Academic Books by Diane Hawley Nagatomo
How do teachers who have chosen to settle down in one country manage the difficulties of living a... more How do teachers who have chosen to settle down in one country manage the difficulties of living and teaching English in that country? How do they develop and sustain their careers, and what factors shape their identity? This book answers these questions by investigating the personal and professional identity development of ten Western women who teach English in various educational contexts in Japan, all of whom have Japanese spouses. The book covers issues of interracial relationships, expatriation, equality and employment practices as well as the broader topics of gender and identity. The book also provides a useful overview of English language teaching and learning in Japan.
This book contributes to the growing field of EFL teacher identity, which is now recognized to in... more This book contributes to the growing field of EFL teacher identity, which is now recognized to influence numerous aspects of classroom teaching and of student learning. It focuses on an under-researched, and yet highly influential group of teachers that shape English language education in Japan: Japanese university English teachers. In three interrelated narrative studies, it examines how four relatively new teachers develop professional identity as they become members of the community of practice of university English teachers; how gender impacts the professional identity of seven female professors ranging in age from their early 30s to their 60s; and how one teacher's teaching practices and beliefs reflect her personal and professional identity.
Papers by Diane Hawley Nagatomo
金星堂 eBooks, 2003
Why do you go to school?—Education I’m on a budget—Money Do you want to go out?—Dating It’s the w... more Why do you go to school?—Education I’m on a budget—Money Do you want to go out?—Dating It’s the whole truth!—White Lies Do you really believe in that?—Superstitions Where are you going to work?—Job Hunting I’m all stressed out!—Stress Haven’t you got enough yet?—Affluenza Will you marry me?—Marriage Who does what?—Gender Roles〔ほか〕
お茶の水女子大学人文科学研究, Mar 1, 2005
Multilingual Matters eBooks, Dec 31, 2012
1 単語力を高める(子どもたち、自宅、妻、子どもとの時間;通勤、職場、部署、残業 ほか) 2 作文力を高める(I am/You are/He/She/It is、This is/These ar... more 1 単語力を高める(子どもたち、自宅、妻、子どもとの時間;通勤、職場、部署、残業 ほか) 2 作文力を高める(I am/You are/He/She/It is、This is/These are/That is/Those are;There is/There are、Let’s ほか) 3 表現力を高める(私はスポーツが大好きです/私は箱根に車で行きました/昨日はいい天気でした;私の血液型はAB型です/私はピアノを弾くことが好きです/もう一度言っていただけますか ほか) 4 会話力を高める(人と会う;仕事 ほか) 5 トライアルメニュー(会話を完成させよう!;物語を話してみよう! ほか) 「英会話用基本語い1250」リスト
1 Simply Basic(Dear Diary;Letter Writing;Filling Out Forms ほか) 2 Simply Skillful(What Is He Like?... more 1 Simply Basic(Dear Diary;Letter Writing;Filling Out Forms ほか) 2 Simply Skillful(What Is He Like?;What Do You Think?;Making Comparisons ほか) 3 Simply Successful(Factual Writing;What’s Paragraph?;Building a Paragraph ほか)

Foreign Female English Teachers in Japanese Higher Education: Narratives From Our Quarter., 2020
The goal of this book is to provide information, inspiration, and mentorship to teachers (namely ... more The goal of this book is to provide information, inspiration, and mentorship to teachers (namely foreign women, but not restricted to such) as they navigate the gendered waters of teaching English in Japanese higher education. Such a book is timely because foreign female university teachers are outnumbered by their foreign male colleagues by nearly three to one. This imbalance, however, is likely to change as reforms in hiring policies (which have until recently generally favored male applicants) have been widely implemented to encourage more female teachers and researchers. The narratives by the contributors to this book offer a kaleidoscope of experiences that transverse several loosely connected and overlapping themes. This book is, in a sense, a “girlfriend’s guide to teaching in a Japanese university” in that it provides much practical information from those who are already in the field. It covers areas such as gaining entry into Japanese higher education teaching, searching fo...

The Language Teacher, 2011
Japanese teachers of English in Japanese higher education are an under-researched, yet a highly i... more Japanese teachers of English in Japanese higher education are an under-researched, yet a highly influential group of teachers. A yearlong case study with one teacher, a literature specialist who is relatively new at teaching English, was conducted. Through multiple interviews and classroom observations, it was found that the teacher’s beliefs toward language learning and language teaching are deeply rooted in how she successfully learned English and are shaped by her love for literature. The paper concludes with a call for more qualitative and quantitative research investigating the teaching practices and the English pedagogical beliefs of Japanese university English teachers in order to deepen our understanding of English language education in Japan. 日本の高等教育機関における日本人の英語教師の役割は大きいにもかかわらず、これまで十分に研究の対象になって来なかった。文学が専門の比較的経験の浅い1人の教師を対象として1年間、ケーススタディを行った。数回のインタビューおよび教室での観察を通じて、その教師の言語学習・言語教授についての本人の信条が、自分の英語学習における成功体験および文学への愛情に少なからず影響されていることが判明した。本論では、日本における英語教育の理解を深めるためには、大学教師がどのような教育を行っ...

The Language Teacher, 2013
The eikaiwa [conversation] business in Japan is a multi-billion dollar industry, and yet very lit... more The eikaiwa [conversation] business in Japan is a multi-billion dollar industry, and yet very little empirical research has been conducted on its teachers or its students. An online survey focusing on the pedagogical and personal issues of one group of eikaiwa teachers (foreign women who are married to Japanese men) was constructed and distributed. Results from the 31 respondents indicate an ongoing overlapping struggle with their teaching in balancing their families’ personal and financial needs, their relationships with their students, and the gendered constraints imposed upon them by Japanese society. The paper ends with a call for more research of all eikaiwa teachers in more eikaiwa contexts. 日本における英会話産業は今や数十億ドル産業だが、それに携わる教師や生徒についての実証的な研究はこれまでほとんど行われていない。本論では、英会話学校の教師(いずれも日本人男性と結婚している外国人女性)を対象に、教育に関する問題および個人的な問題についてのオンライン調査を実施した。31名の教師より得た回答から、彼女らがそれぞれの家庭の問題や経済的な問題、生徒たちとの関係、そして日本社会が課している女性特有の制約といった複数の問題とバランスを取りながら、教育活動を行うことに常に苦労している現状が明らかになった。最後に、本論は、今後より多くの英会話学校の教師について、さらに多くの研...
Glossary of Terms Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Japanese Context Chapter 3 1980s Until Toda... more Glossary of Terms Chapter 1 IntroductionChapter 2 The Japanese Context Chapter 3 1980s Until TodayChapter 4 Gender Issues Surrounding English in JapanChapter 5 Methods Chapter 6 Destination JapanChapter 7 Running an Eikaiwa Business Chapter 8 The JugglersChapter 9 The Full Timers Chapter 10 Concluding CommentsReferences
Academic Books by Diane Hawley Nagatomo
Papers by Diane Hawley Nagatomo
All participants in this study report difficulties in balancing their professional and private lives. Sociopolitical attitudes that view women as wives and mothers shape how students, faculty, administrative staff, and even their foreign male colleagues interact with them, making them feel less respected and that they are held to different standards than male teachers.
Accepting themselves as outsiders in their workplaces, these women concentrate on their own research and teaching, imagining a future workplace community that will value them for the work that they do. They cultivate relationships with sympathetic male and female colleagues, and they try to participate in and build up female networking opportunities in order to improve their employment status as teachers in Japan to their professional identities.