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The Distribution and Evolution of the Laminariales: North Pacific — Atlantic Relationships

  • Conference paper
Evolutionary Biogeography of the Marine Algae of the North Atlantic

Part of the book series: NATO ASI Series ((ASIG,volume 22))


The present paper outlines within order relationships of the Laminariales on the basis of paleoceanographic constraints and recent experimental results, especially those dealing with temperature tolerance and hybridization studies. Within the digitate section of Laminaria, it is suggested that at least two Pacific ancestors invaded the North Atlantic via the Bering Strait and the Arctic coasts when the the Bering Land Bridge became submerged during the Pliocene. A single common ancestor from the Pacific is hypothesized for species with a rigid stipe as currently represented in the North Pacific by L. setchellii, in the northeastern Atlantic by L. hyperborea and L. ochroleuca, and in southern Africa by L. pallida and L. schinzii. A second immigrant from the North Pacific with a flexible stipe related to the North Pacific L. bongardiana (= L. groenlandica sensu Druehl 1968), is hypothesized to be ancestral to the North Atlantic L. digitata, and the two southwestern Atlantic deep-water species L. brasiliensis and L. abyssalis.

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Lüning, K., Dieck, I.t. (1990). The Distribution and Evolution of the Laminariales: North Pacific — Atlantic Relationships. In: Garbary, D.J., South, G.R. (eds) Evolutionary Biogeography of the Marine Algae of the North Atlantic. NATO ASI Series, vol 22. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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