
290 Pins
Einfaches Experiment mit Wasser: Taucherglocke
Warum bleibt das Papier trocken? Hier der Grund: Im Glas ist Luft, so dass kein Wasser mehr hineinkommen kann. Kippst du das Glas unter Wasser zur Seite, blubbert es, Luft entweicht. Jetzt kann das Wasser eindringen. ⁠Nach dem gleichen Prinzip funktioniert auch eine Taucherglocke. Mehr spannende Experimente für Kinder findest du im Betzold Schule Blog >
This may contain: an ice bucket with water pouring out of it
Soft ice tower is like soft ice but better
Soft ice tower is like soft ice but better ❄️ an easy science experiment for parents who want to entertain their kids
This may contain: two hands holding a spoon with some colored crayons on it
Super fun and cute Easter activity for kids
Difficulty: Easy You need • White board pens • Warm water • Spoon
🌬️ Stay Cool with a DIY Bottle Fan Craft! Beat the Heat in Style! 💨🌞
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This may contain: a hand holding a plastic water bottle with an image of a woman on the side
Ótimo dica para brincar com as crianças, materiais de fácil acesso.
Clique e conheça nosso materia de experiêcias!
This may contain: the words do's experimentoos con papel y agua written in spanish
Dos experimentos con papel y agua 💦
Difficulty: Easy Materiales: • Papel • Agua • Detergente • Marcadores permanentes • Tijeras
Difficulty: Easy     Tools  • facemask  • candle  • glue
Hot air balloon from facemask
Difficulty: Easy Tools • facemask • candle • glue
Moving water color sort activity 💦👩‍🎨 MOVING WATER I have no explanation other than it’s magic. The colored water droplets glide around the plastic perfectly! ( cc @exploralearn ) ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ SHARE 👉👉👉 ✨SHARE 👉👉👉✨⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⠀ ⠀⠀ ✨ 👉 EXPLORE our collection of educational games and toys that stimulate fun and learning! SHOP NOW link in our bio 🔗🙋‍♀️⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⁣➡️ Like ❤️, Share 👥, and Save this post for later! 👉⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⁣⁣🌺If you have a child’s heart, you will also have their mind. 🌺⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⁣⠀⠀⠀⠀...