  194. rem-bash

    Remote bash script execution and library import

    v0.2.2 #script #rem #bash #github #import #remote #execution
  195. abstract-ibc-host

    Abstract IBC Host Contract

    v0.26.0 500 #ibc #chain #host #account #abstract #remote #action
  196. footprint

    Simplified format for Earth remote sensing instrument footprints

    v0.2.2 150 #format #remote #footprints #instrument #sensing #geo-json #svg
  197. frame-remote-externalities

    An externalities provided environment that can load itself from remote nodes or cached files

    v0.49.0 4.5K #remote #load #substrate #node #polkadot #snapshot #externalities
  198. distant-local

    implementing distant API for local interactions

    v0.20.0 #api-server #local #process #distant #networking #handler #remote
  199. swarm-ssh

    Transfer files via ssh protocol

    v0.1.2 #ssh #protocols #swarm #computer #remote #transfer #upload
  200. jellyfin-remote-proxy

    remote proxy that tunnels to a remote Jellyfin server and acts as a Jellyfin server locally

    v0.1.2 #proxy-server #remote #jellyfin #acts #locally #tunnels
  201. solana-remote-wallet

    Blockchain, Rebuilt for Scale

    v2.2.0 80K #wallet #ledger #devices #remote #blockchain #solana #byte
  202. moosicbox_remote_library

    MoosicBox Remote Library Music API package

    v0.1.0 #remote #audio #library
  203. mwc-libp2p-core

    Core traits and structs of libp2p

    v0.27.3 #p2p #connection #networking #upgrade #substreams #protocols #remote
  204. md-localizer

    Localize markdown with remote links

    v0.1.1 #localization #markdown #links #remote #blog #provider #localizer
  205. sergen_x_openapi

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v1.0.0 #open-api #openapi-generator #api-client #remote #language #generated #openapitools
  206. dockertags

    List all tags for a Docker image on a remote registry

    v0.1.0 #docker #tags #registry #remote
  207. roku-ecp

    Roku External Control Protocol (ECP)

    v0.0.3 #tv #remote #roku
  208. LGremote

    Command line tool for controlling LG TVs from the 2012 era

    v0.2.1 #lgremote #tv #control #remote-control #remote #lg #cli #command-line
  209. somfy

    controlling Somfy equipment

    v0.1.0 #rolling #control #protocols #equipment #controlling #remote #rts
  210. warp-real-ip

    Warp filter to get the "real ip" of the remote client

    v0.2.0 120 #warp #real #ip #filter #remote #client #header
  211. realm_hook

    Realm's flexible hooks

    v0.1.4 350 #hook #ffi #realm #flexible #remote #peer #length
  212. resource-path

    A path representation for resource at local and remote

    v0.1.0 #resource #path #local #remote #system #file #filesystem
  213. asset-container

    Manage local and remote assets in your structs

    v0.4.0 #assets #struct #remote #local #traits-structs #fetchable #manage
  214. portForwarder

    a TCP/UDP port multiplexer which forwards connection based on content of traffic

    v0.1.2 #portforwarder #traffic #tcp-udp #connection #port #config-file #remote #multiplexer
  215. safecoin-remote-wallet

    Safecoin: Enterprise Security for the Community by the Community

    v1.14.17 #safecoin #version #security #remote #community #enterprise #install
  216. distant-auth

    Authentication library for distant, providing various implementations

    v0.20.0 #authentication #async #distant #remote #networking #process #interface
  217. remote

    Generate remote repo URLs

    v1.0.1 #generate #url #git-remote #repo #github #repository #service
  218. ssb-rpc

    The remote procedure calls used by ssb

    v0.3.1 #ssb #procedure #calls #remote #default #plugin-system
  219. abstract-cw20-ics20

    IBC Enabled contracts that receives CW20 tokens and sends them over ICS20 to a remote chain

    v3.0.0 320 #tokens #send #contract #receive #chain #ibc #remote
  220. everydayanchovies/einkvnc

    GitHub 0.1.0 #e-ink #devices #remote #server #vnc #screen #pixel
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