Papers by Lauren M (Hart) Diepenbrock
2016 International Congress of Entomology, 2016

Environmental entomology, 2016
The diversity and abundance of native lady beetles (Coccinellidae) in North America has declined ... more The diversity and abundance of native lady beetles (Coccinellidae) in North America has declined in recent decades. This decline is often correlated with the introduction and establishment of exotic lady beetle species, including Coccinella septempunctata L. and Harmonia axyridis Pallas, suggesting that exotic species precipitated the decline of native lady beetles. We examined species records of native coccinellids in Missouri over 118 yr and asked whether the species composition of the community experienced a shift following the establishment of the exotic species. We found that the contemporary native coccinellid community is different from the community that was present nearly a century ago. However, there was no evidence for a recent abrupt shift in composition triggered by the establishment of exotic species. Instead, our data suggest that the native lady beetle community has been undergoing consistent and gradual change over time, with some species decreasing in abundance and...
Journal of Pest Science, 2016
Arthropod Management Tests, 2015
Arthropod Management Tests, 2015

Coccinellid communities are increasing in species richness with the intentional or unintentional ... more Coccinellid communities are increasing in species richness with the intentional or unintentional introduction of non-native species, while simultaneously declining in species evenness as the abundance of native species decreases, potentially due to predation by or competition with non-native species. The destruction of natural habitats may exacerbate this trend, since invasion success is often tied to environmental degradation. Our objective was to determine whether coccinellid community composition varies between simplified agricultural tall fescue habitats and diverse natural tallgrass prairie habitats, either remnant or restored. We predicted that natural tallgrass prairie habitats would resist the establishment of non-native coccinellid species and therefore promote the abundance and species richness of native coccinellid species. We compared coccinellid communities between natural and agricultural habitats by collecting adult coccinellids from five remnant tallgrass prairies, f...
Drosophila suzukii, commonly referred to as the spotted wing drosophila, was first detected in th... more Drosophila suzukii, commonly referred to as the spotted wing drosophila, was first detected in the southeastern United States (Florida) in 2009 and was subsequently found in all states in the region between 2010 and 2012. In the time since D. suzukii has been detected, important contrasts between its biology and management in the southeastern United States and other regions of the country. Key among the challenges in the southeastern US are persistence of detectable populations throughout the year, interference of rainfall with management tools, and high overall populations.
Review and synopsis of a seminar presented by Dr. Andy Sih from UC-Davis.
The American Biology Teacher
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, a... more JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact

Background/Question/Methods The mechanisms underlying the division of labor among workers in deri... more Background/Question/Methods The mechanisms underlying the division of labor among workers in derived ant colonies (i.e. Pogonomymex badius) have been well documented, however they remain largely unstudied in primitive species; current literature provides three hypotheses pertaining to labor division: (1) age-based polyethism, whereby worker roles are a function of age and size of the individual, (2) foraging-for-work, which suggests that task specialization is a product of idle individuals randomly foraging for work within the colony and performing any task that needs to be completed, and (3) evolutionary origin, which states that individuals within a colony compete for preferential tasks. This study provides a descriptive phenotype for the labor distribution within colonies of Odontomachus brunneus, a primitive Ponerine ant species. By describing the phenotype of the colony, we are able to indirectly assess the importance of the various mechanisms contributing to division of labor ...

Background/Question/Methods The diversity and abundance of native lady beetle (Coccinellidae) spe... more Background/Question/Methods The diversity and abundance of native lady beetle (Coccinellidae) species in the US is declining. This decline has been attributed to the intentional and unintentional introduction of exotic lady beetles, including Coccinella septumpunctata and Harmonia axyridis. However, most of the studies documenting negative effects of exotic species on the community of native lady beetles have been done in agricultural systems, whereas grasslands are suggested as potential refuge habitats for native species from the pressures of exotics. Our objectives were 1) to document the impact of the introduction of exotic species on the community of native lady beetle species occurring in Missouri using a historical dataset (1893-present), and 2) to determine whether different grassland habitats provide similar refuges for native species by comparing the community of native and exotic lady beetle species in remnant native tallgrass prairies, restored native tallgrass prairies,...
The sociometry of the native trap-jaw ant, Odontomachus brunneus , including fat distribution thr... more The sociometry of the native trap-jaw ant, Odontomachus brunneus , including fat distribution throughout a yearly cycle, foraging tactics and distribution of labor.
The foraging biology was determined for the Ponerine ant, Odontomachus brunneus in Northern Flori... more The foraging biology was determined for the Ponerine ant, Odontomachus brunneus in Northern Florida. The proportion of each colony engaged in foraging was determined, and the notion of a distinct distribution of labor amongst nestmates shown unlikely to exist for this species.

The diversity and abundance of native lady beetles (Coccinellidae) in the US have declined over t... more The diversity and abundance of native lady beetles (Coccinellidae) in the US have declined over the past 30 years. This decline has been attributed to the introduction and establishment of exotic lady beetles, including Coccinella septumpunctata and Harmonia axyridis. The objective of this study was to determine the impact of exotic lady beetle invasion on the community of native lady beetles occurring in Missouri. Using a historical dataset with over one hundred years (1893-2011) of haphazardly-collected lady beetles from across the state of Missouri,, we compared the composition of the native lady beetle community before and after the introduction and establishment of C. septempunctata and H. axyridis in 1986. We found that native coccinellid community composition changed following the introduction of these two exotic lady beetles, but not in the manner expected. Similar to other regions, there was a significant decrease in Coccinella novemnotata in Missouri coinciding with the es...
Papers by Lauren M (Hart) Diepenbrock