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Sage Goddess | Healing Crystals, Spiritual Tools, and Teachings
Clear Quartz Generators with mystery inclusion for amplification. These clear…
“If we stay aware and acknowledge the great mystery that is this life, we will see that we have been perfectly placed, in exactly the right position . . . to make all the difference in the world.” —James Redfield, from: The Tenth Insight ..*
"You may cover the sun with your hand, the sun remains the same. You may cover your Divine Soul with the human body, the Divine Soul remains the same. Focus on what remains, the cover is just a cover." ~Shanti Ananda
" The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body. " - Dr Bruce H. Lipton
Your Heart Is Generator That Is Producing Electro-Magnetic Signals In Every Instant Moment. Your Brain Is Decoding Electro-Magnetic Signals That You Receive In Every Instant Moment. Your Reality Is Structured From Electro-Magnetic Relations So Use Your Generator To Create Signals That When Decoded Create Structures Which Bring You More Peace Love Health And Prosperity