i love clocks

cogs and wheels and beautiful faces -- tic-toc, tic-toc
120 Pins
[CLOCK] rat_2665's Historical clocks for CHT - new clock with separated seconds hand
16th Century astronomical clock in Ulm, Germany
Beyer Jewelers & Museum Celebrating 250 Years In Business: Zurich, Switzerland [Part 4 of 5]
The planetarium clock pictured below is an absolute work of art. It was made in 1770 in Paris.
„Времето, както се предполага, е четвъртото измерение. И все пак, за нас простосмъртните, времето няма никакво измерение. Ние сме като коне с капаци, виждайки само това, което стои пред нас, …
Dot & Bo – Furniture and Décor for the Modern Lifestyle
Louton Large Desk Clock | dotandbo.com
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Easy to read clock design by Doug Jackson
Dot & Bo – Furniture and Décor for the Modern Lifestyle
Mechanical Wonder Mantel Clock | dotandbo.com