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Eric Blalock, PhD


859 323-8033


  • Professor
  • Vice Chair of Department

College Unit(s)

Other Affiliation(s)
  • Pharmacology and Nutritional Sciences Primary Faculty
  • Nutritional Sciences Graduate Faculty

Biography and Education


1989 B.S. Biology, Wake Forest University 1997 PhD Pharmacology, University of Kentucky


Our lab uses cutting edge molecular, electrophysiologic, anatomic and behavioral techniques to study the influence of stress and sleep on aging brain function. We are particularly interested in how these changes may set the stage for age-related vulnerability to neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. In collaboration with other laboratories, we are also investigating myelin, vasculature, and glucose utilization-related issues using the aging rodent brain. Our lab also focuses on bioinformatic disciplines related to analysis and integration of large data sets within and across studies.

Selected Publications

Google Scholar Pubmed Publications