2018-2019 HS

68 Pins
101 Nature Study Ideas for Homeschoolers
101 nature study ideas to try with your kids. Perfect for homeschooling families who are looking to bring the outdoors into their learning space | Waldorf inspired activities | Charlotte Mason inspired ideas | Homeschool lesson planning | Activities for families
Field Pack Contents for nature study days (plus snacks) Instagram photo by @farmhouse_schoolhouse
10 Tips for Learning Watercolor - Lines Across
10 tips for learning watercolor - great for beginners #watercolors #painting #tutorials #beginners
Getting Started Laying Down the Rails
Piney Woods Homeschool: Getting Started Laying Down the Rails
Laying Down the Rails for Children
Laying Down the Rails for Children is an excellent addition to a homeschooling library. It's a resource to continue to use as your children grow.
Teaching Children Hospitality - FREE Printable! - Blessed Beyond A Doubt
How to teach our kids hospitality with this FREE printable!
A Kinder Alternative to The Elf on the Shelf - My Little Robins
25 Kindness Elf Ideas: http://mylittlerobins.com/2016/11/elf/
A 3-Part Homeschool Routine: Morning Time, Table Time, & Tea Time - Sonlight Homeschooling Blog
My homeschool routine follows a natural rhythm, gently weaving learning time into my daily life in 3 parts: Morning Time, Table Time, and Tea Time.
Love and Logic Parenting in the Charlotte Mason Home - My Little Robins
Love and logic parenting is a philosophy we use in our Charlotte Mason home. See where it lines up, and where it doesn't.
Narration Helps
Narration is a cornerstone of a Charlotte Mason homeschool. Forget workbooks, expensive craft kits, and complicated busy work. Narration is a learning method that can be used for any age and for any subject. One of the greatest things about this...
Creating a Mason Atmosphere on a Dime by Carroll Smith
Charlotte Mason school room on a dime... love this post, both the philosophy and the practical ideas (my son's classroom)
Our Start-the-Day-Together Basket
Our Start-the-Day-Together Basket-a great morning routine to unify a family of independent learners-The Unlikely Homeschool