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816 Pins
Entrenador de Calistenia on Instagram: "Asi se hacen las Dominadas Australianas✅ . . #calistenia #fitness #gym #streetworkout #calisthenics #workout #pullups #rutina"
Yoga Practice Manual on Instagram: "Working on middle splits? Always…. Follow @yogapracticemanual for more yoga content! 🧘‍♀️ Don’t forget to 📂 save for later! Reposted from @kaivalyayogi ——— Middle Split stretching 🔥 unlock Your Hips Are you going to try it? 🙏😄 ❤️ . @kaivalyayogi . 👉 Drill’s - Alternating Half Middle Split. 2x20 Each Sides - Utkata konasana . 2x 20 times - Side Lunge . 2x 30 times - Baddhakonasana + leg’s open . 30 times - wide- Angle Seated Pose . 1 Minutes . . Save it for your practice and give some love to your hips 🔥😄🤗🙏 #yogainspiration #yogaeveryday #meditation #reels #explore #exercise #hipmobility #trendingreels #viral #yogachallenges #yogateachers #motivation #getfit #dance #mudra #hippain"
𝙑𝙞𝙠𝙩𝙤𝙧 𝙃𝙖𝙡𝙙 𝙏𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙪𝙥 OLY on Instagram: "SKATER LEGS 🔥Looking for glutes and quads gains or becoming a little better at skating❓ Give these jumps a try! 30 seconds of work / 30 seconds of rest… Until you can’t! You can do the full length workout with me if you hop over on my Youtube channel! 📺 💪⏱️#glutes #quads #legday #skaterlegs #dryland #offskate #Novel #speedskating #bodyweightworkout #trainsmart"
Kullanis manamteang on Instagram: "น่องใหญ่น่องปูดท่านี้ดีมาก #ลดขาใหญ่ #กระชับต้นขา #ลดน่อง #legsworkout #legsexercise #homeworkout #exercisemotivation #fitgirl #reels"
Tatiana Frolova • Pelvic floor • Diastasic • Posture on Instagram: "Совет от женского тренера и мамы 5х👇 Итак, «домик» это ситуация, при которой живот вздымается во время нагрузки! Это дискординация работы мышц живота, тазовой и грудной диафрагмы, при которой пресс НЕ включается правильным образом. С «домиком» мы, мало того, что пресс не укрепим, так еще спровоцирует напряжение/боли в пояснице, шее и мышцах тазового дна. Если упражняться с «домиком» в первый год после родов, то ещё и диастаз усугубим и пупочную/паховую грыжу заработаем. Поэтому, перед тем как приступить к сложной версии упражнений на пресс, важно отстроить технику и научиться контролировать домик из любого положения!!! По ссылке в описании страницы забирай бесплатный курс «Плоский живот после родов без диет и качани
Jaison Brito | Diqueiro on Instagram: "Vamos tonificar o corpo??? Esse exercício é perfeito 🔥💪🏼 #viral #reels #instagram #viralvideos #dica #mulher #dicas #homem #brasil #ideias #fit #fitnessmotivation #fitness #saude #saudeebemestar"
Aline Paulino Peres on Instagram: "Alcance sua Melhor Pancake com Facilidade! 🥞 A postura Pancake é incrível para desbloquear a flexibilidade dos quadris, fortalecer as pernas e aliviar tensões na lombar. Com os exercícios certos, você pode conquistar uma abertura de pernas mais profunda sem desconforto! Pratique regularmente e sinta seu corpo mais solto, forte e alinhado. Siga @aline_peres para mais dicas de flexibilidade e mobilidade! #PancakeStretch #Flexibilidade #Mobilidade #Alongamento #AberturaDePernas #CorpoLivre #YogaParaTodos"
325K views · 5.3K reactions | 3 MOUVEMENTS CONTRE LE MAL DE DOS.mov | Appuie sur le lien sur mon profil pour retrouver un corps souple, fort et sans douleurs. À bientôt ! | By Niko Mobilité | Did you know that if you do this exercise for a minute, followed by this exercise for a minutes and to finish, you do this exercise, you have one of the ideal recipes to avoid back pain and correct your posture almost effortlessly. Actually, what you need to understand is that the health of your spine depends on how many different movements you practice throughout the day. If you spend your life everyday driving, eating, working on a computer, using your phone, your spine, it doesn't have time to work on twisting, lateral extensions or anything. If you take even three minutes in the morning, three minutes, afternoon, or any time of the day to give her the flexibility, alignment and mobility she deserves. Well, your spine will make you 00 times and a happy spine is happy human beings. Hi, my name is Nico Mobility, my job is to help people like you find the pleasure of living in a strong, flexible and pain-free body. I share a video a day on this account in which I give you examples of movements, tips and tips to maintain your mobility and regain the pleasure of living in a strong, flexible, pain-free body. Don't hesitate to subscribe, see you tomorrow for a new video, ciao.
325K views · 5.3K reactions | 3 MOUVEMENTS CONTRE LE MAL DE DOS.mov | Appuie sur le lien sur mon profil pour retrouver un corps souple, fort et sans douleurs. À bientôt ! | By Niko Mobilité | Did you know that if you do this exercise for a minute, followed by this exercise for a minutes and to finish, you do this exercise, you have one of the ideal recipes to avoid back pain and correct your posture almost effortlessly. Actually, what you need to understand is that the health of your spine depends on how many different movements you practice throughout the day. If you spend your life everyday driving, eating, working on a computer, using your phone, your spine, it doesn't have time to work on twisting, lateral extensions or anything. If you take even three minutes in the morning, three mi
157K views · 3.3K reactions | Si vous avez un problème d'épaules. Cette vidéo est faite pour vous. LUTTONS CONTRE LE MAL VIEILLIR #luttonscontrelemalvieillir... | By ONG ECH'O La Canne Des Grands Parents | Facebook
157K views · 3.3K reactions | Si vous avez un problème d'épaules. Cette vidéo est faite pour vous. LUTTONS CONTRE LE MAL VIEILLIR #luttonscontrelemalvieillir... | By ONG ECH'O La Canne Des Grands Parents | Facebook
Mylène 🤸🏼‍♀️ Coach Sportive & Souplesse on Instagram: "Quelques exercices pour travailler la mobilité des hanches 🧘🏼‍♀️ Tout le monde n’a pas naturellement une grande souplesse des hanches ou des prédispositions pour le grand écart facial. Il est donc essentiel de mettre l’accent sur la mobilité afin de travailler vos articulations sans les traumatiser. 🧘🏼‍♀️ Je vois passer beaucoup de contenus sur les réseaux, où certaines personnes donnent des conseils en souplesse sans avoir une réelle conscience du travail que cela représente lorsqu’on ne possède pas de prédispositions naturelles ! Soyez vigilants et faites confiance à des professionnels dont c’est le métier 🙏🏼 Ici, vous ne trouverez jamais d’exercices “instagramables”, mais uniquement des conseils véritables et des exercic