
366 Pins
31K views · 1.4K reactions | These cutie polar bear paws are the best easy holiday treat! And they’re day of my 12 days of holiday cookies. You only need 4 ingredients and 20 minutes. Perfect to do with kids! Comment ‘recipe’ and I’ll DM you the link to save or print. | Molly Thompson
31K views · 1.4K reactions | These cutie polar bear paws are the best easy holiday treat! And they’re day of my 12 days of holiday cookies. You only need 4 ingredients and 20 minutes. Perfect to do with kids! Comment ‘recipe’ and I’ll DM you the link to save or print. | Molly Thompson
431K views · 2.3K reactions | Grab some Dollar Tree wire racks for your kitchen! 😳☕️ | Grab some Dollar Tree wire racks for your kitchen! 😳☕️ | By Hometalk | Grab a pack of assorted doilies at the Dollar Store to make an easy winter decoration. Fold the doiling in half from top to bottom then unfold it. Now take the left and right sides and fold them in to meet each other. Fold the bottom up to meet the top and unfold. Use a glue gun to spread a very thin amount of glue along the upper half of the curves. Stopping before you reach the top curve. Fold the bottom back up to reach the top and smooth the sides. Repeat this with the remaining seven doilies. Now it's time to stack the doilies. Keeping the folded edge on the bottom. Use your hot glue gun to create an upside down tee in the center of the solid section of the doily. Place another doily on top and press to seal. Repeat until all of the doilies are used and make one last tee on the top. Turn the stack on its side and open up the stack till the top meets the bottom. Press to seal. You now have your snowflake. Repeat this with the remaining doilies. Attach a thin string or ribbon and hang from your windows or lights for a festive winter display. I picked up an inexpensive shower curtain rod. We're going to start with our hanging ivy bush. So we're going to do is we're going to snip each piece off with our wire cutters into individual stems. Some can be longer, some can be shorter, and of course we gotta work in some flowers. So here I've chosen some of our long cherry blossom stems and these are the cutters that I use. You can also find these at Nick's Seasonal Decor. com. Going to just snip each stem off individually. To work it in, I'm going to just take the zip tie and I'm actually going to secure it to the rod, not fully, leave a little bit of an opening and then, we can take some ivy that we've already snipped as well as some of our cherry blossoms. After working those in, just tighten the zip tie and we're going to do the same thing and if you wanted to make your life a little bit easier, you can actually do three or four of these zip ties in advance and then, since we already have all of our flowers cut, we can just slide these zip ties to where we need and then, work in our flower. And you don't have to place them exactly where you want at this point in time because they're still going to be a little bit loose with the zip tie which actually we can use to our advantage because we can just adjust them later on once we display this. Now, I have a big piece of ivy so we're only going to need one piece. We'll take our cherry blossom stem, just place it on top. Now, we can take that zip tie and just slide it over. Sometimes, you might have to move a leaf or two but as you can see, it's very easy to do so and secure. Now, I also have this really pretty variegated greenery that I've already pre and let's sprinkle in some pieces of this throughout to bulk up the design. So, where we have our zip ties, we're just going to lift them up. There should be enough wiggle rum to be able to insert your stem right inside. Here, we have another spot that I want to add a little bit more greenery and I'm just going to wedge that underneath and you can actually bend it to shape and it'll stay exactly where you put it but place another piece here and work in another piece and here's how it turned out you guys. I absolutely love it. I think it looks so pretty above my windowsill. Again, curtain rods come in all shapes, colors, and sizes so feel free to some fun and choose your own materials.
431K views · 2.3K reactions | Grab some Dollar Tree wire racks for your kitchen! 😳☕️ | Grab some Dollar Tree wire racks for your kitchen! 😳☕️ | By Hometalk | Grab a pack of assorted doilies at the Dollar Store to make an easy winter decoration. Fold the doiling in half from top to bottom then unfold it. Now take the left and right sides and fold them in to meet each other. Fold the bottom up to meet the top and unfold. Use a glue gun to spread a very thin amount of glue along the upper half of the curves. Stopping before you reach the top curve. Fold the bottom back up to reach the top and smooth the sides. Repeat this with the remaining seven doilies. Now it's time to stack the doilies. Keeping the folded edge on the bottom. Use your hot glue gun to create an upside down tee in the cent
1K views · 248 reactions | So many questions about my Christmas bow garland on my exterior windows, so I made a video for you guys! This was so quick and easy to put together and I love how it turned out! 🌲✨ DIY Christmas Decor #diychristmasdecor #diychristmas #diybowgarland #bowgarland #christmasbows | Currently Loving Guide
1K views · 248 reactions | So many questions about my Christmas bow garland on my exterior windows, so I made a video for you guys! This was so quick and easy to put together and I love how it turned out! 🌲✨ DIY Christmas Decor #diychristmasdecor #diychristmas #diybowgarland #bowgarland #christmasbows | Currently Loving Guide
682K views · 15K reactions | DIY Christmas Trees Using Cardboard & Macrame Cord | Hey Friends, Happy Friday! ✨️ Here's how to make the fluffy tree I shared with y'all the other day! This is only my second one I've made so there is room... | By Love Crafted Decor | Facebook
682K views · 15K reactions | DIY Christmas Trees Using Cardboard & Macrame Cord | Hey Friends, Happy Friday! ✨️ Here's how to make the fluffy tree I shared with y'all the other day! This is only my second one I've made so there is room... | By Love Crafted Decor | Facebook
365 reactions · 51 shares | THE DETAILS ⬇️ This Book Safe gift takes a little labor of love, but as long as you’re not desecrating someone’s favorite book, it’s a pretty clever gift idea. 👌Perfect for hiding a candy stash, some cash, special photos, etc. Maybe extra bonus points if you stash a gift card for the gift recipient in it as well! Book lovers, weigh in—would this be a “how dare you” kind of gift or absolute genius? Supplies Needed 🛠️ 📚 Hardback book (at least 1½ inches deep) 📏 Ruler ✏️ Pen 🪛 Box cutter or Exacto knife (fresh blades, please—this is not the time for a dull knife) 🖌️ Paintbrush 🧴 Mod Podge (matte finish) 🛍️ Saran wrap or plastic grocery bags How To Make It 👩‍🎨 1️⃣ Open the book and leave 3–4 pages untouched at the front. Use a ruler to mark the hollow area you want to cut, leaving at least a ¼-inch border (I went with 1 inch for extra stability). 2️⃣ Start cutting. Carefully slice along the border using your knife. Apply pressure to cut through 10 pages at a time, removing the cut pages in batches. Repeat until your hollow is roughly 1 inch deep (or more, depending on your book’s thickness). 3️⃣ Test the fit. Place your item (cash, jewelry, whatever!) into the hollow to make sure it fits snugly while the book closes flat. 4️⃣ Wrap the cover. Protect the front cover and untouched pages by wrapping them in saran wrap or a plastic bag. 5️⃣ With a paintbrush, apply a generous coat of Mod Podge to the inside walls of the hollow and along the cut page edges. Brush the back cover, close the book, and brush glue along the outer page edges to seal everything together. 6️⃣ Weigh it down. Place a heavy object (another book works great!) on top and let it dry for 1 hour. 7️⃣ Once dry, remove the wrap and you’re good to go! Follow @itsmorethanagift for more thoughtful gift ideas! | It's More Than A Gift
365 reactions · 51 shares | THE DETAILS ⬇️ This Book Safe gift takes a little labor of love, but as long as you’re not desecrating someone’s favorite book, it’s a pretty clever gift idea. 👌Perfect for hiding a candy stash, some cash, special photos, etc. Maybe extra bonus points if you stash a gift card for the gift recipient in it as well! Book lovers, weigh in—would this be a “how dare you” kind of gift or absolute genius? Supplies Needed 🛠️ 📚 Hardback book (at least 1½ inches deep) 📏 Ruler ✏️ Pen 🪛 Box cutter or Exacto knife (fresh blades, please—this is not the time for a dull knife) 🖌️ Paintbrush 🧴 Mod Podge (matte finish) 🛍️ Saran wrap or plastic grocery bags How To Make It 👩‍🎨 1️⃣ Open the book and leave 3–4 pages untouched at the front. Use a ruler to mark the hollo
17K views · 109 reactions | Like and say TWIG for the materials! DIY Frosted Twigs for under $10… not just one twig but for under $10 you can make multiple frosted twigs! This is a very easy craft that anyone can do and it took me less than 30 minutes to do! . . I cut some twigs off of one of my trees and then use clear glue and some really pretty glass glitter that I found that I put all around the twigs to give it this effect. The greenery I bought as is! . . #craft #crafty #craftideas #holidaydecor #christmasdecor #diycrafts #budgetfriendly | The Sassy Barn
17K views · 109 reactions | Like and say TWIG for the materials! DIY Frosted Twigs for under $10… not just one twig but for under $10 you can make multiple frosted twigs! This is a very easy craft that anyone can do and it took me less than 30 minutes to do! . . I cut some twigs off of one of my trees and then use clear glue and some really pretty glass glitter that I found that I put all around the twigs to give it this effect. The greenery I bought as is! . . #craft #crafty #craftideas #holidaydecor #christmasdecor #diycrafts #budgetfriendly | The Sassy Barn
44K views · 2.6K reactions | Kennt ihr Himmelslaternen? Mittlerweile bei uns verboten, da wegen Brandgefahr zu gefährlich, sind diese leuchtende Lichter im Himmel einfach schön anzusehen. Aus Streifen einer Klopapierrolle, etwas Butterbrotpapier & einem Stück Draht könnt ihr euch mit etwas Heißkleber kleine Minivarianten nachbauen. Einfach ein LED Teelicht rein & an einen Dekoast hängen, schon sind die kleinen Laternen ein hübscher Hingucker. Weil grade die Tage noch sehr kurz sind, lieb ich ja jegliche Lichtquelle in unseren 4 Wänden. Die kleinen Laternen kann ich mir aber auch sehr gut im Sommer im Garten vorstellen. Wo würden sie denn bei euch einen hübschen Platz finden? Seid inspiriert, fühlt euch gedrückt & macht es euch schön 🫶🏻 ᴬᶜᶜᴼᵁᴺᵀᵛᴱᴿᴸᴵᴺᴷᵁᴺᴳ / ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ᵁᴺᴮᴱᴬᵁᶠᵀᴿᴬᴳᵀ ᵁᴺᴮᴱᶻᴬᴴᴸᵀ #diyideeboxdienstag @diyideebox #wasmirfreudemacht @ninas.landligehjem #einfachsoschönes @rosaan07 #meinedekovibes @sandkueken20 #selbstgemachtistdoppeltschön @schwarzbuntvintageart #schönwohnliebe @dekozauber_im_altbau #bunte_kreativ_welt @miriamsbuntewelt #dasschmeißtmandochnichtweg @aikas.bastelbude #upcyclingtrifftdiy @naturediy_franziska #diykannstduauch #upcycling #himmelslichter #himmelslaterne #laterne #lichtdeko Titel: Paradise Künstler: Giulio Cercato Quelle: Facebook Sound Collection | ᐒ Tɪɴᴇ ᐘ
44K views · 2.6K reactions | Kennt ihr Himmelslaternen? Mittlerweile bei uns verboten, da wegen Brandgefahr zu gefährlich, sind diese leuchtende Lichter im Himmel einfach schön anzusehen. Aus Streifen einer Klopapierrolle, etwas Butterbrotpapier & einem Stück Draht könnt ihr euch mit etwas Heißkleber kleine Minivarianten nachbauen. Einfach ein LED Teelicht rein & an einen Dekoast hängen, schon sind die kleinen Laternen ein hübscher Hingucker. Weil grade die Tage noch sehr kurz sind, lieb ich ja jegliche Lichtquelle in unseren 4 Wänden. Die kleinen Laternen kann ich mir aber auch sehr gut im Sommer im Garten vorstellen. Wo würden sie denn bei euch einen hübschen Platz finden? Seid inspiriert, fühlt euch gedrückt & macht es euch schön 🫶🏻 ᴬᶜᶜᴼᵁᴺᵀᵛᴱᴿᴸᴵᴺᴷᵁᴺᴳ / ᵂᴱᴿᴮᵁᴺᴳ ᵁᴺᴮᴱᴬᵁᶠᵀᴿᴬᴳᵀ ᵁᴺᴮᴱᶻᴬᴴ
4.3K views · 79 reactions | Giant Snowflake Winter Dollar Tree DIY #dollartreediy #winterdiy | Crafty Beach on YouTube
4.3K views · 79 reactions | Giant Snowflake Winter Dollar Tree DIY #dollartreediy #winterdiy | Crafty Beach on YouTube
16K views · 1.6K reactions | From the drafts. The DIY money book was a hit for the 10 year olds this year #diy #drafts #moneybook #creativegifts #giftguide | Arielle Schmitt
16K views · 1.6K reactions | From the drafts. The DIY money book was a hit for the 10 year olds this year #diy #drafts #moneybook #creativegifts #giftguide | Arielle Schmitt
119K views · 254 reactions | Have you ever done higher or lower trivia? This is so fun! Details in the comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 | Play Party Plan
119K views · 254 reactions | Have you ever done higher or lower trivia? This is so fun! Details in the comments 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 | Play Party Plan
31K views · 2.9K reactions | Easy DIY that’s big impact 🤝 Want to make vintage inspired giant candlesticks?! 🕯️ Get a PVC pipe, cut it with a jigsaw Add hot glue drips Paint it Embellish it with stickers of tape Plop in a giant lightbulb And you’re done! Would you try this?! 🎄🤗 Comment “link” and I’ll send you the full tutorial 🙌🏻🙌🏻 | Ashley Wilson 🏡 DIY + Decor Blogger
31K views · 2.9K reactions | Easy DIY that’s big impact 🤝 Want to make vintage inspired giant candlesticks?! 🕯️ Get a PVC pipe, cut it with a jigsaw Add hot glue drips Paint it Embellish it with stickers of tape Plop in a giant lightbulb And you’re done! Would you try this?! 🎄🤗 Comment “link” and I’ll send you the full tutorial 🙌🏻🙌🏻 | Ashley Wilson 🏡 DIY + Decor Blogger
20K views · 1.6K reactions | Easy DIY Christmas Cone Decor The quickest, most simple diy Christmas craft decor I’ve ever shared with the most beautiful outcome… Just how we like it! Instructions: 1. Spray paint or paint the cone in a colour of your choice. This helps to give a better end look as Pearl strings will have gaps 2. Fix your string at the top using a glue gun 3. Spin your garland pearls around the cone, fixing in place with a dab of glue every now and then to keep secure 4. Pop a pin brooch of your choice at the top like a star 5. Place in your chosen space 6. Optional - add wire string, battery fairy lights, placing the battery pack under the cone when in situ 🫶🏻 You can make your own cones using thick card or purchase sets online. I really wanted some taller cones for my table so ordered a large set, pack of 3 which includes the beautiful 50cm option shown in my reel. For my shopping list, write CHRISTMAS CONE in the comments below. This is not an automated reply, it will be me sending you the link so if it’s not instant don’t worry, it’s coming! 🫶🏻 Love always, E x x #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmascrafts #diychristmas #diychristmasdecor #christmasdecorating #craftideas #redchristmas #traditionalchristmas | Elle Beadle
20K views · 1.6K reactions | Easy DIY Christmas Cone Decor The quickest, most simple diy Christmas craft decor I’ve ever shared with the most beautiful outcome… Just how we like it! Instructions: 1. Spray paint or paint the cone in a colour of your choice. This helps to give a better end look as Pearl strings will have gaps 2. Fix your string at the top using a glue gun 3. Spin your garland pearls around the cone, fixing in place with a dab of glue every now and then to keep secure 4. Pop a pin brooch of your choice at the top like a star 5. Place in your chosen space 6. Optional - add wire string, battery fairy lights, placing the battery pack under the cone when in situ 🫶🏻 You can make your own cones using thick card or purchase sets online. I really wanted some taller cones f
102 reactions · 15 shares | Cute and simple #winter #decor using #snowflakes from the #dollartree and #galleryglass from @plaidcrafts . . . #dollartreediy #dollartreedecor #plaidcreators #plaidcrafts #dollartreediyers #crafts #diyhomedecor #diyhome #diycrafts #winterdecor #wintervibes | Vanessa ▪️DIY ▪️Home decor
102 reactions · 15 shares | Cute and simple #winter #decor using #snowflakes from the #dollartree and #galleryglass from @plaidcrafts . . . #dollartreediy #dollartreedecor #plaidcreators #plaidcrafts #dollartreediyers #crafts #diyhomedecor #diyhome #diycrafts #winterdecor #wintervibes | Vanessa ▪️DIY ▪️Home decor
16K views · 2.6K reactions | Únete a nuestro grupo de Alumnas y realiza la mejor inversión en tu conocimiento para crear tu emprendimiento de Velas Artesanales. Más información en el enlace de mi perfil. #velasdesoja #velasaromaticas #velasdecorativas #velas #velasartesanales #emprendedoras #ideasdenegocio #negociodesdecasa #mujeresemprendedoras #emprendimiento #cursosonline | Velas Artesanales
16K views · 2.6K reactions | Únete a nuestro grupo de Alumnas y realiza la mejor inversión en tu conocimiento para crear tu emprendimiento de Velas Artesanales. Más información en el enlace de mi perfil. #velasdesoja #velasaromaticas #velasdecorativas #velas #velasartesanales #emprendedoras #ideasdenegocio #negociodesdecasa #mujeresemprendedoras #emprendimiento #cursosonline | Velas Artesanales