API Reference#
pw_cli: Enhance and accelerate custom command-line tooling
Utilities for file collection in a repository.
- pw_cli.collect_files.add_file_collection_arguments(parser: ArgumentParser) None #
Adds arguments required by
- pw_cli.collect_files.collect_files_in_current_repo(
- pathspecs: Collection[Path | str],
- tool_runner: ToolRunner,
- modified_since_git_ref: str | None = None,
- exclude_patterns: Collection[Pattern] = (),
- action_flavor_text: str = 'Collecting',
Collects files given a variety of pathspecs and maps them to their repo.
This is a relatively fuzzy file finder for projects tracked in a Git repo. It’s designed to adhere to the following constraints:
If a pathspec is a real file, unconditionally return it.
If no pathspecs are passed, collect from the current working directory.
Return the path of any files modified since modified_since_git_ref (which may be a branch, tag, or commit) that match the provided pathspecs.
Passing no pathspecs has the same behavior as passing . (everything in the current directory).
- Parameters:
pathspecs – Files or git pathspecs to collect files from. Wildcards (e.g. pw_cl*) are accepted.
tool_runner – The ToolRunner to use for Git operations.
modified_since_git_ref – If the passed pathspec is tracked by a git repo, it is excluded if unmodified since the specified pathspec. If the pathspec is None, no files are excluded.
exclude_patterns – A collection of exclude patterns to exclude from the set of collected files.
action_flavor_text – Replaces “Collecting” in the “Collecting all files in the foo repo” log message with a personalized string (e.g. “Formatting all files…”).
- Returns:
A dictionary mapping a GitRepo to a list of paths relative to that repo’s root that match the provided pathspecs. Files not tracked by any git repo are mapped to the None key.
- pw_cli.collect_files.file_summary(
- paths: Iterable[Path],
- levels: int = 2,
- max_lines: int = 12,
- max_types: int = 3,
- pad: str = ' ',
- pad_start: str = ' ',
- pad_end: str = ' ',
Summarizes a list of files by the file types in each directory.
Common helpful decorators for Python code.
- pw_cli.decorators.deprecated(deprecation_note: str)#
Deprecation decorator.
Emits a depreciation warning when the annotated function is used.
An additional deprecation note is required to redirect users to the appropriate alternative.
Class for describing file filter patterns.
- class pw_cli.file_filter.FileFilter(
- *,
- exclude: Iterable[Pattern | str] = (),
- endswith: Iterable[str] = (),
- name: Iterable[Pattern | str] = (),
- suffix: Iterable[str] = (),
Allows checking if a path matches a series of filters.
Positive filters (e.g. the file name matches a regex) and negative filters (path does not match a regular expression) may be applied.
- __init__(
- *,
- exclude: Iterable[Pattern | str] = (),
- endswith: Iterable[str] = (),
- name: Iterable[Pattern | str] = (),
- suffix: Iterable[str] = (),
Creates a FileFilter with the provided filters.
- Parameters:
endswith – True if the end of the path is equal to any of the passed strings
exclude – If any of the passed regular expresion match return False. This overrides and other matches.
name – Regexs to match with file names(pathlib.Path.name). True if the resulting regex matches the entire file name.
suffix – True if final suffix (as determined by pathlib.Path) is matched by any of the passed str.
- matches(path: str | Path) bool #
Returns true if the path matches any filter but not an exclude.
If no positive filters are specified, any paths that do not match a negative filter are considered to match.
If ‘path’ is a Path object it is rendered as a posix path (i.e. using “/” as the path seperator) before testing with ‘exclude’ and ‘endswith’.
- pw_cli.file_filter.exclude_paths(
- exclusions: Iterable[Pattern[str]],
- paths: Iterable[Path],
- relative_to: Path | None = None,
Excludes paths based on a series of regular expressions.
Helpers for finding config files.
- pw_cli.find_config.configs_in_parents(config_file_name: str, path: Path) Iterator[Path] #
Finds all config files in a file’s parent directories.
Given the following file system:
/ (root) home/ gregory/ foo.conf pigweed/ foo.conf pw_cli/ baz.txt
Calling this with
, the following config files will be yielded in order:/home/gregory/pigweed/foo.conf
- Parameters:
config_file_name – The basename of the config file of interest.
path – The path to search for config files from.
- Yields:
The paths to all config files that match the provided
, ordered from nearest topath
to farthest.
- pw_cli.find_config.paths_by_nearest_config(
- config_file_name: str,
- paths: Iterable[Path],
Groups a series of paths by their nearest config file.
For each path in
, a lookup of the nearest matching config file is performed. Each identified config file is inserted as a key to the dictionary, and the value of each entry is a list containing every input file path that will use said config file. This is well suited for batching calls to tools that require a config file as a passed argument.Example:
paths_by_config = paths_by_nearest_config( 'settings.ini', paths, ) for conf, grouped_paths: subprocess.run( ( 'format_files', '--config', conf, *grouped_paths, ) )
- Parameters:
config_file_name – The basename of the config file of interest.
paths – The paths that should be mapped to their nearest config.
- Returns:
A dictionary mapping the path of a config file to files that will pick up that config as their nearest config file.
Helpful commands for working with a Git repository.
- exception pw_cli.git_repo.GitError(args: Iterable[str], message: str, returncode: int)#
A Git-raised exception.
- __init__(args: Iterable[str], message: str, returncode: int) None #
- class pw_cli.git_repo.GitRepo(root: Path, tool_runner: ToolRunner)#
Represents a checked out Git repository that may be queried for info.
- __init__(root: Path, tool_runner: ToolRunner)#
- commit_author(commit: str = 'HEAD') str #
Returns the author of the specified commit.
Defaults to
if no commit specified.- Returns:
Commit author as a string.
- commit_change_id(commit: str = 'HEAD') str | None #
Returns the Gerrit Change-Id of the specified commit.
Defaults to
if no commit specified.- Returns:
Change-Id as a string, or
if it does not exist.
- commit_date(commit: str = 'HEAD') datetime #
Returns the datetime of the specified commit.
Defaults to
if no commit specified.- Returns:
Commit datetime as a datetime object.
- commit_hash(commit: str = 'HEAD', short: bool = True) str #
Returns the hash associated with the specified commit.
Defaults to
if no commit specified.- Returns:
Commit hash as a string.
- commit_message(commit: str = 'HEAD') str #
Returns the commit message of the specified commit.
Defaults to
if no commit specified.- Returns:
Commit message contents as a string.
- current_branch() str | None #
Returns the current branch, or None if it cannot be determined.
- has_uncommitted_changes() bool #
Returns True if this Git repo has uncommitted changes in it.
Note: This does not check for untracked files.
- Returns:
True if the Git repo has uncommitted changes in it.
- list_files(commit: str | None = None, pathspecs: Collection[Path | str] = ()) list[Path] #
Lists files modified since the specified commit.
is not found in the current repo, all files in the repository are listed.- Arugments:
commit: The Git hash to start from when listing modified files pathspecs: Git pathspecs use when filtering results
- Returns:
A sorted list of absolute paths.
- list_submodules(excluded_paths: Collection[Pattern | str] = ()) list[Path] #
Query Git and return a list of submodules in the current project.
- Parameters:
excluded_paths – Pattern or string that match submodules that should not be returned. All matches are done on posix-style paths relative to the project root.
- Returns:
List of “Path”s which were found but not excluded. All paths are absolute.
- root() Path #
The root file path of this Git repository.
- Returns:
The repository root as an absolute path.
- tracking_branch(fallback: str | None = None) str | None #
Returns the tracking branch of the current branch.
Since most callers of this function can safely handle a return value of None, suppress exceptions and return None if there is no tracking branch.
- Returns:
the remote tracking branch name or None if there is none
- class pw_cli.git_repo.GitRepoFinder(tool_runner: ToolRunner)#
An efficient way to map files to the repo that tracks them (if any).
This class is optimized to minimize subprocess calls to git so that many file paths can efficiently be mapped to their parent repo.
- __init__(tool_runner: ToolRunner)#
- find_git_repo(path_in_repo: Path | str) GitRepo | None #
Finds the git repo that contains this pathspec.
- Returns:
A GitRepo if the file is enclosed by a Git repository, otherwise returns None.
- make_pathspec_relative(pathspec: Path | str) tuple[GitRepo | None, str] #
Finds the root repo of a pathspec, and then relativizes the pathspec.
Example: Assuming a repo at external/foo_repo/ and a pathspec of external/foo_repo/ba*, returns a GitRepo at external/foo_repo and a relativized pathspec of ba*.
- Parameters:
pathspec – The pathspec to relativize.
- Returns:
The GitRepo of the pathspec and the pathspec relative to the parent repo’s root as a tuple. If the pathspec is not tracked by a repo, the GitRepo is None and the pathspec is returned as-is.
- pw_cli.git_repo.describe_git_pattern(
- working_dir: Path,
- commit: str | None,
- pathspecs: Collection[Path | str],
- exclude: Collection[Pattern],
- tool_runner: ToolRunner,
- project_root: Path | None = None,
Provides a description for a set of files in a Git repo.
files in the pigweed repo - that have changed since origin/main..HEAD - that do not match 7 patterns (…)
The unit tests for this function are the source of truth for the expected output.
- Returns:
A multi-line string with descriptive information about the provided Git pathspecs.
- pw_cli.git_repo.find_git_repo(path_in_repo: Path, tool_runner: ToolRunner) GitRepo #
Tries to find the root of the Git repo that owns
.- Raises:
GitError – The specified path does not live in a Git repository.
- Returns:
A GitRepo representing the the enclosing repository that tracks the specified file or folder.
- pw_cli.git_repo.is_in_git_repo(p: Path, tool_runner: ToolRunner) bool #
Returns true if the specified path is tracked by a Git repository.
- Returns:
True if the specified file or folder is tracked by a Git repository.
Tools for configuring Python logging.
- pw_cli.log.all_loggers() Iterator[Logger] #
Iterates over all loggers known to Python logging.
- pw_cli.log.c_to_py_log_level(c_level: int) int #
Converts pw_log C log-level macros to Python logging levels.
- pw_cli.log.install(
- level: str | int = 20,
- use_color: bool | None = None,
- hide_timestamp: bool = False,
- log_file: str | Path | None = None,
- logger: Logger | None = None,
- debug_log: str | Path | None = None,
- time_format: str = '%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S',
- msec_format: str = '%s,%03d',
- include_msec: bool = False,
- message_format: str = '%(levelname)s %(message)s',
Configures the system logger for the default pw command log format.
If you have Python loggers separate from the root logger you can use pw_cli.log.install to get the Pigweed log formatting there too. For example:
import logging import pw_cli.log pw_cli.log.install( level=logging.INFO, use_color=True, hide_timestamp=False, log_file=(Path.home() / 'logs.txt'), logger=logging.getLogger(__package__), )
- Parameters:
level – The logging level to apply. Default: logging.INFO.
use_color – When True include ANSI escape sequences to colorize log messages.
hide_timestamp – When True omit timestamps from the log formatting.
log_file – File to send logs into instead of the terminal.
logger – Python Logger instance to install Pigweed formatting into. Defaults to the Python root logger: logging.getLogger().
debug_log – File to log to from all levels, regardless of chosen log level. Logs will go here in addition to the terminal.
time_format – Default time format string.
msec_format – Default millisecond format string. This should be a format string that accepts a both a string
and an integer%d
. The default Python format for this string is%s,%03d
.include_msec – Whether or not to include the millisecond part of log timestamps.
message_format – The message format string. By default this includes levelname and message. The asctime field is prepended to this unless hide_timestamp=True.
- pw_cli.log.main() int #
Shows how logs look at various levels.
- pw_cli.log.set_all_loggers_minimum_level(level: int) None #
Increases the log level to the specified value for all known loggers.
provides general purpose plugin functionality. The
module can be used to create plugins for command line tools, interactive
consoles, or anything else. Pigweed’s pw
command uses this module for its
To use plugins, create a pw_cli.plugins.Registry
. The registry may
have an optional validator function that checks plugins before they are
registered (see pw_cli.plugins.Registry.__init__()
Plugins may be registered in a few different ways.
Direct function call. Register plugins by calling
.import pw_cli _REGISTRY = pw_cli.plugins.Registry() _REGISTRY.register('plugin_name', my_plugin) _REGISTRY.register_by_name('plugin_name', 'module_name', 'function_name')
Decorator. Register using the
decorator.import pw_cli _REGISTRY = pw_cli.plugins.Registry() # This function is registered as the "my_plugin" plugin. @_REGISTRY.plugin def my_plugin(): pass # This function is registered as the "input" plugin. @_REGISTRY.plugin(name='input') def read_something(): pass
The decorator may be aliased to give a cleaner syntax (e.g.
register = my_registry.plugin
).Plugins files. Plugins files use a simple format:
# Comments start with "#". Blank lines are ignored. name_of_the_plugin module.name module_member another_plugin some_module some_function
These files are placed in the file system and apply similarly to Git’s
files. From Python, these files are registered usingpw_cli.plugins.Registry.register_file()
Provides general purpose plugin functionality.
As used in this module, a plugin is a Python object associated with a name. Plugins are registered in a Registry. The plugin object is typically a function, but can be anything.
Plugins may be loaded in a variety of ways:
Listed in a plugins file in the file system (e.g. as “name module target”).
Registered in a Python file using a decorator (@my_registry.plugin).
Registered directly or by name with function calls on a registry object.
This functionality can be used to create plugins for command line tools, interactive consoles, or anything else. Pigweed’s pw command uses this module for its plugins.
- exception pw_cli.plugins.Error#
Indicates that a plugin is invalid or cannot be registered.
- class pw_cli.plugins.Plugin(name: str, target: Any, source: Path | None = None)#
Represents a Python entity registered as a plugin.
Each plugin resolves to a Python object, typically a function.
- __init__(name: str, target: Any, source: Path | None = None) None #
Creates a plugin for the provided target.
- classmethod from_name(name: str, module_name: str, member_name: str, source: Path | None) Plugin #
Creates a plugin by module and attribute name.
- Parameters:
name – the name of the plugin
module_name – Python module name (e.g. ‘foo_pkg.bar’)
member_name – the name of the member in the module
source – path to the plugins file that declared this plugin, if any
- help(full: bool = False) str #
Returns a description of this plugin from its docstring.
- run_with_argv(argv: Iterable[str]) int #
Sets sys.argv and calls the plugin function.
This is used to call a plugin as if from the command line.
- class pw_cli.plugins.Registry(validator: ~typing.Callable[[~pw_cli.plugins.Plugin], ~typing.Any] = <function Registry.<lambda>>)#
Manages a set of plugins from Python modules or plugins files.
- __init__(validator: ~typing.Callable[[~pw_cli.plugins.Plugin], ~typing.Any] = <function Registry.<lambda>>) None #
Creates a new, empty plugins registry.
- Parameters:
validator – Function that checks whether a plugin is valid and should be registered. Must raise plugins.Error is the plugin is invalid.
- detailed_help(plugins: Iterable[str] = ()) Iterator[str] #
Yields lines of detailed information about commands.
- plugin(
- function: Callable | None = None,
- *,
- name: str | None = None,
Decorator that registers a function with this plugin registry.
- register_by_name(
- name: str,
- module_name: str,
- member_name: str,
- source: Path | None = None,
Registers an object from its module and name as a plugin.
- register_config(config: dict, path: Path | None = None) None #
Registers plugins from a Pigweed config.
Any exceptions raised from parsing the file are caught and logged.
- register_directory(directory: Path, file_name: str, restrict_to: Path | None = None) None #
Finds and registers plugins from plugins files in a directory.
- Parameters:
directory – The directory from which to start searching up.
file_name – The name of plugins files to look for.
restrict_to – If provided, do not search higher than this directory.
- register_file(path: Path) None #
Registers plugins from a plugins file.
Any exceptions raised from parsing the file are caught and logged.
- run_with_argv(name: str, argv: Iterable[str]) int #
Runs a plugin by name, setting sys.argv to the provided args.
This is used to run a command as if it were executed directly from the command line. The plugin is expected to return an int.
- Raises:
KeyError if plugin is not registered. –
- short_help() str #
Returns a help string for the registered plugins.
- pw_cli.plugins.callable_with_no_args(plugin: Plugin) None #
Checks that a plugin is callable without arguments.
May be used for the validator argument to Registry.
- pw_cli.plugins.find_all_in_parents(name: str, path: Path) Iterator[Path] #
Searches all parent directories of the path for files or directories.
- pw_cli.plugins.find_in_parents(name: str, path: Path) Path | None #
Searches parent directories of the path for a file or directory.
- pw_cli.plugins.import_submodules(module: ModuleType, recursive: bool = False) None #
Imports the submodules of a package.
This can be used to collect plugins registered with a decorator from a directory.
Utilities for handling singular/plural forms in logs and tooling.
- pw_cli.plural.plural(
- items_or_count,
- singular: str,
- count_format='',
- these: bool = False,
- number: bool = True,
- are: bool = False,
- exist: bool = False,
Returns the singular or plural form of a word based on a count.
- Parameters:
items_or_count – Number of items or a collection of items
singular – Singular form of the name of the item
count_format – .format()-style specification for items_or_count
these – Prefix the string with “this” or “these”, depending on number
number – Include the number in the return string (e.g., “3 things” vs. “things”)
are – Suffix the string with “is” or “are”, depending on number
exist – Suffix the string with “exists” or “exist”, depending on number
Attractive status output to the terminal (and other places if you want).
- class pw_cli.status_reporter.LoggingStatusReporter(logger: Logger)#
Print status lines to logs instead of to the terminal.
- __init__(logger: Logger) None #
- class pw_cli.status_reporter.StatusReporter#
Print user-friendly status reports to the terminal for CLI tools.
You can instead redirect these lines to logs without formatting by substituting
. Consumers of this should be designed to take any subclass and not make assumptions about where the output will go. But the reason you would choose this over plain logging is because you want to support pretty-printing to the terminal.This is also “themable” in the sense that you can subclass this, override the methods with whatever formatting you want, and supply the subclass to anything that expects an instance of this.
info: Plain ol’ informational status.
ok: Something was checked and it was okay.
new: Something needed to be changed/updated and it was successfully.
wrn: Warning, non-critical.
err: Error, critical.
This doesn’t expose the %-style string formatting that is used in idiomatic Python logging, but this shouldn’t be used for performance-critical logging situations anyway.
- demo()#
Run this to see what your status reporter output looks like.
A subprocess wrapper that enables injection of externally-provided tools.
- class pw_cli.tool_runner.ToolRunner#
A callable interface that runs the requested tool as a subprocess.
This class is used to support subprocess-like semantics while allowing injection of wrappers that enable testing, finer granularity identifying where tools fail, and stricter control of which binaries are called.
By default, all subprocess output is captured.
- __call__(
- tool: str,
- args: Iterable[str | Path],
- stdout: int | None = -1,
- stderr: int | None = -1,
- **kwargs,
with the providedargs
are forwarded to the underlyingsubprocess.run()
for the requested tool.By default, all subprocess output is captured.
- Returns:
result of running the requested tool.
- static _custom_args() Iterable[str] #
List of additional keyword arguments accepted by this tool.
By default, all kwargs passed into a tool are forwarded to
. However, some tools have extra arguments custom to them, which are not valid forsubprocess.run()
. Tools requiring these custom args should override this method, listing the arguments they accept.To make filtering custom arguments possible, they must be prefixed with
- abstract _run_tool(tool: str, args, **kwargs) CompletedProcess #
Implements the subprocess runner logic.
with the providedargs
not listed in_custom_args
are forwarded to the underlyingsubprocess.run()
for the requested tool.- Returns:
result of running the requested tool.
- class pw_cli.tool_runner.BasicSubprocessRunner#
A simple ToolRunner that calls subprocess.run().