An update on UEFI secure boot
An update on UEFI secure boot
Posted Oct 27, 2011 15:36 UTC (Thu) by raven667 (subscriber, #5198)In reply to: An update on UEFI secure boot by simlo
Parent article: An update on UEFI secure boot
The issue is not if you will end up buying machines where you can't boot Linux because secure boot can't be switched off. That will not happen, among other things, due to anti-trust issues.
I think that is a real concern, not because of any malice on MS or the hardware vendors part but just due to apathy about non-MS desktop systems. It would be easy to load the MS keys into the hardware, flip on the secure-boot feature and not bother to make a UI for loading your own keys or turning the feature off, locking the hardware to only run Win8 (and possibly some OEM version of Win7 that's signed). That's not saying there wouldn't be vendors who do allow key modification or even cater to the Linux market but there was a real danger of the PC market getting locked up in the name of security and turning people into criminals who have to jail-break their machines.