This is the tale of a shinobi who received a secret mission to help the revival of Iga. Amidst the looming threat of Oda Nobunaga's and Koga's massive armies, during the escalating ferocity of the war, three lower-ranked Iga shinobi, reach...See moreThis is the tale of a shinobi who received a secret mission to help the revival of Iga. Amidst the looming threat of Oda Nobunaga's and Koga's massive armies, during the escalating ferocity of the war, three lower-ranked Iga shinobi, reach a cave deep within the dense forest. What they witnessed there was the lifeless body of Yoshimori who was an Iga genin who had betrayed their own by colluding with Koga. Takanosuke and his comrades were entrusted with a mission to trace Yoshimori's whereabouts. However, beside Yoshimori's body lies a female shinobi. Her hands are bound, her eyes covered by a blindfold, and a gag muffles her cries. This is a secret cave known only to the shinobi of Iga. Unacquainted with the female shinobi named Sawa, Takanosuke and his companions speculate that she must be one of Yoshimori's allies, undoubtedly a Koga kunoichi. Yet, when Sawa's blindfold is removed, she gazes upon Yoshimori's corpse in astonishment. Suddenly, the sound of gunfire echoes nearby. Danger threatened even this secret cavern. Impatient with such a dire situation, one of the three shinobi takes a harsh stance against Sawa, pressing her for answers.
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