This paper reviews recent progress made by Chinese scientists on the pathways of influence of the Northern Hemisphere mid-high latitudes on East Asian climate within the framework of a “coupled oceanic-atmospheric (land-atmospheric or sea-ice-atmospheric) bridge” and “chain coupled bridge”. Four major categories of pathways are concentrated upon, as follows: Pathway A—from North Atlantic to East Asia; Pathway B—from the North Pacific to East Asia; Pathway C—from the Arctic to East Asia; and Pathway D—the synergistic effects of the mid-high latitudes and tropics. In addition, definitions of the terms “combined effect”, “synergistic effect” and “antagonistic effect” of two or more factors of influence or processes and their criteria are introduced, so as to objectively investigate those effects in future research.
摘 要
本文主要回顾了中国科学家在“海气耦合桥(陆-气耦合桥和冰-气耦合桥)”和“链式耦合桥”框架内关于北半球中高纬对东亚气候影响途径方面所取得的最新进展,总结了如下四类途径并进行重点阐述:途径A从北大西洋到东亚;途径B从北太平洋到东亚;途径C从北极到东亚;以及途径D中高纬度和热带对东亚气候影响的协同效应.此外,本文还给出了描述两个或多个影响因子或过程的“联合效应”、 “协同效应”和“拮抗效应”的定义,并给出了其判据,为今后客观地研究这些效应的作用提供了依据.
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This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41790474) and the State Oceanic Administration International Cooperation Program on Global Change and Air-Sea Interactions (GASI-IPOVAI-03).
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• Recent progress on the pathways of influence of the Northern Hemisphere mid-high latitudes on East Asian climate is reviewed.
• Four major pathways are summarized: from the North Atlantic, North Pacific and Arctic to East Asia, as well as their synergistic effects.
• Definitions of synergistic and antagonistic effects of two or more factors of influence and their criteria are proposed.
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Li, J., Zheng, F., Sun, C. et al. Pathways of Influence of the Northern Hemisphere Mid-high Latitudes on East Asian Climate: A Review. Adv. Atmos. Sci. 36, 902–921 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-019-8236-5
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00376-019-8236-5
- East Asian climate
- Northern Hemisphere mid-high latitudes
- coupled oceanic-land-sea-ice-atmospheric bridge
- chain coupled bridge
- pathway
- synergistic effect