To save up on memory, each room is embedded with an R key that activates upon leaving.
Removed an unintended solution in "Over There"
To save up on memory, each room is embedded with an R key that activates upon leaving.
Removed an unintended solution in "Over There"
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Very clever, would transition again.
Really fun, great puzzles!
I really like this game! I've played some other similar game that had multiple types of undo, IIRC, but this is a really nice realisation of it (that also fits well to puzzle script's constraints, which I appreciate !). "Over There" really stumped me! Some really nuanced behavioural differences. Some of the later levels I kind of stumbled through by, not so much thinking of what exactly would happen, but more permuting various elements until I stumbled across the right behaviour. It does seem there might be room for a bit more level design here.
I'd really like to add this to the puzzle script gallery - If you're interested in this, the one thing I'd request is either a (aka GitHub) hosted version of the game, or for you to add a link to the source code here (the gallery is meant to be a exhibition of puzzlescript games that I think are good, but it's important also that people can see what's happening under the hood so as to demystify puzzlescript a bit, should they wish). Either way, wonderful game :)
Sorry for the long wait. It took me a while find where I put the source code for my game. Please tell me if I missed any step, I'm still new to this.
Thank you - I just added it to the gallery. I'm happy that my commented prompted you to find where you put the code. 😄. (pro tip: it's possible to reclaim source code from the standalone files if everything else gets lost: ) - should be here (you might need to force-reload). Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to tweak about the listing.
Thanks for the nice game again!
Isn’t this just Braid but sokoban? I recognised that key puzzle immediately!
Still, great job!
can we have the hack for this game
How do u do "over there"
such a good idea, you have some fun puzzles around it too. idk if you would expand this into a full game but it could work pretty well as one!
Nice one, "Where is the target?" also got me for a bit :)
do you have any game ideas since your games seem innovative
i meant if i could get ideas but ok
Nice one!
nice! but um my fingers hurt from the large size of the levels, had to use both wasd and arrow keys
True dat, repeat speed should be higher
Resetkoban. Great mechanics
Also stuck on "Where's the target?" - can anyone offer a hint?
Similar to the Where's the Flag, you need to get the blue version of yourself into the next room, but make sure it's in a position where you can cover the spawn point in a green block and still move back to the original room
Thanks... but I still don't get it. I can get into the next room, but I can't get back.
You need to put 1 green box on the switch, then the other on your spawn point, then move to the next room. The key to this level is making your spawn point as far into the 2nd room as possible, so you need to push both the blue character and the yellow box into the 2nd room
Great game! Mechanics brought in very intuitively and made me feel clever solving them
Any helps on the level "Where's the flag" been doing it for 30 minutes and have gotten nothing
Even after beating I'm not entirely sure what happened, maybe it's supposed to be in some sort of paradox room like Recursed has?
It's a real room next to the first one, just like the earlier levels.
Explanation of the solution below:
Player moves into the right room, resetting the left.
Player attempts to reset itself because it's not immune [green], but its position is blocked.
Now 'dead', the player respawns, on the spawn point that's still in the un-reset right room.
You need to push the blue version of yourself in to the next room, then make sure there's nowhere for you to respawn when you try to go the next room
Very much enjoyed but had to give up on "Where's the Target?"
The whole thing is very clever, but the last level was super-satisfying to finally figure out. Looking forward to the next NinaBirb brain workout!
this is another banger. absolutely well crafted, out of the box thinking.
Fascinating! Its a puzzle mechanic I thought I understood well, taken in a direction I was not expecting. The final few levels are really unique - its very fun trying to guess what is happening "off screen" in levels like "Where's the flag?" and "Where's the target?