November 13, 2022

Writing a SQL database, take two: Zig and RocksDB

For my second project while learning Zig, I decided to port an old, minimal SQL database project from Go to Zig.

In this post, in ~1700 lines of code (yes, I'm sorry it's bigger than my usual), we'll create a basic embedded SQL database in Zig on top of RocksDB. Other than the RocksDB layer it will not use third-party libraries.

The code for this project is available on GitHub.

Here are a few example interactions we'll support:

$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "CREATE TABLE y (year int, age int, name text)")
echo "CREATE TABLE y (year int, age int, name text)"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2010, 38, 'Gary')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2010, 38, 'Gary')"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2021, 92, 'Teej')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2021, 92, 'Teej')"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (1994, 18, 'Mel')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (1994, 18, 'Mel')"

# Basic query
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT name, age, year FROM y")
echo "SELECT name, age, year FROM y"
| name          |age            |year           |
+ ====          +===            +====           +
| Mel           |18             |1994           |
| Gary          |38             |2010           |
| Teej          |92             |2021           |

# With WHERE
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT name, year, age FROM y WHERE age < 40")
echo "SELECT name, year, age FROM y WHERE age < 40"
| name          |year           |age            |
+ ====          +====           +===            +
| Mel           |1994           |18             |
| Gary          |2010           |38             |

# With operations
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT 'Name: ' || name, year + 30, age FROM y WHERE age < 40")
echo "SELECT 'Name: ' || name, year + 30, age FROM y WHERE age < 40"
| unknown               |unknown                |age            |
+ =======               +=======                +===            +
| Name: Mel             |2024           |18             |
| Name: Gary            |2040           |38             |

This post is standalone (except for the RocksDB layer which I wrote about here) but it builds on a number of ideas I've explored that you may be interested in:

This project is mostly a port of my SQL database from scratch in Go project, but unlike that series this project will have persistent storage via RocksDB.

And unlike that post, this project is written in Zig!

Let's get started. :)


We're going to split up the project into the following major components:

  • Lexing
  • Parsing
  • Storage
    • RocksDB
  • Execution
  • Entrypoint (main)

Lexing takes a query and breaks it into an array of tokens.

Parsing takes the lexed array of tokens and pattern matches into a syntax tree (AST).

Storage maps high-level SQL entities like tables and rows into bytes that can be easily stored on disk. And it handles recovering high-level tables and rows from bytes on disk.

Invisible to users of the Storage component is RocksDB, which is how the bytes are actually stored on disk. RocksDB is a persistent store that maps arbitary byte keys to arbitrary byte values. We'll use it for storing and recovering both table metadata and actual row data.

Execution takes a query AST and executes it against Storage, potentially returning result rows.

These terms are a vast simplification of real-world database design. But they are helpful structure to have even in a project this small.

Memory Management

Zig doesn't have a garbage collector. Mitchell Hashimoto wrote bindings to Boehm GC. But Zig also has a builtin Arena allocator which is perfect for this simple project.

The main function will create the arena and pass it to each component, where they can do allocations as they please. At the end of main, the entire arena will be freed at once.

The only other place where we must do manual memory management is in the RocksDB wrapper. But I've already covered that in a separate post.

Zig Specifics

I'm not going to cover the basics of Zig syntax. If you are new to Zig, read this first! (It's short.)

Now that we've got the basic idea, we can start coding!

Types (types.zig, 10 LoC)

Let's create a few helper types that we'll use in the rest of the code.

pub const String = []const u8;

pub const Error = String;

pub fn Result(comptime T: type) type {
    return union(enum) {
        val: T,
        err: Error,

That's it. :) Makes things a little more readable.

Lexing (lex.zig, 308 LoC)

Lexing turns a query string into an array of tokens.

There are a few kinds of tokens we'll define:

  • Keywords (like CREATE, true, false, null)
    • Syntax (commas, parentheses, operators, and all other builtin symbols)
  • Strings
  • Integers
  • Identifiers

And not listed there but important to skip past is whitespace.

Let's turn this into a Zig struct!

const std = @import("std");

const Error = @import("types.zig").Error;
const String = @import("types.zig").String;

pub const Token = struct {
    start: u64,
    end: u64,
    kind: Kind,
    source: String,

    pub const Kind = enum {
        // Keywords

        // Operators

        // Other syntax

        // Literals

    pub fn string(self: Token) String {
        return self.source[self.start..self.end];

Using an enum helps us with type safety. And since we're storing location in the token, we can build a nice debug function for when lexing or parsing fails.

    fn debug(self: Token, msg: String) void {
        var line: usize = 0;
        var column: usize = 0;
        var lineStartIndex: usize = 0;
        var lineEndIndex: usize = 0;
        var i: usize = 0;
        var source = self.source;
        while (i < source.len) {
            if (source[i] == '\n') {
                line = line + 1;
                column = 0;
                lineStartIndex = i;
            } else {
                column = column + 1;

            if (i == self.start) {
                // Find the end of the line
                lineEndIndex = i;
                while (source[lineEndIndex] != '\n') {
                    lineEndIndex = lineEndIndex + 1;

            i = i + 1;

            "{s}\nNear line {}, column {}.\n{s}\n",
            .{ msg, line + 1, column, source[lineStartIndex..lineEndIndex] },
        while (column - 1 > 0) {
            std.debug.print(" ", .{});
            column = column - 1;
        std.debug.print("^ Near here\n\n", .{});

And similarly, let's add a debug helper for when we're dealing with an array of tokens.

pub fn debug(tokens: []Token, preferredIndex: usize, msg: String) void {
    var i = preferredIndex;
    while (i >= tokens.len) {
        i = i - 1;


Token <> String Mapping

Before we get too far from Token definition, let's define a mapping from the Token.kind enum to strings we can see in a query.

const Builtin = struct {
    name: String,
    kind: Token.Kind,

// These must be sorted by length of the name text, descending, for lexKeyword.
var BUILTINS = [_]Builtin{
    .{ .name = "CREATE TABLE", .kind = Token.Kind.create_table_keyword },
    .{ .name = "INSERT INTO", .kind = Token.Kind.insert_keyword },
    .{ .name = "SELECT", .kind = Token.Kind.select_keyword },
    .{ .name = "VALUES", .kind = Token.Kind.values_keyword },
    .{ .name = "WHERE", .kind = Token.Kind.where_keyword },
    .{ .name = "FROM", .kind = Token.Kind.from_keyword },
    .{ .name = "||", .kind = Token.Kind.concat_operator },
    .{ .name = "=", .kind = Token.Kind.equal_operator },
    .{ .name = "+", .kind = Token.Kind.plus_operator },
    .{ .name = "<", .kind = Token.Kind.lt_operator },
    .{ .name = "(", .kind = Token.Kind.left_paren_syntax },
    .{ .name = ")", .kind = Token.Kind.right_paren_syntax },
    .{ .name = ",", .kind = Token.Kind.comma_syntax },

We'll use this in a few lexing functions below.


Outside of tokens, we need to be able to skip past whitespace.

fn eatWhitespace(source: String, index: usize) usize {
    var res = index;
    while (source[res] == ' ' or
        source[res] == '\n' or
        source[res] == '\t' or
        source[res] == '\r')
        res = res + 1;
        if (res == source.len) {

    return res;

All lexing functions will look like this. They'll take the source as one argument and a cursor to the current index in the source as another.


Let's handle lexing keyword tokens next. Keywords are case insensitive. I don't think there's a builtin case insensitive string comparison function in Zig. So let's write that first.

fn asciiCaseInsensitiveEqual(left: String, right: String) bool {
    var min = left;
    if (right.len < left.len) {
        min = right;

    for (min) |_, i| {
        var l = left[i];
        if (l >= 97 and l <= 122) {
            l = l - 32;

        var r = right[i];
        if (r >= 97 and r <= 122) {
            r = r - 32;

        if (l != r) {
            return false;

    return true;

Unfortunately it only supports ASCII for now.

Now we can write a simple longest-matching-substring function. It is simple because the keyword mapping we set up above is already ordered by length descending.

fn lexKeyword(source: String, index: usize) struct { nextPosition: usize, token: ?Token } {
    var longestLen: usize = 0;
    var kind = Token.Kind.select_keyword;
    for (BUILTINS) |builtin| {
        if (index + >= source.len) {

        if (asciiCaseInsensitiveEqual(source[index .. index +], {
            longestLen =;
            kind = builtin.kind;
            // First match is the longest match

    if (longestLen == 0) {
        return .{ .nextPosition = 0, .token = null };

    return .{
        .nextPosition = index + longestLen,
        .token = Token{
            .source = source,
            .start = index,
            .end = index + longestLen,
            .kind = kind,

That's it!


For integers we read through the source until we stop seeing decimal digits. Obviously this is a subset of what people consider integers, but it will do for now!

fn lexInteger(source: String, index: usize) struct { nextPosition: usize, token: ?Token } {
    var start = index;
    var end = index;
    var i = index;
    while (source[i] >= '0' and source[i] <= '9') {
        end = end + 1;
        i = i + 1;

    if (start == end) {
        return .{ .nextPosition = 0, .token = null };

    return .{
        .nextPosition = end,
        .token = Token{
            .source = source,
            .start = start,
            .end = end,
            .kind = Token.Kind.integer,


Strings are enclosed in single quotes.

fn lexString(source: String, index: usize) struct { nextPosition: usize, token: ?Token } {
    var i = index;
    if (source[i] != '\'') {
        return .{ .nextPosition = 0, .token = null };
    i = i + 1;

    var start = i;
    var end = i;
    while (source[i] != '\'') {
        end = end + 1;
        i = i + 1;

    if (source[i] == '\'') {
        i = i + 1;

    if (start == end) {
        return .{ .nextPosition = 0, .token = null };

    return .{
        .nextPosition = i,
        .token = Token{
            .source = source,
            .start = start,
            .end = end,
            .kind = Token.Kind.string,


Identifiers for this project are alphanumeric characters. We could support more by optionally checking for double quote enclosed strings. But I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

fn lexIdentifier(source: String, index: usize) struct { nextPosition: usize, token: ?Token } {
    var start = index;
    var end = index;
    var i = index;
    while ((source[i] >= 'a' and source[i] <= 'z') or
        (source[i] >= 'A' and source[i] <= 'Z') or
        (source[i] == '*'))
        end = end + 1;
        i = i + 1;

    if (start == end) {
        return .{ .nextPosition = 0, .token = null };

    return .{
        .nextPosition = end,
        .token = Token{
            .source = source,
            .start = start,
            .end = end,
            .kind = Token.Kind.identifier,


Now we can pull together all these helper functions in a public entrypoint for lexing.

It will loop through a query string, eating whitespace and checking for tokens. It will continue until it hits the end of the query string. If it ever can't continue it fails.

pub fn lex(source: String, tokens: *std.ArrayList(Token)) ?Error {
    var i: usize = 0;
    while (true) {
        i = eatWhitespace(source, i);
        if (i >= source.len) {

        const keywordRes = lexKeyword(source, i);
        if (keywordRes.token) |token| {
            tokens.append(token) catch return "Failed to allocate space for keyword token";
            i = keywordRes.nextPosition;

        const integerRes = lexInteger(source, i);
        if (integerRes.token) |token| {
            tokens.append(token) catch return "Failed to allocate space for integer token";
            i = integerRes.nextPosition;

        const stringRes = lexString(source, i);
        if (stringRes.token) |token| {
            tokens.append(token) catch return "Failed to allocate space for string token";
            i = stringRes.nextPosition;

        const identifierRes = lexIdentifier(source, i);
        if (identifierRes.token) |token| {
            tokens.append(token) catch return "Failed to allocate space for identifier token";
            i = identifierRes.nextPosition;

        if (tokens.items.len > 0) {
            debug(tokens.items, tokens.items.len - 1, "Last good token.\n");
        return "Bad token";

    return null;

That's it for lexing! Now we can do parsing.

Parsing (parse.zig, 407 LoC)

Parsing takes an array of tokens from the lexing stage and discovers the tree structure in them that maps to a predefined syntax tree (AST).

If it can't discover a valid tree from the array of tokens, it fails.

Let's set up the basics of the Parser struct:

const std = @import("std");

const lex = @import("lex.zig");
const Result = @import("types.zig").Result;

const Token = lex.Token;

pub const Parser = struct {
    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator) Parser {
        return Parser{ .allocator = allocator };

    fn expectTokenKind(tokens: []Token, index: usize, kind: Token.Kind) bool {
        if (index >= tokens.len) {
            return false;

        return tokens[index].kind == kind;


Expressions are at the bottom of the syntax tree.

They can be:

  • Literals (like strings, integers, booleans, etc.)
  • Or binary operations

Let's define these in Zig:

    pub const BinaryOperationAST = struct {
        operator: Token,
        left: *ExpressionAST,
        right: *ExpressionAST,

        fn print(self: BinaryOperationAST) void {
            std.debug.print(" {s} ", .{self.operator.string()});

    pub const ExpressionAST = union(enum) {
        literal: Token,
        binary_operation: BinaryOperationAST,

        fn print(self: ExpressionAST) void {
            switch (self) {
                .literal => |literal| switch (literal.kind) {
                    .string => std.debug.print("'{s}'", .{literal.string()}),
                    else => std.debug.print("{s}", .{literal.string()}),
                .binary_operation => self.binary_operation.print(),

Now we can attempt to parse either of these from an array of tokens.

    fn parseExpression(self: Parser, tokens: []Token, index: usize) Result(struct {
        ast: ExpressionAST,
        nextPosition: usize,
    }) {
        var i = index;

        var e: ExpressionAST = undefined;

        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.integer) or
                expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier) or
                expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.string))
                e = ExpressionAST{ .literal = tokens[i] };
                i = i + 1;
        } else {
                return .{ .err = "No expression" };

        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.equal_operator) or
                expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.lt_operator) or
                expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.plus_operator) or
                expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.concat_operator))
                var newE = ExpressionAST{
                    .binary_operation = BinaryOperationAST{
                        .operator = tokens[i],
                        .left = self.allocator.create(ExpressionAST) catch return .{
                            .err = "Could not allocate for left expression.",
                        .right = self.allocator.create(ExpressionAST) catch return .{
                            .err = "Could not allocate for right expression.",
                newE.binary_operation.left.* = e;
                e = newE;

                switch (self.parseExpression(tokens, i + 1)) {
                    .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
                    .val => |val| {
                        e.binary_operation.right.* = val.ast;
                        i = val.nextPosition;

        return .{ .val = .{ .ast = e, .nextPosition = i } };

Basically, we assume it's a literal expression unless we see an operator after it. If there's an operator after it we call parseExpression recursively and return a binary expression.

Important to note: this skips both implicit operator precedence and explicit precedence via parenthesis.


A SELECT query's structure has a FROM table name, a comma-separated list of expressions, and an optional WHERE section with another expression for the where.

    pub const SelectAST = struct {
        columns: []ExpressionAST,
        from: Token,
        where: ?ExpressionAST,

        fn print(self: SelectAST) void {
            std.debug.print("SELECT\n", .{});
            for (self.columns) |column, i| {
                std.debug.print("  ", .{});
                if (i < self.columns.len - 1) {
                    std.debug.print(",", .{});
                std.debug.print("\n", .{});
            std.debug.print("FROM\n  {s}", .{self.from.string()});

            if (self.where) |where| {
                std.debug.print("\nWHERE\n  ", .{});

            std.debug.print("\n", .{});

To parse it we look for:

  • Then a comma separated list of ExpressionASTs
  • Then a FROM
  • Then optionally a WHERE
    • And then another ExpressionAST

With the help of expectTokenKind and parseExpression it is not too difficult, but a little verbose, to write.

    fn parseSelect(self: Parser, tokens: []Token) Result(AST) {
        var i: usize = 0;
        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.select_keyword)) {
            return .{ .err = "Expected SELECT keyword" };
        i = i + 1;

        var columns = std.ArrayList(ExpressionAST).init(self.allocator);
        var select = SelectAST{
            .columns = undefined,
            .from = undefined,
            .where = null,

        // Parse columns
        while (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.from_keyword)) {
            if (columns.items.len > 0) {
                if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.comma_syntax)) {
                    lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected comma.\n");
                    return .{ .err = "Expected comma." };

                i = i + 1;

            switch (self.parseExpression(tokens, i)) {
                .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| {
                    i = val.nextPosition;

                    columns.append(val.ast) catch return .{
                        .err = "Could not allocate for token.",

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.from_keyword)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected FROM keyword after this.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected FROM keyword" };
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected FROM table name after this.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected FROM keyword" };
        select.from = tokens[i];
        i = i + 1;

        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.where_keyword)) {
            // i + 1, skip past the where
            switch (self.parseExpression(tokens, i + 1)) {
                .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| {
                    select.where = val.ast;
                    i = val.nextPosition;

        if (i < tokens.len) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Unexpected token.");
            return .{ .err = "Did not complete parsing SELECT" };

        select.columns = columns.items;
        return .{ .val = AST{ .select = select } };

That's it!


A CREATE TABLE query's structure has a table name and a list of comma separated identifier pairs for column name and kind.

    const CreateTableColumnAST = struct {
        name: Token,
        kind: Token,

    pub const CreateTableAST = struct {
        table: Token,
        columns: []CreateTableColumnAST,

        fn print(self: CreateTableAST) void {
            std.debug.print("CREATE TABLE {s} (\n", .{self.table.string()});
            for (self.columns) |column, i| {
                    "  {s} {s}",
                    .{, column.kind.string() },
                if (i < self.columns.len - 1) {
                    std.debug.print(",", .{});
                std.debug.print("\n", .{});
            std.debug.print(")\n", .{});

To parse it we look for:

  • Followed by an identifier (the table name)
  • Followed by open parenthesis
  • Followed by a comma separated list of identifier pairs
  • Followed by close parenthesis
    fn parseCreateTable(self: Parser, tokens: []Token) Result(AST) {
        var i: usize = 0;
        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.create_table_keyword)) {
            return .{ .err = "Expected CREATE TABLE keyword" };
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected table name after CREATE TABLE keyword.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected CREATE TABLE name" };

        var columns = std.ArrayList(CreateTableColumnAST).init(self.allocator);
        var create_table = CreateTableAST{
            .columns = undefined,
            .table = tokens[i],
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.left_paren_syntax)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected opening paren after CREATE TABLE name.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected opening paren" };
        i = i + 1;

        while (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.right_paren_syntax)) {
            if (columns.items.len > 0) {
                if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.comma_syntax)) {
                    lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected comma.\n");
                    return .{ .err = "Expected comma." };

                i = i + 1;

            var column = CreateTableColumnAST{ .name = undefined, .kind = undefined };
            if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier)) {
                lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected column name after comma.\n");
                return .{ .err = "Expected identifier." };

   = tokens[i];
            i = i + 1;

            if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier)) {
                lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected column type after column name.\n");
                return .{ .err = "Expected identifier." };

            column.kind = tokens[i];
            i = i + 1;

            columns.append(column) catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for column.",

        // Skip past final paren.
        i = i + 1;

        if (i < tokens.len) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Unexpected token.");
            return .{ .err = "Did not complete parsing CREATE TABLE" };

        create_table.columns = columns.items;
        return .{ .val = AST{ .create_table = create_table } };


And last we've got INSERT INTO. This tree has table name and a list of expressions to insert into the table.

    pub const InsertAST = struct {
        table: Token,
        values: []ExpressionAST,

        fn print(self: InsertAST) void {
            std.debug.print("INSERT INTO {s} VALUES (", .{self.table.string()});
            for (self.values) |value, i| {
                if (i < self.values.len - 1) {
                    std.debug.print(", ", .{});
            std.debug.print(")\n", .{});

We parse it by looking for:

  • Followed by a table name
  • Followed by VALUES
  • Followed by open parenthesis
  • Followed by a comma-separated list of expressions
  • Followed by a close parenthesis
    fn parseInsert(self: Parser, tokens: []Token) Result(AST) {
        var i: usize = 0;
        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.insert_keyword)) {
            return .{ .err = "Expected INSERT INTO keyword" };
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.identifier)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected table name after INSERT INTO keyword.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected INSERT INTO table name" };

        var values = std.ArrayList(ExpressionAST).init(self.allocator);
        var insert = InsertAST{
            .values = undefined,
            .table = tokens[i],
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.values_keyword)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected VALUES keyword.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected VALUES keyword" };
        i = i + 1;

        if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.left_paren_syntax)) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected opening paren after CREATE TABLE name.\n");
            return .{ .err = "Expected opening paren" };
        i = i + 1;

        while (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.right_paren_syntax)) {
            if (values.items.len > 0) {
                if (!expectTokenKind(tokens, i, Token.Kind.comma_syntax)) {
                    lex.debug(tokens, i, "Expected comma.\n");
                    return .{ .err = "Expected comma." };

                i = i + 1;

            switch (self.parseExpression(tokens, i)) {
                .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| {
                    values.append(val.ast) catch return .{
                        .err = "Could not allocate for expression.",
                    i = val.nextPosition;

        // Skip past final paren.
        i = i + 1;

        if (i < tokens.len) {
            lex.debug(tokens, i, "Unexpected token.");
            return .{ .err = "Did not complete parsing INSERT INTO" };

        insert.values = values.items;
        return .{ .val = AST{ .insert = insert } };


Finally we can define the top-level SQL AST as being the union of the above three query types.

    pub const AST = union(enum) {
        select: SelectAST,
        insert: InsertAST,
        create_table: CreateTableAST,

        pub fn print(self: AST) void {
            switch (self) {
                .select => |select| select.print(),
                .insert => |insert| insert.print(),
                .create_table => |create_table| create_table.print(),

And we can implement parse by switching on the current token.

    pub fn parse(self: Parser, tokens: []Token) Result(AST) {
        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, 0, Token.Kind.select_keyword)) {
            return switch (self.parseSelect(tokens)) {
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },

        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, 0, Token.Kind.create_table_keyword)) {
            return switch (self.parseCreateTable(tokens)) {
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },

        if (expectTokenKind(tokens, 0, Token.Kind.insert_keyword)) {
            return switch (self.parseInsert(tokens)) {
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },

        return .{ .err = "Unknown statement" };

Perfect. For today. :)

Storage (storage.zig, 338 LoC)

Next we're going to switch contexts completely and think about how tables and rows will get serialized into bytes that can be stored on disk.

The storage layer will define a few general helpers for correctly serializing and deserializing strings and numbers:

const std = @import("std");

const RocksDB = @import("rocksdb.zig").RocksDB;
const Error = @import("types.zig").Error;
const Result = @import("types.zig").Result;
const String = @import("types.zig").String;

pub fn serializeInteger(comptime T: type, buf: *std.ArrayList(u8), i: T) !void {
    var length: [@sizeOf(T)]u8 = undefined;
    std.mem.writeIntBig(T, &length, i);
    try buf.appendSlice(length[0..8]);

pub fn deserializeInteger(comptime T: type, buf: String) T {
    return std.mem.readIntBig(T, buf[0..@sizeOf(T)]);

pub fn serializeBytes(buf: *std.ArrayList(u8), bytes: String) !void {
    try serializeInteger(u64, buf, bytes.len);
    try buf.appendSlice(bytes);

pub fn deserializeBytes(bytes: String) struct {
    offset: usize,
    bytes: String,
} {
    var length = deserializeInteger(u64, bytes);
    var offset = length + 8;
    return .{ .offset = offset, .bytes = bytes[8..offset] };

Then we'll define the Storage struct itself. Under the hood it will use RocksDB to store and recover data on disk.

pub const Storage = struct {
    db: RocksDB,
    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, db: RocksDB) Storage {
        return Storage{
            .db = db,
            .allocator = allocator,

Now let's think about storage entities.


The fundamental unit in the database is a value, or cell. It can be either a boolean, an integer, a string, or null.

    pub const Value = union(enum) {
        bool_value: bool,
        null_value: bool,
        string_value: String,
        integer_value: i64,

        pub const TRUE = Value{ .bool_value = true };
        pub const FALSE = Value{ .bool_value = false };
        pub const NULL = Value{ .null_value = true };

Since all values are strings in the original query, we'll provide a fromIntegerString that we can use to convert.

        pub fn fromIntegerString(iBytes: String) Value {
            const i = std.fmt.parseInt(i64, iBytes, 10) catch return Value{
                .integer_value = 0,
            return Value{ .integer_value = i };

Next we'll define functions to cast values to boolean.

        pub fn asBool(self: Value) bool {
            return switch (self) {
                .null_value => false,
                .bool_value => |value| value,
                .string_value => |value| value.len > 0,
                .integer_value => |value| value != 0,

To strings.

        pub fn asString(self: Value, buf: *std.ArrayList(u8)) !void {
            try switch (self) {
                .null_value => _ = 1, // Do nothing
                .bool_value => |value| buf.appendSlice(if (value) "true" else "false"),
                .string_value => |value| buf.appendSlice(value),
                .integer_value => |value| buf.writer().print("{d}", .{value}),

And to integers.

        pub fn asInteger(self: Value) i64 {
            return switch (self) {
                .null_value => 0,
                .bool_value => |value| if (value) 1 else 0,
                .string_value => |value| fromIntegerString(value).integer_value,
                .integer_value => |value| value,

And finally the storage layer's core concern: serialization...

        pub fn serialize(self: Value, buf: *std.ArrayList(u8)) String {
            switch (self) {
                .null_value => buf.append('0') catch return "",

                .bool_value => |value| {
                    buf.append('1') catch return "";
                    buf.append(if (value) '1' else '0') catch return "";

                .string_value => |value| {
                    buf.append('2') catch return "";
                    buf.appendSlice(value) catch return "";

                .integer_value => |value| {
                    buf.append('3') catch return "";
                    serializeInteger(i64, buf, value) catch return "";

            return buf.items;

And deserialization.

        pub fn deserialize(data: String) Value {
            return switch (data[0]) {
                '0' => Value.NULL,
                '1' => Value{ .bool_value = data[1] == '1' },
                '2' => Value{ .string_value = data[1..] },
                '3' => Value{ .integer_value = deserializeInteger(i64, data[1..]) },
                else => unreachable,

We use a simple, space-inefficient scheme for encoding/decoding to bytes that can be written to disk.


Now that we've got values, we can define rows in terms of values. And we can provide a few helper functions for getting cells by field name.

    pub const Row = struct {
        allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
        cells: std.ArrayList(String),
        fields: []String,

        pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, fields: []String) Row {
            return Row{
                .allocator = allocator,
                .cells = std.ArrayList(String).init(allocator),
                .fields = fields,

        pub fn append(self: *Row, cell: Value) !void {
            var cellBuffer = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
            try self.cells.append(cell.serialize(&cellBuffer));

        pub fn appendBytes(self: *Row, cell: String) !void {
            try self.cells.append(cell);

        pub fn get(self: Row, field: String) Value {
            for (self.fields) |f, i| {
                if (std.mem.eql(u8, field, f)) {
                    // Results are internal buffer views. So make a copy.
                    var copy = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                    copy.appendSlice(self.cells.items[i]) catch return Storage.Value.NULL;
                    return Storage.Value.deserialize(copy.items);

            return Value.NULL;

        pub fn items(self: Row) []String {
            return self.cells.items;

        fn reset(self: *Row) void {

Since values are serialized with length prefixes, we can serialize a row by concatenating all the values together.

Since we must map to keys and values for RocksDB, we give each row a key prefix that is the table name. And then we give it a random suffix to distinguish it from other rows in the table. A more intelligent design would use the table's primary key as the suffix but we don't support primary keys yet. (See also, the section on "Mapping SQL to key-value storage" in What's the big deal about key-value databases like FoundationDB and RocksDB?.)

    fn generateId() ![]u8 {
        const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFileZ("/dev/random", .{});
        defer file.close();

        var buf: [16]u8 = .{};
        _ = try;
        return buf[0..];

    pub fn writeRow(self: Storage, table: String, row: Row) ?Error {
        // Table name prefix
        var key = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        key.writer().print("row_{s}_", .{table}) catch return "Could not allocate row key";

        // Unique row id
        var id = generateId() catch return "Could not generate id";
        key.appendSlice(id) catch return "Could not allocate for id";

        var value = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        for (row.cells.items) |cell| {
            serializeBytes(&value, cell) catch return "Could not allocate for cell";

        return self.db.set(key.items, value.items);


Reading rows will be slightly different from writing rows since reading rows will use an iterator. We will wrap the RocksDB iterator so the consumer of Storage only needs to deal with Rows and Values.

    pub const RowIter = struct {
        row: Row,
        iter: RocksDB.Iter,

        fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, iter: RocksDB.Iter, fields: []String) RowIter {
            return RowIter{
                .iter = iter,
                .row = Row.init(allocator, fields),

        pub fn next(self: *RowIter) ?Row {
            var rowBytes: String = undefined;
            if ( |b| {
                rowBytes = b.value;
            } else {
                return null;

            var offset: usize = 0;
            while (offset < rowBytes.len) {
                var d = deserializeBytes(rowBytes[offset..]);
                offset += d.offset;
                self.row.appendBytes(d.bytes) catch return null;

            return self.row;

        pub fn close(self: RowIter) void {

It does the opposite of what writeRow did in terms of deserializing cells one after another. Again, this works because each cell is length-prefixed.

Next we must provide the interface for actually getting a RowIter. The only condition for the RowIter at the moment is that it contains all rows in the table.

Since we wrote each row with a table name prefix, we can recover it by iterating over all rows with that prefix.

    pub fn getRowIter(self: Storage, table: String) Result(RowIter) {
        var rowPrefix = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        rowPrefix.writer().print("row_{s}_", .{table}) catch return .{
            .err = "Could not allocate for row prefix",

        var iter = switch (self.db.iter(rowPrefix.items)) {
            .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
            .val => |it| it,

        var tableInfo = switch (self.getTable(table)) {
            .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
            .val => |t| t,

        return .{
            .val = RowIter.init(self.allocator, iter, tableInfo.columns),


Finally we've got tables. We must store table metadata: its name, columns and column types.

    pub const Table = struct {
        name: String,
        columns: []String,
        types: []String,

We will use a tbl_ prefix instead of row_ prefix for table metadata. But we'll otherwise encode with the same length-prefixed concatentations.

    pub fn writeTable(self: Storage, table: Table) ?Error {
        // Table name prefix
        var key = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        key.writer().print("tbl_{s}_", .{}) catch return "Could not allocate key for table";

        var value = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        for (table.columns) |column, i| {
            serializeBytes(&value, column) catch return "Could not allocate for column";
            serializeBytes(&value, table.types[i]) catch return "Could not allocate for column type";

        return self.db.set(key.items, value.items);

And the opposite for decoding.

    pub fn getTable(self: Storage, name: String) Result(Table) {
        var tableKey = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
        tableKey.writer().print("tbl_{s}_", .{name}) catch return .{
            .err = "Could not allocate for table prefix",

        var columns = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);
        var types = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);
        var table = Table{
            .name = name,
            .columns = undefined,
            .types = undefined,
        // First grab table info
        var columnInfo = switch (self.db.get(tableKey.items)) {
            .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
            .val => |val| val,
            .not_found => return .{ .err = "No such table" },

        var columnOffset: usize = 0;
        while (columnOffset < columnInfo.len) {
            var column = deserializeBytes(columnInfo[columnOffset..]);
            columnOffset += column.offset;
            columns.append(column.bytes) catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for column name.",

            var kind = deserializeBytes(columnInfo[columnOffset..]);
            columnOffset += kind.offset;
            types.append(kind.bytes) catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for column kind.",

        table.columns = columns.items;
        table.types = types.items;

        return .{ .val = table };

And that's it for storage! Again, we're building on top of the RocksDB layer I already wrote about. If you want to see how that works, go for it!

If you just want the rocksdb.zig file, grab it from here.

Execute (execute.zig, 210 LoC)

Now that we've got a storage layer and an AST from our parser, we can execute the query on top of the storage!

A better implementation might translate the AST to bytecode and implement a bytecode interpreter for expression evaluation. But we'll build a tree-walking interpreter instead.

const std = @import("std");

const Parser = @import("parse.zig").Parser;
const RocksDB = @import("rocksdb.zig").RocksDB;
const Storage = @import("storage.zig").Storage;
const Result = @import("types.zig").Result;
const String = @import("types.zig").String;

pub const Executor = struct {
    allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
    storage: Storage,

    pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, storage: Storage) Executor {
        return Executor{ .allocator = allocator, .storage = storage };

In general we'll make query responses optional. They can be empty or they can be an array of an array of strings (rows and cells) and an array of strings (column names).

    const QueryResponse = struct {
        fields: []String,
        // Array of cells (which is an array of serde (which is an array of u8))
        rows: [][]String,
        empty: bool,
    const QueryResponseResult = Result(QueryResponse);


For execution we start again at the bottom with expressions. There are literals.

    fn executeExpression(self: Executor, e: Parser.ExpressionAST, row: Storage.Row) Storage.Value {
        return switch (e) {
            .literal => |lit| switch (lit.kind) {
                .string => Storage.Value{ .string_value = lit.string() },
                .integer => Storage.Value.fromIntegerString(lit.string()),
                .identifier => row.get(lit.string()),
                else => unreachable,

And there are a handful of binary operations.

            .binary_operation => |bin_op| {
                var left = self.executeExpression(bin_op.left.*, row);
                var right = self.executeExpression(bin_op.right.*, row);

                if (bin_op.operator.kind == .equal_operator) {
                    // Cast dissimilar types to serde
                    if (@enumToInt(left) != @enumToInt(right)) {
                        var leftBuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                        left.asString(&leftBuf) catch unreachable;
                        left = Storage.Value{ .string_value = leftBuf.items };

                        var rightBuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                        right.asString(&rightBuf) catch unreachable;
                        right = Storage.Value{ .string_value = rightBuf.items };

                    return Storage.Value{
                        .bool_value = switch (left) {
                            .null_value => true,
                            .bool_value => |v| v == right.asBool(),
                            .string_value => blk: {
                                var leftBuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                                left.asString(&leftBuf) catch unreachable;

                                var rightBuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                                right.asString(&rightBuf) catch unreachable;

                                break :blk std.mem.eql(u8, leftBuf.items, rightBuf.items);
                            .integer_value => left.asInteger() == right.asInteger(),

                if (bin_op.operator.kind == .concat_operator) {
                    var copy = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                    left.asString(&copy) catch unreachable;
                    right.asString(&copy) catch unreachable;
                    return Storage.Value{ .string_value = copy.items };

                return switch (bin_op.operator.kind) {
                    .lt_operator => if (left.asInteger() < right.asInteger()) Storage.Value.TRUE else Storage.Value.FALSE,
                    .plus_operator => Storage.Value{ .integer_value = left.asInteger() + right.asInteger() },
                    else => Storage.Value.NULL,


To execute a SELECT query we first validate the requested table and requested fields.

    fn executeSelect(self: Executor, s: Parser.SelectAST) QueryResponseResult {
        switch ( {
            .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
            else => _ = 1,

        // Now validate and store requested fields
        var requestedFields = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);
        for (s.columns) |requestedColumn| {
            var fieldName = switch (requestedColumn) {
                .literal => |lit| switch (lit.kind) {
                    .identifier => lit.string(),
                    // TODO: give reasonable names
                    else => "unknown",
                // TODO: give reasonable names
                else => "unknown",
            requestedFields.append(fieldName) catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for requested field.",

Then grab an iterator for rows in the table.

        var rows = std.ArrayList([]String).init(self.allocator);
        var response = QueryResponse{
            .fields = requestedFields.items,
            .rows = undefined,
            .empty = false,

        var iter = switch ( {
            .err => |err| return .{ .err = err },
            .val => |it| it,
        defer iter.close();

And finally we iterate through all rows and add rows to the response if there is no WHERE condition or if we evaluate the WHERE condition successfully.

When we add rows to the response, we need to actually evaluate the expression for each column in the SELECT AST.

        while ( |row| {
            var add = false;
            if (s.where) |where| {
                if (self.executeExpression(where, row).asBool()) {
                    add = true;
            } else {
                add = true;

            if (add) {
                var requested = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);
                for (s.columns) |exp| {
                    var val = self.executeExpression(exp, row);
                    var valBuf = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator);
                    val.asString(&valBuf) catch unreachable;
                    requested.append(valBuf.items) catch return .{
                        .err = "Could not allocate for requested cell",
                rows.append(requested.items) catch return .{
                    .err = "Could not allocate for row",

        response.rows = rows.items;
        return .{ .val = response };


Inserting is pretty simple, we just evaluate the VALUES passed and write them to storage.

    fn executeInsert(self: Executor, i: Parser.InsertAST) QueryResponseResult {
        var emptyRow = Storage.Row.init(self.allocator, undefined);
        var row = Storage.Row.init(self.allocator, undefined);
        for (i.values) |v| {
            var exp = self.executeExpression(v, emptyRow);
            row.append(exp) catch return .{ .err = "Could not allocate for cell" };

        if (, row)) |err| {
            return .{ .err = err };

        return .{
            .val = .{ .fields = undefined, .rows = undefined, .empty = true },


Similarly to INSERT INTO, but without any expression evaluation, we map the CreateTableAST to Storage entities and write them to storage.

    fn executeCreateTable(self: Executor, c: Parser.CreateTableAST) QueryResponseResult {
        var columns = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);
        var types = std.ArrayList(String).init(self.allocator);

        for (c.columns) |column| {
            columns.append( catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for column name",
            types.append(column.kind.string()) catch return .{
                .err = "Could not allocate for column kind",

        var table = Storage.Table{
            .name = c.table.string(),
            .columns = columns.items,
            .types = types.items,

        if ( |err| {
            return .{ .err = err };
        return .{
            .val = .{ .fields = undefined, .rows = undefined, .empty = true },

For both CREATE TABLE and INSERT INTO there is more validation we could do. Exercise for the reader and whatnot. :)


Finally we can switch on the AST and call the appropriate execution function.

    pub fn execute(self: Executor, ast: Parser.AST) QueryResponseResult {
        return switch (ast) {
            .select => |select| switch (self.executeSelect(select)) {
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },
            .insert => |insert| switch (self.executeInsert(insert)) {
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },
            .create_table => |createTable| switch (self.executeCreateTable(createTable)) {
                .val => |val| .{ .val = val },
                .err => |err| .{ .err = err },

And now we're ready to put it all together in main!

main (main.zig, 144 LoC)

First we set up our arena allocator.

const std = @import("std");

const RocksDB = @import("rocksdb.zig").RocksDB;
const lex = @import("lex.zig");
const parse = @import("parse.zig");
const execute = @import("execute.zig");
const Storage = @import("storage.zig").Storage;

pub fn main() !void {
    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(std.heap.page_allocator);
    defer arena.deinit();
    const allocator = arena.allocator();

Then we parse CLI arguments. Importantly we need to grab a location on disk for RocksDB to store data. And we need a query to execute.

    var debugTokens = false;
    var debugAST = false;
    var args = std.process.args();
    var scriptArg: usize = 0;
    var databaseArg: usize = 0;
    var i: usize = 0;
    while ( |arg| {
        if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-tokens")) {
            debugTokens = true;

        if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--debug-ast")) {
            debugAST = true;

        if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--database")) {
            databaseArg = i + 1;
            i += 1;
            _ =;

        if (std.mem.eql(u8, arg, "--script")) {
            scriptArg = i + 1;
            i += 1;
            _ =;

        i += 1;

    if (databaseArg == 0) {
        std.debug.print("--database is a required flag. Should be a directory for data.\n", .{});

    if (scriptArg == 0) {
        std.debug.print("--script is a required flag. Should be a file containing SQL.\n", .{});

Next we read the file passed for the query.

    const file = try std.fs.cwd().openFileZ(std.os.argv[scriptArg], .{});
    defer file.close();

    const file_size = try file.getEndPos();
    var prog = try allocator.alloc(u8, file_size);

    _ = try;

And pass the query to the lexer.

    var tokens = std.ArrayList(lex.Token).init(allocator);
    const lexErr = lex.lex(prog, &tokens);
    if (lexErr) |err| {
        std.debug.print("Failed to lex: {s}", .{err});

    if (debugTokens) {
        for (tokens.items) |token| {
            std.debug.print("Token: {s}\n", .{token.string()});

    if (tokens.items.len == 0) {
        std.debug.print("Program is empty", .{});

Pass the tokens to the parser.

    const parser = parse.Parser.init(allocator);
    var ast: parse.Parser.AST = undefined;
    switch (parser.parse(tokens.items)) {
        .err => |err| {
            std.debug.print("Failed to parse: {s}", .{err});
        .val => |val| ast = val,

    if (debugAST) {

Initialize storage.

    var db: RocksDB = undefined;
    var dataDirectory = std.mem.span(std.os.argv[databaseArg]);
    switch (, dataDirectory)) {
        .err => |err| {
            std.debug.print("Failed to open database: {s}", .{err});
        .val => |val| db = val,
    defer db.close();

    const storage = Storage.init(allocator, db);

And execute and print results. :)

    const executor = execute.Executor.init(allocator, storage);
    switch (executor.execute(ast)) {
        .err => |err| {
            std.debug.print("Failed to execute: {s}", .{err});
        .val => |val| {
            if (val.rows.len == 0) {
                std.debug.print("ok\n", .{});

            std.debug.print("| ", .{});
            for (val.fields) |field| {
                std.debug.print("{s}\t\t|", .{field});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});
            std.debug.print("+ ", .{});
            for (val.fields) |field| {
                var fieldLen = field.len;
                while (fieldLen > 0) {
                    std.debug.print("=", .{});
                    fieldLen -= 1;
                std.debug.print("\t\t+", .{});
            std.debug.print("\n", .{});

            for (val.rows) |row| {
                std.debug.print("| ", .{});
                for (row) |cell| {
                    std.debug.print("{s}\t\t|", .{cell});
                std.debug.print("\n", .{});


Finally, finally, tie it all together with build.zig.

const version = @import("builtin").zig_version;
const std = @import("std");

pub fn build(b: * void {
    const exe = b.addExecutable("main", "main.zig");

    if (@hasDecl(@TypeOf(exe.*), "addLibraryPath")) {
    } else {


    if ( {


Grab RocksDB, build it, and build our CLI.

$ git clone
$ ( cd rocksdb && make shared_lib -j8 )

$ cp rocksdb/*.dylib . # ONLY IF YOU ARE ON A MAC

$ zig build

And give it a go. :)

$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "CREATE TABLE y (year int, age int, name text)")
echo "CREATE TABLE y (year int, age int, name text)"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2010, 38, 'Gary')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2010, 38, 'Gary')"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2021, 92, 'Teej')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (2021, 92, 'Teej')"
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (1994, 18, 'Mel')")
echo "INSERT INTO y VALUES (1994, 18, 'Mel')"

# Basic query
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT name, age, year FROM y")
echo "SELECT name, age, year FROM y"
| name          |age            |year           |
+ ====          +===            +====           +
| Mel           |18             |1994           |
| Gary          |38             |2010           |
| Teej          |92             |2021           |

# With WHERE
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT name, year, age FROM y WHERE age < 40")
echo "SELECT name, year, age FROM y WHERE age < 40"
| name          |year           |age            |
+ ====          +====           +===            +
| Mel           |1994           |18             |
| Gary          |2010           |38             |

# With operations
$ ./main --database data --script <(echo "SELECT 'Name: ' || name, year + 30, age FROM y WHERE age < 40")
echo "SELECT 'Name: ' || name, year + 30, age FROM y WHERE age < 40"
| unknown               |unknown                |age            |
+ =======               +=======                +===            +
| Name: Mel             |2024           |18             |
| Name: Gary            |2040           |38             |

From Here

As mentioned, this project is a vast simplification and there are plenty of bugs and subpar design choices. But hopefully it helps to make database development feel a little less intimidating!

If you liked this, here are some other things you might want to check out!

And of course, other posts on this blog. :)

Lastly, a few resources that helped me out while hacking on this:

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