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New community features for Google Chat and an update on Currents
Si lloras por haber perdido el sol, las lágrimas no te dejarán ver las estrellas. Rabindranath Tagore .. Buenas noches queridos amigos ... If you cry over losing the sun, the tears will not let you see the stars. Rabindranath Tagore.. Good night dear friends ...
明月 by 北 河 / 500px
明月 -
Lotus Flower Fractalius - IMG_9640-500-frac
According to Buddhist principles, the heart of a person who has not attained enlightenment is the embodiement of a lotus that has not blossomed yet. Once enlightenment has been reached their heart becomes a lotus in bloom. This is why depictions of Buddha often show him seated upon an open lotus flower.
Surreal Lotus Flower - DD0A1560-1-1000
Surreal Lotus Flower - DD0A1560-1-1000