publisher colophon


Employment Histories of Apollo Rollers and Laborers, 1892–1896

The names of workers who moved to Vandergrift are highlighted in bold. The names of workers who remained in Apollo or moved elsewhere are highlighted in italics. All other names are of workers who could not be found after the 1896 tax-assessment records in either the Vandergrift property records or 1900 census for Apollo, Vandergrift, Vandergrift Heights, Morning Sun, or surrounding townships. I have not listed the names of workers who could not be identified every year or who never moved up to a better job at the mill.

The Apollo strike and lockout began in summer 1893, after the annual tax assessment. The impacts of the strike on occupational structure are not discernible until 1894.

I have been careful not to take count data of rollers and laborers as definitive measures of the size of the workforce and the magnitude of the strike. There is a great deal of evidence that suggests many problems with the original primary documentation, including surname misspellings, occupational misclassifications, and omissions from the tax roles due to oversight. Therefore the strongest and most plausible interpretation to make from the following list of rollers and laborers concerns the correlation between general employment history patterns and eventual residence in Vandergrift. The employment history patterns found in the tax-assessment records corroborate statements made by labor union and trade papers regarding McMurtry’s hiring and management practices during the 1893–94 strike/lockout. The lack of movement of individuals to Vandergrift who, from their employment histories, appear to have been disloyal workers, possibly union members, corroborates local folklore and company statements that these individuals were barred from purchasing property in Vandergrift and Vandergrift Heights.

Sources: Armstrong County Tax Assessment Records, Apollo, Pennsylvania, 1892–1896; U.S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Population Manuscripts, 1880, 1900, 1910; Westmoreland County Tax Assessment Records, Vandergrift, Pennsylvania.


Group A: Rollers who were demoted, never resumed their 1892 jobs, or disappeared by 1896: 18 (these were possibly Amalgamated members disloyal to McMurtry)

Auberle, Albert Demoted to laborer in 1893; left Apollo in 1894
Bailey, Thomas Demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1895
Artman, John A. Demoted to laborer in 1893; left Apollo in 1895
Forbes, Thomas A. Demoted to catcher in 1894; left Apollo in 1896
Hilty, D. L. Left Apollo in 1894; returned to work as laborer in 1896
Kirkland, Luther Demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1895
McCabe, Henry Demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1895
Wilson, George W. Became Apollo town burgess in 1894
Stitt, Galbraith Demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1895
Edwards, Steven Left Apollo in 1895
Molinder, Charles First appearance as a roller in 1893; demoted to laborer in 1894
McCullough, George H. Left Apollo in 1894
Haddock, M. E. Left Apollo in 1894
Fiscus, William Demoted to laborer in 1894; became heater in 1895; left Apollo in 1896; moved to Hyde Park, Pa., to become a roller (1900); owned house and resided in Hyde Park, 1900
Golden, C. P. First appearance as roller in 1893; demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1895; mortgaged house and worked as a laborer in Apollo in 1900
Davis, Griffith Demoted to laborer in 1894; moved away in 1895; owned house and resided in Apollo, 1900; worked as a roller in 1900
Lewis, Hubert Scottish immigrant; demoted to laborer in 1893; rented and resided in Apollo, 1900
Kelly, Charles J. Demoted to laborer in 1894; left Apollo in 1896; boarded with Charles Ivory in Vandergrift and worked as a rougher in 1900

Group B: 1892 rollers who persisted in the tax-assessment records as rollers through 1896: 3 (these were possibly Amalgamated workers who renounced their union membership in 1893 or who worked for Philip Laufman in 1893 and were not affected by the Apollo Iron and Steel strike/lockout; possibly loyal to McMurtry)

Henry, Harry T. On inaugural Vandergrift rolling crew; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Owen, James Owned house and resided in Apollo, 1900
Shaner, Harry T. Resided with parents in Apollo, 1900

Group C: Workers who may have moved to Apollo as nonunion replacement rollers during the strike and remained as rollers through 1896: 9 (loyal to McMurtry)

George, Clarence M. First appearance as a roller in 1894; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Riblet, Harry First appearance as a roller in 1894; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Spiher, Edward S. First appearance as a roller in 1894; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Young, Alva E. First appearance as a roller in 1894; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Cochran, Ardesco B. First appearance as a roller in 1895; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Daugherty, Joseph First appearance as a roller in 1895; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Kirkwood, Hugh Promoted from laborer to roller in 1894; owned house and resided in Apollo in 1900
Stitt, Frank E. First appearance as a roller in 1894
James, L. D. First appearance as a roller in 1895

Group D: Laborers who were fast-tracked through the mill hierarchy to become rollers before 1897: 5 (loyal to McMurtry)

Jack, James Jr. Promoted from laborer to roller in 1895; demoted to catcher in 1896, member of inaugural rolling crew
Stitt, Harry M. Began as laborer in 1894; promoted to heater in 1895; promoted to roller in 1896; purchased Vandergrift lot before 1899
Snyder, Edward First appearance as a roller in 1894; left Apollo in 1896; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Troup, Uriah Began as laborer in 1894; promoted to roller in 1895; first-day Vandergrift buyer; owned Vandergrift house in 1900
Coffman, T. R. Began as laborer in 1895; promoted to roller in 1896

Group E: 1892 rollers who may have been union members before the strike/lockout, were demoted during the strike in 1893, but later resumed as roller: 4 (these were possibly Amalgamated workers who initially struck against McMurtry, but later capitulated; eventually loyal to McMurtry)

Jack, Robert C. Demoted to laborer in 1894; resumed roller’s position in 1895
Rich, William A. Demoted to laborer in 1894; resumed roller’s position in 1895; rented house in Hyde Park in 1900; worked as roller in 1900
Jack, Louis T. Demoted to laborer in 1894; resumed roller’s position in 1895; left Apollo in 1896; owned house in, resided in, and was a roller in Apollo, 1900
Walker, W. B. Demoted to laborer in 1894; resumed roller’s position in 1895; rented house and resided in Apollo, 1900

Group F: Individuals who may have been replacement rollers and were later demoted, or left Apollo: 6 (attitude toward McMurtry unknown)

Carpenter, S. C. First appearance as a roller in 1894; demoted to heater in 1896
Johnson, John F. First appearance as a roller in 1894; left Apollo in 1896
Beddows, George W. First appearance as a roller in 1894; left Apollo in 1896; a merchant in the 1900 Apollo tax-assessment records; was a roller in 1880
Geary, R. F. First appearance as a roller in 1894; demoted to laborer in 1895; promoted to heater in 1896; owned house and resided in Apollo in 1900
Buzzard, John W. First appearance as a roller in 1894; left Apollo in 1896; first-day Vandergrift Heights buyer
Hulings, E. Gordon First appearance as a roller in 1894; left Apollo in 1896; first-day Vandergrift buyer; owned house in Vandergrift in 1900

Group G: 1892 rollers who retired after 1893: 2 (attitude toward McMurtry unknown)

Marshall, James Demoted to laborer in 1894; retired in 1895; first-day Vandergrift buyer
McNutt, Thomas Retired in 1895; first-day Vandergrift buyer; owned house, resided in, and worked as roller in Apollo, 1900

Group H: Rollers mentioned in tax-assessment records during a single year and who cannot be classified: 6


Group A: Individuals who held laboring positions every year between 1892 and 1896: 10

Ridenour, J. A. Purchased property in Vandergrift Heights, 1897
Jack, Thomas Laborer at Hyde Park in 1900; lived in a rented house
Watt, James A. Laborer at Apollo in 1900; Apollo resident; housing tenure unknown
Whittlinger, John W. Butcher in Apollo in 1900; owned house in Apollo, 1900
Pool, Grant Laborer at Apollo in 1900; Apollo resident; housing tenure unknown
Lucas, Daniel  
Duncan, W. H.  
Smail, Daniel  
Jones, Charles  
Turner, Charles  

Group B: Laborers who were promoted to mill occupations in 1893: 10

Crickard, William Promoted to mill clerk; purchased property in Vandergrift Heights in 1898
Hamilton, A. A. Promoted to tinner; promoted to gasfitter in 1894; promoted to doubler in 1895; resided in Vandergrift in 1900
Gibson, James Jr. Promoted to galvanizer; resided in Vandergrift in 1900
Prugh, William L. J. Promoted to heater; first-day Vandergrift buyer; roller owning a house in Vandergrift in 1900
Kirkland, George Promoted to heater; day laborer in 1900; rented house in Apollo, 1900
Syran, Michael Promoted to heater
Kirkland, John H. Promoted to heater
Baxter, Edwin Promoted to tinner
Davis, Sam Promoted to rougher
Whittinger, W. H. Promoted to heater

Group C: Laborers who were promoted to mill occupations in 1894: 7

Beck, Harry P. Promoted to heater; first-day Vandergrift buyer; owned house in Vandergrift in 1900
Klingensmith, William Promoted to heater; purchased property in Vandergrift Heights in 1897
Truby, Henry Promoted to heater; resided in Apollo in 1900
Bash, Elmer Promoted to heater; laborer in 1900; rented house in Apollo, 1900
Snider, George Promoted to moulder; moulder in 1900; rented house in Apollo, 1900
Talmage, Thomas Promoted to mill mason
Morrison, Robert Promoted to galvanizer

Group D: Laborers who were promoted to mill occupations in 1895: 17

Hannah, W. J. Promoted to shearman; left Apollo in 1896; resided in Vandergrift in 1900
Beck, Emmet Promoted to rougher; purchased Vandergrift property in 1898; resided in Vandergrift, 1900
Stitt, James S. Promoted to engineer; promoted to heater in 1896; first-day Vandergrift buyer; owned house in Vandergrift in 1900
Olinger, David J. Promoted to heater; first-day Vandergrift buyer
Lellas, Lincoln Promoted to heater; first-day buyer in Vandergrift
Heights; resided in Vandergrift Heights in 1900
Lellas, Harry Promoted to heater; first-day buyer in Vandergrift
Heights; resided in Vandergrift Heights in 1900
Moore, Ollie Promoted to catcher; resided in Vandergrift Heights in 1900
Lellas, Stewart Promoted to catcher; promoted to doubler in 1896; rougher in 1900; mortgaged house in Vandergrift Heights, 1900
Knox, Thomas C. Promoted to heater; left Apollo in 1896; resided in Apollo in 1900
Parks, T. J. Promoted to heater; resided in Apollo in 1900
Klingensmith, Ed Promoted to heater; heater in Apollo, 1900; rented house in Apollo, 1900
Brown, Thomas Promoted to catcher; foundryman in 1900; rented house in Apollo, 1900
Housholder, S. D. Promoted to rougher
Kowalsky, John Promoted to mill machinist
Zillers, Wes Promoted to heater
Rudolf, B. F. Promoted to rougher
Truby, C. W. Promoted to heater

Group E: Laborers who were promoted to mill occupations in 1896: 8

Borland, Leslie Promoted to heater; first-day Vandergrift Heights buyer; resided in Vandergrift Heights in 1900
Johnston, Robert G. Promoted to rougher; purchased Vandergrift property in 1897; resided in Vandergrift in 1900
Lookhart, Harvey P. Promoted to heater; catcher in 1900; rented house in Vandergrift Heights
Fairman, Harry Promoted to heater; heater in 1900; lived Kiskiminetas Township in mortgaged house, 1900
Detter, Frank Promoted to heater
Hadley, Thomas Promoted to shearsman
Townsend, C. W. Promoted to shearsman
Fiscus, L. T. Promoted to rougher

Group F: Laborers for whom a date of promotion to a mill job cannot be ascertained due to missing data for one or more years in the tax-assessment records: 10

Group G: Laborers who were promoted, but not to a mill job: 39

Group H: Laborers with single-year records who cannot be classified: 176

Group I: Laborers who were included in multiple years of the tax-assessment records but who had intermittent gaps in their employment histories and cannot be classified: 128

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