Crz1 localization bursts are partially independent of other cellular processes and affect downstream gene expression. a, Time traces of Crz1-mCherry localization (blue) in arbitrary units and FRET ratio changes (black), indicating intracellular calcium levels. Arrows indicate spontaneous calcium spikes coincident with Crz1 localization bursts. b, Single-cell time traces of Crz1-mCherry (blue) and the Crz1high-GFP mutant (green) with increased affinity to calcineurin. Both Crz1 proteins are expressed and measured simultaneously in the same cell. c, single-cell traces of Crz1-mCherry and Msn2-GFP in the same cell. Note that the two proteins exhibit statistically similar burst-like behavior but only weak correlation. d, Crz1-mCherry localization (blue) increases expression of the Crz1 target synthetic promoter (2X CDRE) (red). Transcriptional bursts in p2XCDRE-venus are preceded by corresponding Crz1 localization bursts. Inset shows positive cross-correlation (n=9 cells) between the promoter activity and Crz1 localization with a delay corresponding to target protein maturation. Error bars are estimated from bootstrap.