Teacher's Book

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Apresentação do projeto My English Book 6 .......................................... 5

• Metas Curriculares de Inglês .................................................................. 10

Tapescripts ............................................................................................................. 13

Planificações anual e periodal ...................................................................... 25

Soluções .................................................................................................................. 33

• Festivities .................................................................................................... 34

• Exercícios My Ref Guide ........................................................................... 35

6 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

O projeto My English Book 6 destina-se aos alunos e professores de Inglês do 6.o ano e contempla os
seguintes componentes:

Para o Aluno
• My English Book (inclui My Ref Guide – sínteses gramaticais e exercícios + dicionário ilustrado)
• Three friends on holidays – extensive reading (Oferta)
• My Workbook
• CD Áudio (Oferta)

• www.myenglishbook6.asa.pt

Para o Professor
• My English Book (Edição do professor)
• CD Áudio

– Testing Book 6
– Teacher’s Book
– Planos de Aula
• www.myenglishbook6.asa.pt

My English Book (Manual do Aluno)

O Manual do Aluno é constituído por uma unidade 0, seguida de seis outras unidades. A última é dedi-
cada a datas/épocas festivas, possibilitando assim a sua abordagem oportuna através de exercícios criativos.

A unidade 0 pretende ser uma diagnose dos conhecimentos/competências adquiridas no ano transato.
As cinco unidades seguintes são constituídas por quatro subunidades. As três primeiras subunidades estão
estruturadas de modo a desenvolver todas as competências, através de atividades de listening/reading, reading
comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, writing. A quarta subunidade apresenta
uma canção/lengalengas/texto aos quais estão associadas atividades diversificadas, de estrutura variável. No
final desta subunidade existe o Let’s be good citizens, espaço destinado à abordagem de valores cívicos e/ou eco-

Cada unidade encerra com as rubricas:

• Focus on Grammar – exercícios de reforço gramatical;
• Check Test – ficha de verificação de conhecimentos e de treino/preparação para as fichas de avalia-
ção, que termina com um espaço denominado Time to reflect, onde cada aluno poderá refletir sobre a
sua progressão;
• Cultural File, que visa a aquisição de conhecimentos culturais sobre países de expressão inglesa: Reino
Unido, Estados Unidos da América, Irlanda, África do Sul, Austrália e Canadá.
Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6 7

A tipologia dos textos e dos exercícios é diversificada. A idealização dos exercícios teve ainda por base
um grau de dificuldade progressivo, alguns apresentando um caráter lúdico-didático.
Ao longo do manual existem remissões permanentes para o My Ref Guide, espaço constituído por um
dicionário ilustrado e sistematizações gramaticais teórico-práticas. O dicionário visa a contextualização do
vocabulário apresentado ao longo do manual de modo a promover o enriquecimento vocabular do aluno de
6.o ano. A sistematização gramatical apresenta, de uma forma mais completa, as explicações em português
de todos os itens gramaticais previstos para o 6.o ano, bem como exercícios de reforço/consolidação dos res-
petivos conteúdos. Ambos têm como objetivo primordial fomentar a autoaprendizagem dos alunos.
Todo o manual está estruturado de acordo com as Metas Curriculares de Inglês definidas pelo Ministé-
rio da Educação e permite o desenvolvimento equilibrado das competências inerentes à compreensão (oral,
escrita e audiovisual), interação (oral e escrita) e produção (oral e escrita), com o objetivo de atingir as
metas em conformidade com o determinado no Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas.

Three friends on holidays

Conto inédito, de José Orlando Strecht-Ribeiro e Maria do Céu Cortesão, que encerra com atividades de
pós-leitura e respetivas soluções. Destina-se à implementação de atividades de leitura extensiva na sala de aula.

My Workbook 6
8 fichas de trabalho por unidade, organizadas em 2 níveis de dificuldade – A e B – e devidamente arti-
culadas com todas as unidades do Manual, permitindo ao aluno estruturar os conhecimentos de forma pro-
gressiva. Cada unidade encerra com ficha de avaliação global. No final do livro encontram-se as soluções de
todas as atividades propostas.

CD Áudio
Vocalização dos textos, canções inéditas e registos áudio de suporte às atividades do manual, que con-
tribuem para um trabalho contínuo de reforço da comunicação/expressão oral.

Este componente possibilita a fácil exploração do projeto My English Book 6, através das novas tecno-
logias em sala de aula. Esta ferramenta inovadora permitirá tirar o melhor partido do seu projeto escolar, sim-
plificando o seu trabalho diário.

Para explorar e ir mais longe

Pode projetar e explorar páginas do manual em sala de aula e aceder a um vasto conjunto de conteúdos
multimédia em ligação com o manual, tornando a sua aula mais dinâmica:
• Vídeos – apresentam diálogos dos personagens principais em diversos contextos, contribuindo para
uma maior proximidade e identificação dos alunos com os personagens. Estes vídeos são comple-
mentados com atividades de exploração de texto que desenvolvem as competências de compreensão
oral e escrita.
8 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

• Animações – apresentam textos através de imagens animadas, complementadas com exercícios de

interpretação, bem como de exploração de gramática e vocabulário.
• Jogos – permitem a revisão da matéria, de forma mais apelativa, com especial destaque para a com-
ponente gramatical conjugando, assim, as vertentes lúdica e didática.
• Imagens – flashcards que possibilitam a exploração de vocabulário através de imagens com componente
áudio e de escrita associados.
• Karaoke – promovem a aquisição de vocabulário em momentos de aprendizagem apelativos e que pos-
sibilitam uma maior envolvência da turma, devido ao formato karaoke.
• Mapas interativos – proporcionam um aprofundamento cultural com recursos a imagens, através de um
mapa do Reino Unido e um mapa do mundo, com especial destaque para países de língua inglesa.
• Apresentações – exploram os principais aspetos gramaticais com respetiva explicitação e exercícios,
assim como, aspetos culturais, através de imagens com as principais características dos países de
expressão inglesa apresentados em cada Unidade.
• Testes interativos – apresentam um extenso banco de testes interativos, personalizáveis e organiza-
dos pelos diversos temas do manual.
• Áudios – encontram-se todas as faixas de áudio do manual, para que o professor possa aceder em sala
de aula, mesmo sem o CD Áudio.
• Links internet – permitem a consulta de endereços para páginas na internet de apoio às matérias, para
a obtenção de mais informação.

Preparação das aulas

• Para preparação das aulas, o permite-lhe:
– explorar as sequências de recursos digitais dos planos de aula criados para si, que apoiam a explo-
ração de aulas em projetor ou em quadro interativo;
– personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados por si.

Avaliação dos alunos

• Como ferramenta de avaliação, esta plataforma disponibiliza-lhe testes predefinidos ou ferramentas de
criação de novos testes à medida da sua turma, a partir de uma base de mais de 100 questões.
• Poderá ainda:
– personalizar os planos de aula com recursos do projeto ou materiais criados por si;
– imprimir os testes para distribuir, projetar em sala de aula ou enviar aos seus alunos com correção
– acompanhar o progresso dos alunos através de relatórios de avaliação detalhados.

Planos de Aula
Planos para todas as aulas do ano letivo, com a indicação das Metas Curriculares, que ajudam a alcan-
çar os objetivos definidos pelo Programa e a implementar um modelo de ensino-aprendizagem por metas.
Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6 9

Estes planos de aula, que reforçam a articulação entre todos os componentes do projeto, estarão disponí-
veis, em suporte editável, em .

Testing Book
– 10 written tests, em grau de dificuldade diferenciado – A e B –, devidamente articulados com as uni-
dades do manual (2 por unidade).
– 5 listening tests, em grau de dificuldade diferenciado – A e B (1 por cada unidade do manual).
– Soluções de todos os testes.
10 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Metas Curriculares de Inglês

Os domínios de referência definidos, para cada ano, na disciplina de Inglês traduzem a visão de uma
aprendizagem da língua estrangeira que valoriza a compreensão, a interação e a expressão, tanto na orali-
dade como na escrita. É uma aprendizagem que se consolida de forma gradual e através da articulação esta-
belecida entre sete domínios de referência, sendo os títulos apresentados em português e inglês:
Compreensão Oral/Listening; Leitura/Reading; Interação Oral/Spoken Interaction; Produção Oral/Spoken
Production; Escrita/Writing; Domínio Sociocultural/Sociocultural Domain e Gramática/Grammar.

Compreensão Oral
No domínio da compreensão oral pretende-se preparar o aluno para situações de receção e de intera-
ção, em que terá de ouvir e perceber para poder interagir. A progressão no grau de dificuldade deverá ser
gradual, partindo de instruções elementares dadas pelo professor para textos em suporte áudio e audiovi-

Pretende-se, neste domínio, familiarizar o aluno com diferentes tipologias de texto e incentivar, desde
cedo, o gosto pela leitura de pequenas histórias em inglês, valorizando-se a componente da leitura exten-

Interação Oral
É com o professor, como interlocutor, que muitos alunos têm o seu primeiro contacto com a língua e é
com este que mantêm a maioria dos diálogos dentro da sala de aula. Cabe ao professor proporcionar aos seus
alunos oportunidades de interação oral, permitindo que estes tenham um papel cada vez mais ativo na ini-
ciação e manutenção dos diálogos em língua inglesa.

Produção Oral
Pretende-se, neste domínio, incentivar o aluno a gradualmente adquirir maior autoconfiança na utiliza-
ção da língua inglesa para falar sobre os conteúdos estudados e do seu interesse. Ao longo dos dois ciclos,
os alunos deverão fazer pequenas apresentações para desenvolver a sua oralidade.

O trabalho desenvolvido neste domínio deverá preparar o aluno para escrever em inglês, no âmbito das
temáticas estudadas. A produção de textos será mais guiada no início e gradualmente mais autónoma e inde-
Apresentação do Projeto My English Book 6 | Inglês 6 11

Domínio Sociocultural

É neste domínio que se apresentam as áreas temáticas a abordar. A especificidade da disciplina, espe-
cialmente nos 8.o e 9.o anos, não aponta para o ensino de conteúdos temáticos isolados e obrigatórios, mas
antes para a exploração de áreas de interesse dos alunos que possam desenvolvê-lo como ser humano num
mundo complexo onde o inglês é uma língua internacional.


Os conteúdos apresentados são os fundamentais a introduzir em cada ano de escolaridade e devem ser
mobilizados frequentemente e de forma criativa, em contexto comunicativo e transversalmente, em todos os
domínios de referência.

Os objetivos indicam os conhecimentos e as capacidades que os alunos deverão ter adquirido, em cada
domínio, no final de cada ano de escolaridade. Compreende-se que algumas expressões utilizadas nos enun-
ciados, tais como “um texto simples” ou “ler com alguma facilidade”, possam conduzir a alguma subjetivi-
dade. No entanto, é fazendo uso deste tipo de expressões que se evidencia a progressão na aprendizagem
nos documentos europeus, que serviram de referência para a elaboração das metas de Inglês.

Descritores de desempenho
Os descritores definem o que os alunos devem ser capazes de fazer, concretizando os objetivos apre-
sentados nos diferentes domínios de referência. Em alguns descritores, apresentam-se exemplos, entre
parênteses, que visam clarificar o que se pretende, mas não vinculam o professor aos exemplos dados. Os
objetivos e descritores indicados em cada ano de escolaridade devem, sempre que necessário, continuar a
ser mobilizados em anos subsequentes.

5.° Ano A1/A1+

2.° Ciclo EB Utilizador elementar, nível de iniciação
6.° Ano A2

7.° Ano A2+

Utilizador elementar, nível elementar
3.° Ciclo EB 8.° Ano B1

9.° Ano B1+ Utilizador independente, nível limiar

12 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Escala global

B1+ 9.° É capaz de compreender as questões principais, quando é

usada uma linguagem clara e estandardizada e os assuntos lhe
são familiares (temas abordados no trabalho, na escola e nos
momentos de lazer, etc.). É capaz de lidar com a maioria das
Utilizador Independente situações encontradas na região onde se fala a língua-alvo. É
(nível limiar) capaz de produzir um discurso simples e coerente sobre
B1 8.° assuntos que lhe são familiares ou de interesse pessoal. Pode
descrever experiências e eventos, sonhos, esperanças e
ambições, bem como expor brevemente razões e justificações
para uma opinião ou um projeto.

A2+ 7.° É capaz de compreender frases isoladas e expressões

frequentes relacionadas com áreas de prioridade imediata
(por ex.: informações pessoais e familiares simples, compras,
meio circundante). É capaz de comunicar em tarefas simples
Utilizador Elementar
e em rotinas que exigem apenas uma troca de informação
(nível elementar)
simples e direta sobre assuntos que lhe são familiares e
A2 6.°
habituais. Pode descrever de modo simples a sua formação, o
meio circundante e, ainda, referir assuntos relacionados com
necessidades imediatas.

É capaz de compreender e usar expressões familiares e

quotidianas, assim como enunciados muito simples, que
visam satisfazer necessidades concretas. Pode apresentar-se
Utilizador Elementar e apresentar outros e é capaz de fazer perguntas e dar
A1/A1+ 5.°
(nível de iniciação) respostas sobre aspetos pessoais como, por exemplo, o local
onde vive, as pessoas que conhece e as coisas que tem. Pode
comunicar de modo simples, se o interlocutor falar lenta e
distintamente e se mostrar cooperante.

Quadro 1 – Níveis de proficiência a atingir nos diferentes anos dos 2.° e 3.° ciclos do ensino básico de acordo
com a Escala Global do Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas1.

Conselho da Europa. 2001. Quadro Europeu Comum de Referência para as Línguas. Lisboa: ASA, 49.
14 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

UNIT 0 A: And what time does it close?

B: At nine, it’s not too late.

Track 1, page 8
I hope that I can go there
Hello there! My name’s Sophie Miller. Because I want to have fun
Hi, how are you? My name’s Sun Cheng. I’m eleven But I must ask permission
years old and I live near our school. To my dad and to my mum.
Hi, guys! I’m Joe Logan.
Hi, again! My name’s Dean Bell. I’m eleven years old.
My favourite school subject is Maths.
Hi, everyone! I’m Tomás Gordon. I’m eleven years Part 1
old. I love animals. FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL
Track 4, page 14
Track 2, page 11
Dean: Hi, everybody. Wow! Our school is so
My name is Hannah Gordon. I’m twelve years old and different!
I’m student. I’m from Scotland and I live in Sun: Yes, there is a new building with a library, an
Edinburgh. My favourite colour is black. I love Art
exhibition room, an auditorium and an amazing
but I hate Science and my favourite sport is tennis.
Tomás: Oh, it’s really modern and trendy!
Track 3, page 12
Sun: You’re Sophie, our new classmate, aren’t you?
I Sophie: Yes, I am.
It’s a special weekend Tomás: Where are you from?
With much fun and animation Sophie: I’m from the USA. My parents are American
It’s a programme we can’t miss: and so am I!
Music, dance and an exhibition.
Dean: Let’s see our timetable. Oh, we’ve got Maths
I’ve already got the schedule
now. I love it!
Where I can see what there is
Tomás: Yeah, and we’ve got a new teacher,
If you want any information
Mr Newton.
You can ask me, please.
Sophie: Everything and everybody is new for me! But
it’s nice!
Dean: Let’s go inside!
A: When is the rock concert?
B: It’s on Saturday.
Track 5, page 17
A: And what time is it?
B: It’s at half past eight. Hi, my name’s Catherine! My school looks very
A: When is the dance show? different: big and comfortable! It’s all new… We have
B: It’s on Sunday afternoon. got a new classroom building and the cafeteria is
A: And what time is it? new, too. My classroom has got bright colours: it’s
B: It’s at half past two. green and orange. It’s beautiful! I have got a new
A: When is the exhibition? Science teacher, Ms Simmons and a new classmate.
B: It will run on both days. His name is Antonio and he is Spanish.
Tapescripts | Inglês 6 15

Part 2 Sophie: No, I haven’t. It’s with my German cyber

MY SCHOOL friend, Jung.
Track 6, page 18 Dean: I’ve got some cyber friends too. They’re from
all over the world. My new cyber friend is from
Hi, guys!
Japan. Actually, I can only talk to him early in the
How’s everybody? Here we are back at school!
My new school is old and small but comfortable. morning, because when it’s eight a.m. here, it’s
There are six classrooms, two Art rooms, a Music four p.m. there.
room and two labs. There’s also a canteen and a Sophie: So now he’s sleeping, isn’t he?
library. Around the school there’s a big playground Dean: Yeah, because it’s one a.m. Instead, my
and a gym. In the playground we can run, play games Brazilian cyber friend is having lunch...
and rest. Sophie: And I’ve heard you have got a Turkish cyber
Today I have got PE, my favourite school subject. friend. Is it true?
I also like Maths because it’s easy and useful. Dean: No, as a matter of fact I haven’t, but I’ve got a
Geography is interesting but a bit difficult. Polish one.
My teachers are very strict but friendly.
I have to go now. Write back to me, ok? Track 9, page 23
See you soon! Indira: India
Grace. Matsui: Japanese
Peter: South Africa
Track 7, page 20 Erik: Danish
My school is very big. There are two floors. Pierre: France
Upstairs there are fourteen classrooms, two Art Brenda: Irish
rooms and four toilets, two for the boys and two for Hans: Germany
the girls. Heidi: Dutch
Downstairs there are two labs and four toilets. The
canteen, the cafeteria, the stationery shop and the
Track 10, page 25
school office are also on the ground floor.
Hi! I’m Kate. My hobby is surfing the net and I’ve got
Outside there are fantastic sports fields, an Olympic
many cyber friends. I’m always talking to Raphael.
swimming pool and a big gym. My favourite place is
the playground. He is a twelve-year-old student. His parents are
Italian but they live in France.
Part 3
Part 4
Track 8, page 22 WHOSE…

Sophie and Dean are talking about their cyber

Track 11, page 26
friends. Refrain
Sophie: What time is it, Dean? Oh what a mess!
Dean: It’s half past five. Everything is everywhere…
Sophie: Oh, it’s late! I must go home… I’ve got a date. Whose things are these?
Dean: Wait a minute! Have you got a new boyfriend? Oh these kids they just don’t care!…
16 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

I food. He loves going to music concerts. His favourite

Let me see: Whose cap is this? type of music is rap.
I think it’s John’s… Oh yes, it’s his!
And whose are these coloured pens? Zac and Corbin are friends. Zac loves outdoor
Are they Fred’s or are they Ben’s? activities and riding his horse. Corbin loves
I think this belongs to Grace computers. He hates shopping centres. He says he
Yes, this is her pencil case! can do everything on his computer: watching films,
talking to his friends, playing all kinds of games,
II listening to music. There is one thing that they love
Whose gloves are those on that chair? doing together: singing. Their favourite singer is
I guess they belong to Claire. Lady Gaga.
What’s this? Let me take a look:
It is Bill’s; it’s his workbook. Track 15, page 37
And what is that by the board? Hi, I’m Natalie Woods. I’m on holidays on this fantastic
Oh it’s my new scarf!… Dear Lord! island. Everything is perfect: the weather, the food,
the activities, the people… I love pineapples and
Track 12, page 26 coconuts but I don’t like bananas. I enjoy eating fresh
a. skirt b. trousers c. shirt grilled fish and drinking fruit juices. I hate sausages.
My favourite activities here are: dancing hula hoop,
Track 13, page 27 canoeing and swimming in this clear calm sea.
b. Whose shirt is this? It’s his shirt. It’s his.
c. Whose caps are these? They’re their caps. They’re Part 2
d. Whose gloves are these? They’re our gloves.
Track 16, page 38
They’re ours.
e. Whose scarf is this? It’s her scarf. It’s hers. Tonight is the parents’ council meeting. The pupils’
f. Whose T-shirt is this? It’s my T-shirt. It’s mine. parents and relatives are in the school auditorium.
Mrs Bell, Dean’s mother, is the chairwoman. She is
also a writer. Her husband is a History teacher and
UNIT 2 he is sitting next to Sophie’s mother.
Sophie’s mother has a part-time job. She works in a
Part 1 hotel but only in the morning. She is a receptionist.
LIKES AND DISLIKES Sophie’s father isn’t present because he is a
Track 14, page 34 policeman and he is at work now.
Her name is Taylor Swift and she is a singer and an John’s aunt is at the meeting because his parents are
actress! She loves chicken pie and her favourite in the USA.
drink is tea. She doesn’t like soup and she hates John’s father is a cameraman and his mother is a
hamburgers. Her hobbies are listening to music and journalist.
reading. Her favourite author is John Green.
Track 17, page 41
His name is Cristiano Ronaldo and he is a footballer. – Good morning. What’s your name?
He must watch his weight so he always eats healthy – Ann Brown.
Tapescripts | Inglês 6 17

– How old are you? Welcome aboard! I’m James and I’m your commander
– I’m 12. on this flight.
– Have you got any brothers or sisters? Hi, my name’s Sally. I’m a student like you. I’d like to
– No, I’m an only child. be a designer.
– What’s your father’s name?
– Paul. Track 20, page 46
– What’s his job? Four-legged friends
– He is an electrician. Do you love animals? Do you prefer dogs or cats?
– What’s your mother’s name?
Let’s find out some more about our four-legged
– Her name is Diana.
– What does she do?
Funny fur
– She is a secretary.
Cats have a lot of fur, about 200 hairs in a square
millimetre: the fur protects them against very cold
Part 3 temperatures! We can find cats in many different
A BAKER’S DAY environments: they can live in hot or cold places, but
Track 18, page 42 they prefer being warm!
Sun is interviewing Mr Jones for a school project. Sleepy heads
Sun: Good morning, Mr Jones. Can I ask you some A cat’s favourite activity is… sleeping! A cat sleeps
questions? for around 16 hours a day.
Mr Jones: Good morning, Sun. Of course you can. A cat prefers warm, soft and comfortable places. It
Sun: What time do you start work? loves sleeping on sofas and beds, and also on its
Mr Jones: I always start at 4.00 a.m. owner’s legs!
Sun: Oh, so early?!... Sport before bedtime
Mr Jones: Remember! I’m the baker who bakes your Before they go to sleep, dogs turn around in a circle.
fresh morning bread. Why? They want to sleep well and this is how they
Sun: Who else works with you? “make their bed”, just like wolves!
Mr Jones: Lots of people. The van driver who A strange language
delivers bread, the shop assistant who sells bread, Dogs talk… with their tail. Does their tail move? That
cakes and biscuits in our bakery, the cleaners, the means they are well and happy. Do they raise their
baker’s assistants… tail? That means they feel safe and strong.
Sun: Do you work every day? Do they lower it? That means they are frightened or sad.
Mr Jones: No, I don’t. I don’t work on Wednesdays.
Sun: Who’s the baker on that day? Track 21, page 53
Mr Jones: My son!! He is a baker too.
a. shamrock; b. pot of gold; c. leprechaun; d. harp
Sun: Oh! That’s interesting. Well, thank you so much
and have a nice day!
Track 19, page 44 Part 1

Hi, I’m Bob. I’m a mechanic. I fix cars.

Good morning, I’m Rick, the cook. I cook delicious meals. Track 22, page 54
Hello, my name’s Claire. I’m a nurse. I work in Central This is Catherine. She is an eleven-year-old student.
Hospital. She lives in Leeds and this is her daily routine.
18 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

She wakes up at 7 o’clock and she gets dressed. We usually eat rice with chicken and lots of
Then she has breakfast with her parents. After vegetables. I rarely eat apples because they are very
breakfast she goes to school by bus. Her classes expensive.
start at half past eight. I always do my homework after dinner and I never
At midday she has lunch with her classmates in the go to bed after 10 o’clock.
school canteen. In the afternoon she has classes and at Goodbye!
4 o’clock she goes back home by car with her mother.
At home she has tea, studies and does her Track 25, page 61
homework. Before dinner she watches TV and helps I am Carolyne. I’m a musician and I play in an
her mother. After dinner she brushes her teeth and orchestra. Do you want to know something about my
goes to bed. Before she falls asleep, she usually daily routine? I get up late, have a shower and get
reads a book or listens to music. dressed. At breakfast time I eat cereal with milk. I
never drink coffee because I hate it. I usually have
Track 23, page 57 lunch in a small restaurant near my house because I
can’t cook. In the afternoon I practice the violin for
Nick and his friends live in New York. At the
five hours. In the evening I play in the concert or go
weekend they go to the swimming pool. Nick goes
to the cinema. I never go to bed early.
by bike. Rose comes by boat because she lives in
Brooklyn. Jenny’s father drives her there. Tom
Part 3
usually travels by bus and Claire always goes by
Track 26, page 62
Dean is spending the weekend on a farm with Tomás.
Part 2 Dean: Hi, mum. The farm is great!
Mum: Are you enjoying yourself?
Dean: Yeah. There are so many animals here.
Track 24, page 58
Mum: Is Tomás there with you?
Hi, I’m Osvaldo Marçal and I’m a student. I’m from Dean: No, he isn’t. He is reading a book.
East Timor and I live in a small village near Dili. I get Mum: What about his grandparents? What are they
up at 6 a.m. and I take a shower. I always have a doing?
papaya fruit or a mango for breakfast. Then, I go to Dean: His grandfather’s cooking and his grandmother’s
the well to fetch water. My brother sometimes helps gardening.
me. Next I go to school on foot with other village Mum: OK. Behave yourself and have fun.
kids. Our school is far from home, so we walk for Dean: I will. Bye.
about twenty minutes. The school building is old and
very simple with just a blackboard and some old Track 27, page 65
tables and a few chairs. One of our teachers is Susie and David are playing video games.
Australian and we often use his computer when we David is reading a book.
have project work. Classes begin at 8 o’clock. Lunch Susie is writing a letter.
is at half past twelve. School finishes at half past Nora and Frank are watching TV.
three. Then, we go back to the village and play along Adam is sleeping.
the way. At 6 o’clock I have dinner with my family. Jane is listening to music.
Tapescripts | Inglês 6 19

Part 4 Look for the yellow flag on the trunk.

A PICNIC Text us and send a photo of the flag.
Track 28, page 66 Wait for the next clue.

Track 30, page 77
It’s Saturday afternoon
Weather report
The sun is shining, the day is great,
Man: Now it’s time for the weather report. Sarah,
Daisy’s having a picnic
what is the weather like today in the UK?
With her brothers and some mates.
Woman: Thanks, Jason. It’s sunny but cold in
It’s a nice place in the woods
Edinburgh, Newcastle and Belfast.
There are lots of drinks and food
Man: What about Manchester?
Let us see what they are doing
Woman: In Manchester it’s windy and warm today.
And what makes them feel so good.
Man: What about the South? Is it sunny in London?
Woman: I’m afraid not. It’s cloudy and mild in London
today. In Hastings it’s foggy and hot.
Daisy and Louise are skipping
Man: What is the weather like today in Ireland, Sarah?
Paul and Dave are playing cards
Woman: It’s raining in Dublin. So don’t forget your
Rachel, Meg and Sue are hopping
I think that is really hard.
Michael and Eileen are dancing
Part 2
Jill is dreaming by the lake
Richard and Nicole are singing
And fat Tom is eating cake. Track 31, page 78
Tomás visited the Zoo. This is the article he wrote
III for the school paper.
They are having a great time The zoo is an amazing place with lots of different
It’s a warm day, nice weather and interesting animals.
Friends usually feel fine My favourite animal at the zoo is Neckie.
Every time they are together. Neckie is a baby giraffe but she is two metres tall.
She has got a long neck and legs, a huge tongue, big
Unit 4 eyes and a small tail.
She is very pretty and elegant with her brown and
Part 1
yellow patches. She loves eating the leaves of the
TREASURE HUNT acacia trees.
Track 29, page 74 Mr Samuels is the zookeeper. He looks after the
It’s Sunday morning. The sun is shining and it’s giraffe family. He is short, slim and very active.
warm. Sophie and Sun are in Green Park in front of He is middle-aged. He has got a round face and he is
the main gate. They are taking part in a treasure bald.
hunt. In this treasure hunt they will receive their His eyes are round and blue and his nose is short.
clues by text messages. I learned a great deal of things about Zoo animals
10 a.m. today. It was a lovely day. I strongly recommend this
Go to the big tree next to the slide. trip to all school students.
Get there before 10.30. by Tomás Gordon
20 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Track 32, page 79 Shop Assistant: What kind of game do you prefer?
a. nose; b. neck; c. shoulder; d. arm; e. hand; f. leg; Dean: Something to do with football.
g. toe Shop Assistant: Here it is! The latest “Street Soccer”
Track 33, page 81 Dean: How much is it?
Carol Joyce is a dolphin keeper. She is tall and thin. Shop Assistant: It’s 30£.
She is young and very pretty. She has got long wavy Dean: Hum! I think it’s a bit expensive… but I’ll take
brown dark hair. Her eyes are big and green. She has it anyway.
got freckles. Mr Bell: Good morning, can I try those shoes on?
She is wearing a black and blue wet suit.
Shop Assistant: What is your shoe size?
Mr Bell: I wear size 8.
She takes care of lions. She is short and slim but
Shop Assistant: These are too small then. What
very brave and strong. She is middle-aged and good-
looking. Her hair is short, straight and red. She about these brown ones?
wears glasses and her eyes are grey. She is wearing Mr Bell: Ok, I’ll try them on.
a yellow t-shirt and green dungarees. Her name is Shop Assistant: Do they fit you?
Sally James. Mr Bell: Yes, they do. And they’re very comfortable
too. How much are they?
He is the snake man. His name is Mark Pepper. He is Shop Assistant: 50£.
young and medium-height. He has got a beard and a
Mr Bell: OK, I’ll take them.
moustache. His eyes are round and brown. He has
Shop Assistant: Here you are.
got short curly brown hair. He is wearing a grey shirt
and black trousers. He always wears wellington Mr Bell: Thanks a lot.
boots. Have a nice day!

Dennis Stone is the eagle keeper. He is about 60 Track 35, page 85

years old and he is very tall. He has got a big tummy. Ann: Hi, mum. Here is your shopping and your
His hair is a bit long and grey. He usually uses a change.
ponytail. He has got a round face with wrinkles and
Mother: Is this all?! 1.60£?!
blue eyes. He is wearing brown shorts and a white
Ann: Yes! Let’s check the bill and the shopping as
usual… 3 cokes 1.75£
Mother: Ok.
Part 3
Ann: 6 apples 1.20£. 2 kilos of sugar 2£.
Mother: Hum…
Track 34, page 82
Ann: A cheese 3.25£. 2 sweets 20p.
Dean and his father are shopping at the Harrods
Mother: Yes.
department store.
Shop Assistant: Hello, can I help you? Ann: And the new Twilight Saga book 15£.
Dean: Yes, I’d like to buy a computer game for my Mother: What?!!
cousin. Ann: Oh, mum I love reading these books.
Tapescripts | Inglês 6 21

Part 4 what it is like. We are also going to visit the CN

A DIFFERENT DAY Tower. Next, we are going to travel to the countryside
Track 36, page 86 to see the maple forests. Maple trees are beautiful
and they give us the famous Canadian maple syrup
Hi, Harry
that we can have with pancakes for breakfast.
Tomorrow I don’t have school because it is a public
Finally, on Tuesday, we are going to travel south to
holiday here in the UK. So my parents and I are going
the US border to admire one of the greatest natural
to Cardigan Bay to see dolphins. I love dolphins! I am
wonders, the Niagara Falls. Don’t forget to take your
so excited!
cameras. You’re going to take lots of photos.
There are many different kinds of dolphins. The most
Tomorrow I’m going to get your plane tickets.”
famous is the Bottlenose dolphin. It lives in many
different parts of the world, including the coast of
Track 39, page 97
the United Kingdom!
The dolphin spends all of its time in the water but it 1 – He is going to get his passport.
is not a fish. In fact it is a mammal, just like you and 2 – She is going to buy trainers.
me! It needs to breathe air, so it has a hole on the 3 – They are going to buy a map.
top of its head. It doesn’t drink the water which it 4 – They are going to look for information about
swims in, but it eats fish and extracts the water it Canada.
needs from that! Very clever! 5 – She is going to pack.
Dolphins are very sociable animals. They talk to each
other through whistles and chirps and they also like Part 2
playing. They jump out of the water and do acrobatic MY BEDROOM…
spins and twists! Track 40, page 98
Aren’t they lovely? Sun: Look. My room is so old.
Bye. Keep in touch… Sophie Sophie: Yeah, the walls are so dull in this grey.
Sun: Yes, they are. But tomorrow they are going to be
Track 37, page 93 bright and colourful. My father is buying paints, new
1 – thorny devil; 2 – platypus; 3 – quokka; 4 – fairy furniture… at the moment. He is going to renovate it
penguin; 5 – kookaburra; 6 – tasmanian devil; this afternoon with my uncle. Here is my project.
7 – kangaroo; 8 – emu; 9 – dingo Sophie: Oh, I like that colour so much! You are going
to have new furniture too. Your bed is so old
UNIT 5 fashioned and small. It’s going to be modern and
Part 1
Sun: Now it’s between two bedside tables and
WE’RE GOING TO VISIT CANADA tomorrow there is going to be a yellow chest of
Track 38, page 94 drawers on the left. Where there is a small table next
Mr Stone, the English teacher, is planning a school to the window there is going to be a desk with three
trip to Canada with his students. Now he is talking to drawers.
them about it. Sophie: I think all these cushions on the floor will be
“Let’s see… First, we are leaving to Toronto next Sun: My old wardrobe is going away. My new one is
Friday, where we are going to stay for a week. Then, going to have mirror doors. Oh, I’m going to love my
we are going to visit a school, so that we can see new bedroom.
22 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Sophie: It’s awesome and now we don’t need to use Joe: The bell is ringing. It’s the end-of-term party
your mother’s mirror anymore. this evening. We can just enjoy ourselves. I can’t
Track 41, page 99 Sun: Oh, can I borrow your green necklace? It goes
1 – bookshelf; 2 – TV; 3 – sofa; 4 – table; 5 – chair; well with my new dress. I can lend you whatever you
6 – cooker; 7 – sink; 8 – fridge; 9 – washing machine; want.
Sophie: I just want to go to the party. Of course I’ll
10 – bed; 11 – bedside table; 12 – rug; 13 – chest of
lend you my green necklace.
drawers; 14 – wardrobe

Track 44, page 103

Track 42, page 101
It is the last day at school. Everybody is happy and
Teacher: Hi, students. Today’s grandparents’ day and
feeling smarter, because our school results are
Sally’s grandmother is here to talk about her life.
excellent. Last year we all went to a summer camp in
Let’s welcome her.
Bournemouth. We did lots of chores and activities
Rosemary: Hello, I’m Rosemary and I’m 84 years old.
there. This year we are going to travel to Italy. We
I used to work in a school, but now I am retired.
are going to learn about Italian history and culture.
Every morning I wake up at 7 o’clock and I have a
We are all going to enjoy ourselves and rest before
shower. Then I walk my dog and have breakfast.
the new school year. Enjoy your holidays!!!
Before lunch I go to the café to meet my friends. At
half past midday I go to Sally’s house and have lunch
Track 45, page 105
with my daughter and granddaughter. In the
Tomorrow I won’t go to work but I’m going to have a
afternoon I do volunteer work in a hospital. Then I
very busy morning. I’m going to make the bed and
go home and cook dinner.
clean the house. Then I’m going to the dentist. After
that I’m going to drive to the market where I’ll buy
Part 3
some fruit and vegetables for lunch. I’m coming back
THE LAST DAY AT SCHOOL home and I’m going to cook lunch. Everything is
Track 43, page 102 going to be ready at 1 o’clock when my wife and
Joe: Wow!! Free at last. children arrive.
Sophie: I’m thinking about our fortnight in Italy.
Sun: Yeah, it’s going to be fantastic. Much better than Part 4
the school year. Track 46, page 106
Sophie: Why? Wonderful World
Tomás: Most of us are going to pass but unfortunately Don’t know much about History
some will fail. Don’t know much about Biology
Dean: These holidays are going to be just fun. Don’t know much about a Science book
Imagine all those cute Italian girls! Don’t know much about the French I took
Sun and Sophie: And… Italian boys. But I do know that I love you
Tomás: When we come from Italy I’m going to stay a few And I know that if you love me too
weeks in my grandparents’ farm. You can both come What a wonderful world this would be
and spend some time with me. Just give me a call. Don’t know much about Geography
Sophie: Oh, that would be nice! I’ll ask my parents. Don’t know much about Trigonometry
TRIMMMM Don’t know much about Algebra
Tapescripts | Inglês 6 23

Don’t know what a slide rule is for Track 51, page 116
But I do know that one and one is two CHRISTMAS IN AUSTRALIA
And if this one could be with you It’s Christmas time and I like presents, the holiday…
What a wonderful world this would be very much. It’s very hot in Australia now. It’s
Now I don’t claim to be an “A” student summer, so I can go to the beach, swim, surf and
But I’m trying to be play beach volleyball during the holiday. On
So maybe by being an “A” student, baby Christmas Day I usually have a barbecue in the
I can win your love for me garden. In the afternoon I go to the beach or to the
Sam Cooke park. I would like to have my own piano for
Track 47, page 113
1 – Inuit; 2 – ice; 3 – polar bear; 4 – igloos;
5 – Vancouver; 6 – red; 7 – pancakes; 8 – Pacific; TESTING BOOK
9 – beaver; 10 – maple leaf; 11 – cold; 12 – snow
Niagara Falls
Hello, I’m Jim. I’m from New York, the USA. I’m going
to talk about my father.
His name is Tom Holmes. He is forty-two years old.
FESTIVITIES He is a doctor. He works at St Andrew Hospital. He
Track 48, page 114 loves his job and sometimes he must work at night.
We are a very sporty family and my father likes
King James is the Protestant English King. He
sports. My father’s favourite sports are tennis and
persecuts the Catholics.
basketball. In his free time his favourite hobby is
A group of Catholics decides to blow up the Houses
gardening. We’ve got a new car. My father can drive
of Parliament.
it very well, but he can’t ride a bike.
Guy Fawkes puts the gunpowder in the cellar of the
Houses of Parliament but the King’s guards catch
Hi, my name is Dana. I’m 30 years old. I’m a dentist.
Guy Fawkes is hanged for treason.
I like reading and writing detective stories. My
favourite food is hot dogs. I like milkshakes very
Track 49, page 114
Remember, remember I’m Toby and I’m 40 years old. I’m a teacher. I teach
the Fifth of November teenagers. My favourite hobbies are singing and
is gunpowder treason and plot swimming. I don’t like playing football. I like eating
I see no reason scrambled eggs and bacon. My favourite drink is
why gunpowder treason coffee.
should be forgot
Track 50, page 115 Julie is thirty years old and she’s an architect. She
American Football / Corn / sweet potatoes / usually gets up early, at 7 o’clock. She loves walking
pumpkin / Indians / Parade / Pilgrims / Thanksgiving but she always goes to work by underground. She
dinner / Turkey only has got forty minutes for lunch so she has lunch
24 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

in a snack bar. Her favourite food is fish and chips. Mrs Parker: Yes, I do. I’m going to travel to Spain
After work she goes home and cooks dinner. next July.
Sometimes she invites her friends but she usually Student: Where are you going to stay?
surfs the net and sends e-mails. Today is Saturday. Mrs Parker: I’m going to stay in Madrid.
Now Julie and her friends are at a party. They are Student: What are you going to do there?
dancing and having fun. Mrs Parker: I’m going to Prado Museum and I’m
going to eat typical Spanish food.
UNIT 4 Student: Thank you very much.
Mr Gump is very short and fat. He is a bit bald and he Mrs Parker: You’re welcome. Bye.
has got a big moustache. He always wears bright
clothes. Every week he has got clothes on sale. This
week you can buy very cheap t-shirts, jeans, caps,
shorts and skirts. At the moment he is attending an
old lady. She is buying clothes for her granddaughter.

Interviewing people for the school newspaper in

Student: Hello, what’s your name?

Mrs Parker: My name is Jessica Parker.
Student: How old are you?
Mrs Parker: I’m 55 years old.
Student: When is your birthday?
Mrs Parker: It’s on 13th August.
Student: Where do you live?
Mrs Parker: I live in a detached house in Cambridge.
Student: Is your house big or small?
Mrs Parker: It’s quite big.
Student: How many rooms are there?
Mrs Parker: There are eight.
Student: Are there two floors?
Mrs Parker: No, it’s bigger. There are three floors.
There’s also an attic.
Student: How many bedrooms are there?
Mrs Parker: Five.
Student: Is there a garden?
Mrs Parker: Yes. A garden with many flowers and
some trees.
Student: Have you got a garage?
Mrs Parker: Yes. There are two garages.
Student: It’s almost summer. Do you usually go abroad?
3 3
26 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

AGRUPAMENTO/ESCOLA ___________________________________________________________________
English – 6th grade
Annual Plan __________/_____________________

DOMÍNIOS DE REFERÊNCIA/ Communication Strategies/

Grammar Lexis
OBJETIVOS/DESCRITORES (Unidades) Skills Activities


1. Compreender discursos muito simples – Introducing Wh-words: how First name, Reading
articulados de forma clara e pausada yourself – many, how old, surname, age,
1. Identificar palavras e expressões em Personal what, what address, phone
canções e textos áudio/audiovisuais. identification nationality, number, family, Reading
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) where, when, hobbies, food, comprehension
2. Entender pedidos que lhe são dirigidos what time drinks, time,
diretamente. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) months, days of
3. Entender perguntas que lhe são feitas the week,
diretamente. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) colours, sports

2. Compreender textos simples com vocabulário – Talking about Verbs (to) be, Greetings Listening
limitado school objects (to) have got, Personal
1. Entender pequenas mensagens (postais, – Talking about there + (to) be identification
convites, SMS). (2, 4) school Modal verbs: School objects
2. Reconhecer informação que lhe é familiar subjects/ can/can’t, School subjects
(dados de natureza pessoal, rotinas, school places may (may not) School places Listening
hábitos alimentares). (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) – Expressing Personal Daily activities comprehension
3. Utilizar dicionários bilingues simples (online e capacity / pronouns Countries/
em papel) permission (subject) nationalities
1. Saber procurar principais vocábulos sobre – Talking about Possessive Time
áreas temáticas abordadas. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) countries and determiners/ Clothes
nationalities pronouns Watching
– Asking and Whose…? sketches
4. Interagir com os colegas em situações simples – Talking about
e previamente preparadas possession
1. Pedir algo a alguém (I’d like a sandwich,
please). (2, 4)
2. Formular questões sobre descrição e
localização de objetos. (4)
3. Formular perguntas e dar respostas sobre
identificação pessoal sobre as vivências
dos amigos (rotinas diárias, gostos).
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
4. Exprimir sentimentos de agrado e
Planificação Anual | Inglês 6 27

DOMÍNIOS DE REFERÊNCIA/ Communication Strategies/

Grammar Lexis
OBJETIVOS/DESCRITORES (Unidades) Skills Activities


5. Expressar-se com vocabulário limitado em – Expressing Likes and dislikes Activities/food/ Matching
situações previamente preparadas likes and (present drinks/hobbies/
1. Articular os sons da língua inglesa não dislikes simple) sports
existentes na língua materna (thank you, – Asking about Prepositions of Jobs
three, laugh, church). (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) likes and place Family Multiple choice
2. Descrever-se a si e aos colegas. (4) dislikes Indefinite article Means of
3. Descrever a sua rotina diária e a dos – Identifying food, I would like to transport
colegas. (3) drinks, hobbies be… Word formation:
4. Comunicar informação pessoal (gostos and sports Word formation noun/verb +
alimentares, atividades escolares). (0, 1, 2) – Expressing Present simple suffix
5. Apresentar projetos futuros (I’m going to preference Wh-words
buy a dog). (5) – Describing daily Personal
routines pronouns
– Talking about (subject/object)
daily routines True/False
– Reviewing jobs
– Expressing a
– Talking about Questionnaires
daily routines
and jobs
– Talking about

6. Completar, de forma guiada, pequenos – Talking about Prepositions Daily routine
diálogos daily routines Frequency verbs
1. Formular perguntas ou redigir respostas – Identifying adverbs Meals
com vocabulário limitado sobre temas means of Frequency Means of
estudados. (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) transport expressions transport
– Describing daily How often See/watch/look
7. Produzir textos breves e muito simples de 20 a routines Present Do/make
30 palavras – Talking about continuous
1. Expressar preferências (I like Maths/I hate frequency Time expressions
tennis). (2) – Describing Present simple
2. Descrever uma rotina diária. (3) what people are vs. Present
3. Descrever a escola e lugares públicos. doing continuous
(2, 4) – Talking about
4. Organizar dados de identificação pessoal. what someone
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) is doing
– Describing
different types
of action: daily
28 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

DOMÍNIOS DE REFERÊNCIA/ Communication Strategies/

Grammar Lexis
OBJETIVOS/DESCRITORES (Unidades) Skills Activities


DOMAIN ID6 – Giving Imperative Weather Blank filling
8. Conhecer aspetos culturais de países de instructions Prepositions of Adjective
expressão inglesa – Saying where place and formation
1. Reconhecer bandeiras de alguns países. things are movement Physical
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) – Saying what Adjectives description
2. Identificar o símbolo Union Jack, the weather is Regular/irregular (people, Rewriting
compreender o seu significado e a sua like plurals animals) sentences
utilização em bandeiras de vários países. – Describing Wh-words Things we buy
(1) people and Quantifiers Countable/
3. Reconhecer algumas celebridades e figuras animals What shape…? uncountable
públicas. (3) – Talking about What size…? nouns Writing guided
shopping Possessive (of) texts
9. Conhecer o seu meio e o dos outros para – Expressing Possessive case
comparar universos diferenciados possession
1. Comparar diferentes rotinas diárias. (2, 3)
2. Identificar alguns alimentos. (2)
3. Identificar disciplinas, horários e espaços
de trabalho e de lazer na escola. (1)
4. Identificar profissões. (2) Singing songs
5. Identificar meios de transporte e formas de
comportamento em transportes públicos
6. Comparar celebrações e datas festivas. (6)
7. Comparar formas de relacionamento
familiar e rotinas (horários, refeições).
(2, 3)


LG6 – Expressing (to) be + going to Activities Word search
10. Compreender formas de organização do future plans, Future time Parts of the
léxico e conhecer algumas estruturas simples intentions and expressions house/furniture
do funcionamento da língua predictions Connectors Borrow/lend
– Talking about Adverb formation Pass/fail
plans to (-ly) School subjects Crosswords
1. Reconhecer os plurais irregulares de
renovate a (review)
alguns nomes (child – children, man –
room Adverbs of
men). (4, My Ref Guide)
– Talking about manner Synonyms and
Connectors holiday Verb tenses opposites
2. Usar because e so para ligar ideias em activities Wh-words
frases. (2, My Ref Guide) – Talking about
3. Usar every day, ever, never, sometimes,
often, usually, always, once, twice
(frequency). (3, My Ref Guide) UNIT 6
4. Usar today, now, still, yesterday, – Getting Guy Fawkes Pair work
tomorrow (time). (3, 4, 5, My Ref Guide) information and (Bonfire night)
Possessive Case talking about Thanksgiving day
5. Reconhecer situações que requerem o Festivities Christmas
uso de of (the end of the story). Shrove Tuesday
(4, My Ref Guide) (Pancake day) Project work

6. Usar me, you, him, her, it, us, them
(personal). (2, My Ref Guide)
7. Usar mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs
(possessive). (1, 4, My Ref Guide)
Planificação Anual | Inglês 6 29

DOMÍNIOS DE REFERÊNCIA/ Communication Strategies/

Grammar Lexis
OBJETIVOS/DESCRITORES (Unidades) Skills Activities

Prepositions My Ref Guide Communicative

8. Usar at, in front of, behind, opposite, under, (Grammar and activities
above, below (place). (3, 4, My Ref Guide) picture
9. Usar to, onto, into (movement). dictionary)
(2, 3, 4 My Ref Guide)
10. Usar os verbos no present continuous.
(3, 4, 5)
Extensive reading
11. Contrastar o uso do present simple com o
do present continuous.
(3, 4, 5, My Ref Guide)
12. Usar I like/hate + -ing form.
(2, My Ref Guide)
13. Usar phrasal verbs frequentes (get up, put
on, try on, turn off, look for).
(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, My Ref Guide)
14. Conhecer alguns verbos e seus antónimos
(pass/fail, lend/borrow). (5)
Word Formation
15. Reconhecer processos de formação do
advérbio (adjective + -ly).
(5, My Ref Guide)
Lexical Chunks
16. Apropriar-se de novos itens lexicais,
relacionados com as áreas temáticas
previstas no domínio intercultural.
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Language Awareness
• Uso obrigatório do sujeito (It’s raining vs
is raining). (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, My Ref Guide)
• Uso de do/make, see/watch/look at. (3)
• Uso de look like. (4)
• Uso de want/would like. (4)
• Uso de once, twice… (3, My Ref Guide)

Getting information and talking about English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Ireland, South
Africa, Canada and Australia
1st Term Plan
Skills Communication skills Grammar Lexis Strategies/activities Aids Evaluation

First name, surname,

age, address, phone
Wh-words: how many,
Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

number, family,
how old, what, what
Introducing yourself – Personal identification hobbies, food, drinks,
nationality, where,
time, months, days of
when, what time
the week, colours,
sports Reading
Verbs (to) be, (to) have Greetings
got, there + (to) be Personal identification Listening
Reception: Talking about school objects
Modal verbs: can/can’t, School objects Listening
Talking about subjects/school places Direct
Audio/visual may (may not) School subjects comprehension
Expressing capacity/permission Workbook observation of
Personal pronouns School places
Talking about countries and nationalities Watching sketches students’
Spoken (subject) Daily activities Students’
Asking and telling the time spoken and
Possessive determiners/ Countries/nationalities book
Written Talking about possession Matching written output
pronouns Time
Whose…? Clothes Multiple choice My Ref Guide
Interaction: Audio CD
True/False Check tests
Spoken Interactive
Expressing likes and dislikes Likes and dislikes Activities Questionnaires Tests
Written board
Asking about likes and dislikes (present simple) Food Blank filling Project work
Identifying food, drinks, hobbies and sports Prepositions of place Drinks Realia
Expressing preference Indefinite article Hobbies Rewriting sentences Portfolio
Production: Board
Describing daily routines I would like to be… Sports Writing guided texts Homework
Spoken Talking about daily routines Word formation Word formation: Flashcards
Reviewing jobs Present simple noun/verb + suffix Singing songs Behaviour
Written Expressing a wish Wh-words Jobs Word search
Talking about daily routines and jobs Personal pronouns Family
Talking about animals (subject/object) Means of transport Crosswords
Pair work
Let’s be good citizens Project work

Getting information and talking about English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom, the USA and Ireland.

Getting information and talking about Guy Fawkes (Bonfire night), Thanksgiving day and Christmas.
2st Term Plan
Skills Communication skills Grammar Lexis Strategies/activities Aids Evaluation

Talking about daily routines Prepositions

Identifying means of transport Frequency adverbs Reading
Daily routine verbs
Describing daily routines Frequency expressions Reading
Talking about frequency Present continuous comprehension
Means of transport
Describing what people are doing Present simple vs.
See/watch/look Listening
Talking about what someone is doing Present continuous
Reception: Do/make
Describing different types of action: Time expressions Listening
daily routine/actions now Direct
Audio/visual comprehension Workbook observation of
Spoken Watching sketches students’
Imperative Students’
spoken and
Written Prepositions of place and Matching book
written output
movement Multiple choice My Ref Guide
Giving instructions Adjective formation Worksheets
Interaction: Saying where things are Physical description Audio CD
Regular/irregular plurals True/False Check tests
Saying what the weather is like (people, animals)
Spoken Wh-words Interactive
Describing people and animals Adjectives Questionnaires Tests
Quantifiers board
Written Talking about shopping Things we buy
What shape…? Blank filling Project work
Expressing possession Countable/ Realia
What size…?
uncountable nouns Rewriting sentences Portfolio
Possessive (of) Board
Production: Possessive case Writing guided texts Homework
Spoken Flashcards
Singing songs Behaviour
Written Let’s be good citizens
Word search
Getting information and talking about South Africa and Australia.
Pair work
Project work
Getting information and talking about Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day).
Planificação Periodal | Inglês 6
3st Term Plan
Skills Communication skills Grammar Lexis Strategies/activities Aids Evaluation

Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

Listening Direct
Audio/visual Activities comprehension Workbook observation of
(to) be + going to
Spoken Parts of the Watching sketches students’
Future time expressions Students’
Expressing future plans, intentions and predictions house/furniture spoken and
Written Connectors Matching book
Talking about plans to renovate a room Borrow/lend written output
Adverb formation (-ly)
Talking about holiday activities Pass/fail Multiple choice My Ref Guide
Adverbs of manner Worksheets
Interaction: Talking about friendship School subjects
Verb tenses True/False Audio CD
(review) Check tests
Spoken Wh-words
Synonyms/opposites Questionnaires Interactive
Written board
Blank filling Project work
Rewriting sentences Portfolio
Production: Board
Writing guided texts Homework
Spoken Flashcards
Singing songs Behaviour
Word search
Let’s be good citizens Crosswords
Pair work
Getting information and talking about Canada. Project work
4 4
34 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book


Guy Fawkes (Bonfire night) page 114


Baked potatoes Bonfire

Toffee apples

Thanksgiving day page 115



2. Soda, glasses, tv set, ball, lamp.

Christmas page 116

1. Crackers; 2. Holy; 3. Shepherd; 4. Pudding; 5. Gifts; 6. Star; 7. Wise man; 8. Carols; 9. Snowman

Shrove Tuesday (Pancake day) page 117

1. a) pancakes; b) flour; c) eggs; d) milk; e) lemon; f) sugar
pancakes; flour; eggs; milk; lemon, sugar.
2.1. They are in a pancake race – tossing pancakes into the air and catching them in the frying pan while
2.2. They are wearing an apron and a chef’s hat.
Soluções - Festivities e My Ref Guide | Inglês 6 35

My Ref Guide (grammar exercises)

page 119

1. a) am b) is c) are d) are e) are f) is

a) I’m not a student. a) Am I a student?
b) She isn’t tall and thin. b) Is she tall and thin?
c) The chickens aren’t in the garden. c) Are the chickens in the garden?
d) Tom and I aren’t from South Africa. d) Are Tom and I from South Africa?
e) They aren’t afraid of dogs. e) Are they afraid of dogs?
f) The cat isn’t under the table. f) Is the cat under the table?
3. a) Yes, they are b) Yes, it is. c) Yes, you are. d) No, she isn’t. e) No, I’m not.
4. a) There are b) Is there / there is c) Are there / there aren’t

page 121

1. a) have got b) have got c) has got d) have got e) has got
a) We haven’t got three sisters. a) Have we got three sisters?
b) I haven’t got a hamster. b) Have I got a hamster?
c) It hasn’t got grey fur. c) Has it got grey fur?
d) My teachers haven’t got lots of books. d) Have my teachers got lots of books?
e) The actress hasn’t got a colourful dress. e) Has the actress got a colourful dress?
3. a) Yes, he has. b) No, they haven’t. c) Yes, she has.
4. a) How many folders have they got? b) What has he got? c) Where have you got your Maths book?
5. a) so b) because c) and / but / or
page 123

1. a) He can play the guitar. b) He can’t cook. c) They can sing. d) It can’t fly.
2. a) No, he can’t. b) Yes, she can. c) Yes, she can. d) No, it can’t.
3. a) May I go to the toilet, please?
b) You may do this exercise on Friday.

page 125

1. a) I b) us c) I / them d) her/ She e) They f) him /He

2. a) We b) She/him c) They/us d) He/it e) They/her f) It/them
3. a) my / mine b) your /yours c) his / his d) her / hers e) its / its f) our / ours g) your / yours
h) their / theirs
4. a) That b) These c) Those d) This
36 Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

page 127

1. a) birds b) brushes c) churches d) cliffs e) geese f) ladies g) masses h) days i) knives j) men
k) foxes l) leaves m) tomatoes n) rhinos o) people
2. a) These men are good-looking. b) Those children have got toys. c) The babies are in the bed. d) The
women are actresses. e) The cats are playing with the mice. f) The geese are in the lake. g) The fairies
have got nice dresses.
3. b) It’s the child’s toy. c) They are the girls’ dolls. d) It’s Paul and Jim’s pet. e) It’s James’s car. f) They
are the boys’.

page 129

1. a) What b) How old c) Where d) What nationality e) Where… from f) When g) How many h) Who
i) How often j) What type/Kind/sort k) Whose l) What colour m) What time n) What shape o) Why
p) How q) How much r) What size
2. a) any/some b) some/any c) no

page 131

1. in – winter; the morning; 1998; March

on – October 4th; a cold day; Monday; Christmas Day
at – 6 o’clock; night; Christmas; the weekend
2. a) The blaser/It is on the armchair. b) The t-shirt is under the table/It is under the table. c) The jeans
are behind the sofa/they are behind the sofa. d) The socks are in the box/they are in the box
3. a) at/at b) on c) in/to d) to/on e) at/in f) at/with g) by

page 133

1. a) feels b) work c) finishes d) lives e) likes f) teach g) eats

2. a) She doesn’t feel sick.
b) They don’t work on a farm.
c) The party doesn’t finish at midnight.
d) He doesn’t live in Spain.
e) My best friend doesn’t like chocolate.
f) Our teachers don’t teach well.
g) The panda doesn’t eat bamboo.
3. a) Does she feel sick?
b) Do they work on a farm?
c) Does the party finish at midnight?
d) Does he live in Spain?
e) Does my best friend like chocolate?
f) Do our teachers teach well?
g) Does the panda eat bamboo?
Soluções - Festivities e My Ref Guide | Inglês 6 37

4. a) How do they go to school?

b) How does she go to work?
c) What time does school start?
d) What time do the classes finish?

page 135

1. a) He never has lunch at home.

b) We often go home by bike.
c) Jane and Susan are usually late.
d) The school team sometimes plays at the weekend.
e) I am rarely at home at night.
f) We usually do our homework after school.
g) My father always gets up early.

2. Resposta livre.

3. a) Listen to your teacher.

b) Don’t eat in the classroom.
c) Don’t write on the table.
d) Pay attention in the class.
e) Don’t speak loudly.

4. a) so b) because c) and / but / or

page 137

1. a) are reading
b) is listening
c) playing
d) is painting
e) am doing

2. a) They aren’t reading a book.

b) He isn’t listening to music.
c) The children aren’t playing outside.
d) The builder isn’t painting the house.
e) I’m not doing some English exercises.

3. a) Are they reading a book?

b) Is he listening to music?
c) Are the children playing outside?
d) Is the builder painting the house?
e) Am I doing some English exercises?
Inglês 6 | Teacher’s Book

4. a) They are running.

b) She is writing.
c) They are swimming.
d) He is reading.
e) He is dancing.

page 139

1. a) is going to buy b) are going to stay c) am going to do

a) She isn’t going to buy a new coat.
b) They aren’t going to stay in a hotel.
c) I’m not going to do my homework.
a) Is she going to buy a new coat?
b) Are they going to stay in a hotel?
c) Am I going to do my homework?
4. a) Jordan is going to travel to Paris next year.
b) Beth is going to get married next summer.
c) Joe and Parker are going to run in a race tomorrow.
d) Carol is going to wash the car soon.

pages 140-141

1.1. a) reads
b) He is reading a book.
c) He is going to read a book.
1.2. a) sleep
b) The bats are sleeping during the day.
c) The bats are going to sleep during the day.

2. a) are having
b) leaves
c) am going to visit
d) help
e) goes
f) is driving
g) is going to buy
h) works / is playing
Soluções - Festivities e My Ref Guide | Inglês 6 39

3. a) Yes, I do.
b) No he isn’t.
c) No, they aren’t.
d) Yes, they do.
e) Yes, she does.

4. a) He rides his bike.

b) He is riding a horse.
c) He is going to play the guitar.
d) They are running.
e) They write.
f) They are going to dance.
g) They sleep.
h) They are going to eat.
i) They are swimming.
j) She is knitting.
k) She is going to cook.
l) She walks.

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