From: |
| Amber Graner <> |
To: |
| |
Subject: |
| Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter #198 |
Date: |
| Sun, 20 Jun 2010 18:18:18 -0400 |
Message-ID: |
| <> |
Welcome to the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, Issue 198 for the week June
13 - June 19, 2010.
In this issue we welcome New Ubuntu Members, discuss ways users and
developers alike can help fix an Ubuntu bug (and process), the QA Team
issues a call for Karmic Users to test Firefox and the Community
Leadership Summit for 2010 is announced.
As always we report on the various Ubuntu Stats, and news from, about
and for Ubuntu LoCo Teams.
From Planet Ubuntu - Ubuntu Members have blogged about the following:
The Official Ubuntu Book, TestDrive GTK Frontend Underway, 2010
Eclipse survey released: Linux and Ubuntu still growing, Open Cloud
track at the Open World Forum, Operation Cleansweep and Cloud in your
Pocket -- UEC LiveISO!.
In The Press and In The Blogosphere bring some great information as
always and In Other News posts include: Ubuntu Server BoF at Velocity
2010, Canonical's (Possibly) Excellent Adventure, Linaro announcement
at Computex, Perfectly good waste of "social", GoogleCL Brings Google
Services to the Command Line, 5 Things New Linux Converts Should Know.
But that's not all, in this week's Featured Podcasts section Full
Circle Magazine issued a short podcast and Jono Bacon had another
great week of Community Q and A. And for those of you who follow the
Ubuntu Development Teams we are now including links to those teams
Weekly Meeting Minutes, as well as links to Updates and Security
changes for the various supported releases. Also, we remind you to
take a look at the upcoming meetings and events and mark your
Ubuntu as an Operating System is not alone in getting a new look and
feel. The Fridge and the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter will see changes
over the next few weeks and the news team hopes that all readers will
appreciate the final result that all these changes will bring about.
Please continue to offer your support, suggestions, comments, and
story ideas.
-- The Ubuntu Weekly News Team
== In This Issue ==
* Welcome New Ubuntu Members
* Field experiment: fix an Ubuntu bug
* Call For Testing: Karmic Firefox Users (or willing to install Karmic in a VM)
* Community Leadership Summit 2010
* Ubuntu Stats
* LoCos, Leaders, and Lessons Learned: Pennsylvania Team
* Upcoming M Cycle Re Approvals
* LoCo Team Reapproval Change
* The Official Ubuntu Book, fifth edition released today
* TestDrive GTK Frontend Underway
* 2010 Eclipse survey released: Linux and Ubuntu still growing
* Open Cloud track at the Open World Forum
* Operation Cleansweep making progress... (updated)
* Cloud in your Pocket -- UEC LiveISO!
* In The Press
* In The Blogosphere
* Ubuntu Server BoF at Velocity 2010
* Canonical's (Possibly) Excellent Adventure
* Linaro announcement at Computex
* Perfectly good waste of "social"
* GoogleCL Brings Google Services to the Command Line
* 5 Things New Linux Converts Should Know
* Featured Podcasts
* Ubuntu Development Teams Weekly Meeting Minute Links
* Upcoming Meetings and Events
* Updates and Security
* and Much much more!
== General Community News ==
=== Welcome New Ubuntu Members ===
The approval results from the June 18th Americas Membership meeting are
as follows:
Giovanni Chiazzese
Giovanni is an active member of the Ubuntu IRC community and acts as
an Operator in the #ubuntu channel. Additionally, he is working on
getting the Code of Conduct translated into multiple languages,
starting with
French. He has also done much with initiating and working on
translations with the Ubuntu-Women's wiki.
André Brandão
André is one of the most prolific and helpful members of the Ubuntu
Brazil mailing lists with over 500 posts for the first 5 months of
2010. When not reading and answering email he participates in the
Brazilian Documentation Team and starting a Brazilian Portugeuse
Accessible derivative of Ubuntu, Linux Acessível.
Scott Lavender
Scott is a busy contributor to the Ubuntu Studio project with bug
reports, documentation, mailing list help, Main Inclusion Reports, and
packaging backports. Scott also works closely with the Debian
Ayrton Araújo
Ayrton provides much support for local hackfests in Brazil along with
his work on the Brazil Documentation Team. He is an active member of
the Ubuntu Brazil team where helps organize meetings and advocate for
Free Software.
Jos Boumans
Jos is the Engineer Manager for the Ubuntu Server Team and has been
contributing to Free Software for many years with such projects as
Perl(2% of the core code), Memcached, and Varnish. He works closely
with the Debian Perl team and coordinates much effort between Debian
and Ubuntu in the areas he works.
Paul Larson
Paul does much work with QA in Ubuntu with participation in the Bug
Control team, 5-a-day, and ISO Testing. He is also one of the brave
Texans trying to coordinate one of the largest (by surface area) LoCo
teams through engagement in events such as Texas Linux Fest.
To read to original mailing list announcment go to:
=== Field experiment: fix an Ubuntu bug ===
We want to make it easy to get involved in Ubuntu on a broad basis,
but also make it easy to just go ahead and do something as a drive-by
At UDS we talked a lot about making it easy to just go and fix a bug
that bothers you. We did a couple of improvements to our documentation
and some other bits here and there.
What I now need is your feedback. It'd be super-sweet if you never
just went and fixed a bug in Ubuntu, you now just tried to do that. I
don't want to give too many instructions, because I want to see how
you go about finding docs, which tools you use, what you do to make it
happen, so the instructions are thus:
* Wear your hardhat.
* Remember an Ubuntu bug that bothered you or find one you'd like to work on
* Take notes. It's important that you note down what exactly you
tried to do, what worked and what didn't work. We want to fix the
process harder and make it super-smooth.
* Add a comment to this blog entry or mail dholbach at ubuntu dot com
with your findings.
Thanks a bunch in advance. This is an awesome opportunity for you to
not only fix a bug in Ubuntu, but also help fix the process involved.
I'll report the findings in a couple of weeks.
=== Call For Testing: Karmic Firefox Users (or willing to install
Karmic in a VM) ===
The Ubuntu QA team issued the following call for testing on June 18th.
Following up a previous call for testing for Hardy users, we are
calling Karmic users to test the Firefox 3.6.4 upgrade.
As we wrote, Firefox 3.0 and xulrunner 1.9 are now unsupported by
Mozilla. We are going to release Firefox 3.6.4 as a minor update to
the 3.6 series in Lucid. This will also be rolled out to Hardy, Jaunty
and Karmic (along with xulrunner The update for Lucid is
quite trivial, but the update in Hardy, Jaunty and Karmic is not quite
as simple.
Also, we have added a new testcase "XulRunner Applications" aiming to
test that the applications using xulrunner keep working correctly
after the update. These applications need to be tested both in Hardy
and Karmic.
Please, check the testing instructions if you are willing to help with
this important security update.
To find out more about how you can help with this testing go to:
=== Community Leadership Summit 2010 ===
The Community Leadership Summit 2010 will be kicking off in Portland,
Oregon; taking place the weekend before OSCON. The event takes place
on 17th - 18th July 2010.
The Community Leadership Summit 2010 is the second incarnation of the
event and is designed to bring together community leaders and managers
and the projects and organizations that are interested in growing and
empowering a strong community. The event provides an unconference
style schedule in which attendees can discuss, debate and explore
topics. This is augmented with a range of scheduled talks, panel
discussions, networking opportunities and more.
To find out more about Community Leadership Summit 2010 go to:
== Ubuntu Stats ==
=== Bug Stats ===
* Open (76975) -8 over last week
* Critical (29) +2 over last week
* Unconfirmed (37227) +141 over last week
As always, the Bug Squad needs more help. If you want to get started,
please see
=== Translation Stats Lucid ===
1. English (United Kingdom) (377) -41 over last week
2. Spanish (9702) -119 over last week
3. Brazilian Portuguese (35233) -78 over last week
4. French (39129) -24 over last week
5. German (54738) -21 over last week
Remaining strings to translate in Ubuntu 10.04 "Lucid Lynx", see more
=== Ubuntu Brainstorm Top 5 this week ===
* Audio preference can implement a single click "mute all app except
one" -
* I mean the gnome clock needs more optional features. -
* Move sent emails to folder "sent" in evolution -
* extended gnome system monitor -
* LaTeXiT for Ubuntu -
Ubuntu Brainstorm is a community site geared toward letting you add
your ideas for Ubuntu. You can submit your own idea, or vote for or
against another idea.
== LoCo News ==
=== LoCos, Leaders, and Lessons Learned: Pennsylvania Team ===
In this second of many LoCo Team interviews to come in this US Teams
Interview Series - LoCos, Leaders, and Lessons Learned, Amber Graner
talks to Bret Fledderjohn of the Ubuntu Pennsylvania Local Community
Team. Bret talks about the tools the team uses, events they attend as
well as help with, and what advice the Pennsylvania LoCo Team would
give to other teams and community members and much much more!
To read the interview in full go to:
=== Upcoming M Cycle Re Approvals ===
Just to clarify the LoCo Council will be contacting teams for
reapproval this cycle, they were chosen at random. As you can imagine
the list of teams is large and this process only started last cycle.
If your team is ON THIS LIST
Then you will receive an email from us regarding the re approval
process. Every team at some stage will go through this process.
If you've any other queries just ask us, there are 6 of us on the
council and are here to help you where we can.
=== LoCo Team Expiration ===
If you see that your team is expiring from Launchpad and it's only
been a year, _PLEASE_ notify one of the council members, or the
council list ASAP. The council list is
_PLEASE_ check this.
We are holding re-approvals every two years, not every year, so your
team _will_ fall off the launchpad 'approved' group if we do not take
action. This is change from years past, so the approval lengths are
not set correctly yet. In the future we will script something to take
care of this, but for now please be aware of the issue.
To read the original announcement and for more information go to:
== The Planet ==
=== Matthew Helmke: The Official Ubuntu Book, fifth edition released today ===
Matthew Helmke had the privilege of re-writing Chapters 3 and 4, as
well as the new bonus chapter for the fifth edition of The Official
Ubuntu Book. This edition comes with a special chapter regarding
Ubuntu One and comes with a DVD featuring screencasts as well.
=== Dustin Kirkland: TestDrive GTK Frontend Underway ===
Dustin Kirkland will be mentoring Andres Rodriguez for his Google
Summer of Code. Andres is in the process of building a GTK graphical
interface for Testdrive[1]. Testdrive is a project that simplifies the
process of downloading and running the latest daily Ubuntu development
snapshot in a virtual machine.
=== Nicolas Barcet: 2010 Eclipse survey released: Linux and Ubuntu
still growing ===
Nicolas Barcet has summarized several keypoints regarding the
predominance of Ubuntu, and Linux in general, in use on developer's
workstations. He breaks down the overall decline of Windows stations
in comparison to the ascent of Linux workstations; showing finally
that the predominant Linux development workstation is Ubuntu.
=== Nicolas Barcet: Open Cloud track at the Open World Forum ===
The third Open World Forum will be held in Paris on September 30th and
October 1st of this year. Nicolas Barcet will have a hand in putting
together the Open Cloud Track; bringing together the key players in
Cloud computing. This panel of speakers will be tasked with putting
forth solutions in a think-tank environment focusing on
interoperability and compatibility, at the level of infrastructures,
platforms and software.
=== Jorge Castro: Operation Cleansweep making progress... (updated) ===
A number of volunteers are working together to sift through the
patches found on Launchpad, cleaning them up and integrating them;
this project is known as Operation Cleansweep[1]. For more information
on how to volunteer and help the project, see below.
=== Dustin Kirkland: Cloud in your Pocket -- UEC LiveISO! ===
Following a weekend hack, Dustin Kirkland has made a 64bit LiveISO
based on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS containing the necessary Eucalyptus
applications and some initial configurations which form the basis of
the Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud. This ISO is intended for development or
testing purposes and is not intended to replace the official 10.04 LTS
Server ISO; it's simply a Cloud in your Pocket.
== In The Press ==
=== Cassidy: Linux could ease schools' tech crunch ===
Members of the Ubuntu California LoCo team and their efforts to bring
Edubuntu to classrooms are highlighted in this Mecury News article.
Mike Cassidy of Mercury News reports on how Linux can help
cash-strapped schools deploy computers in the school and possibly save
money and administration resources alike. Many schools will have some
obstacles to overcome, some schools have existing contracts or
software that specifically relies on Microsoft Windows, however, Mike
suggests that Linux is something that any struggling school should
think about.
=== Element OS - An Ubuntu Based Distro For HTPCs ===
According to the Tech Drive-In Blog, Element OS is an Ubuntu
derivative based on Xubuntu designed to run on HTPCs (Home Theater
PCs). Its user interface is designed to be usable and friendly when
used from across the room and it also ships with the Firefox web
browser. A home theater PC is also available that ships with Element
OS fully pre-configured for the hardware. It maintains compatibility
with the Ubuntu software archives, which makes it easily extendable.
This article discusses the follow aspects of Element OS:
* Technology And Functionality
* Devices
* Where you can Download Element OS
To read more about Element OS go to:
=== Ubuntu Maverick changes ===
Alistair Otter reports on planned features for the upcoming Ubuntu
10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release. Otter notes in his article, "The
alpha release doesn't yet include many of the features that are
planned for the final version and many of those that are included are
still in the dearly development stages."
Planned features include:
* Better sound management
* Full Gnome 3.0 desktop
* Various Application Changes
The full article can be found at:
=== Meet Shotwell - The F-Spot Replacement For Ubuntu 10.10 "Maverick
Meerkat" ===
The new default image organizer for Ubuntu 10.10 will be Shotwell, as
apposed to F-Spot which has been the default image organizing and
manipulating suite in Ubuntu for several releases. According to some,
Shotwell is better integrated with the Gnome desktop and even though
it's still under development, offers a great photo organizing solution
to users old and new.
To see what's new in Shotwell, see screenshoots, as well as find out
how to download it go to:
== In The Blogosphere ==
=== VirtualBox vs. KVM on the Desktop: A Comparison ===
Christopher Tozzi at WorksWithU compares VirtualBox with KVM on the
Ubuntu desktop. He compares the management tools as well as the
various features, including ability to pass devises to guest operating
systems, advanced virtualization functionality, and video acceleration
in guest operating systems.
For the full details and conclusions of his review see:
=== Memo From Dell: Ubuntu Linux Is Safer Than Windows ===
The Var Guy details Dell's continued support and endorsement of Ubuntu
systems. The blog post references Dell's website [1] which lists 10
key points regarding Ubuntu in comparison to Windows. The Var Guy
specifically points out Item #6; "Ubuntu is safer than Windows". The
blog continues by discussing Dell's relationship with Canonical and
Ubuntu systems in general.
The Var Guy issued a follow-up entry after Dell changed the wording on
item #6 to "Ubuntu is secure".
To read the both articles in full go to:
=== Ubuntu One Music Store Top Sellers ===
The Ubuntu One Music Store blog has the top album and singles sold.
The Top 5 Albums:
1. Jack Johnson - To The Sea
2. Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
3. Ministry of Sound - Chilled Acoustic
4. The National - High Violet
5. Zac Brown Band - The Foundation
The Top Singles:
* Jack Johnson - You And Your Heart
* Train - Hey, Soul Sister
* Shakira featuring Freshlyground - Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)
- It's the Official World Cup song!
* Katy Perry - California Gurls (featuring Snoop Dogg)
* Ke$ha - Your Love Is My Drug
For more of the top music plus new and noteworthy music that can be
found in the Ubuntu One Music Store see:
== In Other News ==
=== Ubuntu Server BoF at Velocity 2010 ===
The Ubuntu Server Team announces that there will be an Ubuntu Server
BOF at Velocity 2010 on Tuesday June 22 at 8PM.
=== Canonical's (Possibly) Excellent Adventure ===
Katherine Noyes of LinuxInsider brings us this story regarding
Canonical's continued movement into Commercial and Enterprise Level
Support. The article points out that Canonical is moving into a shared
territory with Red Hat through the Ubuntu Advantage Enterprise
Service. Robert Pogson was also quoted in the article stating,
"GNU/Linux has taken about all it can from Unix operating systems; now
it is time to kick M$ out of servers."
=== Linaro announcement at Computex ===
Jamie Bennett, Linaro Release Manager for Canonical, posts the link to
the video of the Linaro release announcement.
To watch the annoucement go to:
=== Perfectly good waste of "social" ===
Matt Asay, Canonical COO, talks about the trust that is created by the
use of social media. Matt admits, "Yes, much of social networking is
just idle chitchat. But even that chitchat helps to lay the foundation
for trust, which in turn is the key to fueling trade, trade which
makes us rich?together."
The article points to studies that have been conducted by Nielsen and
others on just how much time and money is spent (or wasted) on
Matt also points to an arguement by Matt Ridley in the Wall Street
Journal as well as a blog post by Glyn Moody.
Matt says, "So don't feel guilty when you contribute your time to
open-source projects, or Facebook. You're helping to drive global
trade. See what your boss thinks of that."
To read this article in full go to:
=== GoogleCL Brings Google Services to the Command Line ===
Lifehacker reports on the June 18, 2010, GoogleCL announcment:
Linux/Mac/Windows: Google's new utility, GoogleCL, allows you to
access a handful of Google services from any *nix command line.
Google's services are pretty easily accessible in their individual
webapps, but if you've got a hankering for the command line, this is
Having Google's services at your fingertips in the Terminal may not
sound super cool, but if you want to incorporate, say, fetching Google
Calendar events, Google contacts, Google Docs, or Picasa photos into
your scripts, GoogleCL is extremely handy (and long overdue). GoogleCL
is a python program that can access and perform a number of actions in
Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Picasa, and YouTube.
Ubuntu users can download a .deb package and install it right away,
though Mac and Windows installation is a bit trickier.
To read the full Lifehacker article and see how you can install GoogleCL go to:
=== 5 Things New Linux Converts Should Know ===
Jonathan DePrizio,, talks about 5 things he believes new
linux users should know. Those 5 things include:
1. Drives don't have letters, they have mountpoints
2. There is no registry
3. Software comes from the repos, not CDs or websites
4. Don't login as root
5. Help is available - and it's free!
To read more about these suggested ideas from DePrizio go to:
== Featured Podcasts ==
=== Full Circle Side-Pod #2: A World Cup -free zone ===
This is an extra, irregular, short-form podcast, which is intended to
be a side-branch of the main Full Circle Podcast.
* News: It may or may not be HTML5, Nero sues MPEG-LA, Everyone
patents Social Networking
* Gaming: Red Dead Redemption and World of Goo
* Expert Spot: Editing the Full Circle Podcast pt. 2: Recording
* MP3 podcast here:
* OGG podcast here:
=== At Home with Jono Bacon - Weekly Video Cast Summary ===
Jono Bacon's weekly ustream community question and answer session.
The June 16th, 2010 cast can be found at:
=== Ubuntu Development Teams Weekly Meeting Minute Links ===
* Ubuntu Desktop Team Meeting Minutes for June 15th, 2010 -
* Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting Minutes from June 15th, 1010 -
* Ubuntu Server Team Meeting Minutes for June 15th, 2010 -
* Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting Minutes for June 15th, 2010 -
* Ubuntu Foundations Team Meeting Minutes for June 16th, 2010
== Upcoming Meetings and Events ==
=== Monday, June 21, 2010 ===
==== Ubuntu-NGO IRC Meeting ====
* Start: 17:00 UTC
* End: 18:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-ngo on
* Agenda:
==== Security Team Catch-up ====
* Start: 17:00 UTC
* End: 17:30 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: Agenda: nothing formal, just a weekly catch-up. Weekly
Ubuntu Security Team catch-up meeting. Anyone is welcome to join if
they want to watch, contribute, etc
=== Tuesday, June 22, 2010 ===
==== Asia - Oceania RMB Meeting ====
* Start: 10:00 UTC
* End: 11:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: Agenda:
==== Ubuntu Mobile Team Meeting ====
* Start: 13:00 UTC
* End: 14:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda:
==== Developer Membership Board ====
* Start: 14:00 UTC
* End: 15:00 UTC
* Location: Not listed as of publication
* Agenda: Not listed as of publication
==== Desktop Team Meeting ====
* Start: 16:30 UTC
* End: 17:30 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-desktop on
* Agenda:
==== Kernel Team Meeting ====
* Start: 17:00 UTC
* End: 18:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meetings on
* Agenda: Not listed as of publication
=== Wednesday, June 23, 2010 ===
==== Weekly Ubuntu Foundations team meeting ====
* Start: 15:00 UTC
* End: 16:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: https:/
* Info:
==== Jono Bacon @ Home Videocast : Various Topics and Q+A ====
* Start: 18:00 UTC
* End: 19:00 UTC
* Location:
* Agenda: This is a weekly videocast by the Ubuntu Community
Manager, Jono Bacon in which he discusses a range of topics and also
provides a regular weekly Q+A.
==== Edubuntu Meeting ====
* Start: 19:00 UTC
* End: 20:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda:
==== QA Team Meeting ====
* Start: 19:00 UTC
* End: 20:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-quality on
* Agenda:
=== Thursday, June 24, 2010 ===
==== Ayatana UX team meeting ====
* Start: 12:00 UTC
* End: 12:30 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: Introductions * Review team charter * Organize first UX
activity * Brainstorm future UX activities
==== Ubuntu Java Meeting ====
* Start: 14:00 UTC
* End: 15:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: None listed as of publication
==== Ubuntu Women Project Meeting ====
* Start: 22:00 UTC
* End: 23:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-women-project on
* Agenda:
=== Friday, June 25, 2010 ===
==== Maverick Weekly Release Meeting ====
* Start: 15:00 UTC
* End: 16:30 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda:
=== Saturday, June 26, 2010 ===
==== BugJam ====
* Start: 20:00 UTC
* End: 22:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-bugs & #ubuntu-us-dc on
* Agenda: None listed as of publication
==== DC Loco IRC meeting ====
* Start: 22:00 UTC
* End: 23:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-us-dc on
* Agenda: None listed as of publication
=== Sunday, June 27, 2010 ===
==== Ubuntu IRC Council Meeting ====
* Start: 18:00 UTC
* End: 19:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda:
==== Ubuntu Gaming Team Meeting ====
* Start: 19:00 UTC
* End: 21:00 UTC
* Location: IRC channel #ubuntu-meeting on
* Agenda: None listed as of publication
== Updates and Security for 6.06, 8.04, 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04 ==
=== Security Updates ===
* USN-951-1: Samba vulnerability -
=== Ubuntu 6.06 Updates ===
* squidguard 1.2.0-7ubuntu0.1 -
* samba 3.0.22-1ubuntu3.12 -
=== Ubuntu 8.04 Updates ===
* squidguard_1.2.0-8.2ubuntu2.1_sparc_translations.tar.gz (delayed)-
* samba_3.0.28a-1ubuntu4.12_hppa_translations.tar.gz-
* bitlbee 1.2-3ubuntu0.1 -
* chkrootkit 0.47-1.1ubuntu0.2 -
* apache2 2.2.8-1ubuntu0.17 -
* linux 2.6.24-28.71 -
* apache2-mpm-itk 2.2.6-01-1build3.9 -
=== Ubuntu 9.04 Updates ===
* squidguard_1.2.0-8.4ubuntu1.
* samba_3.3.2-1ubuntu3.5_sparc_translations.tar.gz (delayed)-
* bitlbee 1.2.3-1ubuntu0.1 -
=== Ubuntu 9.10 Updates ===
* openbravo-erp 2.50MP-18-1karmic2 -
* squidguard_1.2.0-8.4ubuntu1.
* bitlbee 1.2.4-1ubuntu0.1 -
=== Ubuntu 10.04 Updates ===
* linux-backports-modules-2.6.32 2.6.32-23.16 -
* eglibc 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.2 -
* adobeair -
* openbravo-erp-openjdk 2.50MP-18-1lucid2 -
* linux-meta -
* zarafa 6.40.0-20653-lucid~1 -
* libusb 2:0.1.12-14ubuntu0.1 -
* squidguard_1.2.0-8.4ubuntu1.
* xorg-server 2:1.7.6-2ubuntu7.2 -
* byobu 2.68-0ubuntu1.1 -
* qemu-kvm 0.12.3+noroms-0ubuntu9.1 -
* parted 2.2-5ubuntu5.1 -
* gdm -
* gtk+2.0 2.20.1-0ubuntu2 -
* gui-ufw 10.04.5-0ubuntu0.1 -
* evolution-rss 0.1.4-6ubuntu0.1 -
* lubuntu-default-settings 0.6.1 -
* transmission 1.93-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 -
* gle-graphics 4.2.1-2ubuntu0.1 -
* bitlbee 1.2.4-2ubuntu0.1 -
* sugar-0.88 0.87.2-1ubuntu0.1 -
* etckeeper 0.41ubuntu3.1 -
* ifenslave-2.6 1.1.0-14ubuntu2.1 -
* ubuntuone-client 1.2.2-0ubuntu1 -
* quickly 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 -
* qutim 0.2.0-0ubuntu3.1 -
* sssd 1.0.6-0ubuntu1~lucid1 -
* banshee 1.6.1-1~lucid1 -
* humanity-icon-theme -
* binutils 2.20.1-3ubuntu6 -
* language-selector 0.5.8 -
* linux-mvl-dove 2.6.32-206.19 -
* f-spot -
* linux-fsl-imx51 2.6.31-608.15 -
* linux-ec2 2.6.32-307.12 -
* linux-ti-omap 2.6.33-502.8 -
* linux-qcm-msm 2.6.31-802.5 -
* fsarchiver 0.6.8-1ubuntu0.1 -
* empathy -
* linux-meta-ti-omap -
* linux-meta-ec2 -
* linux-meta-mvl-dove -
== UWN Translations ==
* Note to translators and our readers please follow the link below
for the information you need.
== Subscribe ==
Get your copy of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter delivered each week to
you via email at:
== Archives and RSS Feed ==
You can always find older Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter issues at:
You can subscribe to the Ubuntu Weekly News via RSS at:
== Additional Ubuntu News ==
As always you can find more news and announcements at:
== Conclusion ==
Thank you for reading the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter.
See you next week!
== Credits ==
The Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is brought to you by:
* Amber Graner
* Chris Johnston
* Liraz Siri
* J. Scott Gwin
* Penelope Stowe
* Daniel Caleb
* Jonathan Carter
* Alan Pope
* And many others
== Glossary of Terms ==
Other acronyms can be found at
== Ubuntu - Get Involved ==
The Ubuntu community consists of individuals and teams, working on
different aspects of the distribution, giving advice and technical
support, and helping to promote Ubuntu to a wider audience. No
contribution is too small, and anyone can help. It's your chance to
get in on all the community fun associated with developing and
promoting Ubuntu.
== Feedback ==
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu Weekly News Team. If you
have a story idea or suggestions for the Weekly Newsletter, join the
Ubuntu News Team mailing list at and submit
it. Ideas can also be added to the wiki at If you'd like to
contribute to a future issue of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter, please
feel free to edit the appropriate wiki page. If you have any technical
support questions, please send them to
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a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License -
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