nep-env New Economics Papers
on Environmental Economics
Issue of 2014‒10‒13
forty-five papers chosen by
Francisco S. Ramos
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco

  1. Making Grasslands Sustainable in Mongolia: International Experiences with Payments for Environmental Services in Grazing Lands and Other Rangelands By Asian Development Bank (ADB); ; ;
  2. Limiting CO2 Emissions in a Federal System: Understanding and Mitigating the Cost of U.S. Climate Policy At the State Level By Ian Sue Wing
  3. Tradable Emission Permits & Environmental Maintenance in an Overlapping Generations General Equilibrium Model By Jules-Eric TCHAPCHET TCHOUTO
  4. International Emissions Trading as a Climate Change Policy. Considering a Fine: An Analysis Applying a Multi Agent Model By Ken’ichi MATSUMOTO
  5. Environmental regulatory stringency and the market for abatement goods and services in China By Jing Lan; Alistair Munro
  6. Buying spatially-coordinated ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation on forest land: an experiment on the role of auction format and communication By Anna Bartczak; Warsaw Ecological Economics Center; Michal Krawczyk; Nick Hanley; Anne Stenger
  7. A General Equilibrium Analysis of Climate Change Impacts: Methodology and Early Results By Roberto ROSON
  8. Reconsidering Intergenerational Cost-Benefit Analysis of Climate Change: An Endogenous Abatement Approach By KAVUNCU Y. Okan
  9. CSR in an Asymmetric Duopoly with Environmental Externalities By Luca Lambertini; Arsen Palestini; Alessandro Tampieri
  10. Why ECO countries could become energy-dependent? By Mathias Reymond
  11. Attributing Carbon Emissions to Functional Household Needs: a Pilot Framework For the UK By Angela Druckman; T. Jackson; E. Papathanasopoulou; P. Bradley
  12. Analysis of time-stratified case-crossover studies in environmental epidemiology using Stata By Aurelio Tobias; Ben Armstrong; Antonio Gasparrini
  13. Inverse Integrated Assessment of Climate Change: the Guard-rail Approach By Thomas BRUCKNER; K. ZICKFELD
  14. Decomposition Analysis of CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars: The cases of Greece and Denmark By Katerina PAPAGIANNAKI; Danae DIAKOULAKI
  15. Selective reporting and the social cost of carbon By Havranek, Tomas; Irsova, Zuzana; Janda, Karel; Zilberman, David
  16. The Harmonization of Technical Barriers to Trade, Innovation and Export Behavior: Theory with an Application to EU Environmental Regulations By MANTOVANI Andrea; VANCAUTEREN Mark
  17. Evaluation of Carbon Abatement Policies with Assistance to Carbon Intensive Industries in Japan By Azusa Okagawa; Kanemi Ban
  18. Application of TIMES Model for Russian Post2012 Climate Policy Scenario By Oleg Lugovoy; Alexander Golub; Inna Gritsevich
  19. Constructing an Energy-Disaggregated Social Accounting Matrix for Turkey By Dizem Ertac Varoglu; Ali Bayar
  20. Modelling a Trading Scheme for Greenhouse Gas Emissions from European Agriculture. A Comparative Analysis Based on Different Policy Options By Ignacio Pérez; Karin Holm-Müller; Wolfgang Britz
  21. Tax Preferences for Environmental Goals: Use, Limitations and Preferred Practices By James Greene; Nils Axel Braathen
  22. Modelling a Reduction of Greenhouse Gases Emissions in the Catalan Economy: The NAMEA Approach By Laia PIÉ DOLS; Maria LLOP LLOP
  23. Alternative Options in the Design of a CO2 Tradeable Emission Permits Scheme in Turkey By SAHIN Sebnem; PRATLONG Florent
  24. Optimal Enforcement Policy and Firm´s Decisions on R&D and Emissions By Fatih Karanfil; Bilge Ozturk
  25. Moving from Risk to Resilience: Sustainable Urban Development in the Pacific By Asian Development Bank (ADB); ; ;
  26. Caught between necessity and feasibility By Bedi, A.S.; Pellegrini, L.; Tasciotti, L.
  27. Modeling Impact of Greenhouse Gases Emission Limiting Policy on Technology Conversion By Jan GADOMSKI; Zbigniew NAHORSKI
  28. Climate Change and Alternative Cropping Patterns in Lower Seyhan Irrigation Project: A Regional Simulation Analysis with MRI-GCM and CCSR-GCM By Chieko UMETSU; K. PALANISAMI; Ziya COSKUN; Sevgi DONMA; Takanori NAGANO; Yoichi FUJIHARA; Kenji TANAKA
  29. Real Option Analysis of Response to Climate Policy under Uncertain Endogenous and Exogenous Technological Progress By Oleg Lugovoy; Elena Strukova; Alexander Golub
  30. Optimal incentive contracts to avert firm relocation By Pollrich, Martin; Schmidt, Robert C.
  31. A scaleable approach to emissions-innovation record linkage By Mark Huberty; Amma Serwaah; Georg Zachmann
  32. Within- and between- sample tests of preference stability and willingness to pay for forest management By Mikolaj Czajkowski; Anna Barczak; Wiktor Budzinski; Marek Giergiczny; Nick Hanley
  33. Tracking Progress Toward Sustainable Energy for All in Latin America and the Caribbean By Elisa Portale; Joeri de Wit
  34. The cost of pollution on longevity, welfare and economic stability By Natacha Raffin; Thomas Seegmuller
  35. Economy-Wide Impact of Forest Plantation Development in Laos Using a Dynamic General Equilibrium Approach By Somvang PHIMMAVONG; Ian FERGUSON; Barbara OZARSKA
  36. Willingness to Pay for Airline Services Attributes: Microeconometric Evidence from a Stated Preference Discrete Choice Model By António Menezes; José Vieira
  37. Effects of Green Tax Reforms in Spain. A New Analytical Approach Integrating Micro and Macro-Economic Models By Xavier LABANDEIRA; José M. LABEAGA; Miguel RODRÍGUEZ
  38. Diffusion Potential of New Energy Efficient Technologies Under an Uncertain Environment By Nihal KARALI; Kemal SARICA
  39. Policy Modeling Framework for Groundwater Management for Irrigated Agriculture in the Northern Texas High Plains By Lal ALMAS
  40. Agricultural Land Retirement for Biodiversity: The Australian Wool Industry By FRASER Iain; WASCHIK Robert
  41. Estimating the Impacts of Eliminating Cost-reducing and Capacity-enhancing Fisheries Subsidies on the Small Island Economy of the Azores By Mario FORTUNA; Sammer REGE; Natacha DENTES DE CARVALHO
  42. Modelling CO2 Price Pass-Through in Imperfectly Competitive Power Markets By Francesco Gulli; Liliya Chernyav´ska
  43. The Effects of Natural and Cultural Degradations in Trabzon Karadag High Plateau-Tourism Center, Turkey, on Eco-tourism Activities and Some Solution Proposals By Emrah Yalcinalp; Mustafa Var
  44. How Nuclear Power Plants in Spain are reacting to the Massive Introduction of Renewable Energy By Margaret Armstrong; Asana Sasaki; Frederic Novel-Cattin; Alain Galli
  45. Towards greater understanding of ecolabel effects: the role of country of origin By Sihem DEKHILI; Mohamed Akli ACHABOU

  1. By: Asian Development Bank (ADB); (East Asia Department, ADB); ;
    Abstract: Payments for environmental services (PES) are a potential mechanism to provide incentives for sustainable management of grasslands and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. PES is not widely practiced in Mongolia, but has been included in the Green Development Strategy of the government. This paper reviews 50 PES schemes operating in grasslands and other grazing lands globally, including Mongolia. It discusses key issues related to the design of PES schemes in Mongolian grasslands, including potential benefits, risks, constraints, and trade-offs.
    Keywords: Mongolia, climate change, mitigation, adaptation, greenhouse gas, GHG, carbon dioxide, methane, National Action Program on Climate Change, National Livestock Program, herders, livelihoods, development, pasture rotation, pasture management livestock management, nationally appropriate mitigation action; NAMA, carbon finance, carbon market
    Date: 2014–02
  2. By: Ian Sue Wing
  4. By: Ken’ichi MATSUMOTO
  5. By: Jing Lan (College of Public Administration, Nanjing Agricultural University); Alistair Munro (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
    Abstract: We provide an examination of the linkage between environmental regulation stringency and the demand for and supply of abatement goods and services. To that end we construct a five-equation simultaneous model that links environmental regulation stringency to abatement output through various underlying simultaneous mechanisms. This system is then estimated using a panel of 679 eco-firms in 78 industrial Chinese cities during the implementation period of collection and use of pollution discharge fees (promulgated by the Chinese State Council) from 2003 to 2007. We find that higher fees are generally associated with higher abatement supply but for some industries – notably wastewater treatment – there is evidence of ‘output restriction’, meaning that higher charges lead to a reduction in supply for established firms.
    Date: 2014–10
  6. By: Anna Bartczak (Faculty of Economic Sciences - University of Warsaw; Warsaw Ecological Economics Center); Warsaw Ecological Economics Center; Michal Krawczyk (Faculty of Economic Sciences - University of Warsaw; Warsaw Ecological Economics Center); Nick Hanley (Department of Geography and Sustainable Development - University of St Andrews); Anne Stenger (Laboratoire d'Economie Forestière, INRA - AgroParisTech)
    Abstract: Procurement auctions are one of several policy tools available to incentivise the provision of ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation. Successful biodiversity conservation often requires a landscape-scale approach and the spatial coordination of participation, for example in the creation of wildlife corridors. In this paper, we use a laboratory experiment to explore two features of procurement auctions in a forest landscape—the pricing mechanism (uniform vs. discriminatory) and availability of communication (chat) between potential sellers. We modify the experimental design developed by Reeson et al. (2011) by introducing uncertainty (and hence heterogeneity) in the production value of forest sites as well as an automated, endogenous stopping rule. We find that discriminatory pricing yields to greater environmental benefits per government dollar spent, chiefly due to better coordination between owners of adjacent plots. Chat also facilitates such coordination but also seems to encourage collusion in sustaining high prices for the most environmentally attractive plots. These two effects offset each other, making chat neutral from the viewpoint of maximizing environmental effect per dollar spent.
    Keywords: conservation auctions, spatial coordination, chat in experiments, discriminatory and uniform auctions, biodiversity conservation, provision of ecosystem services
    JEL: C92 D44 Q23 Q57 Q58
    Date: 2014–11
  7. By: Roberto ROSON
  8. By: KAVUNCU Y. Okan
  9. By: Luca Lambertini (Department of Economics, University of Bologna); Arsen Palestini (MEMOTEF, Sappienza university of Rome); Alessandro Tampieri (CREA, Université de Luxembourg)
    Abstract: We investigate a linear state differential game describing an asymmetric Cournot duo- poly with capacity accumulation à la Ramsey and a negative environmental externality (pollution), in which one of the firms has adopted corporate social responsibility (CSR) in its statute, and therefore includes consumer surplus and the environmental effects of production in its objective function. If the market is sufficiently large, the CSR firm sells more, accumulates more capital and earns higher profits than its profit-seeking rival.
    Keywords: Capital accumulation, asymmetric duopoly, dynamic games
    JEL: C73 H23 L13 O31
    Date: 2014
  10. By: Mathias Reymond
    Abstract: The ECO countries are net exporters of energy. If Azerbaijan, Iran and Kazakhstan are oil exporters, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan sell natural gas. The arrival on the scene of non-conventional gas, known as shale gas or firedamp – which has long remained unexploited due to cost and technical inaccessibility – should soon revolutionise the various gas and oil markets. And ECO countries are dependent on consumption strategies of their customers. In this paper we propose to make an inventory of the energy situation in the ECO countries and we suggest some ways to facilitate their transition energy and diversify their exports. - Data analysis - ratio calculation of vulnerability When countries seek to diversify their energy suppliers to reduce their vulnerability, exporters must also develop other energy strategies: - diversify energy choices - increase customers - reduce CO2 emissions
    Keywords: ECO Countries, Energy, Environmental and water issues
    Date: 2014–10–01
  11. By: Angela Druckman; T. Jackson; E. Papathanasopoulou; P. Bradley
  12. By: Aurelio Tobias (Spanish Council for Scientific Research, Barcelona); Ben Armstrong (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine); Antonio Gasparrini (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)
    Abstract: The time-stratified case-crossover design is widely used in environmental epidemiology to analyze the short-term effects of environmental risk factors, such as air pollution or temperature, on human health. It compares the exposure level in the day when the health event occurs (case day) with the levels in control days chosen with alternative selection methods. Standard analytical approaches to case-crossover analysis, based on conditional logistic regression (the clogit command in Stata), require a considerable amount of data management. Here we introduce the gencco command to reshape datasets from time-series to time-stratified case-crossover designs. Then we will discuss alternative statistical models to perform case-crossover analysis for aggregated data using Poisson and overdispersed Poisson regression (poisson and glm) and conditional Poisson regression (xtpoisson). Furthermore, we also introduce an updated command for conditional Poisson to allow for overdispersion (xtpoisson_addOD). Examples will be given using air pollution and mortality datasets, although these methods can be applicable generally in other contexts.
    Date: 2014–09–28
  13. By: Thomas BRUCKNER; K. ZICKFELD
  15. By: Havranek, Tomas; Irsova, Zuzana (University of California, Berkeley. Dept of agricultural and resource economics); Janda, Karel; Zilberman, David (University of California, Berkeley. Dept of agricultural and resource economics)
    Abstract: We examine potential selective reporting in the literature on the social cost of carbon (SCC) by conducting a meta-analysis of 809 estimates of the SCC reported in 101 studies. Our results indicate that estimates for which the 95% confidence interval includes zero are less likely to be reported than estimates excluding negative values of the SCC, which creates an upward bias in the literature. The evidence for selective reporting is stronger for studies published in peer-reviewed journals than for unpublished papers. We show that the findings are not driven by the asymmetry of condence intervals surrounding the SCC and are robust to controlling for various characteristics of study design and to alternative definitions of confidence intervals. Our estimates of the mean reported SCC corrected for the selective reporting bias are imprecise and range between 0 and 130 USD per ton of carbon in 2010 prices for emission year 2015.
    Keywords: social cost of carbon, climate policy, integrated assessment models, meta-analysis, selective reporting, publication bias
    JEL: C83 Q54
    Date: 2014–08
  17. By: Azusa Okagawa; Kanemi Ban
  18. By: Oleg Lugovoy; Alexander Golub; Inna Gritsevich
  19. By: Dizem Ertac Varoglu; Ali Bayar
    Abstract: This paper outlines how a 2011 Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) with a rich disaggregation in the energy sectors is constructed for Turkey. The disaggregated SAM incorporates 38 production activities, 9 of which produce energy, 33 commodities, 2 factors of production as labor and capital, three institutional accounts as firms, households, and the government, a separate account for commodity and production taxes, a capital account, and finally the rest of the world (ROW) account. The data is extracted from a diverse range of sources including the Turkish Statistical Institute, Eurostat, OECD, and the International Energy Agency among others.  The cross-entropy method has been used to balance both the aggregated and the disaggregated versions of the SAM. The SAM is the core element of the database of the dynamic CGE model currently being developed for Turkey for climate change, energy, and green growth issues. See above See above
    Keywords: Turkey, Energy and environmental policy, General equilibrium modeling
    JEL: C67 C68 D57 D58
    Date: 2014–07–03
  20. By: Ignacio Pérez; Karin Holm-Müller; Wolfgang Britz
  21. By: James Greene; Nils Axel Braathen
    Abstract: This paper reviews the use of tax preferences to achieve environmental policy objectives. Tax preferences involve using the tax system to adjust relative prices with a view to influencing producer or consumer behaviour in favour of goods or services that are considered to be environmentally beneficial. They take various forms, typically a partial or total exemption from a specified tax. Because tax preferences help to avoid or reduce costs for businesses or consumers, there are often pressures on governments to favour them over other instruments. As a result, they are sometimes used inappropriately, typically to address negative externalities for which they are not well suited. The paper suggests that the comparative advantage of tax preferences is in providing support for positive externalities, that is situations in which a subsidy would help to deliver more social benefits than would otherwise be the case. When designing tax preferences, care must be taken to ensure that they do not encourage technological lock-in, provide perverse incentives for environmentally harmful activities (the rebound effect), or reward producers or consumers for actions they would have taken anyway. Since tax preferences are a form of subsidy, they should be subject to the same degree of scrutiny and oversight as other forms of public expenditure. Ce document examine la question du recours aux avantages fiscaux pour atteindre les objectifs de la politique de l’environnement. Les avantages fiscaux consistent à utiliser le système fiscal pour ajuster les prix relatifs afin d’influencer le comportement des producteurs ou des consommateurs en faveur de biens ou de services considérés comme bénéfiques pour l’environnement. Ils prennent diverses formes, le plus souvent une exemption totale ou partielle d’une taxe particulière. Étant donné que les avantages fiscaux contribuent à éviter ou réduire les coûts pour les entreprises ou les consommateurs, des pressions sont souvent exercées sur les pouvoirs publics pour qu’ils les préfèrent à d’autres instruments. Aussi sont-ils parfois utilisés à mauvais escient, généralement pour traiter des externalités négatives pour lesquelles ils sont mal adaptés. Ce document tend à montrer que l’avantage comparatif de ces instruments réside dans le soutien qu’ils apportent aux externalités positives, à savoir les situations dans lesquelles une subvention aiderait à procurer plus d’avantages pour la collectivité que ce ne serait le cas autrement. Pour concevoir des avantages fiscaux, il faut veiller à ce qu’ils n’encouragent pas le verrouillage technologique, ne créent pas d’incitations perverses en faveur d’activités dommageables pour l’environnement (effet rebond), ou ne récompensent pas les producteurs ou les consommateurs pour des actions qu’ils auraient entreprises de toute façon. Étant donné que les avantages fiscaux sont une forme de subvention, il convient de les surveiller d’aussi près que les autres formes de dépenses publiques.
    Keywords: environmentally motivated tax preferences, tax induced behaviour, environmental effects, avantages fiscaux motivés par des considérations environnementales, comportement influencé par l’impôt, effets environnementaux
    JEL: H20 H23 H25 H30 Q58
    Date: 2014–10–07
  22. By: Laia PIÉ DOLS; Maria LLOP LLOP
  23. By: SAHIN Sebnem; PRATLONG Florent
  24. By: Fatih Karanfil; Bilge Ozturk
  25. By: Asian Development Bank (ADB); (Pacific Department, ADB); ;
    Abstract: The Pacific is an increasingly urbanized region, with many countries struggling to cope with demands for basic urban services. This publication recommends risk reduction and adaptation measures to promote more sustainable urban development.
    Keywords: sustainable urban development, urban services, urban risk resilience, urban risk assessment, climate change, Pacific
    Date: 2014–02
  26. By: Bedi, A.S.; Pellegrini, L.; Tasciotti, L.
    Abstract: Dependence on biomass, especially wood, to meet domestic energy needs raises several socio-environmental concerns. In contrast, cattle manure, which may be used to generate biogas, is considered a cleaner and cheaper source of energy. Despite the existence of several initiatives to promote biogas, systematic analyses of the effects of such initiatives are limited. This paper provides such an analysis. We use data from rural Rwanda to examine the effects of access to bio digesters on energy-related expenditures and consumption of traditional fuels. We find that participation in Rwanda’s National Domestic Biogas Programme leads to substantial reductions in firewood use and yields large savings. However, a cost-benefit analysis reveals that the attractiveness of participating in the biogas programme is hampered by a long payback period.
    Keywords: Energy policy, renewable energy, biogas, Rwanda
    Date: 2014–07–30
  27. By: Jan GADOMSKI; Zbigniew NAHORSKI
  28. By: Chieko UMETSU; K. PALANISAMI; Ziya COSKUN; Sevgi DONMA; Takanori NAGANO; Yoichi FUJIHARA; Kenji TANAKA
  29. By: Oleg Lugovoy; Elena Strukova; Alexander Golub
  30. By: Pollrich, Martin; Schmidt, Robert C.
    Abstract: A unilateral policy intervention by a country (such as the introduction of an emission price) can induce firms to relocate to other countries. We analyze a dynamic game where a regulator offers contracts to avert relocation of a firm in each of two periods. The firm can undertake a location-specific investment (e.g., in abatement capital). Contracts can be written on some contractible productive activity (e.g., emissions), but the firm's investment is not contractible. A moral hazard problem arises under short-term contracting that makes it impossible to implement outcomes with positive transfers in the second period. The regulator resorts to high-powered incentives in the first period. The firm then overinvests and a lock-in effect prevents relocation in both periods. Paradoxically, the distortion in the firstperiod contract can be so severe that higher transfers are needed to avert relocation compared to a (hypothetical) situation without the investment opportunity.
    Keywords: moral hazard; contract theory; limited commitment; firm mobility; abatement capital
    JEL: D82 D86 L51 Q58
    Date: 2014–09–16
  31. By: Mark Huberty; Amma Serwaah; Georg Zachmann
    Abstract: PATSTAT has patent applications as its focus. This means it lacks information on the applicants and/or the inventors. In order to have more information on the applicants, we link PATSTAT to the CITL database. This way the patenting behavior can be linked to climate policy. Because of the structure of the data, we can adapt the de-duplication algorithm to use it as a matching tool, retaining all of its advantages. Source code on Github. Download data.
    Date: 2014–09
  32. By: Mikolaj Czajkowski (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland); Anna Barczak (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland); Wiktor Budzinski (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland; University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland); Marek Giergiczny (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Warsaw Ecological Economics Center, Poland); Nick Hanley (School of Geography and Sustainable Development, University of St. Andrews)
    Abstract: The assumption of the stability of preferences is a fundamental one in the theory of the consumer. Many papers within the stated preferences literature have tested this assumption, and have found mixed results. Individuals may become more sure of their preferences as they repeat a valuation task or purchase decision; they may also learn more about prices and quantities of substitutes or complements over time, or about other relevant characteristics of both the good being valued and alternatives in their choice sets. In this paper, we test for the stability of preferences and willingness to pay for attributes of forest management both within and between samples. The within-sample test compares a set of responses from individuals over the sequence of a survey; the between-sample test compares responses from the same people over a period of 6 months. We find that respondents’ preferences differ more within a sample (comparing their first 12 with their second 12 choices) than across samples. This may imply that preference learning and/or fatigue effects within choice experiments are more important than changes in preferences over time in this data.
    Keywords: preference stability, test-retest, discrete choice experiments, contingent valuation, stated preferences, forestry
    JEL: D01 H4 Q23 Q51
    Date: 2014–09
  33. By: Elisa Portale; Joeri de Wit
    Keywords: Energy - Energy Demand Energy - Energy and Environment Energy Conservation and Efficiency Energy - Energy Production and Transportation Environment - Environment and Energy Efficiency
    Date: 2014–09
  34. By: Natacha Raffin; Thomas Seegmuller
    Abstract: This paper presents an overlapping generations model where pollution, private and public healths are all determinants of longevity. Public expenditure, financed through labour taxation, provide both public health and abatement. We study the complementarity between the three components of longevity on welfare and economic stability. At the steady state, we show that an appropriate fiscal policy may enhance welfare. However, when pollution is heavily harmful for longevity, the economy might experience aggregate instability or endogenous cycles. Nonetheless, a fiscal policy, which raises the share of public spending devoted to health, may display stabilizing virtues and rule out cycles. This allows us to recommend the design of the public policy that may comply with the dynamic and welfare objectives.
    Keywords: Longevity; Pollution; Welfare; Complex dynamics.
    JEL: J10 O40 Q56 C62
    Date: 2014
  35. By: Somvang PHIMMAVONG; Ian FERGUSON; Barbara OZARSKA
  36. By: António Menezes; José Vieira
  37. By: Xavier LABANDEIRA; José M. LABEAGA; Miguel RODRÍGUEZ
  38. By: Nihal KARALI; Kemal SARICA
  39. By: Lal ALMAS
  40. By: FRASER Iain; WASCHIK Robert
  41. By: Mario FORTUNA; Sammer REGE; Natacha DENTES DE CARVALHO
  42. By: Francesco Gulli; Liliya Chernyav´ska
  43. By: Emrah Yalcinalp; Mustafa Var
  44. By: Margaret Armstrong (CERNA - Centre d'économie industrielle - MINES ParisTech - École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris); Asana Sasaki (ENPC - Ecole des Ponts ParisTech - École des Ponts ParisTech (ENPC)); Frederic Novel-Cattin (RENAULT SAS - RENAULT); Alain Galli (CERNA - Centre d'économie industrielle - MINES ParisTech - École nationale supérieure des mines de Paris)
    Abstract: This paper analyses the evolution of the bidding strategies of nuclear power plants on the Spanish day-ahead auction market, over the 11-year period from 2002 until December 2012. During that time the proportion of renewable energy especially wind and solar power increased dramatically. At the outset the nuclear plants offered almost all their production at zero cost; by the end, several were offering about 5% of their production at about 91 euro per MWh compared to the market ceiling price of 180.3 euro per MWh. This change in bidding strategy effectively increased the average wholesale price of electricity, leading to an overall increase in the revenues to power sellers of about $200 million euros per year in 2010 -2012, compared to what it would have been had they offered all their production at zero -cost. These results have important policy implications for regulatory authorities.
    Keywords: Strategic bidding ; Market power ; Day-ahead market ; Wholesale electricity market
    Date: 2014–09–23
  45. By: Sihem DEKHILI; Mohamed Akli ACHABOU
    Abstract: This research explores the country of origin effect on the evaluation of ecolabelled products. Findings from experimentation indicate that the mention of a country of origin with favorable image in terms of sustainable development has a neutral effect on the evaluation of an ecolabelled product. However, the indication of a country with a negative image affects negatively the product’ evaluation.
    Keywords: consumer behaviour; country of origin; european ecolabel; sustainable development
    Date: 2014–09–30

This nep-env issue is ©2014 by Francisco S. Ramos. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
General information on the NEP project can be found at For comments please write to the director of NEP, Marco Novarese at <>. Put “NEP” in the subject, otherwise your mail may be rejected.
NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.

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