Aims and scope
Solar Physics was founded in 1967 and is the principal journal for the publication of the results of fundamental research on the Sun. The journal treats all aspects of solar physics, ranging from the internal structure of the Sun and its evolution to the outer corona and solar wind in interplanetary space. Articles on solar-terrestrial physics and on stellar research are also published when their results have a direct bearing on our understanding of the Sun.
That is, results of solar−terrestrial physics are included if they are clearly related to the physics of the Sun or if they use terrestrial phenomena as indicators of solar activity. Articles on stellar research as long as their results have a direct impact upon the understanding of the Sun, its structure and activity, or when solar observations are used when interpreting stellar data.
Proceedings of conferences are not published in Solar Physics. However, some issues of the journal may be Topical Collections that are concerned with a specific subject selected by the editors and, in some cases, may contain papers presented at a monothematic conference. All papers submitted to such a collection are handled and refereed in the same way as regular research papers. Contrary to proceedings, the length of such papers is not limited, and other papers related to the same topic, not presented at the conference, can be added to the issue.