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Ya'aburnee | beautiful word for a special valentine's day!
Discover the depth of love with the Arabic term 'Ya'aburnee' this Valentine's Day. Translating to 'You bury me,' it encapsulates a profound sentiment of selflessness and devotion. Explore the power of words with meaning as you express your love for him or her. Consider a heartfelt gift that embodies the essence of 'Ya'aburnee,' symbolizing the eternal bond shared between soulmates. Let this Valentine's Day be an opportunity to cherish the beauty of love and its profound expressions.
مالِي وَقَفتُ عَلى القُبورِ مُسَلِّماً قَبرَ الحَبيبِ فَلَم يَرُدَّ جَوابي -أمير المؤمنين(عليه السلام)
أما ترى البحر تعلو فوقه جيف – الشافعي