Hot Apple Cider Books

Five collections of true stories, fiction, and poetry written from the heart. They’ll remind you that God is at work in your life, that good will come out of the struggles you face, and that every person matters. Three of the books have discussion questions. "Some books surprise you with their ability to take your breath away. This anthology is such a book…. Be sure to buy more than one, for you will probably have the urge to share this gem of a collection with others…" Faith Today magazine
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In this true story, a woman finds a unique way to spread God’s message of love in her neighbourhood.
Some mountains must be dismantled one stone at a time. A poem from A Taste of Hot Apple Cider.
Three portraits reveal God’s helping hand in even the bleakest circumstances. A true story from A Taste of Hot Apple Cider.
A teen grows up quickly when she becomes responsible for a new life. From the book A Taste of Hot Apple CIder.
Scenes of a child at play highlight the contrasts in parents’ attitudes. Complete book only 99 cents!
A strong Christian finds her joy tempered by sadness. From the anthology A Taste of Hot Apple Cider. Only 99 cents.
A late-night accident in an empty gym becomes a God-moment.
Hot Apple Cider Books
Books filled with inspiring, entertaining stories for the whole family!
Discussion Guide for A Second Cup of Hot Apple Cider
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Discussion Guide for Hot Apple Cider
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