Tumbled Stones

Learn about all the different tumbled stones and how to use gemstones so that you are surrounded with their frequencies everywhere you go. Find the right gemstone collection to amplify your intentions! #tumbledstones #healingstones #crystalsandstones #gemstones
446 Pins
10 Clairaudience Crystals: Clairaudient Experiences
Clairaudience refers to the psychic ability that manifests in the form of sounds or voices that come from the divine realm. Let's discover the most powerful clairaudience crystals to help you develop this skill and make the most of its potential. #clairaudiencecrystals https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/clairaudience-crystals
12 Clairvoyance Crystals: Improve Psychic Visions
One of the best ways to increase your psychic abilities is to work with healing crystals. The following article highlights the 12 clairvoyant crystals to help you tap into this powerful ability. #clairvoyancecrystals #crystalsforclairvoyance #clairvoyancestones https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/clairvoyance-crystals
How to Get Natural Cold Relief With Crystals
Crystals have long been prized for distinctive energies, mineral compositions, and therapeutic benefits. This includes advantages that can support traditional medical therapies for natural cold relief and flu alleviation. #naturalcoldrelief https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/natural-cold-relief-with-crystals
Tiger's Eye Healing Properties for Courage & Power
Used throughout time to boost confidence, improve health, and balance the lower chakras, the healing properties of Tiger's Eye are spiritual, emotional, and physical. Let's learn all about this powerful crystal! #tigerseye #tigerseyehealingproperties #tigerseyemeaning https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/tigers-eye-healing-properties
Blue Tiger's Eye Healing Properties for Expression
Want to learn about Blue Tiger’s Eye Healing Properties? From stabilizing emotions to controlling hormones, reducing anxiety, and clearing chakras, this stone is a powerhouse. #bluetigerseye #bluetigerseyehealingproperties #bluetigerseyemeaning https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/blue-tigers-eye-healing-properties
14 Crystals for Digestion: Heartburn, Nausea, etc.
Let's delve into the fascinating topic of crystals for digestion to discover how they can be used to improve our gut health and aid in reducing stomachaches, constipation, indigestion, and more. #crystalsfordigestion #digestioncrystals #digestionstones https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/crystals-for-digestion
Spiritual Moon Phase Meanings & Crystals
Being well-informed on moon phase meanings and the assistive powers of crystals boosts our connection to the Moon’s powerful energies. Knowing which crystals to use, and more importantly when, keeps us grounded, balanced and on track to achieve our individual life purposes. #spiritualmoonphasemeanings #moonphases #moonphasemeanings https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/moon-phase-meanings
Yellow Quartz Healing Properties for Creativity
Yellow Quartz healing properties include promoting clarity of thought, enhancing creativity, and boosting self-confidence. Explore the benefits of Yellow Quartz and incorporate it into your daily life for a healthier and more balanced sense of well-being. #yellowquartzhealingproperties #healingpropertiesofyellowquartz #yellowquartzmeaning https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/yellow-quartz-healing-properties
12 Crystals for Vitality: Improve Your Strength & Health
Let's discover 12 magnificent crystals for vitality so you can boost your energy levels, uplift your mood, and enhance your overall well-being. #crystalsforvitality #vitalitycrystals https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/crystals-for-vitality
15 Best Crystals for Fall: Stones for Autumn
Autumn is a season rich in symbolism, and crystals can help us welcome those symbols into our lives. Are you ready to use crystals for fall as instruments for change, reflection, and equilibrium? #crystalsforfall #autumncrystals #fallcrystals https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/crystals-for-fall
Amethyst for Sleep: How It Helps & How to Use It
The benefits of Amethyst for sleep are vast. Let's discover how this beautiful calming crystal can improve your rest, plus tips on how to use it. #amethystforsleep https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/amethyst-for-sleep
Spirituality and Crystals: How Are They Associated?
Have you been wondering about the link between spirituality and crystals? Let's dive into this intriguing topic and so you can gain all the benefits of both. #spiritualityandcrystals #crystalsandspirituality https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/spirituality-and-crystals
3 Important Mistakes to Avoid When Buying Crystals
Want to purchase some new crystals to add to your collection or start a new one? Make sure you avoid these mistakes when buying crystals! #buyingcrystals #crystalbuyingmistakes https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/mistakes-to-avoid-when-buying-crystals
5 Ways to Harness the Power of Crystals
If you don't know where to start when it comes to knowing how to use crystals to access their powers, these quick tips are just the thing you need to get your creative juices flowing. #powerofcrystals https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/ways-to-access-crystal-powers
What You Need to Know Before Buying Crystals Online
Thinking about buying crystals online? You can get some amazing pieces by shopping that way, but only if you know how to properly vet the online shop. As these questions so you don't get burned. #buyingcrystalsonline https://cosmiccuts.com/blogs/healing-stones-blog/buying-crystals-online