
  1. uuid

    generate and parse UUIDs

    v1.14.0 10.8M #unique-identifier #unique #guid #distributed-systems #hex-string #network-protocol #generate
  2. ulid

    a Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier implementation

    v1.2.0 406K #unique-identifier #identifier #uuid #sortable
  3. nanoid

    A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust

    v0.4.0 335K #id-generator #unique-id #id #random-string #random #secure-random #uuid
  4. uuinfo

    debug unique identifiers (UUID, ULID, Snowflake, etc)

    v0.3.11 440 #unique-identifier #uuid #identifier #unique #debug #debugging #database
  5. newtype-uuid

    Newtype wrapper around UUIDs

    v1.2.1 171K #unique-identifier #uuid #newtype #unique #guid #generate
  6. rusty_ulid

    Rust ULID (Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier) generation and processing

    v2.0.0 8.3K #unique-identifier #ulid #identifier #sortable #uuid #binary-encoding
  7. uuid7

    UUID version 7

    v1.1.0 2.5K #uuid #identifier #id-generator #version #numbers #generation #counter
  8. serial_int

    Safe, easy-to-use auto-increment integers

    v2.0.1 1.0K #unique-identifier #serial #integer #id #integer-value #uuid #auto-increment
  9. mid

    Creating a Machine ID hash for MacOS/Windows/Linux

    v3.0.1 1.6K #uuid #machine-id #hwid #hardware-id #machineuid
  10. scru128

    Sortable, Clock and Random number-based Unique identifier

    v3.1.0 470 #unique-identifier #unique-id #identifier #ulid #uuid #guid #ksuid
  11. oohid

    Generates UUIDs on CLI in various formats, very fast, outputs to .txt or stdout

    v0.3.12 800 #unique-identifier #uuid #output #generator #command-line #formatting #generate
  12. mti

    that implements type-safe, prefix-enhanced identifiers based on the TypeID Specification

    v1.0.7-beta.1 1.4K #identifier #distributed-systems #type-id #uuid
  13. uuid-readable-rs

    Easy to remember unique sentences acting as UUID

    v0.1.6 350 #human-readable #uuid #unique-id #unique #id #shortid #uuid-v4
  14. fast32

    Base32 and base64 encoding in Rust. Primarily for integer (u64, u128) and UUID identifiers, as well as arbitrary byte arrays.

    v1.0.3 2.5K #base64 #byte-array #base32 #identifier #uuid #ids #identifiers
  15. uuid25

    25-digit case-insensitive UUID encoding

    v0.3.5 140 #uuid #case-insensitive #string-representation #encoding #convert #format #base36
  16. machineid-rs

    Get an encrypted unique MachineID/HWID/UUID. Inspired by .Net DeviceId.

    v1.2.4 7.8K #unique-id #uuid #machine-id #hwid #hardware-id #machineuid #linux-macos
  17. ids_service

    that allows to generate unique Ids

    v1.3.7 #unique-id #hashing #id #unique #id-generator #hash #uuid
  18. bitwarden

    Secrets Manager SDK

    v1.0.0 6.2K #secrets-manager #secret #client-secret #sdk #uuid #authentication
  19. short-uuid

    generate and parse short uuids

    v0.1.4 8.3K #uuid #short #generate #npm-package #alphabet #parse #string
  20. PebbleVault

    A high performance data storage solution written in rust

    v0.6.2 900 #pebblevault #spatial #database #uuid #load-testing #performance #3d #high
  21. uuid-rs

    Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)

    v0.6.4 1.2K #uuid #unique #rand #global #random
  22. nuid

    A highly performant unique identifier generator

    v0.5.0 220K #unique-identifier #uuid #guid #generator
  23. typed-oid

    Typed Object IDs

    v0.4.2 800 #object-id #typed #oid #uuid #prefix #toid #base32
  24. uuid-macro-internal

    Private implementation details of the uuid! macro

    v1.14.0 555K #uuid #details #macro #parse
  25. cuid2gen

    A command-line tool for generating CUID2 identifiers

    v0.1.3 #id #id-generator #generator #uuid #cuid #unique-id #generate-json
  26. typeid_suffix

    that implements the UUID suffix part of the TypeIdSpecification

    v1.0.2-beta.1 1.4K #uuid #suffix #type-id #distributed-systems #base32 #unique-identifier #encoding
  27. actix-request-identifier

    Middlerware for actix-web to associate an ID with each request

    v4.2.0 650 #request-id #actix-web #actix-web-middleware #http-header #web-request #request-headers #uuid
  28. base62-uuid

    Minimalist crate to generate Base62 UUIDs

    v2.1.2 490 #uuid #base62 #generate #minimalist #command-line #github #command-line-tool
  29. ulid-generator-rs

    generating ULIDs

    v0.0.112 200 #unique-identifier #ulid #identifier #sortable #uuid #generate
  30. uuid-by-string

    Generating uuid-hash from string

    v3.0.1 380 #uuid #guid #hash #rfc4122 #namespaces
  31. diesel-ulid

    Diesel-rs & tokio_postgres adapter for Ulid (rusty-ulid) to Postgres UUIDs

    v0.3.2 #ulid #uuid #identifier #sortable #database #databases
  32. uuidv7

    UUIDv7 implementation

    v0.1.7 850 #uuid #uid #v7
  33. scyllax

    A SQLx and Discord inspired query system for Scylla

    v0.2.1 #scylla #query #sqlx #orm #discord #system #uuid
  34. kind

    Costless typed identifiers backed by UUID, with kind readable in serialized versions

    v1.0.0 120 #uuid #sqlx #type #serde #human-readable #object-id #kinds
  35. slugid

    generation for Rust

    v1.0.3 310 #uuid #base64 #unique-identifier #url-safe #generation #slug #compression
  36. unique_id

    Traits and implementations for unique ID generators

    v0.1.5 2.3K #id-generator #unique-identifier #random-string #uuid #thread-safe
  37. small_uid

    A 64 bit lexicographically sortable unique identifier implementation

    v0.2.3 #sortable #uuid #identifier #ulid #id-generator #unique-id #primary-key
  38. partition-identity

    Find the ID of a device by its path, or find a device path by its ID

    v0.3.0 19K #partition #devices #uuid #path #linux #id #find
  39. scru128-cli

    CLI frontend for the scru128 crate, a library for generating and parsing SCRU128 identifiers

    v0.3.0 #identifier #cli #scru128 #timestamp #uuid #front-end
  40. uuid-rng-internal

    Private implementation details of the uuid crate

    v1.14.0 1.0K #uuid #details #user #run-time #randomness #meant #wasm32-unknown-unknown
  41. uuidv6

    UUIDv6 implementation

    v0.1.6 110 #uuid #v6 #uid #binary-representation
  42. svix-ksuid

    A pure Rust and fully tested KSUID implementation

    v0.8.0 16K #ksuid #uuid #segment #svix
  43. euid

    Reference implementation for EUID

    v0.1.7 150 #unique-identifier #timestamp #data-management #uuid #universally #extendable #milliseconds
  44. strong_id

    Strongly typed, base32 encoded IDs

    v0.4.0 330 #unique-id #id #type-id #uuid #base32 #unique
  45. fuid

    A UUID-compatible identifier in a friendly base-62 format

    v2.0.0 130 #uuid #identifier #base62 #friendly #short #generation #human-readable
  46. tagid

    Defines a newtype labeled tagging for different types of ids

    v0.2.0 #snowflake-id #id #identifier #entity-id #snowflake #uuid #unique-identifier
  47. machineid-crystal

    Get an encrypted unique MachineID/HWID/UUID. Inspired by .Net DeviceId.

    v1.2.5 #uuid #machine-id #hwid #machineuid #hardware-id #sha-1
  48. nid

    Generate and parse Nano IDs

    v3.0.0 1.9K #id #nano #unique-id #unique #uuid #string-parser #nanoid
  49. tasklib

    used to interact with Taskwarrior in Rust

    v0.3.2 130 #task #taskwarrior #json #interact #uuid #string #tags
  50. nano-id

    A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust

    v0.4.0 850 #id-generator #unique-id #id #random-string #uuid #url #random
  51. puid

    A unique ID generator with 'ch_'-style prefix

    v0.2.1 #id #id-generator #prefix #random #unique-id #uuid #process-id
  52. device-id


    v0.1.8 550 #devices #id #android #ios #uuid #device
  53. hora-id

    A 64-bit time-based sorted unique ID generator that includes the current time in the ID

    v0.1.0 120 #unique-id #id #id-generator #uuid #ulid #identifier #sortable
  54. unique-uuid

    generate unique UUIDs

    v0.1.1 160 #uuid #unique #compile-time #unique-identifier #generate #tags #stable
  55. pond-cache

    local, persistent cache for Rust

    v1.1.0 130 #sqlite #cache #persistent #local #uuid #user #serialization
  56. uuidmap

    An ArrayHashMap implementation specialized for using a uuid (u128) as the key

    v0.1.0 #u128 #key #specialized #table #array-hash-map #uuid #database-table
  57. sqlite-uuid

    Plugin to add support for uuids in sqlite

    v0.4.1 #sqlite #uuid #plugin #blob #text #uuid-blob #uui-dv4
  58. shortguid

    Short URL-safe Base64 encoded UUIDs

    v0.7.0 280 #uuid #unique #guid #string-representation
  59. genrs

    command-line tool and Library for generating random keys

    v0.1.1 #random-key #uuid #generate #command-line-tool #preset #version #format
  60. br-code


    v0.1.1 320 #qrcode #uuid #random #code
  61. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000097

    generate and parse UUIDs

    v1.11.0 #uuid #unique #guid #unique-identifier #hex-string
  62. ord-uuid

    Creates lexically sortable uuid values of size 16 bytes

    v0.1.10 650 #uuid #sortable #create #byte #size #values #lexically
  63. tuid

    Sequential UUID generator

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #guid #uuid #sequential #identifier
  64. dynamic-token

    Encodes and evaluates a time-sensitive dynamic authentication token based on shared API key, a timestamp, some random noise characters and an optional UUID

    v0.1.7 290 #api-key #auth-token #api-token #dynamic #security #authentication #uuid
  65. tempoid

    Generates URL-friendly, unique, and short IDs that are sortable by time. Inspired by nanoid and UUIDv7.

    v0.1.1 #unique-id #id #unique #uuid #random #nanoid #distributed-systems
  66. rust_supabase_sdk

    An SDK kit for SupaBase so that Rust lovers can use SupaBase with the low level abstracted away. If you want new features tell me and I'll add them.

    v0.1.8 #sdk #supa-base #low-level #search-query #service #uuid #id
  67. ad_event_log_parser

    parser for analyzing ad event logs to extract insights from click report data

    v0.1.1 #event-log #log-parser #extract #ad #date-time #data #uuid
  68. kurtbuilds_sid

    Id schema that is: 128-bit (uuid compatible); sorted (won't explode database indexes); random (gen anywhere); readable (has object type and a "short" segment); and highlights on double click. Includes postgres extension.

    v0.6.0 130 #postgresql-extension #schema #uuid #sorting #database #index #compatible
  69. hr-id

    A human-readable unique ID which supports Unicode, safe for URLs and file paths

    v0.6.0 #unique-id #file-path #url-safe #human-readable #unicode #serialization #uuid
  70. human-hash

    Generate human readable hash digests

    v0.4.0 370 #human-readable #hash #uuid #representation #generate #reproducible #humanize
  71. typed-fields

    A collection of macros that generate newtypes

    v0.4.0 #newtype #macro #types #ulid #secret #strongly-typed #uuid
  72. uuid-b64

    Base64 encoding for UUIDs

    v0.2.0 #base64 #uuid #url-safe #serialization
  73. limbo_uuid

    Limbo UUID extension

    v0.0.15 #uuid #limbo #extension #sqlite #modern #embedded-database #evolution
  74. ulid-lite

    ULID generation library and command-line utility

    v0.6.1 #unique-identifier #ulid #sortable #lexicographically #uuid #command-line-tool #universally
  75. helpers

    self use helper library

    v0.5.5 190 #jwt #helper #random #hash #uuid #time
  76. build_uuid

    Obtain a UUID uniquely representing the build of the current binary

    v0.3.1 360 #build #uuid #build-id #buildid #compile-time
  77. yozuk

    Chatbot for Programmers

    v0.22.11 #nlp #chat-bot #programmers #telegram-bot #calculations #uuid #digest
  78. nuuid

    A new, no_std, UUID Library

    v0.5.0 #uuid #guid #unique #format
  79. const-uuid

    Lightweight UUID container for const contexts

    v0.1.0 100 #context #uuid #const #container
  80. kodumaro-uuid-cli

    Command line tool to generate UUID

    v1.0.7 #uuid #command-line-tool #generator #random #generate #rfc #v7
  81. quuidy

    The simplest UUID v4 && v7 generation cli tool out there

    v0.1.2 #uuid #command-line-tool #uuid-generation #uuid-cli #bevy-uuid
  82. yyid

    Yyid generator (random tokens like UUIDv4, but using all the bits)

    v0.7.0 #random #uuid #unique #token #generates-random #generate
  83. lolid

    Minimal UUID implementation

    v2.0.1 #uuid #unique #v5 #random #md5 #sha-1 #serde
  84. gensym

    Creates unique identifiers for macros using procedural macros

    v0.1.1 18K #unique-identifier #proc-macro #procedural #create #uuid #u64 #macro-rules
  85. id32

    32-character RFC 4648 lowercase Base32 IDs

    v2.0.0 #base32 #id #uuid #nanoid
  86. blob-uuid

    Converts Uuid to a url friendly 22 character string blob

    v0.5.0 3.7K #uuid #blob #base64
  87. euid-toys

    Reference implementation for EUID

    v0.1.7 #unique-identifier #euid #uuid
  88. uuid-simd

    SIMD-accelerated UUID operations

    v0.8.0 92K #uuid #simd #guid
  89. rs-uniq4uuid

    Gets unique uuids from input uuids

    v0.1.0 140 #binary-data #uuid #unique #stdin #stdout #input
  90. UUID_extend

    Extension of uuid generation based on snowflake algorithm and implementation of ID to string conversion

    v0.1.7 #uuid_extend #string-conversion #uuid #snowflake-id #snowflake #id2str
  91. sd-id128

    A wrapper for sd-id128 implemented in libsystemd

    v1.0.1 #systemd #uuid #id128 #api-bindings #linux
  92. randoid

    nanoid ids that doesn't requre allocation

    v0.3.0 #id-generator #id #uuid #random-string #nanoid #random #unique-id
  93. unik

    A Powerful Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)

    v0.3.0 #unique-identifier #uuid #unique #rand #global #generate
  94. uuid32

    Uuids formatted as Strings in Crockford base32 for easier to read + copy urls, plus db

    v1.0.0 #uuid #base32 #ids #identifier
  95. rs-uuid

    Universally unique identifier generator

    v0.4.0 #unique-identifier #uuid #generator #uuid16 #uuid32 #uuid8
  96. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  97. ble-data-struct

    BLE data struct for Rust

    v0.2.1 180 #data #bluetooth-le #ble #bluetooth #uuid #struct #characteristics
  98. ulys

    a Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier implementation, with a checksum

    v31.0.0 #unique-identifier #identifier #sortable #ulid #uuid
  99. base64uuid

    Type for representing base64url-encoded UUIDs

    v1.1.0 #uuid #representation #string-representation #compact #url #base64url-encoded #fiberplane
  100. wildland-corex

    Wildland Core library

    v0.40.0 #storage #wildland #uuid
  101. sid2

    Id schema that is: 128-bit (uuid compatible); sorted (won't explode database indexes); random (gen anywhere); readable (has object type and a "short" segment); and highlights on double click. Includes postgres extension.

    v0.4.1 110 #postgresql-extension #uuid #database #schema #sorting #highlight #index
  102. hashcsv

    Append an id column to each row of a CSV file, containing a UUID v5 hash of the row

    v1.0.1 #csv #row #id #row-column #output #uuid #v5
  103. mini_uuid

    A small and URL-safe UUID crate for Rust

    v0.2.0 #url-safe #uuid #base64 #mini #short
  104. seaplane-oid

    Seaplane Object IDs

    v0.4.0 #object-id #oid #uuid #prefix #base32 #extended #seaplane
  105. uuid64rs

    UUID v4 (random) Rust crate with an additional custom base 64 encoding which is web and database friendly

    v0.0.14 #base64 #uuid #base #friendly #random #web #encoding
  106. type-uuid

    Safe, stable IDs for Rust types

    v0.1.2 340 #unique-identifier #uuid #stable #types #byte #generate #value
  107. uuid_to_pokemon

    Translates a UUID to a qualified pokemon name

    v0.3.1 #pokemon #uuid #name #translate #qualified
  108. timeflake-rs

    Timeflake is a 128-bit, roughly-ordered, URL-safe UUID. Inspired by Twitter's Snowflake, Instagram's ID and Firebase's PushID.

    v0.3.0 1.8K #url-safe #timeflake #uuid #snowflake #twitter #id #instagram
  109. prost-uuid-doubleint

    Prost uuid custom datatype

    v0.1.1 #uuid #prost #protobuf #integer
  110. tinyid

    A tiny ID type that's like UUID except shorter and easier for a user to type in

    v1.0.3 440 #id #uuid #guid #shortid
  111. uuid-v4-cli

    A CLI tool to generate UUID V4

    v0.3.0 #uuid #generate #tool #command-line-tool #native #urn #wasm
  112. ruuid

    Cli tool to generate UUIDs

    v0.1.6 #uuid #version #generate #command-line-tool #format #random #cli
  113. xmid

    Creating a Machine ID hash for MacOS/Windows/Linux extends from doroved/mid

    v3.0.0 #uuid #machine-id #hwid #hardware-id #machineuid #macos #windows
  114. typed-uuid

    Typed wrapper around Uuid to disambiguate different Ids

    v0.2.0 #uuid #typed #unique #guid
  115. identifier

    Generate 128 bits id structs easily

    v0.1.3 #id #uuid #generate #bits #structs #u128 #128
  116. build_id

    Obtain a UUID uniquely representing the build of the current binary

    v0.2.1 950 #build #uuid #binary #obtain #uniquely #segment #different
  117. rulid

    Rust Universally Unique Lexicographically Sortable Identifier

    v0.3.1 #uuid #ulid #byte #identifier #universal
  118. libxid

    Package xid is a globally unique id generator library. It's a Rust port of https://github.com/rs/xid

    v0.1.5 120 #unique-id #id-generator #xid #unique-identifier #uuid #globally #port
  119. machine_uuids

    retrieve a machines UUID

    v0.2.0 #uuid #machine #retrieve #os
  120. cotton-unique

    Deterministic per-device unique IDs for embedded systems

    v0.1.0 #unique-identifier #unique-id #mac-address #devices #deterministic #uuid #upnp
  121. uuidrs

    Universally Unique Identifier Command-Line Tool in Rust

    v0.1.0 #uuid #cli #command-line-tool #rfc4122 #unique-identifier
  122. shortid

    uuidv1 generator and variant. safe and fast.

    v1.0.6 #uuid #safe #uuidv1 #performance #fast
  123. meiid

    UUID generator based on current date for rust

    v0.1.2 #uuid #id #database #database-table
  124. uuidv4

    A lightweight library for generating UUID v4

    v1.0.0 #uuid #generating #play
  125. simid

    Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID)

    v0.1.0 #uuid #unique #rand #global
  126. unique_64

    A handy struct for dispatching out unique u64s as IDs

    v1.0.2 #unique-id #unique #uuid #u64 #helpful #utility
  127. typed_id

    Make your IDs strongly typed!!

    v0.1.0 100 #id #uuid #typed #strongly-typed #identifier #customer #generic
  128. serde_dyn

    A package that allows you to dynamically select which type to deserialize at runtime via UUID values specified per type

    v0.4.0 #uuid #serialization #serde #dynamic
  129. sid-cli

    A command line tool for generating sids and converting to/from UUIDs

    v0.3.0 #command-line-tool #uuid #converting #generate #sids
  130. uuid-mc

    handling and generating Minecraft offline and online UUIDs

    v0.3.0 #uuid #online #offline #minecraft #mojang
  131. slid

    labeled IDs

    v0.2.0 #id #unique #uuid #random #guid
  132. machine_uuid

    retrieve a machines UUID

    v0.1.0 #uuid #machine #linux #retrieve #wmic #os #windows
  133. fdb_tuple

    convert between FoundationDB Tuple Layer tuples and Rust tuples

    v0.4.0 #tuple #convert #foundation-db #layer #uuid #to-bytes #from-bytes
  134. api_key

    Generate api key in rust supports base32, base62, string, uuid4, uuid5

    v0.1.0 270 #base32 #random-string #key #base62 #scheme #uuid #api
  135. uwuid

    Like UUIDs or ULIDs, but better

    v0.3.1 #uuid #better #ulid
  136. uuid_v7

    UUID v7 generator

    v0.1.0 310 #v7 #uuid #generator #generate
  137. event_store

    deal with every aspect of an eventstore

    v0.1.1 #events #deal #stream #store #aspect #event-sourcing #uuid
  138. oid2

    An id schema that is compatible with uuid, lexicographcally sorted (won't explode database indexes), readable, and double-click-copyable

    v0.1.0 #index #sorting #uuid #double-click #readable #oid #double-click-copyable
  139. tylisp

    A domain-specific language for expressing complex type bounds

    v0.1.0 #typenum #uuid #memquery #domain-specific-language
  140. rustq-nanoid

    A tiny, secure, URL-friendly, unique string ID generator for Rust

    v0.0.1-dev3 #id #uuid #random #url #id-generator
  141. df-http


    v0.1.2 #df #uuid #code #carryxd
  142. machine-id

    get a UUID specific to the machine

    v0.4.0 #uuid #machine #machine-id
  143. ron-uuid

    Replicated Object Notation UUIDs

    v0.4.0 #ron #uuid #replicated #object #notation #parser
  144. ron-crdt

    Replicated Object Notation for Rust

    v0.4.0 120 #ron #crdt #object #uuid #replicated #frame #notation
  145. uuid_gen

    Cli tool to generate a single uuid v4

    v0.1.0 #uuid #generate #cli #tool #command-line-tool #single
  146. prost-uuid

    ProstUuid new-type wrapper around uuid::Uuid with prost::Message implemented for it

    v0.2.0 #uuid #prost #grpc
  147. sortable-quick-unique-id

    The Sort-able Quick Unique ID system

    v1.1.0 #unique-id #id #uuid #algorithm #id-system
  148. crockford-uuid

    generate and parse Crockford Base32 Identifiers

    v0.1.2 #uuid #unique #guid #crockford
  149. friendlyid

    that converts a given UUID to a URL-friendly ID which is based on Base62

    v0.3.0 #uuid #base62 #converter #shortener #url62
  150. yauuid

    generate and parse UUIDs

    v0.2.1 #uuid #parse #generate #version #variant #uuid-parser #uuid-generator
  151. uuid1

    UUID v1 Batteries

    v0.0.2 #uuid #batteries #uui-dv1
  152. uuidtools

    cli tool for generating uuids

    v0.1.2 #uuid #generate #tool #command-line-tool #cli
  153. friendly_id

    The FriendlyID library converts a given UUID to a URL-friendly ID which is based on Base62

    v0.3.0 #uuid #id #base62 #shortener #url62
  154. getid

    generate a random { cuid, nanoid, uuidv4 }

    v0.4.1 #uuid #random #cuid #nanoid #cli #command-line-tool
  155. wasmcloud-actor-extras

    Interface to the extras contract for use by wasmCloud Actors

    v0.1.3 #wasmcloud #actor #random #uuid #extra #api-bindings #capability-provider
  156. df-code


    v0.1.1 #uuid #df #carryxd #code
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