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This contains: Stelen als Gartendeko dienen als Blickfang und Fokuspunkt für Blickachsen
Tipp: Stelen als Gartendeko bauen und aufstellen
Stelen als Gartendeko dienen als Blickfang und Fokuspunkt für Blickachsen - Wenn du Lust hast, schau auf meinem Blog vorbei. Klicke auf *Lesen* bzw. auf den Link! - 📌… #DYI
Want to know a secret? I am OBSESSED with intensive planting. And I think everyone looking to have a successful, easy-to-maintain, STUNNING garden should be obsessed with it too. 😂 How often have you… 😕 Followed planting plans exactly and then had your plants become diseased, dried out, or infested with pests? 😕 Wished you could plant more in less space so you don’t have to give your garden a large part of your yard? 😕 Felt like you’ve tried everything to have a happy, healthy garden only ...
Intensive Gardening Methods
I LOVE this design for a raised planter! It maximizes space for and access to all plants! This is my dream veggie garden...