Even-numbered terms a(2k) are A002872: 2,7,31,164,999 ("Sorting numbers"); odd-numbered terms are its binomial transform, A080337. The symmetrical set partitions of {-n,...,-1,0,1,...,n} can be classified by the partition containing 0. Thus we get the sum over k of {n choose k} times the number of symmetrical set partitions of 2n-2k elements. - Don Knuth, Nov 23 2003
Number of partitions of n numbers that are symmetrical and cannot be nested (i.e., include a pattern of the form abab). - Douglas Boffey, May 21 2015
Number of achiral color patterns in a row or loop of length n. Two color patterns are equivalent if the colors are permuted. - Robert A. Russell, Apr 23 2018
Also the number of self-complementary set partitions of {1, ..., n}. The complement of a set partition pi of {1, ..., n} is defined as n + 1 - pi (elementwise) on page 3 of Callan. For example, the complement of {{1,5},{2},{3,6},{4}} is {{1,4},{2,6},{3},{5}}. - Gus Wiseman, Feb 13 2019
D. E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, vol. 4A, Combinatorial Algorithms, Section (p. 765).
Alois P. Heinz, Table of n, a(n) for n = 0..1000
Zhanar Berikkyzy, Pamela E. Harris, Anna Pun, Catherine Yan, and Chenchen Zhao, Combinatorial Identities for Vacillating Tableaux, arXiv:2308.14183 [math.CO], 2023. See p. 18.
David Callan, On conjugates for set partitions and integer compositions, arXiv:math/0508052 [math.CO], 2005.
Juan B. Gil and Luiz E. Lopez, Enumeration of symmetric arc diagrams, arXiv:2203.10589 [math.CO], 2022.
S. V. Pemmaraju and S. S. Skiena, The New Combinatorica, 2001.
Frank Ruskey, Set Partitions
Knuth gives recurrences and generating functions.
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..t(n)} (-1)^k*A125810(n,k) where A125810 is a triangle of coefficients for a q-analog of the Bell numbers and t(n)=A125811(n)-1. - Paul D. Hanna, Jan 19 2009
From Robert A. Russell, Apr 23 2018: (Start)
a(n) = Sum_{k=0..n} Ach(n,k) where
Ach(n,k) = [n>1]*(k*Ach(n-2,k)+Ach(n-2,k-1)+Ach(n-2,k-2)) + [n<2]*[n==k]*[n>=0].
Of the set partitions of 4, the following 7 are invariant under 1->4, 2->3, 3->2, 4->1: {{1,2,3,4}}, {{1,2},{3,4}}, {{1,4},{2,3}}, {{1,3},{2,4}}, {{1},{2,3},{4}}, {{1,4},{2},{3}}, {{1},{2},{3},{4}}, so a(4)=7.
For a(4)=7, the row patterns are AAAA, AABB, ABAB, ABBA, ABBC, ABCA, and ABCD (same as previous example). The loop patterns are AAAA, AAAB, AABB, AABC, ABAB, ABAC, and ABCD. - Robert A. Russell, Apr 23 2018
From Gus Wiseman, Feb 13 2019: (Start)
The a(1) = 1 through a(5) = 12 self-complementary set partitions:
{{1}} {{12}} {{123}} {{1234}} {{12345}}
{{1}{2}} {{13}{2}} {{12}{34}} {{1245}{3}}
{{1}{2}{3}} {{13}{24}} {{135}{24}}
{{14}{23}} {{15}{234}}
{{1}{23}{4}} {{1}{234}{5}}
{{14}{2}{3}} {{12}{3}{45}}
{{1}{2}{3}{4}} {{135}{2}{4}}
<<DiscreteMath`NewCombinatorica`; Table[t = SetPartitions[n]; t= t /. Thread[Range[n] -> Range[n, 1, -1]]; t= 1 + RankSetPartition /@ t; t= ToCycles[t]; t= Cases[t, {_Integer}]; Length[t], {n, 7}]
(* second program: *)
QB[n_, q_] := QB[n, q] = Sum[QB[j, q] QBinomial[n-1, j, q], {j, 0, n-1}] // FunctionExpand // Simplify; QB[0, q_]=1; QB[1, q_]=1; Table[cc = CoefficientList[QB[n, q], q]; cc.Table[(-1)^(k+1), {k, 1, Length[cc]}], {n, 0, 30}] (* Jean-François Alcover, Feb 29 2016, after Paul D. Hanna *)
(* Ach[n, k] is the number of achiral color patterns for a row or loop of n
colors containing exactly k different colors *)
Ach[n_, k_] := Ach[n, k] = If[n<2, Boole[n==k && n>=0],
k Ach[n-2, k] + Ach[n-2, k-1] + Ach[n-2, k-2]]
Table[Sum[Ach[n, k], {k, 0, n}], {n, 0, 30}] (* Robert A. Russell, Apr 23 2018 *)
x[n_] := x[n] = If[n < 2, n+1, 2x[n-1] + (n-1)x[n-2]]; (* A005425 *)
Table[Sum[StirlingS2[Ceiling[n/2], k] x[k-Mod[n, 2]], {k, 0, Ceiling[n/2]}],
{n, 0, 30}] (* Robert A. Russell, Apr 27 2018, after Knuth reference *)
Wouter Meeussen, Mar 15 2003
Offset set to 0 by Alois P. Heinz, May 23 2015