For an integer \(k\ge 2\), let \(L^{(k)}\) be the k–generalized Lucas sequence which starts with \(0, \ldots , 2,1\) (a total of k terms) and for which each term afterwards is the sum of the k preceding terms. In this paper we assume that an integer c can be represented in at least two ways as the difference between a k–generalized Lucas number and a power of b, then using the theory of nonzero linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers, we bound all possible solutions on this representation of c in terms of b. Finally, combination our general result and some known reduction procedures based on the continued fraction algorithm, we find all the integers c and their representations for \( b\in [2,10]\), this argument can be generalized to any \( b> 10 \).
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1 Introduction
Let \(k \geqslant 2\) be a fixed integer. We consider the linear recurrence sequence \(G^{(k)}:=(G_n^{(k)})_{n\ge 2-k}\) of order k, defined as
with the initial conditions
Observe that if \(a=0\) and \(b=1\), then \(G^{(k)}\) is nothing that just the k–generalized Fibonacci sequence or for simplicity, the k–Fibonacci sequence \(F^{(k)}:=(F ^{(k)}_n)_{n\ge 2-k}\). In this case, if we choose \(k=2\) we obtain the classical Fibonacci sequence \((F_n)_{n}\).
On the other hand, if \(a=2\) and \(b=1\) then \(G^{(k)}\) is known as the k–generalized Lucas sequence \(L^{(k)}:=(L ^{(k)}_n)_{n\ge 2-k}\). In the case of \(k=2\) we obtain the usual Lucas sequence
Furthermore, it has been proved in [28] that the only powers of 2 in \(L ^{(k)}\) are
The above sequences are among the several generalizations of the Fibonacci numbers which have been studied in literature.
Recall the problem of Pillai which states that for each fixed integer \( c\ge 1 \), the Diophantine equation
has only a finite number of positive solutions \(\{a,b,x,y\}\) [24, 25, 29]. This problem is still open; however, the case \( c=1 \), is the conjecture of Catalan and was proved by Mihăilescu [26]. The general problem of Pillai is difficult to solve and this has motivated the consideration of special cases of this problem. In the past years, several special cases of the problem of Pillai have been studied. See, for example, [6,7,8, 10, 11, 13, 16, 21, 22].
Here we look at a similar problem for the terms of the k–Lucas sequence, namely
For \(b\ge 2\) fixed integer, we are interested in knowing how many solutions (c, k, n, m) exist for the above equation, under the non-unitary condition of the multiplicity at least for c. For this purpose we study the equation
withFootnote 1\( n>n_{1}\ge 2 \) and \(m>m_{1}\ge 2 \).
When b is fixed we bound the solutions for Eq. (3) and present an algorithm that can be generalized to find all its solutions for any known b, in particular we use it to obtain all solutions in the cases \( b\in [2, 10] \). We present our main results below.
Theorem 1
Let \( b\ge 2 \) be a fixed integer. The solution \( (k,n,m,n_1,m_1) \) of the Diophantine equation (3) with \( n>n_1\ge 2, m>m_1\ge 2 \) and \(k \ge 2\), satisfies the following.
If \( n\le k \), then \( n=\max \{n,m,n_1,m_1\} \) and Eq. (3) takes the form
$$\begin{aligned} 3\cdot 2^{n-2}-b^{m} = 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2} - b^{m_1}~~~~(=c) \quad \text {for all}\quad k\ge 2. \end{aligned}$$Moreover, if b is a power of 2, there are no solutions for \( b>4 \) but there are solutions for \( b\in \{2,4\} \) of the form
$$\begin{aligned} (b,n,m,n_1,m_1)\in \left\{ \left( 2,m+1,m,m,m-2\right) ,\left( 4,2m+1,m,2m,m-1\right) \right\} , \end{aligned}$$with \( m\ge 3 \). In another case, let p be the largest odd prime divisor of b, then
$$\begin{aligned} n<9.13\times 10^{13}p(\log p)(\log b)^{4}. \end{aligned}$$ -
If \( n\ge k +1 \), then
$$\begin{aligned} k<1.4\times 10^{44}(\log {b})^{6}\quad \text { and } \quad m-2< n < 1.02\times 10^{545} (\log b)^{79}. \end{aligned}$$
As a consequence to Theorem 1, we find all the solutions for \( b\in [2,10]\) in Corollary 2. The argument of the proof of this numerical result can be extended to find any solution for fixed b.
Corollary 2
Let \( b\in [2,10] \). The solution \( (c,k,n,m,n_1,m_1) \) of Eq. (3) with \( n>n_1\ge 2, m>m_1\ge 2 \) and \(k \ge 2\), satisfies the following.
For \( n \le k \) and \( b\notin \{2,4\} \) (the solutions for these cases are in Theorem 1) there are only solutions
$$\begin{aligned} 3\cdot 2^{5 - 2} - 3^{3}&= 3\cdot 2^{3 - 2} - 3^{2} = -3,&3\cdot 2^{7 - 2} - 3^{4}&=3\cdot 2^{5 - 2}-3^{2} = 15,\\ 3\cdot 2^{10 - 2} - 3^{6}&= 3\cdot 2^{6 - 2}-3^{2}=39,&3\cdot 2^{8 - 2} - 6^{3}&=3\cdot 2^{4 - 2}-6^{2}=-24. \end{aligned}$$ -
For \( n \ge k+1 \) we obtain for each b the following.
If \( b=2 \), there are only the solutions
$$\begin{aligned} L_ {11}^{(2)} -2^8&= L_ 4^{(2)} -2^6=-57, \\ L_ 6^{(3)} -2^6&= L_ 2^{(3)} -2^5=-29,\\ L_ 5^{(3)} -2^5&= L_ 2^{(3)} -2^4=-13, \\ L_ 8^{(3)} -2^7&=L_ 5^{(4)} -2^5 = L_ 3^{(4)} -2^4= L_ 3^{(3)} -2^4=-10,\\ L_ {10}^{(2)} -2^7&=L_ 5^{(2)} -2^4 = L_ 2^{(2)} -2^3=-5,\\ L_ 4^{(2)} -2^3&= L_ 2^{(2)} -2^2=-1,\\ L_ 4^{(3)} -2^3&= L_ 3^{(3)} -2^2=2, \\ L_ 6^{(3)} -2^5&= L_ 5^{(3)} -2^4=L_ 5^{(2)} -2^3 = L_ 4^{(2)} -2^2=3,\\ L_ {14}^{(4)} -2^{13}&= L_ 4^{(4)} -2^2=8, \\ L_ {11}^{(5)} -2^{10}&= L_ 9^{(5)} -2^4=336. \end{aligned}$$ -
If \( b=3 \),
$$\begin{aligned} L_ 7^{(3)} -3^4&= L_ 4^{(3)} -3^3=-17, \\ L_ 9^{(2)} -3^4&= L_ 3^{(2)} -3^2=-5, \\ L_ 7^{(2)} -3^3&= L_ 5^{(2)} -3^2=2, \\ L_ {16}^{(2)} -3^7&=L_ 8^{(2)} -3^3 = L_ 7^{(2)} -3^2=20, \\ L_ 8^{(3)} -3^4&= L_ 7^{(3)} -3^3=37,\\ L_ {14}^{(2)} -3^6&= L_ {10}^{(2)} -3^2=114, \\ L_ {12}^{(6)} -3^7&= L_ {10}^{(6)} -3^3=709. \end{aligned}$$ -
For \( b\in \{5,6,7,10\} \) there are no solutions and the cases \( b\in \{4,8,9\} \) are powers of 2 or 3 so they are already included.
Remark 3
In Diophantine equation (3), we have assumed \( n>n_{1}\ge 2 \) and \(m>m_{1}\ge 2\) preserving the essence of the original problem (2), nevertheless, this could be removed (replacing 2 by 0) and slight adjustments to the arguments presented here would still work.
Let us give a brief overview of the strategy used for proving our results. In the proof of Theorem 1, we distinguished two cases according to \(n \le k\) and \(n \ge k + 1\). The case \(n \le k\) was treated by a combination of the theory of nonzero linear forms in logarithms of real algebraic numbers with some elementary arguments on the p–adic valuations of certain Lucas sequences. For the case \(n \ge k+1\), the theory of nonzero linear forms in logarithms is used several times again, to obtain explicit upper bounds for the unknowns \((k, n, m, n_1, m_1)\) depending only on b. The proof of Corollary 2 depends on a combination of Theorem 1 and some known reduction procedures based on the continued fraction algorithm. The computation needed for the proof of Theorem 1 and Corollary 2 was done with the Mathematica software.
2 Preliminary results
In this section, we first recall some general properties of the k–generalized Lucas sequence.
2.1 k–Generalized Lucas numbers
It is known that the characteristic polynomial of the k–generalized Lucas numbers \(L^{(k)}\), namely
is irreducible over \({\mathbb {Q}}[x]\) and has just one root outside the unit circle. Let \(\alpha := \alpha (k)\) denote that single root, which is located between \(2\left( 1-2^{-k} \right) \) and 2 (see [14]). This is called the dominant root of \(L^{(k)}\). To simplify notation, in our application we shall omit the dependence on k of \(\alpha \). We shall use \(\alpha ^{(1)}, \cdots , \alpha ^{(k)}\) for all roots of \(\Psi _k(x)\) with the convention that \(\alpha ^{(1)}:= \alpha \).
The following appears in [1], responding to a conjecture proposed in [19].
Lemma 1
Let \(\alpha ^{(j)}=\rho _j e^{i \theta _j}\) with \(\theta _j\in [0,2\pi )\) for \(j=1,\ldots ,k\) be all the roots of \(\Psi _k(x)\). Then for every \(h\in \{0,1,\ldots ,k-1\}\), there exists j such that
We now consider for an integer \( k\ge 2 \), the function
In the following lemma, we give some properties of the sequence \(L^{(k)}\) which will be used in the proof of Theorem 1. The items of the following lemma was proved by Bravo, Gómez and Luca in [4, 5, 18].
Lemma 2
Let \(k\ge 2\), \(\alpha \) be the dominant root of \(L^{(k)}\), and consider the function \(f_{k}(z)\) defined in (4). Then,
If \(2\le n \le k\), then \(L_n^{(k)}= 3\cdot 2^{n-2}\).
\(\alpha ^{n-1}\le L_n^{(k)}\le 2\alpha ^n\) for all \(n\ge 1\).
\(L^{(k)}\) satisfies the following formula
$$\begin{aligned} L_n^{(k)} = \sum _{i=1}^{k}(2\alpha ^{(i)}-1) f_{k}(\alpha ^{(i)}) {\alpha ^{(i)}}^{n-1}. \end{aligned}$$ -
$$\begin{aligned} \left| L_n^{(k)} - (2\alpha -1)f_{k}(\alpha )\alpha ^{n-1} \right| < \dfrac{3 }{2} \quad \text{ holds } \text{ for } \text{ all } n \geqslant 2 - k. \end{aligned}$$(5)
The inequalities
$$\begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{2}< f_{k}(\alpha )< \dfrac{3}{4}\qquad \text {and}\qquad |f_{k}(\alpha ^{(i)})|<1, \qquad 2\le i\le k \end{aligned}$$hold. In particular, the number \(f_{k}(\alpha )\) is not an algebraic integer.
\( L_n^{(k)} = 2F_{n+1}^{(k)}- F_n^{(k)} \).
Next comes another necessary lemma for our work.
Lemma 3
Let \( k\ge 2 \), \( c\in (0,1) \) and \( n< 2^{ck} \). Then it is satisfied that
For all \( n\ge 2 \),
$$\begin{aligned} L_n^{(k)} = 3\cdot 2^{n-2} (1 + \zeta '_n), ~~ \textrm{with}~~ |\zeta '_n| <{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 4/2^{(1-c)k}; &{}\text { if } c\le 0.693,\\ 8.1/2^{(1-c)k}; &{}\text { otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$ -
For all \( n\ge k+2 \),
$$\begin{aligned} L_n^{(k)} = 3\cdot 2^{n-2} \left( 1 -\dfrac{n-k+4/3}{2^{k+1}} + \zeta ''_n \right) , ~~ \textrm{with}~~ |\zeta ''_n| < 8/2^{2(1-c)k}. \end{aligned}$$
Howard and Cooper proved in [9] that for all \(k\ge 2\), \(r\ge k+2\) and \(\ell := \left\lfloor (r+k)/(k+1) \right\rfloor \) it is satisfied that
where \( C_{r,j}:=(-1)^j \left[ \left( {\begin{array}{c}r-jk\\ j\end{array}}\right) -\left( {\begin{array}{c}r-jk-2\\ j-2\end{array}}\right) \right] \). Therefore for \(k+2\le r \) we can write
We now prove each case using Lemma 2 and identity (6).
- (i):
By item (a) of Lemma 2 we have that the result is trivial for \( 2\le n \le k \). If \( n=k+1 \), it follows from item (g) of Lemma 2 that
$$\begin{aligned} L_{k+1}^{(k)} = 2F_{k+2}^{(k)}- F_{k+1}^{(k)}=2^{k+1}-2^{k-1}-2=3\cdot 2^{k-1}(1-2^{-k+2}/3) \end{aligned}$$with \( |\zeta '_{k+1}|:=2^{-k+2}/3 < 4/2^{(1-c)k}\), so the result is true in this case. When \( n\ge k+2 \), by identity (6) and item (g) of Lemma 2 we have that
$$\begin{aligned} L_n^{(k)}&= 2F_{n+1}^{(k)}- F_n^{(k)}\nonumber \\&=2^{n}\left( 1 - \dfrac{n+1-k}{2^{k+1}} +\zeta _{n+1}\right) -2^{n-2}\left( 1 - \dfrac{n-k}{2^{k+1}} +\zeta _n\right) \nonumber \\&=3\cdot 2^{n-2}\left( 1 -\dfrac{3n+4-3k}{3\cdot 2^{k+1}}+4\zeta _{n+1}/3-\zeta _{n}/3\right) \end{aligned}$$(8)and since \( n< 2^{ck} \), we get by inequality (7) that
$$\begin{aligned} |\zeta '_{n}|&:=\dfrac{3n+4-3k}{3\cdot 2^{k+1}}+4|\zeta _{n+1}|/3+|\zeta _{n}|/3\\&<\left( \dfrac{1}{2}+\dfrac{8e^{1/2^{(1-c)k}}}{3\cdot 2^{(1-c)k}}+\dfrac{e^{1/2^{(1-c)k+1}}}{3\cdot 2^{(1-c)k+1}}\right) /2^{(1-c)k} \\&<{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 4/2^{(1-c)k},&{}\text { if } c\le 0.693,\\ 8.1/2^{(1-c)k},&{}\text { otherwise.} \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$ - (ii):
Since \( n\ge k+2 \), we have by identity (8) and inequality (7) for \( r\in \{n,n+1\} \) that
$$\begin{aligned} L_n^{(k)} =3\cdot 2^{n-2}\left( 1-\dfrac{n-k+4/3}{2^{k+1}} +4\zeta _{n+1}/3-\zeta _{n}/3\right) \end{aligned}$$where
$$\begin{aligned} |\zeta ''_n|&:=4|\zeta _{n+1}|/3+|\zeta _{n}|/3<\left( {8e^{1/2^{(1-c)k}}}/{3}+{e^{1/2^{(1-c)k+1}}}/{6}\right) /2^{2(1-c)k}\\&<8/2^{2(1-c)k}. \end{aligned}$$
\(\square \)
2.2 Notations and terminology from algebraic number theory
We begin by recalling some basic notions from algebraic number theory.
Let \(\eta \) be an algebraic number of degree d with minimal primitive polynomial over the integers
where the leading coefficient \(a_0\) is positive and the \(\eta ^{(i)}\)’s are the conjugates of \(\eta \). Then the logarithmic height of \(\eta \) is given by
In particular, if \(\eta =p/q\) is a rational number with \(\gcd (p,q)=1\) and \(q>0\), then \(h(\eta )=\log \max \{|p|, q\}\). The following are some of the properties of the logarithmic height function \(h(\cdot )\), which will be used in the next sections of this paper:
On the other hand, it can be proved that
The logarithmic height of \(f_k(\alpha )\) satisfies \(h(f_{k}(\alpha ))< 2\log k\). See [17, 18] for details when \( k\ge 3 \) and the case \( k=2 \) is easily verified computationally.
2.3 Linear forms in logarithms and continued fractions
In order to prove our main result Theorem 1, we need to use several times a Baker–type lower bound for a nonzero linear form in logarithms of algebraic numbers. There are many such in the literature like that of Baker and Wüstholz from [3]. We use the following result by Matveev [25], which is one of our main tools in this paper.
Theorem 4
Let \(\gamma _1,\ldots ,\gamma _t\) be positive real algebraic numbers in a real algebraic number field \({\mathbb {K}}\) of degree D, \(b_1,\ldots ,b_t\) be nonzero integers with \(B\ge \max \{|b_1|, \ldots , |b_t|\}\), and assume that
is nonzero. Then
During the course of our calculations, we get some upper bounds on our variables which are too large, thus we need to reduce them. To do so, we use some results from the theory of continued fractions. Specifically, for a nonhomogeneous linear form in two integer variables, we use a slight variation of a result due to Dujella and Pethő (see [15], Lemma 5a), which itself is a generalization of a result of Baker and Davenport [2].
For a real number X, we write \(||X||:= \min \{|X-n|: n\in {\mathbb {Z}}\}\) for the distance from X to the nearest integer.
Lemma 4
(Dujella, Pethő) Let M be a positive integer, p/q be a convergent of the continued fraction of the irrational number \(\tau \) such that \(q>6M\), and \(A,B,\mu \) be some real numbers with \(A>0\) and \(B>1\). Let further \(\varepsilon : = ||\mu q||-M||\tau q||\). If \( \varepsilon > 0 \), then there is no solution to the inequality
in positive integers u, v and w with
The above lemma cannot be applied when \(\mu =0\) (since then \(\varepsilon <0\)). In this case, we use the following criterion of Legendre.
Lemma 5
(Legendre) Let \(\tau \) be real number and x, y integers such that
Then \(x/y=p_j/q_j\) is a convergent of \(\tau \). Furthermore, if \([a_0,a_1,a_2,\ldots ]\) is the continued fraction of \(\tau \), then
For the use of the above two lemmas we will sometimes use the well-known inequality
Finally, the following lemma is also useful. It is Lemma 7 in [20].
Lemma 6
(Gúzman, Luca) If \(s\geqslant 1\), \(T>(4\,s^2)^s\) and \(T>x/(\log x)^s\), then
3 Case \(n \le k\)
In this section we prove the first items of Theorem 1 and Corollary 2. When \(n \le k\), equality (3) becomes
with \( n>n_{1}\ge 2 \) and \(m>m_{1}\ge 2 \). To bound the possible solutions of the above equation we present the following lemma.
Lemma 7
Let \( a,\ell ,r\in {\mathbb {Z}}^{+} \), with \( a\ge 3 \) odd.
If \( \ell \ge \nu _{2}(a-1) \) and \( 2^{\ell }\mid a^{r}-1 \), then \( 2^{\ell }\mid r(a^{2}-1)/2 \).
If p is the greatest prime divisor of a and \( a^{\ell }\mid 2^{r}-1 \). Then \( a^{\ell }|ra^{p-1} \).
We consider each case.
- (i):
Since \( \nu _{2}(a^{r}-1)\ge \ell \ge v_{2}(a-1) \), we have that
$$\begin{aligned} \nu _{2}\left( \sum _{j=0}^{r-1}a^{j}\right) =\nu _{2}\left( \frac{a^{r}-1}{a-1}\right) \ge 1. \end{aligned}$$Moreover, that a is odd implies
$$\begin{aligned} r\equiv \sum _{j=0}^{r-1}a^{j}\equiv 0 \pmod 2. \end{aligned}$$Now we note that \( u_{r}:=(a^{r}-1)/(a-1) \) is a sequence of Lucas with characteristic polynomial \( x^{2}-(a+1)x+a \) whose discriminant is \( \Delta =(a-1)^{2} \). Therefore \( 2\not \mid a \), \( 2\mid \Delta \) and \( 2\mid r \), then from Theorem 1.5 in [29] it follows that
$$\begin{aligned} \nu _{2}(u_{r})=\nu _{2}(r)+\nu _{2}(u_{2})-1 \end{aligned}$$and this implies that
$$\begin{aligned} \ell \le \nu _{2}(a^{r}-1)=\nu _{2}\left( r(a^{2}-1)/2\right) , \end{aligned}$$i.e. \( 2^{\ell }\mid r(a^{2}-1)/2 \).
- (ii):
First we assume that \( a=p^{\gamma } \) for some \( \gamma \in {\mathbb {Z}}^{+} \). We know that the sequence \( u_{r}:=2^{r}-1 \) is a sequence of Lucas with characteristic polynomial \( x^{2}-3x+2 \) whose discriminant is \( \Delta =1 \) and \( p\not \mid 2 \). Then by Corollary 1.6 in [29] and as \( p^{\gamma \ell }\mid 2^{r}-1 \), we obtain that
$$\begin{aligned} 0<\gamma \ell&\le \nu _{p}(u_{r})=\nu _{p}(r)+\nu _{p}(u_{\tau (p)})\\&\le \nu _{p}(r)+\log _{p}(u_{\tau (p)})<\nu _{p}(r)+\tau (p)\log _{p}2\\&<\nu _{p}(r)+p-1=\nu _{p}(r p^{p-1}), \end{aligned}$$where \( \tau (p) \) is the multiplicative order of 2 modulo p. That is,
$$\begin{aligned} p^{\gamma \ell }\mid r p^{p-1} \end{aligned}$$(16)and in particular \( a^{\ell }\mid r a^{p-1} \). In general, if \( a=p_{1}^{\gamma _{1}}\cdots p_{s}^{\gamma _{s}} \) with \( p_{1}< p_{2}<\cdots <p_{s} \) primes and \( \left\{ \gamma _{j}\right\} _{1\le j\le s }\subset {\mathbb {Z}}^{+} \), we obtain from conclusion (16) that
$$\begin{aligned} p_{1}^{\gamma _{1}\ell }\mid r p_{1}^{p_{1}-1},\ldots , p_{s}^{\gamma _{s}\ell }\mid r p_{s}^{p_{s}-1}, \end{aligned}$$then \( a^{\ell }\mid r a^{p_{s}-1} \).
\(\square \)
On the other hand, we see that
implies \( (n-2)\log 2>(m-3)\log 2 \), therefore \( n>m-1 \) and \( n\ge m \). Then
Equation (15) can be factored as
We consider the following cases over b.
3.1 Case b power of 2
Let \( b=2^{t} \) for some \( t\in {\mathbb {Z}}^{+} \). By identity (17) and since \( m-m_1\ge 1 \), \( n-n_1\ge 1 \), we have that \( b^{m_1}=2^{n_1-2} \). Then, by identity (15)
where \( 3>2^{tm-n+2} \) and \( n-tm\ge 1 \). Therefore
implies \( n-n_1=1 \). Now identity (17) becomes
and it follows that \( t(m-m_1)=2 \). The above combined with Eq. (17) leads to
i.e. \( n=tm+1\). In conclusion, there are infinitely many solutions of the form
for Eq. (15).
3.2 Case b with odd prime divisor
Let p be the greatest odd prime divisor of b. First we bound \( n_1 \) and \( m_1 \) in terms of b and n.
If b be odd. By Eq. (17) we have
$$\begin{aligned} 2^{n_1-2}\mid b^{m-m_1}-1\quad \text {and}\quad b^{m_1-1}\mid 2^{n-n_{1}}-1. \end{aligned}$$Then by Lemma 7 we get that
$$\begin{aligned} n_1&\le \max \left\{ \nu _{2}(b-1),\log _{2}\left( (m-m_1)(b^{2}-1)/2\right) \right\} +2<\log _{2}\left( 2n(b^{2}-1)\right) \text { and}\\ m_1&\le \log _{b}(n-n_{1})+p<p+\log _{b}n. \end{aligned}$$ -
If \( b=2^{t}b' \) with \( t\ge 1 \) and \( b'>1 \) odd. Then from Eq. (17) it follows that \( 2^{tm_1}=2^{n_1-2} \) and
$$\begin{aligned} 3(2^{n-n_{1}}-1)={b'}^{m_1}(b^{m-m_1}-1). \end{aligned}$$So \( {b'}^{m_1-1}\mid 2^{n-n_{1}}-1 \) and by Lemma 7 we obtain
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{n_{1}-2}{\nu _{2}(b)}=m_1\le \log _{b'}(n-n_{1})+p<p+\log _{b/2^{\nu _{2}(b)}}n. \end{aligned}$$
In any case we conclude that
Now, we see that from identity (15), we have
If \( b^{m}=3\cdot 2^{n-2} \), we get that \( 2< m \le \nu _{3}(b^{m})=1 \) and this is absurd. Therefore \( |\Lambda _{0}|\ne 0 \) and we use Theorem 4 with the parameters \( {\mathbb {K}}={\mathbb {Q}} \), \( D=1 \),
\( B=n \), \( A_{1}=\log 3 \), \( A_{2}=\log 2 \), \( A_{3}=\log b \). So
Finally we combine inequalities (18), (19) and (20) to obtain
then we use the Lemma 6 and we get
Now we summarize what we obtained in the following lemma.
Lemma 8
Given \( b\ge 2 \), the solution \( (n,m,n_1,m_1) \) of Eq. (15) satisfies that
Moreover, if b is a power of two, there are no solutions for \( b>4 \) but there are solutions for \( b\in \{2,4\} \) of the form
with \( m\ge 3 \). In another case, let p be the largest odd prime divisor of b, then
This completed the proof of the first part of Theorem 1.
3.3 Proof of the first part of Corollary 2
By Lemma 8 we know that
in fact for \( b\in \{2,4\} \) the solutions are given and for \( b=8 \) there are no solutions. Now, by bounds (18) and (21) we have
So if we assume for a moment that \( n\ge 233 \), by inequality (19) we will have that \( |\Lambda _{0}|<1/2 \), then we apply inequality (14) and arrive at that
So, for \( b\in \{5,7,9,10\} \) we use Lemma 4 on the above inequality with the parameters
\( M:=3.5\times 10^{16} \) and we obtain
For \( b\in \{3,6\} \) we use Lemma 5 with values
and assuming before without loss of generality that
for the hypothesis to be fulfilled, then we get
and therefore
i.e. \( n \le 293 \). In conclusion
Finally a brief computational verification with the help of mathematica for Eq. (15) on Bounds (22)
are the only solutions for this equation with \( b\in \{3,5,6,7,9,10\}\). Note that k takes arbitrary values greater than n in each case.
This concludes the proof of the first part of Corollary 2.
4 Case \(n \ge k+1\)
4.1 Bounding n in terms of m and k
We also have that \( m> m_{1}\ge 2, n > n_1 \ge 2\) and \(k\ge 2.\)
So, from Lemma 2(b) and (3), we have
leading to
We note that the above inequality (24) in particular implies that \( m < n + 2\). By Lemma 2(d) and (3), we get
In the above, we have also used the fact that \( 1/2<f_{k}(\alpha ) < 3/4 \) (see Lemma 2(e)). Dividing through by \( b^{m} \), we get
where for the right–most inequality in (25) we used (23).
For the left–hand side of (25) above, we apply Theorem 4 with the data: \(t:=3\) and
We begin by noticing that the three numbers \( \gamma _{1}, \gamma _{2}, \gamma _{3} \) are positive real numbers and belong to the field \( {\mathbb {K}}: = {\mathbb {Q}}(\alpha )\), so we can take \( D:= [{\mathbb {K}}:{\mathbb {Q}}]= k\). Put
To see that \(\Lambda \ne 0\), observe that imposing \(\Lambda =0\), leads to \(b^m=(2\alpha -1)f_k(\alpha )\alpha ^{n-1}\). Conjugating the above relation by some automorphism of the Galois group of the decomposition field of \(\Psi _k(x)\) over \({\mathbb {Q}}\) and then taking absolute values, we get that for any \(i\ge 2\), we have
But the above relation is not possible since its left-hand side is greater than 8, while its right-hand side is smaller than 3. Thus, \(\Lambda \ne 0\).
Since \( h(\gamma _{2})= (\log \alpha )/k <(\log 2)/k \) and \( h(\gamma _{3})= \log b\), it follows that we can take \( A_{2}:= \log 2\) and \( A_{3}:= k\log b \). Furthermore, by properties (9) and bounds (10), we obtain that
so we can take \( A_{1}:=5k\log k \). Finally, since \( \max \{1, n-1, m\}\le n+1\), we take \( B:=n+1 \). Then, the left–hand side of (25) is bounded below, by Theorem 4, as
Comparing with (25), we get
Now the argument is split into two cases.
Case 1. \(\min \lbrace (n-n_1) \log \alpha , (m-m_1) \log b \rbrace = (n - n_{1}) \log \alpha \).
In this case, we rewrite (3) as
Dividing through by \(b^{m} \) gives
Now we put
We apply again Theorem 4 with the following data
As before, we begin by noticing that the three numbers \( \gamma _{1}, \gamma _{2}, \gamma _{3} \) belong to the field \( {\mathbb {K}}:= {\mathbb {Q}}(\alpha ) \), so we can take \( D:= [{\mathbb {K}}: {\mathbb {Q}}] = k\). To see why \( \Lambda _{1} \ne 0\), note that otherwise, we would get the relation \( (2\alpha -1)f_{k}(\alpha )(\alpha ^{n-n_{1}}-1) = b^{m}\alpha ^{1-n_{1}} \). Conjugating this last equation with any automorphism \( \sigma \) of the Galois group of \( \Psi _{k}(x) \) over \( {\mathbb {Q}} \) such that \( \sigma (\alpha ) = \alpha ^{(i)} \) for some \( i\ge 2 \) and then taking absolute values, we arrive at the equality
because \( b\ge 2 \), \( m>m_1\ge 2 \) and \( n_1\ge 2 \), but this is an absurd.
it follows that
So, we can take \( A_{1}:= 2.731\times 10^{12} k^4 (\log k)^{2}(\log n)(\log b)\). Further, as before, we take \( A_{2}:=\log 2 \) and \( A_{3}: = k\log b \). Finally, by recalling that \( m \le n+1 \), we can take \( B:=n+1\).
We then get that
which yields
Comparing this with inequality (27), we obtain that
Case 2. \(\min \lbrace (n-n_1) \log \alpha , (m-m_1) \log b \rbrace = (m - m_{1} ) \log b\).
In this case, we write (3) as
so, by inequality (23), \( \alpha ^{n-3}<b^{m} - b^{m_{1}} \) and we obtain that
The above inequality (29) suggests once again studying a lower bound for the absolute value of
We again apply Matveev’s theorem with the following data
We can again take \( B:=n+1 \) and \( {\mathbb {K}}:= {\mathbb {Q}}(\alpha ) \), so that \( D:=k \). We also note that, if \( \Lambda _{2} =0 \), then we would get to the relation \((2\alpha -1)f_{k}(\alpha ) \alpha ^{n-1} = b^{m_{1}} (b^{m-m_{1}}-1) \). With a similar argument to \(\Lambda _1 \ne 0\), we arrive at
since \( b\ge 2 \), \( m_{1}\ge 2 \) and \( m-m_{1}\ge 1 \), but this is a contradiction. Then, \(\Lambda _2\ne 0.\)
Now, we note that
and so we can take \( A_{1}:= 2.731 \times 10^{12} k^5 (\log k)^{2}(\log n)(\log b)\). As before, we take \( A_{2}: = \log 2 \) and \( A_{3}:= k\log b \). It then follows from Matveev’s theorem, after some calculations, that
From this and inequality (29), we obtain that
In both Case 1 and Case 2 and from inequations (26), (28) and (30), we have
We now finally rewrite Eq. (3) as
We divide through both sides by \(b^{m}-b^{m_{1}} \) getting
To find a lower–bound on the left–hand side of (32) above, we again apply Theorem 4 with the data
We also take \( B:=n+1 \) and we take \( {\mathbb {K}}:= {\mathbb {Q}}(\alpha ) \) with \( D:= k \). From the properties of the logarithmic height function, we have that
where in the above chain of inequalities we used the bounds (31). So we can take \( A_{1}:=3.01\times 10^{24} k^8(\log k)^{3}(\log n)^2 (\log b)^2 \), and certainly as before we take \( A_{2}:= \log 2 \) and \( A_{3}: = k\log b\). We need to show that if we put
then \( \Lambda _{3} \ne 0 \). To see why \( \Lambda _{3} \ne 0\), note that otherwise, we would get the relation
Conjugating this equation with the automorphism \( \sigma \) of the Galois group of \( \Psi _{k}(x) \) over \( {\mathbb {Q}} \) such that \( \sigma (\alpha ) = \alpha ^{(i)} \), for some \( i\ge 2 \) and the argument of \(\alpha ^{(i)}\) is in \([0, \pi /4)\) for all \( k\ge 12 \) (which is possible using the Lemma 1 with \( h=1 \)) we obtain
and for the law of cosines we obtain
in conclusion
since \( m-m_1\ge 1 \), \( m_1\ge 2 \) and \( b\ge 2 \), but this is not true. For \(k\le 11\), after making an appropriate choice i, an exact calculation of the value absolutes of \(2\alpha ^{(i)} -1, f_{k}(\alpha ^{(i)})\) and \(\alpha ^{(i)}\), show that \(\Lambda _1 \ne 0\).
Then Theorem 4 gives
which together with inequalities (23) and (32) gives
We apply Lemma 6 with the data \( s = 3, ~~ x = n, ~~ T=3.421\times 10^{36}k^{11}(\log k)^{4} (\log b)^{3}\). Thus,
We then record what we have proved so far as a lemma.
Lemma 9
If \( (n,m,n_{1},m_{1}, k) \) is a solution in positive integers to Eq. (3) with \( n>n_{1}\ge 2 \), \( m>m_{1}\ge 2 \) and \( k\ge 2\), we then have that
4.2 An absolute upper bound for k and n on b
First we assume \(2^{0.49k} \le n\). Then
Hence, by Lemma 6 with \( s = 1, ~~ x = k, ~~ T = 684(\log b)\), we have
In another case \(n_1< n < 2^{0.49k}\) and we assume without loss of generality that \( k\ge 200 \). By Lemma 3 with \(c=0.49\) and \(r\in \{n_1, n\}\) we get
We need distinguing the following cases.
4.2.1 The case \(3\cdot 2^{n-2} \ne b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) \)
Using (34) we can write (3) as
Dividing throught by \(3\cdot 2^{n-2}\) and considering that \(2^{n+1}> 2\alpha ^n > b^{m-1}\) (according to 23), we conclude
Now we put
and see that it is nonzero analogously to how we obtained that \( \Lambda _{0}\ne 0 \) in (19). We apply Theorem 4 on \( \Lambda _4\) with the datas
We note that \(\gamma _{1}, \gamma _{2}, \gamma _{3} \) belong to \({\mathbb {K}}:= {\mathbb {Q}}\), so \( D:= 1\). Now, \(A_1:= \log 3\), \(A_2:= \log 2\) and \(A_3:= \log b\). Thus,
This inequality together with inequality (37), lead to
If \(\nabla = 0.51k\), we get
If \(\nabla = (m-m_1)\log _{2} b \), then \(m-m_1<2.43\times 10^{11}\log n\). We rewriting equality (36) to obtain
We now apply Theorem 4 on
which is nonzero because \(3\cdot 2^{n-2} \ne b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) \). Set the datas
As before we take \({\mathbb {K}}:= {\mathbb {Q}}\), \(D:= 1\) and \(B=n+1\). Now, \(A_1:= 4(m-m_1)(\log b)\), \(A_2:= \log 2\) and \(A_3:= \log b\). Thus,
This inequality together with inequality (40), lead to
If \(\nabla = n-n_1\), then \( n-n_1 < 3.5\times 10^{11} (\log b) (\log n)\). We rewrite equality (36) as
Here we have used (23). Furthermore, given that \(\alpha > 2(1-2^{-k})\) and \(n<2^{0.49k}\), we conclude
since \( (1+z/\ell )^\ell \) converges increasingly to \( e^{z} \) for all \( z\in {\mathbb {R}}^{+} \) when \( \ell \rightarrow \infty \).
Now we make
If \( \Lambda _{6}=0 \) we obtain that \( 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2}\left( 2^{n-n_1}-1\right) =b^{m} \) so \( 3^{m-1}\mid 2^{n-n_1}-1 \) and by item (ii) of Lemma 7 we conclude that \( 3^{m-3}\mid n-n_1 \), therefore (see (24))
and using Lemma 6 it follows that
In another case \( \Lambda _{6}\ne 0 \) and we apply similarly Theorem 4 as for the last \(\Lambda \)’s, with the datas: \( \Lambda _{6} \), \(t=3\),
which leads to
Comparing this inequality with inequality (43), we arrive at
Hence, from (39), (41), (42), (44) (45) and (46) we conclude that
Assume that (49) is fulfilled. Returning to equality (36) and rearranging it as
we get
Finally, we want to apply Theorem 4 to
Note that if \(\Lambda _7 = 0\), then
We consider the following cases over \( n_{1} \).
First, we assume that \( n_{1}\le k+1 \). If in addition \( n=k+1>n_{1} \), then combining Eq. (3) with items (a) and (g) of Lemma 2 together with identity (51), we obtain
$$\begin{aligned} 3\cdot 2^{k-1}-2 - b^m = 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2} - b^{m_1}=3\cdot 2^{k-1} -b^{m} \end{aligned}$$i.e. \( -2=0 \) which is absurd. Otherwise \( n_{1}\le k+1<n \) and we use a similar argument adding identity (35) to obtain
$$\begin{aligned} 3\cdot 2^{n-2} \left( -\dfrac{n-k+4/3}{2^{k+1}} + \zeta ''_n \right) +3\cdot 2^{n_1-2}={\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2}-2; &{}\text { if }n_{1}=k+1,\\ 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2}; &{}\text { if }n_{1}\le k. \end{array}\right. } \end{aligned}$$Therefore
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{24}{2^{1.02k}}>3|\zeta ''_n|&=\frac{1}{2^{k+1}}{\left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \left| 3(n-k)+4-2^{-n+3}\right| ; &{}\text { if }n_{1}=k+1,\\ |3(n-k)+4|; &{}\text { if }n_{1}\le k \end{array}\right. }\\&>\frac{6}{2^{k+1}} \end{aligned}$$but the above can only occur when \( k\le 149 \) which contradicts the assumption of the beginning.
Now we assume that \( n_{1}\ge k+2 \) and since \( n>n_1 \) we can use the same argument of the previous item but using identity (35) for n and \( n_1 \). So
$$\begin{aligned} 3\cdot 2^{n-2} \left( -\dfrac{n-k+4/3}{2^{k+1}} + \zeta ''_n \right) = 3\cdot 2^{n_1-2} \left( -\dfrac{n_1-k+4/3}{2^{k+1}} + \zeta ''_{n_1} \right) \end{aligned}$$implies that
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{1}{2^{k+1}}\left| 2^{n_1-n}(n_1-k+4/3)-(n-k+4/3)\right| <\frac{12}{2^{1.02k}} \end{aligned}$$i.e.
$$\begin{aligned} \frac{2.5}{2^{k+1}}\le \frac{1}{2^{k+1}}\left| (n-n_{1})+(1-2^{n_1-n})(n_{1}-k+4/3)\right| <\frac{12}{2^{1.02k}} \end{aligned}$$and this only occurs when \( k\le 163 \), so we get a contradiction.
In conclusion \( \Lambda _7 \ne 0 \) and continuing with our apply of Theorem 4, as for the last \(\Lambda \)’s, we take \(t=3\) and
Therefore inequality (50), together with the previous one, leads to
which includes inequality (48). So, by Lemma 9
Finally, using Lemma 6 with \((x,s):=(k,3)\) and \(T:=9.45\times 10^{36} (\log {b})^{3}\), we conclude that
Sustituying this inequality in Lemma 9, we have
which includes inequality (47).
4.2.2 The case \(3\cdot 2^{n-2} = b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) \)
In this case from Eq. (3) we know that \( 3\cdot 2^{n-2} = L_n^{(k)} - L_{n_1}^{(k)} \), so combining this with Items (a) and (g) of Lemma 2 and the identity (35), it follows that
if \( n>n_{1}\ge k+2 \). Then we conclude that the case \( n_{1}\le k \) and \( n=k+1 \) is an absurd and the others imply
if \( n>n_{1}\ge k+2 \). In any case we obtain a contradiction since we had assumed \( k\ge 200 \) from the beginning.
In resume, we have the follow result.
Lemma 10
Let \( n>n_1\ge 2 \) and \( m>m_1\ge 2 \), be solutions of (3) with \(n \ge k+1\), then
This completed the proof of the second part of Theorem 1.
4.3 Proof of the second part of Corollary 2
In this section \( b\in [2,10] \) then it is only enough to study the values of \( b\in \{2,3,5,6,7,10\} \), since 4, 8 and 9 are powers of 2 or 3.
4.3.1 Case \( k> 625 \) and \( b\in \{2,3,5,6,7,10\} \).
Combining inequalities (33) and (52) we obtain computationally that
Also, by Lemma 9 we know that \( n<2^{0.49k} \) because we have assumed \( k> 625 \).
In Sect. 4.2.2 we saw that if \( k+1\le n<2^{0.49k} \) and \(3\cdot 2^{n-2} = b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) \) then Eq. (3) has no solution, so in this section we will always assume that \(3\cdot 2^{n-2} \ne b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) \).
Therefore, we use inequalities (14) and (37) to obtainFootnote 2
where \( \nabla \) is already defined in inequality (38). When \( b=2 \), we have
and therefore \( \nabla <6.644 \) but we had assumed that \( \nabla \ge 9 \) which is an absurd, so it only remains that
If \( b\in \{3,6\} \), let \( c_{3}:=2 \) and \( c_{6}:=3 \), so we obtain
and using bounds (53) we assume for a moment that
Then by Lemma 5 it follows that
In another case \( b\in \{5,7,10\} \), We use Lemma 4, with the parameters
and M as in Table (53). Thus we obtain
By the above table and inequalities (55) and (58), we arrive at
Case 1. \( \nabla =0.51k \). Then
Case 2. \( \nabla =(m-m_{1})\log _{2}b \). From inequalities (14) and (40), we know thatFootnote 3
If \( b=2 \) and \( m-m_1\ne 2 \) we obtain
If \( b=2 \) and \( m-m_1=2 \), we get
since \( 3\cdot 2^{n-2} \ne b^{m_1}\left( b^{m-m_1} - 1 \right) =3\cdot 2^{m-2} \) implies \( n\ne m \). Therefore
If \( (m-m_1,b)\in \{(1,3),(2,3),(2,5),(1,7),(2,7)\} \), we use Lemma 5 with \( \tau =\log _{b}2 \), M as in Table (53) and \( y<M \) on
where \( x/y\in \{(m_1-1)/(n-3),(m_1-1)/(n-5),m_1/(n-5),m_1/(n-3),m_1/(n-6)\} \). Then we assume for a moment that
and obtain
given that
In another case
and we use Lemma 4 with the parameters
M as in Table (53) and \( m-m_1 \) between 1 and the integer part of bounds (60) divided by \( \log _{2}b \). Then we obtain
Thus, the above table together with inequalities (62) and (65), we obtain
Case 3. \( \nabla =n-n_{1}. \) From inequalities (14) and (43), we know thatFootnote 4
If \( b=2 \), by bounds (60) we have \( n-n_1<9 \) and
If \( (m-m_1,b)\in \{(1,3),(2,3),(1,6),(2,6)\} \), we can use Lemma 5 on inequality (68) and we will get the results in (57), therefore we get
assuming only for a moment
and taking \( M>y \) as in Table (53). Then
If \( (m-m_1,b)\notin \{(m-m_1,2),(1,3),(2,3),(1,6),(2,6)\} \), we use Lemma 4 with the parameters
M as in Table (53) and \( n-n_1 \) between 1 and the values in Table (60). Then
Therefore, the above table and inequalities (69) and (71), imply that
Summarizing, for the bounds (60), (61), (67) and (73), we obtain
If we assume that bounds (75) are satisfied, then using inequality (50), we obtain that
If \( b=2 \), we take \( n-n_1 \) and \( m-m_1 \) between 1 and bounds (75) omitting the case
because in this case \( \Lambda _7 =0 \) and before we had proved that Eq. (3) has no solution if this occurs. Thus we obtain
If \( (b,n-n_1,m-m_1) \) belongs to the set
we use Lemma 5 on
with \( x\in \{n_1-3,n_1-4,n_1-5,n_1-6\} \), \( y\in \{m_{1},m_{1}- 1,m_{1}- 2\} \) according to the corresponding order and \( M>y \) as in Table (53). Then assuming for a moment that
we obtain
where \( a_{b} \) is the same as in data list (57) and (64). Therefore
Then, we use Lemma 4 with the parameters
M as in Table (53) and \( n-n_1 \) and \( m-m_1 \) from 1 to bounds (75). So
Finally, the above table and bounds (74), (76) and (78), imply that
Now, we had assumed that \( k> 625 \) for all \( b\in \{2,3,5,6,7,10\} \) then for \( b=2 \) we get a contradiction and conclude that there are no solutions to Eq. (3) when \( k>625 \) and \(b=2\).
On the other hand for the values of \( b\in \{3,5,6,7,10\} \) we will do one more cycle of reduction, where bounds (53) have reduced them using inequality (33) with bounds (80) as follows.
We note that for some previous reductions we use Lemma 5 for \( b\in \{3,5,6,7\} \), then under the appropriate hypothesis we will always obtain that
for some \( x,y\in {\mathbb {Z}} \), where \( 0<y<M \), M is as in Table (81) and
Then we will use in all these cases the lower bound
We start by realizing the second cycle of reduction to \( \nabla \) using inequality (54). Thus, reduction (58) becomes using the lower bounds (83) and after another iteration
For the other cases we use Lemma 4 with parameters (59) except that M is taken from Table (81), so we get
and obtain
As in the first reduction cycle, we consider each case over \( \nabla \).
If \( \nabla =0.51k \), then
If \( \nabla =(m-m_{1})\log _{2}b\le 303 \) then by inequalities (63) and (83) we obtain
for \( (m-m_1,b)\in \{(1,3),(2,3),(2,5),(1,7),(2,7)\} \). In another case we use Lemma 4 with parameters (66) but with M as in Table (81) and get
If \( \nabla =n-n_{1}\le 303 \) then similar to the previous case we obtain from inequalities (70) and (83) that
for \( (m-m_1,b)\in \{(1,3),(2,3),(1,6),(2,6)\} \). In another case we use Lemma 4 with parameters (72) and obtain
In conclusion, by bounds (85), (86), (88) and (90) it follows that
Using inequalities (77) and (83) we obtain that
for \( (b,n-n_1,m-m_1)\in {\mathcal {I}} \). In another case we use Lemma 4 with data (79) and obtain
Finally, comparing bounds (91), (93) and from the above table we conclude that
but this is a contradiction since from the beginning we assumed \( k>625 \). Therefore, there are no solutions to Eq. (3) when \( k>625 \) for all \( b\in \{3,5,6,7,10\} \).
4.3.2 Case \( 2\le k\le 625 \) and \( b\in \{2,3,5,6,7,10\} \)
By Eq. (33) we obtain
First, we use the inequality (25) to see that
Then we use the inequality (14) on \( \Lambda \) in (25) and dividing by \(\log b\) on both sides, we obtain
If \( k=2 \),
then we use Lemma 5 with \( y:=n<M \), M as in Table (94) and assuming that
So, we obtain
and therefore
Now we apply the Lemma 4 on inequality (95) with \( k>2 \) and the parameters
and M as in Table (94). Then we obtain
From the above and bounds (98), we arrive at
Now, we consider each possibility of \( \nabla _1 \).
Case 1. \( \nabla _{1}=(n-n_1-3)\log _{b}\alpha \le U_{b}^{(1)}\). Here, we use the inequality (27) to see that
Then we use the inequality (14) on \( \Lambda _{1}\) in (27) and dividing by \(\log b\) on both sides, we obtain
First let us consider the cases
for them we use Lemma 5 on the inequality (see inequality (100))
with \( M>y-3 \) as before,
We assume for a moment that
and therefore
Then we note that the above inequality leads us to obtain the same values from Table (97) since we again use Lemma 5 with \( \tau :=\log _{2}\alpha \) and the upper bound for y given by \( M+3 \) also satisfies those results. So
Now, we apply the Lemma 4 on inequality (100) with \( (k,n-n_{1},b) \) in the set
and the parameters
with M is as in Table (94). Then we obtain
and comparing the bounds in the above table and bounds (101), we conclude that
Case 2. \(\nabla _{1}=m-m_1\le U_{b}^{(1)} \). We use the inequality (29) to see that
Then we use the inequality (14) on \( \Lambda _{2}\) in (29) and dividing by \(\log b\) on both sides, we obtain
We consider the case \( (k,m-m_{1},b)=(2,1,2) \) and use Lemma 5 assuming that
where M is as in Table (94). This implies that
and therefore, from Table (97) (which is obtained with the same value of \( \tau \) and M), it follows that
Next, we apply Lemma 4 on inequality (103) with
and the parameters
and M as before. Then we obtain
Therefore the above table and bounds (104) imply that
By bounds (99), (102) and (105), we conclude
Finally we will use inequality (32) to bound m. We assume for a moment that \( m\ge 6 \), so that \( \Lambda _{3}<1/2 \). Then we use inequality (14) on \( \Lambda _{3}\) in (32) and dividing by \(\log b \) on both sides, we obtain
In fact we note that
Therefore we use Lemma 5 in these cases assuming that
only for a moment and taking \( x\in \{m_1,m_1-1,m_1-2\} \), \( y\in \{n_{1}-1,n_{1}+1,n_{1}+3\} \) with \( y<M+3 \) where M is as in Table (94). Then
and the values of \( a_b \) in Table (97) are still valid for these cases, in conclusion
In another case \( (b,k,n-n_1,m-m_1) \) is not in the set
and we apply Lemma 4 on inequality (107) with the parameters
and M as before. Thus we obtain
Comparing bounds (108) and those of the previous table we arrive at
Moreover, by inequality (24) we have that \( n\le \left\lfloor 3+m\log _{\alpha } b \right\rfloor \) and \( m \le n + 1 \), then by the above bounds we have that
Finally with the help of Mathematica we computationally search all solutions for Eq. (3) with parameters
Thus, we obtain that for \( b\in \{5,6,7,10\} \) there are no solutions to Eq. (3). For \( b=2 \) there are solutions
and for \( b=3 \),
This ends the proof of the second part of Corollary 2.
This computation was done with the Mathematica software at Computer Center Jurgen Tischer in the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad del Valle on 24 parallel Pc’s (Intel Xeon E3-1240 v5, 3.5 GHz, 16 Gb of RAM).
Data Availibility Statement
The data mentioned in the paper (computer codes) are available from the second and third author.
Note that since the sequences \( (L_n^{(k)})_{n\ge 2} \) and \((b^m)_{m\ge 2} \) are positive increasing, then \( n>n_1 \) if and only if \( m>m_1 \) in the Diophantine equation (3) and without loss of generality we can assume either one.
Assuming for a moment that \( \nabla \ge 9 \).
Here we assume for a moment that \( \min \left\{ n-n_1,0.51k\right\} \ge 6 \).
Here we assume for a moment that \( \min \left\{ 0.51k, (m-m_1)\log _{2}b\right\} \ge 8 \).
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We thank the referees for their comments which improved the quality of this paper. The authors thank the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad del Valle for the Cluster time used to perform calculations, and especially the Computer Center Jurgen Tischer for their advice on parallelisation of the algorithm used.
Open Access funding provided by Colombia Consortium. CAG was supported in part by Project 71371 (Universidad del Valle). JG was supported by Universidad del Valle during his master’s studies.
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Faye, B., García, J. & Gomez, C.A. k–Generalized Lucas numbers, perfect powers and the problem of Pillai. Monatsh Math 204, 839–885 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-024-01981-z
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00605-024-01981-z