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Magnetic sensors on flexible substrates

Ana Catarina Rosa Janeiro

Thesis to obtain the Master of Science Degree in

Materials Engineering

Supervisor(s): Prof. Diana Cristina Pinto Leitão

Examination Committee
Chairperson: Prof. José Paulo Sequeira Farinha
Supervisor: Prof. Diana Cristina Pinto Leitão
Member of the Committee: Dra Rita Joana dos Santos Macedo

November 2019
Dedico este trabalho aos meus Avós. Aos que ainda estão fisicamente, e aos que estão no meu
pensamento. Estão para sempre todos no meu coração.


Quero começar por agradecer à Prof.a Susana Freitas por me ter dado a oportunidade de conhecer o
INESC há dois anos atrás, o que me permitiu ter começado a minha jornada por cá, sem dúvida que foi
uma aprendizagem gigante que tive para além do que alguma vez poderia ter tido no meu curso.
Dizer um grande Obrigada à minha Prof.a e depois orientadora deste projeto, Diana Leitão. Por me
ter incentivado a arriscar e ir seguir para a frente com uma tarefa que sabı́amos que não iria ser fácil,
mas que me ensinou tanto. Obrigada por toda a orientação e ajuda neste processo. Deixo também um
agradecimento à entidade financiadora do projeto STARCHIP em que este trabalho se inseriu.
Quero deixar também o meu agradecimento aos engenheiros de processo do INESC, que estiveram
sempre dispostos a ajudar em tudo. À Rita Macedo, Ana Silva e João Mouro, obrigada por toda a ajuda
e paciência na fabricação e a pensar em pontos cruciais do meu trabalho. Obrigada Verónica, por me
teres aberto a porta a uma oportunidade com a qual eu não contava mas que se revelou uma surpresa
muito agradável e pela qual anseio muito!
Não me podia esquecer de agradecer à Natércia por todo o carinho e ajuda que me deu, poucas
pessoas têm o poder de transmitir tanto conforto :)
A todos os meus colegas e amigos que fiz no INESC. Vocês sabem quem são. Obrigada pelo
companheirismo do dia-a-dia e pelos bons momentos de relax que tivemos e tanto fazem falta! O café
do bistrô é realmente o melhor ;)
Às melhores pessoas que ficaram destes 5 anos. Foram a minha segunda famı́lia aqui e tornaram
tudo mais fácil, ao ponto de sentir saudades de ir para as aulas e estudar no 07 mesmo quando sempre
dissemos que estávamos fartos e nunca mais ı́amos querer voltar. Seguimos caminhos diferentes mas
eles continuam sempre a cruzar-se!
Um especial obrigada à Inês, a minha amiga de sempre que eu considero famı́lia, ”adultecemos”
juntas, morámos juntas e aturámo-nos muito uma à outra (mais tu a mim, I know). Obrigada por seres
quem és e me teres ajudado a perceber quem sou.
Ao Tomás M., ao qual todos e quaisquer obrigados não seriam suficientes. Mas obrigada pelo apoio
incondicional, por me ensinares tanta coisa que eu não sabia, por estares sempre disposto a ajudar-
me, pela companhia, por me fazeres sempre acreditar que eu sou capaz do que quiser. Por tudo na
realidade. Contigo foi muito mais fácil.
A toda a minha famı́lia, porque apesar da vida me levar para longe tenho sempre um lugar para
onde quero voltar. À minha maninha mais nova, que é a minha companheira de vida desde sempre e
alinha em tudo o que eu lhe peço, mesmo quando não gosta.
Por fim, agradecer aos meus pais, se isso for remotamente possı́vel. Obrigada por nos colocarem
sempre à frente de tudo, sem excepção. Por tudo o que me transmitiram desde pequena e fizeram
para que eu hoje esteja onde estou, mesmo sabendo que isso seja longe de vocês. Obrigada por me
ensinarem a dar sempre o melhor de mim.


Sensores magnetoresistivos têm atraı́do muito interesse nas últimas décadas devido à sua elevada
sensibilidade, baixo custo e consumo de energia e capacidade de miniaturização. Para alcançar a
mesma funcionalidade em substratos flexı́veis que em rı́gidos, as propriedades magneto-elásticas de
filmes finos e a deformabilidade de polı́meros devem ser profundamente estudadas.
Neste trabalho estuda-se a otimização do processo de micro-fabricação de sensores magnetore-
sistivos anisotrópicos em substratos flexı́veis. Foram utilizados dois polı́meros diferentes: Poliamida
(25 e 125 µm) e Polietileno naftalato, e duas ligas ferromagnéticas foram depositadas como filme fino.
Os materiais depositados são estudados em relação às suas propriedades cristalinas e magnéticas,
usando técnicas de difração de raios-X e magnetómetro de amostra vibrante.
O design das estruturas foi otimizado durante a fabricação à medida que obstáculos aparecem, e
microscopia eletrónica de varrimento (SEM) é usada para identificar defeitos nas estruturas fabricadas.
Cinco amostras foram fabricadas com sucesso e as suas propriedades de magneto-transporte foram
medidas através de uma montagem experimental personalizada para aplicar deformação, integrada no
aparelho existente no INESC-MN.
O sinal máximo de AMR medido foi 0,90%, o que é muito próximo aos obtidos em silı́cio. A PI-125
µm parece ser o melhor substrato para acomodar o sensor, pois obteve-se o melhor sinal AMR. Tem
a desvantagem de não alcançar as mesmas curvaturas tão facilmente quanto PEN-75 µm e PI-25 µm.
A poliamida mais fina mostra o menor sinal AMR, mas por outro lado apresenta os menores valores
de campo de saturação e tensão axial, ainda com a vantagem de se adaptar a praticamente qualquer

Palavras-chave: Anisotropia, Magnetoresistência, Substrato flexı́vel, Magnetoestrição, Tensão

axial induzida


Magnetoresistive sensors have attracted much interest in the past decades due to their high sensitivity,
low cost and power consumption and small size. In order to achieve the same functionality on flexible
substrates as on rigid, the magnetoelastic properties of thin films and deformability of polymers must be
understood in depth.
In this work we study the optimization of the microfabrication process of anisotropic magnetoresistive
sensors on flexible substrates. Two different polymers were used, namely Polyimide (25 and 125 µm)
and Polyethylene naphtalate and also two ferromagnetic alloys were deposited as thin films. The as-
deposited materials are studied for their crystalline and magnetic properties, using X-ray diffraction and
Vibrating Sample Magnetometer techniques.
The structures design has been optimized throughout the fabrication, as obstacles appear, and SEM
imaging is used to identify defects in the fabricated structures. Five samples were successfully fabricated
and their magneto-transport properties were measured through a custom bending setup integrated on
the existing apparatus at INESC-MN.
A maximum AMR ratio of 0.90% was accomplished, which is very close to silicon counterparts. PI-
125 µm seems to be the best substrate for the sensor layer, as it yielded better AMR signal, it has
the drawback of not reaching the same curvature as easily as PEN-75 µm and PI-25 µm. The thinner
polyimide shows the lowest AMR ratio, but on the other hand it also presents the lowest saturation field
and stress values, with the advantage of conforming to almost any shape.

Keywords: Anisotropy, Magnetoresistance, Flexible substrate, Magnetostriction, Induced stress


Agradecimentos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v
Resumo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
List of Tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii
List of Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xv
Nomenclature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xix

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Framework and objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.3 State of the art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3.1 Principle and applications of AMR sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.3.2 Fabrication on flexible substrates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Theoretical Background: Magnetic anisotropy and Magnetoresistance . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.4.1 Shape anisotropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.2 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
1.4.3 Induced anisotropy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4.4 Magnetostriction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.4.5 Magnetoresistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
1.4.6 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Thin-film characterization: results and discussion 13

2.1 Substrate preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Material selection and deposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.1 Permalloy: Ni80 Fe20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.2 Co90 Fe10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2.3 Deposition techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3 Material characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.1 Resistivity (4-probe method) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
2.3.2 X-ray diffraction (XRD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3.3 Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3 Fabrication process 24
3.1 1 lithography: sensor layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2 Etching by ion-beam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.2.1 Photoresist strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.3 2nd lithography: electrical contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.4 Metallization and lift-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4.1 Lift-off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.5 Fabrication challenges and mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

4 Device characterization: results and discussion 37

4.1 Assembly of bending setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
4.2 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.2.1 Ni80 Fe20 curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.2.2 Co90 Fe10 curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.2.3 Anisotropy contributions and influence on sensor behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

5 Conclusions and future work 49

References 51

A Runsheets A.1
A.1 Fabrication process runsheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A.1

List of Tables

1.1 Summary of saturation magnetization (Ms ), anisotropy constants (K1 ) and magnetostric-
tion coefficients (λs ) of 3d ferromagnetic elements and Ni80 Fe20 [17]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1 Summary of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of PEN [26, 27], PET [27, 28]
and Kapton HN [29]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.2 Measured resistivity values (presented in µΩ.cm) for samples with a thickness of 200 Å,
except when stated otherwise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Acquisiton conditions for x-ray diffraction of Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 thin films (unless
stated otherwise in the text). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
2.4 Fitting parameters, average crystallite sizes, calculated and reference interplanar dis-
tances and Miller indices for the peaks in the thin films XRD spectra. All samples have a
buffer and cap layer of Ta 100 Å. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.5 Magnetic properties of unpatterned samples with 200 Å of sensing layer encapsulated
with 100 Å Ta. M/Msat (normalized magnetization), Hc (coercive field) and Hk (anisotropy
field) were extracted from the plots; Ku is the effective anisotropy constant. . . . . . . . . 21

3.1 Fabrication process summary of Fig. 3.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.2 Different sensor sizes from versions 2 and 3 (width × length) in µm. . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 Etching conditions in N3000 for Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Deposition conditions in N7000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.5 Deposition conditions in Alcatel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

4.1 Magneto-transport properties of the patterned samples with 200 Å of sensing layer en-
capsulated with 100 Å Ta. AMR (%) is the anisotropic magnetoresistance ratio, Hsat is the
saturation field and Hsw the switching field extracted from the curves. Hk is the anisotropy
field estimated from the VSM hysteresis loops. Hdem , σ, Kuσ and Hσ were calculated from
several parameters. For each sample, the values correspond to the same sensor, except
for Ta /Co90 Fe10 / Ta // PI-125, in which it was not possible to measure for more bending
radius and instead, 2 sensors are present with r = ∞. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

List of Figures

1.1 AMR sensor barber pole confirguration. (Reused from [7] Honeywell, Inc). . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Schemes of the influence of the stray field on 2D and 3D structures. (Reused from [8]
The Royal Society of Chemistry 2013). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Photograph of experimental site and position of the AMR sensors. (Reused with permis-
sion from [9] 2004 Elsevier B.V.). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.4 Electrical output and resistance of flexible AMR sensor mounted on surfaces with different
curvature radius (from flat to r = 5 mm). (a) Voltage and resistance under bending. (b)
Voltage and resistance after release. (Reused with permission from [5] . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Schematic illustration of magnetic configuration of a spin-valve in PI substrate before and
after downward bending stress along the magnetic easy axis. (Reused with permission
from [11] The Author(s) 2018). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
1.6 (Reused from [15]) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.7 Magnetization curves of single crystals of iron, cobalt and nickel [17]. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.8 AMR sensor working principle: (a) magnetoresistance variation with angle; (b) change in
the angle between magnetization and current with applied magnetic field. (Reused with
permission from [24] 2006 IEEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

2.1 Geometrical condition for diffraction within a crystal [38]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

2.2 XRD spectra: a) PEN, PI 25 µm and PI 125 µm with no film on top; Inset: PI 25 µm and
PI 125 µm curves shown in detail; b) Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 500 Å/ Ta 100 Å on different
substrates; Inset: Ni80 Fe20 (111) peak zoomed on different substrates. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
2.3 VSM plots of PI - 125 µm samples: (a) Ta/Ni/Ta, field sweep from -600 to 600 mT; (b)
Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT; (c) Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from
-100 to 100 mT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.4 VSM plots of PEN - 75 µm samples: (a) Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT;
(b) Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
2.5 VSM plots of PI - 25 µm samples: (a) Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT;
(b) Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 Fabrication process overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

3.2 First layer of the different mask versions. (a) Version 1; (b) Version 2; (c) Version 3; . . . . 26

3.3 Example of Ni80 Fe20 S2 sensor in PI-25 µm after the first lithography. The stripes (darker
color) represent the sensor protected with photoresist. Background imperfections are
features of the substrate and do not affect performance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
3.4 Optical microscope images of Ni80 Fe20 samples after etching. (a) Sensor S4 in PI 125
µm; (b) Sensor S2 in PEN; (c) Sensor S2 in PI 25 µm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
3.5 (a) Incomplete striping of photoresist on a Ni80 Fe20 sample; (b) Ni80 Fe20 sensors defined
by etching on PEN substrate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3.6 Mask schemes: (a) V2 contact pads detail; (b) V3 contact pads details. . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.7 Example of sensor S2 after the second lithography. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.8 Samples after metallization in N7000: (a) Test samples; Substrate of the highlighted sam-
ple on the right is PET while the left is PI-25; (b) Sample with the first version of the mask
in PI-25; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.9 Samples after gold contacts deposition in Alcatel; Left sample is PI-25 substrate and right
one is PI-125. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.10 Samples with gold metallization from Alcatel in lift-off process; Sample on the left is PI -
125 and on the right is PI - 25. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.11 Lift-off defects: (a) AlSiCu test feature; (b) Sensor in a PI-25/Co90 Fe10 alloy sample. . . . 33
3.12 Finished samples on the three different substrates attached to a wafer for optical inspection. 34
3.13 First sample fabricated, with cracks visible after the first layer lithography. . . . . . . . . . 34
3.14 SEM images of Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 samples fabricated on PI - 25: (a) Co90 Fe10 alloy
sample; (b) Ni80 Fe20 alloy sample, junction between sensor and contact pad; (c) Co90 Fe10
alloy sample, sensor stripes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

4.1 Sensor transfer-curve measurement setup installed at INESC-MN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

4.2 Components of the bending characterization setup: (a) Sample bent and inserted on the
PCB connector; (b) PCB; (c) Flex cable connector; (d) ZIF connector and terminal box. . 38
4.3 PCB inserted in the ZIF connector, with a sample mounted in a bent mode ready for
measurements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

4.4 Characterization layout: Happ is the applied field, M and M are the initial magnetization
direction and the magnetization rotation with the field. The image shows a sample with a
sensor close-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.5 Measurements with bending sequence flowchart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.6 Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // on the three substrates AMR curves measured on
flat mode (r = ∞). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.7 Ni80 Fe20 sample on PEN bent on 2.5 mm radius support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.8 Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PEN µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1, #2 and #3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
4.9 Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1 and #2 and #3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

4.10 Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1 and #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
4.11 Ta 100 Å /Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1, #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.12 Ta 100 Å /Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r
= ∞) (two sensors) and bending #2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45


AMR Anisotropic magnetoresistance

CoFe Cobalt-iron [alloy]

H Magnetic field

Hc Coercive field

Hdem Demagnetizing field

Hk Anisotropy field

Hsat Saturation field

Ku Uniaxial anisotropy constant

λs Coefficient of saturation magnetostriction

M Magnetization

Msat Saturation magnetization

MR Magnetoresistance

NiFe Nickel-iron [alloy]

PEN Poly(ethylene naphthalate)

PET Poly(ethylene terephthalate)

PI Polyimide

PR Photoresist

SEM Scanning electron microscope

VSM Vibrating sample magnetometer

XRD X-ray diffraction

Chapter 1


1.1 Motivation

Magnetoresistive sensors have attracted much interest in the past decades due to their high sensitivity,
low cost and power consumption and small size [1, 2]. While silicon has been the most used substrate
for device fabrication, due to its useful properties as a semiconductor material, the novel applications of
portable and wearable electronics have been driving a push towards materials with higher mechanical
flexibility and compactness [3]. For instance, monitoring the temperature of the human body is an
example of an important parameter in physiology that needs attention in terms of finding novel sensors
that can be integrated with soft, flexible and curvilinear matter [4]. To this end, several research groups
have been focusing on reaching the same levels of performance and sensitivity on flexible substrates as
the existing on rigid counterparts.
Anisotropic magnetoresistance was the first magnetoresistive effect to be observed and implemented
at industrial scale, although it was rapidly substituted by Giant magnetoresistance due to its higher
MR ratio. However, this technology presents drawbacks relatively to AMR, since there is a need for
external magnetic bias, increasing the volume and power consumption of the final product. Furthermore,
the GMR response is not practical at low magnetic fields, yielding a small resistance change. On the
contrary, AMR sensors are self-biased and can alleviate this disadvantage presenting higher sensitivities
at smaller fields [5].

1.2 Framework and objectives

The main focus of INESC-MN is to produce magnetoresistive sensors on rigid substrates such as silicon
and glass. However, in the past years the technological interest in flexible devices has grown, leading
the development of solutions that allow adding mechanical functionality onto magnetic devices. This
systems have to be adapted to existing fabrication and characterization facilities. Previous works have
focused on the implementation of spin valve MR sensors on PET substrates. This thesis concentrates
in testing different substrates and understanding their role in changing the intrinsic magnetic behavior of

simple thin film layers.
The goal of this dissertation is to apply the well established techniques and materials in microfab-
rication of rigid substrates and adapt them for use in flexible substrates, optimizing existing framework
in this area. The main contribution of this work will be the microfabrication of reliable single thin film
magnetoresistive structures in a meander shape, for posterior magnetic characterization under bending
To that end, several intermediate objectives have been defined:

• Characterization of Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta and Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta thin film materials on the chosen flexible
substrates: resistivity measurements, x-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometer are the
relevant techniques (Chapter 2);

• Optimization of fabrication processes for the patterning of meander shape structures on flexi-
ble substrate: adaptation of standard microfabrication techniques to the fabrication on flexible
substrates and further implementation of optimized parameters and processes in the clean-room
(Chapter 3);

• Developing of a setup for integration on the available magneto-transport characterization apparatus

at INESC-MN: elaboration of bending supports and electrical connections between samples and
acquisition system (Chapter 4);

• Characterization of the magneto-transport properties of the finished architectures under bending

conditions: measurement of AMR curves in flat state and on bending supports and further discus-
sion about the influence of the tested substrates on the results (Chapter 4).

1.3 State of the art

1.3.1 Principle and applications of AMR sensors

AMR sensors started to gain popularity around the 1980’s as high density read heads for tape and
disk drives [2], but these were rapidly substituted by GMR technology, as the latter yields higher MR
ratios. Other common applications include automotive wheel speed and crankshaft sensing, compass
navigation, vehicle detection, current sensing, and many others [6].
Practically all AMR devices assume a “barber pole” structure composed of aluminum stripes sput-
tered on permalloy (Py) strips that deflect the direction of the current by 45o with respect to the direction
of magnetization, so that the change in resistance is linear and the largest. Four of these elements are
connected in a Wheatstone bridge (Fig. 1.1), in which the sensitivity of two branches have the opposite
direction than the other two, in order to double the signal output.
They are often composed of a single layer of Permalloy (Ni80 Fe20 ) thin film designed in a meander
shape to induce a strong anisotropy and maximize the length of the sensing element.

The sensitivity of the bridge is often expressed as mV/V/Oe, which means that if the middle term
(bridge voltage) is set to 5 volts, and its sensitivity is 3 mV/V/Oe, then the output gain will be 15 mV/Oe.
Output levels of 1 µV can be achieved, resulting in a magnetic resolution of 67 µOe [7].

Although the bridge configuration is the most common, there are other types of AMR sensors, which
was the case in the work of Ger et al., that fabricated a rolled-up structure with a layer of Permalloy
in silicon substrate for cell sensing. The cells were labeled with magnetic nanoparticles, which in turn
were attracted towards the sensors and MR measurements were performed. The tests were made with
2D (planar) and 3D (rolled-up) structures. The results in the 2D sensor showed that the switching field
and MR ratio changed from 2.08 mT to 2.31 mT and 0.194% to 0.193% respectively. On the other
hand, the 3D structure was more sensitive to the nanoparticle attachment, as the switching field and MR
ratios changed from 2.67 mT and 0.279% to 4.34 mT and 0.05%. Such a difference can be due to the
influence of the stray field of the magnetic cell, which becomes more relevant in the 3D structure since
it encloses the cell (Fig. 1.2). This 3D biosensor has the potential to integrate microfluidic channels for
cell detection and counting with high accuracy which is important for health monitoring and diagnosis
applications [8].

Vehicle detection is fundamental for collecting information from moving vehicles on the road, including
traffic volume, occupancy rate and vehicle speeds. For this purpose, AMR sensors that sense the earth’s
magnetic field (EMF) have been studied by M.H. Kang et al. Four magnetoresistors are mounted into a
wheatstone bridge and if the resistance in one or more devices is altered by the change in EMF caused
by a moving vehicle, the sensor produces an output signal. The tests were carried out in a highway
(Fig. 1.3), and the sensors were placed with the sensitivity axis perpendicular to the road’s surface,
since they observed that the vehicles running on other lanes interfered with the sensors. When a vehicle
passes over the AMR sensor, the EMF suffers variations caused by all the different dipole moments
of the vehicle parts. They observed that each vehicle type (vans, trucks, buses, etc) had a different
magnetic signature that was translated in the output curve. An experiment during low-speed congested
traffic situation was also conducted, the vehicles were traveling below 10 km/h, on average. The vehicles
were counted by the sensor with an error of 0.3 % [9].

Figure 1.1: AMR sensor barber pole confirguration. (Reused from [7] Honeywell, Inc).

Figure 1.2: Schemes of the influence of the stray field on 2D and 3D structures. (Reused from [8] The
Royal Society of Chemistry 2013).

Figure 1.3: Photograph of experimental site and position of the AMR sensors. (Reused with permission
from [9] c 2004 Elsevier B.V.).

1.3.2 Fabrication on flexible substrates

Flexible substrates are gaining more attention in the electronics field of study due to their applications
in wearable devices, displays, rollable solar panels and health monitoring systems [5]. When it comes
to device fabrication, flexible polymers can offer lower costs when compared to silicon, less fabrication
steps and feature high mechanical flexibility [10].
In contrast to sensors based on silicon substrates, the effect of the flexibility of polymers in the
performance of electronic systems needs special attention. Mechanical deformation related to stretching

Figure 1.4: Electrical output and resistance of flexible AMR sensor mounted on surfaces with different
curvature radius (from flat to r = 5 mm). (a) Voltage and resistance under bending. (b) Voltage and
resistance after release. (Reused with permission from [5]

and bending may affect the reproductibility and retention of device characteristics [11], so it is of great
importance to understand this effects and develop techniques to overcome this.
Wang et al. successfully fabricated self-biased AMR magnetic field sensors with a sensitivity limit
around 1.5 × 10-3 Oe at 3 Hz and a sensitivity of 42 T-1 , close to the value on rigid Si substrate and
superior to GMR counterparts. To attain this, 100 µm PET (polyethylene terephthalate) foils were used
as substrate with 30 nm of permalloy thin film deposited by magnetron sputtering. Before deposition, a
buffer layer of photoresist (PR) was added to improve surface roughness of the PET foil. This sensor was
also designed in wheatstone bridge configuration, and the metal leads were accomplished by deposition
of 100 nm of gold. Along with the PET/PR/Py sensor, they also fabricated a sensor without PR as
buffer layer and a Py layer on Si/SiO2 for comparison. The magnetoresistance was measured through
4 point probe method, and an increase of the AMR ratio was observed, from 0.76% on PET/Py to
0.96% on PET/PR/Py. Additionally, bending tests were performed on the sensors by mounting them
onto cylinder objects with different radii. After bending the sensors 50 times, measurements showed
that the resistance and output voltage of the sensors were stable with curvature radius > 10 mm. For
smaller radii, there was an increase in resistance and output voltage, but these values returned to the
original when the sensors were released to their flat state, as can be seen in Fig.1.4. This recovery of
the properties of the AMR sensors indicates that these have outstanding deformation stability, which can
sustain a significantly large amount of strain even with a wrapping radius down to 5 mm [5].

GMR sensors came along after AMR, demonstrating higher magnetoresistance ratios between 10%
to 80%. This effect occurs in a multilayer sandwich of two magnetic layers that are separated by a thin
non-magnetic film [10]. Nowadays, research groups are focusing in the accomplishment of this technol-
ogy on flexible substrates, with a particular interest in Kapton, a polyimide (PI) with desirable thermoset-
ting properties with high thermal and chemical stabilities [11]. Based on the inverse magnetostriction
effect of magnetic layers, Kwon et al. fabricated spin-valve structures of Ta/NiFe/CoFe/Cu/Ni/IrMn/Ta on
PI substrate (125 µm). NiFe and Ni are the free and pinned layers, respectively, by stress application
through bending of the flexible layers. Stack deposition was accomplished by DC magnetron sputtering
with a magnetic field of around 20 mT to set the easy axis of the material. By application of downward

bending stress along the easy axis, magnetic anisotropy of the free layer decreases and it becomes
relatively free to rotate with the applied field, and the anisotropy of the pinned layer increases. Repeti-
tive bending stress by the mechanical bending machine accumulates these effects and, as a result, the
magnetic configuration of the free and pinned layers is settled down after 200 bending cycles (Fig. 1.5).
The MR ratio of 2.3% measured in the initial flat state gradually increases to 7.0% in the after flat
state for 100-times bending due to the enhanced magnetic anisotropy of the pinned layer in spite of the
reduction of the anisotropy in the free layer. Posteriorly, a prototype spin-valve sensor cell array was
fabricated for the detection of microbeads. At zero external field, the sensing cells had a voltage output
of 35.4 mV, indicating the existence of magnetic beads on the cell window area because the stray field
from the beads affects magnetization reversal of the free layer [11].

Other engineering polymer that has been gaining a lot of ground in flexible electronics is PEN
(polyethylene naphthalate), which has been reported as superior to PET with higher mechanical strength,
namely yield tensile stress and Young’s modulus, heat resistance and dimensional stability [12, 13].
Structural health monitoring (SHM) can be complex and time consuming due to difficult access to
some construction elements. For this reason, this area has been attracting researchers to improve
the process of guaranteeing the safety of buildings, bridges, tunnels or even dams. SHM involves
procedures that use integrated measuring systems to collect data and transform them to information
on the actual state of the surveyed structures. Currently this is achieved mainly by typical measuring
systems with strain gauges or fiber-optic sensors [14].
These inspections require many sensors because of the large areas and complexity of the structures,
which increases its costs significantly. The overall cost of such an array can be reduced significantly if
all the strain sensors are fabricated by printing methods using cost-effective materials. Zymelka et al.
propose the fabrication of printed devices, featuring low cost and rapid, large-area manufacturing. This
was accomplished by laminating a PEN foil (50 µm) with a copper sheet (16 µm) by hot pressing and
etching of the copper layer to define metal leads and electrodes. On the top of the conductive lines, a 4 ×
4 array of 16 sensors was screen printed using thermosetting graphite paste with the help of a stainless
steel mesh. The diameter of each sensor was 16 mm. The sensors were cured in a conventional
oven at 150 o C for 30 min, and the final electrical resistance of the unit sensor was 88.9 ± 4.6 kΩ.
Lastly, connectors with flexible flat cables were soldered to the corresponding copper electrodes on the

Figure 1.5: Schematic illustration of magnetic configuration of a spin-valve in PI substrate before and
after downward bending stress along the magnetic easy axis. (Reused with permission from [11] c The
Author(s) 2018).

substrate and the structure was covered with self-adhesive PET-based laminating sheets. Bending tests
were carried out in a tensile test machine in the laboratory, with strain gauges installed on the bottom
to use as reference strain measurements. Twenty bending cycles up to around 130 µε were applied. In
some applications, such values of strain would be considered low, however, based on available literature
[14], typical strain levels that are measured during normal traffic on undamaged elements of bridges are
relatively low and do not exceed 80 µε. Tests with temperature variation were performed and values
of relative change in electrical resistance were converted directly to strains, although no mechanical
deformation was applied, so the apparent strain is because of the changes in temperature. Results
shown that slight temperature fluctuations may influence the measurements significantly, despite the
fact that a full Wheatstone-bridge enables compensation for these variations.
After the laboratory tests, the sensors were installed on a highway bridge (Fig. 1.6) in three different
spots (a metal girder and concrete pier), namely one of them was placed exactly over a crack on the
concrete, as seen in Fig. 1.6(d) and (e). There was a significant difference between the results registered
on the metal girder and the pier. Because the metal girder experienced no damage, and is in general
more elastic than concrete, the sensors showed uniform changes in the output signals in which the
amplitude depends on the instantaneous load on the bridge. Typical strain registered during the passage
of heavy vehicles was ± 25 µε.
In contrast, sensors installed in the concrete pier exhibit nonuniform strain results, especially the
ones on top of the crack, that showed significantly higher strain levels. This reveals a novel approach
and alternative to high cost current solutions with the use of flexible polymers as substrate for fabrication

GMR multilayer elements (Co/Cu and Py/Cu) can be directly fabricated on 1.4 µm ultrathin PET
foils. This substrate is fully compatible with lithography and lift-off processes, which is key to large-area
and low-cost manufacture. The PET substrate temporarily adhered to a 125 µm thick polymer to help
handling during the fabrication process. A positive lithography lift-off process was performed to define
sensor stripes of 1 × 16 mm2 . The magnetoresistive layers were deposited by magnetron sputtering,

Figure 1.6: (Reused from [15])

and after lift-off, electrical contacts were realized using thin copper wires and silver paste. This sensors
demonstrated remarkable potential for smark skins application, or medical implants [4].

The same authors published a work where they chose 60 µm thick PDMS (poly(dimethylsiloxane))
membranes that are mechanically pre-stretched up to 25% × 25% strain of their size. This is fundamen-
tal to achieve higher stretchability without inducing cracks in the sensor layer. With this approach, they
increased from 4% to 30 % the stretchability of GMR multilayers without crack formation.

A poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) layer was spin-coated on top of a Si wafer and pre-baked at 90 o C for
5 min before the lithographic standard process. Deposition of GMR multilayers on top of PAA was
again accomplished by magnetron sputtering and electrodes were defined on a second lithography level,
followed by e-beam evaporation of Cr/Cu layers. The receiver membranes of PDMS were prepared and
stretched using a frame with clamps, and then both donor and receiver substrates were activated with
oxygen plasma at 50 W. Subsequently they were brought into contact on a hot plate under weight and
pressure of about 10 kPa for 30 min. After, the whole structure was immersed in a solvent to dissolve
the sacrificial layer and release the Si, so the sensors stayed imprinted on PDMS [16].

1.4 Theoretical Background: Magnetic anisotropy and Magnetore-


On the atomic level, different sources that cause magnetic anisotropy can be identified. The spon-
taneous magnetization of the domains tends to lie along one or more easy directions determined by
crystal structure, atomic-scale texture or sample shape. This tendency is represented by the anisotropy
energy Ea , in which the leading term is:

Ea = Ku sin2 θ (1.1)

where θ is the angle between magnetization and the anisotropy axis and Ku is the anisotropy con-
stant, with units of J m-3 . These values can range from less than 1 kJ m-3 to more than 10 MJ m-3 .

The anisotropy field, Ha is derived minimizing the energy term, and is defined as the field needed to
saturate the magnetization of a uniaxial crystal in a hard direction:

Ha = (1.2)
µ0 Ms

Since µ0 Ms ∼ 1 T for a typical ferromagnet, Ha values are of the order of 2.5 mT to more than 32
mT [17].

There are essentially three causes of anisotropy in a material: shape, magnetocrystalline and in-
duced anisotropy. These are explained below.

1.4.1 Shape anisotropy

This is not an intrinsic property of the material, as it depends on sample shape. It derives from the
demagnetizing field that is generated within each domain of the ferromagnetic sample. In the case of
thin films, it is more energetically favorable for magnetization to lie in the film plane and the bigger the
aspect ratio of the sample, the largest is the demagnetizing field created, and thus the largest is the
shape anisotropy of the sample. In eq. 1.3 is shown the shape anisotropy contribution for the total
energy of the system [17]:

Ed = µ0 Ms2 cos2 θ (1.3)

µ0 is the free space permeability, Ms is the spontaneous magnetization and θ is the angle between
magnetization and the perpendicular to the film plane. Typical values for shape anisotropy are around
200 kJ/m3 .

1.4.2 Magnetocrystalline anisotropy

The three 3d ferromagnetic elements (Fe, Ni, Co) show a different saturation behavior when magnetized
in different directions. In the case of iron, the easy directions for magnetization are the cube edges
h100i, and the diagonals h111i are hard directions. For nickel it is the other way around, since it has
a FCC lattice instead of BCC. On the other hand, cobalt has only the hexagonal axis [001] as easy
direction. Therefore, these materials are easily magnetized if the field is applied in the same direction
as the easy axis. The magnetocrystalline anistotropy energy has a leading term represented by:

Ea = K1 sin2 θ (1.4)

The anisotropy constant, K1 values can range from 0.1 to 104 kJ/m3 .

This form of anisotropy arises from two distinct sources, namely single-ion contributions and two-ion

In single-ion anisotropy, the contribution is due to electrostatic interaction of the orbitals with the
potential created by the crystal itself. The crystal-field interaction stabilizes a particular orbital and
through the spin-orbit interaction, the magnetic moment aligns in a certain crystallographic direction.

On the other hand, the two-ion contribution reflects the anisotropy of the dipole-dipole interaction. In
terms of energy, head-to-tail configuration is the most favorable, so that magnets tend to align in this
form. If we extend this to the entire lattice, the spins will all be aligned in the same direction, creating
anisotropy. For certain cases such as cubic lattices, the total sum cancels and this effect vanishes.
However, in noncubic lattices (i.e. hexagonal), this dipole interaction is a considerable source of FM

Figure 1.7: Magnetization curves of single crystals of iron, cobalt and nickel [17].

1.4.3 Induced anisotropy

There are several ways of inducing uniaxial anisotropy in a crystal. For example, annealing in a magnetic
field, promoting atomic diffusion to build texture in the film, creating a preferred orientation for magne-
tization. Similar texture can be achieved by atomic deposition of films in a magnetic field of around 10
mT, which was one of the methods used in this work.
Applying stress, σ to some materials can also cause magnetic anisotropy. The magnitude of this
phenomena is described as:

Kuσ = σλs (1.5)

where λs is the saturation magnetostriction constant. Magnetocrystalline anisotropy also contributes

to this effect, since the largest values of uniaxial anisotropy are found in hexagonal and other uniaxial
crystals, whereas the smallest are found in cubic and amorphous alloys [17].

1.4.4 Magnetostriction

Magnetostriction can be generally described as the change in size of a material due to its magnetization
process. This change can be either in volume, which in this case is isotropic and reflects a change in
interatomic spacing, or linear in the direction of magnetization.
In general, if θ is the angle between the magnetization and the easy axis:

λs (3 cos2 θ − 1)
λ(σ) = (1.6)

In cubic crystals there are two principal values for magnetostriction, for example, in iron we have λ100
= 15 × 10-6 and λ111 = - 21 × 10-6 . Considering the isotropic average:

2 3
λs = λ100 + λ111 , (1.7)
5 5

Iron saturation magnetostriction is λs = - 7 × 10-6 .

Linear strain changes are related to the rotation of domains as the magnetization saturates. Two

distinct effects fall in this category, namely the Joule and Villari effect. James Joule observed in 1842
the change in size of a nickel rod during a magnetization process.
The Villari effect (also known as inverse magnetostriction) happens when mechanical stress is ap-
plied to a demagnetized sample, modifying its easy axes for magnetization, which will be the focus of
this work. This phenomenon falls in the category of induced anisotropy and is commonly classified as
magnetoelastic anisotropy. The magnetoelastic energy density term can be writen as:

Ems = −λs (3 cos2 θ − 1) (1.8)

with θ being the angle between magnetization and the strain axis. This energy has a range of values
that goes up to 100 kJ m-3 [17]

1.4.5 Magnetoresistance

Magnetoresistance (MR) is described as a change in resistance of a material in the presence of a

magnetic field (eq. 1.9). The magnetoresistive device will tend to align its magnetization with the applied
field resulting in a variation of resistance. The minimum and maximum resistance registered define the
magnitude of the magnetoresistance effect.

Rmax − Rmin
M R(%) = × 100 (1.9)

MR can arise due to several mechanisms, such as anisotropic (AMR) [10], giant (GMR) [18] and tun-
neling magnetoresistance (TMR) [19], and thin film-based devices have been developed implementing
each of these phenomena [17]. This work focuses only on AMR based technology.

1.4.6 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance

The AMR effect was discovered in 1857 by William Thompson, by observing that the resistivity of Ni
varies slightly with the direction of current, relative to the direction of magnetization [20]. This mechanism
occurs in 3d transition metals and is due to spin-orbit coupling, demonstrating the interaction between the
spin of the conduction electrons and the crystal lattice. An increase in the resistivity of the system occurs
as the majority s-electrons are scattered into (minority) d-orbital states. This anisotropic scattering
has a probability of occurring that depends on the orientation of magnetization relative to the flowing
current. If the d-orbitals are parallel to the current direction, the resistivity is higher, whereas if they
are perpendicular, it will be lower [21]. As depicted in Fig.1.8, the change in resistivity depends on θ,
the angle between the direction of the current and magnetization. Eq.1.10 describes this phenomenon,
where ρ⊥ and ρ// refer to the resistivity values at θ = 90o and θ = 0o , respectively [22].

ρ(θ) = ρ⊥ + (ρk − ρ⊥ ) cos2 θ (1.10)

Typical AMR values at room temperature are ∼ 5% for NiFe and CoFe bulk alloys [22] and lower for

Table 1.1: Summary of saturation magnetization (Ms ), anisotropy constants (K1 ) and magnetostriction
coefficients (λs ) of 3d ferromagnetic elements and Ni80 Fe20 [17].

Ms (kA/m) K1 (kJ m-3 ) λs (10-6 )

Fe 1710 48 -7
Ni 488 -5 - 35
Co 1440 410 - 60
Ni80 Fe20 830 -1 2

patterned thin films (∼ 2%) [23]. This reduction is caused by additional scattering, for example at grain
boundaries and film interfaces.
Before 1997, the main industry application for AMR sensors were in read heads for magnetic hard
disk drives, which are basically storage disks, but with advances on technology, AMR heads were quickly
replaced by systems based on GMR [25]. Nevertheless, thanks to their simple design, low cost, robust-
ness and temperature stability, these sensors were introduced in a wide range of applications, such as
the automotive industry, consumer electronics, biotechnology and more recently, the focus has been
flexible electronics as it will be shown further in this document. In the first two, they are used for current
sensing, position, speed and angle sensing and even in compasses for the detection of the earth’s mag-
netic field. As for the biotechnology field, these are mostly applied in bimolecular detection in protein
assays using magnetic tags or microfluidic systems for magnetic bead manipulation [10].
In table 1.1, the saturation magnetization, anisotropy constants, and magnetostriction coefficients
are shown for the 3d ferromagnetic elements, as well as Ni80 Fe20 alloy.

Figure 1.8: AMR sensor working principle: (a) magnetoresistance variation with angle; (b) change in
the angle between magnetization and current with applied magnetic field. (Reused with permission from
[24] c 2006 IEEE.

Chapter 2

Thin-film characterization: results and


This chapter focuses on the techniques used to deposit thin-films on flexible substrate, as well as the
further characterization work that was done in order to assess the quality of the films.

2.1 Substrate preparation

Prior to all depositions, the substrate needs to be as clean as possible, in order to promote good adhe-
sion at the interface and proper film growth.
The first step in preparing the substrate for fabrication is to cut it in the desired shape and dimensions.
In the present case, the chosen sizes were 1 × 1 inch and 1 × 2 inches.
Next, a cleaning step is performed by submerging the substrate in alconox solution and ultrasounds
at room temperature for about one hour. Finally the substrate is cleaned with isopropyl alcohol (IPA) and
deionized (DI) water to remove the alconox solution from its surface and stored.
The following substrates were used in this study: polyimide (PI), that goes by the commercial name
of Kapton HN, with a thickness of 25 and 125 µm. This material has a high thermal and mechanical
stability, two key properties when microfabricating flexible sensors and is synthesized by polymerizing
an aromatic dianhydride and an aromatic diamine [29]. It has been used successfully at temperatures
that range from -269 o C to 400 o C, so it is suitable for a diverse range of fields that go from electronics,
fiber optics, insulation to automotive sensors. In Table 2.1 values of the Poisson coefficient ν, tensile

Table 2.1: Summary of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of PEN [26, 27], PET [27, 28] and
Kapton HN [29].

Substrate ν Es (GPa) α (10-6 K-1 ) ρ (Ω.cm) Tmax (o C) Tg (o C)

PEN 0,3 5-5.5 20-21 1015 115 120
PET 0,37-0,44 2-4 20-80 1014 115-170 78
Kapton HN (PI) 0,34 2.5 20 1.5×1017 250-320 360-410

modulus Es , coefficient of thermal expansion α, resisitivity ρ, upper working temperature Tmax and glass
transition temperature Tg , among others are summarized for the mentioned polymers.
In addition, a polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) foil with a thickness of 75 µm was also used. This
material is very similar to polyethylene terephthalate (PET), but each benzene ring is replaced with a
naphthalene ring, and it has been reported as superior to PET, as previously stated in the state of the
Although the standard micro-fabrication methods still show challenges when working with flexible
substrates, the latter are gaining more attention for applications such as flexible printed circuits, organic
semiconductor substrates and wearable devices [30]. There are some properties that need to be taken
into account when choosing a suitable material for the desired applications.

2.2 Material selection and deposition

2.2.1 Permalloy: Ni80 Fe20

One of the chosen materials for this work is the permalloy, with a stoichiometry of 80% Ni and 20%
Fe of the deposition target. It is a soft magnetic alloy, widely used in the magnetic industry due to
its high permeability, low coercivity and small magnetic anisotropy [31]. This particular percentage is
known to have near zero magnetostriction, which makes it a good base comparison for a study with
materials that have a significant magnetostricion constant [32]. These films are mostly used in AMR
sensors, with a working temperature that goes up to 225 o C [33], but also in sensing layers of advanced
magnetoresistive sensors based in GMR and TMR.

2.2.2 Co90 Fe10

Cobalt-iron based thin films are mostly used because of their high saturation magnetization values.
In the past years they have also been attracting attention as an alternative to NiFe alloys, due to the
possibility of obtaining softer magnetic properties with a suitable underlayer. That is why one of the main
challenges has been to obtain CoFe thin films with lower coercivities, as they normally range from 5 - 10
mT [34], for the purpose of magnetic recording devices. CoFe alloys have a higher anisotropy than NiFe
and larger magnetostriction constant. These materials are also key components of multilayered stacks
for MR sensors.

2.2.3 Deposition techniques

Two deposition techniques were employed during this work.

A Nordiko 3000 ion-beam system was used for depositing Ni80 Fe20 . It consists of a fully automated
machine equipped with two RF ion sources corresponding to a deposition and an assist/etch gun. Inside
the chamber we can find 6 targets and a substrate table, capable of rotation and pan angle adjustment.

This machine allows the deposition of both metallic and oxide films, as well as ion milling, through the
assist gun.
Samples are mounted in approximately 6 inch metallic plates, that are placed horizontally in a cas-
sette with a total of 8 slots. The cassette is placed in the load lock, which is then pumped by a turbo-
molecular pump, along with a mechanical pump that makes a primary vacuum as a backing to the turbo.
When a base pressure of about 10-5 Torr is achieved, the batch process can start and a robot arm will
transport the samples to the main chamber. The chamber is preferentially always pumped, with a base
pressure of 10-8 Torr [25].
The RF antennas produce plasma from an inert gas (Xe for deposition and Ar for etching) via a
series of voltage-biased grids, which is accelerated into the chamber. The deposition gun is directed to
the material target, and when the beam strikes it, material is ejected towards the sample. On the other
hand, the assist gun is aimed at the substrate table and hits the sample directly, removing material.
There are several working conditions that can be tuned depending on the materials we are process-
ing, and these will be briefly discussed further in the next section.
On the other hand, Co90 Fe10 was deposited in a Nordiko 2000 system, a magnetron sputtering
machine featuring 2 RF and 4 DC power supplies. Maximum sample size is 2×2 square inch and thus
has a smaller load lock and deposition chamber.
In DC deposition mode, the metallic target serves as cathode, while the substrate is the anode, and
plasma is created between these two by argon injection into the chamber. Positive ions are accelerated
by an electric field superimposed on the target, colliding and ejecting atoms from its surface, which will
be deposited on the substrate. Furthermore, the cathode has a magnetron that creates a magnetic
field to confine the plasma near its surface trapping electrons, thus enhancing both the efficiency of the
initial ionization and allowing lower working pressures. This reduces background gas incorporation in
the growing thin film and energy losses through gas collisions when comparing to normal DC or RF
sputtering [35].
To deposit insulating films such as MgO or Al2 O3 , RF power is used to avoid charge build up [36].

2.3 Material characterization

2.3.1 Resistivity (4-probe method)

Electrical resistivity is an intrinsic property of bulk materials that dictates how much a material can
oppose the flowing of electric current. To understand how resistivity varies from bulk materials to thin
films is of great interest for the field of design and performance of circuits. The thickness of these
conductors are in the order of a few dozens of nanometers, where it is more likely for charge carriers to
interact with the boundaries as current flows. This quantity is therefore very dependent on film thickness,
grain size and the presence of defects [37].
Assuming an uniform cross section, the resistivity is given by:

ρ=R (2.1)

where R is the resistance, A = w × t is the area of the cross-section and l, w, t are the length, width
and thickness of the material, respectively. The SI units for this quantity are Ω.m but all resistivity values
will appear in µΩ.cm for simplification.
Firstly, the resistance of thin metallic films grown on glass and polymer (calibration samples) was
measured with the four-probes method. For this purpose, a simple system built at INESC-MN with 4
probes equally spaced was connected to a Keithley 2000 multimeter with 4 wire sensing mode, and
current was swiped from -5 mA to 5 mA in steps of 1 mA. Electric current is applied through the outer
probes, while voltage is measured across the inner probes, diminishing contact resistance and increas-
ing the accuracy of the measurements. With the obtained results, linear fits were used to determine the
resistance of each sample, along with the associated error. In this case, the length l corresponds to the
distance between the 2 inner probes, as it is the effective length being measured, l = 0.84 ± 0.001 cm.
This parameter, along with resistance and cross-sectional area allowed the calculation of the resistivity;
these values are displayed in Table 2.2. To determine the cross-sectional area, the nominal thickness of
the films (200 Å) was used, since the deposition machines have a highly optimized deposition rate. The
resistivity deviation was obtained through an error propagation formula.
The resistivity value obtained for the Ni80 Fe20 film on glass is in accordance with results previously
observed at INESC using the same deposition technique [21]. As for the resistivities on flexible sub-
strates, these samples have a layer of 200 Å in comparison with the 500 Å on glass, which results in an
increase in the resistivity value. Moreover, these substrates have a higher surface roughness than the
conventional rigid substrates, leading to films with smaller grain sizes. This implicates more roughness
at interfaces, promoting scattering and diffusion at grain boundaries, thus increasing resistivity [31].
Co90 Fe10 resistivity values are in accordance with [23]. In addition, this material also exhibits an
increase in resistivity when deposited on flexible substrates.

2.3.2 X-ray diffraction (XRD)

In order to better understand the influence of these flexible substrates on film growth, x-ray diffraction
was used on samples both with Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 with a layer of 500 Å (with bottom and top Ta).
A total of 9 samples were measured, corresponding to the substrates alone and two films in the three

Table 2.2: Measured resistivity values (presented in µΩ.cm) for samples with a thickness of 200 Å,
except when stated otherwise.

Material/Substrate Glass PI-25 PI-125 PEN

Ni80 Fe20 alloy 21.95 ± 0.08 (500 Å) 47.80 ± 0.13 42.90 ± 0.22 44.10 ± 0.28
Co90 Fe10 alloy 8.24 ± 0.03 15.30 ± 0.04 16.40 ± 0.04 14.60 ± 0.04
Au 5.42 ± 0.16 (1100 Å) - - -
Al98.5 Si1 Cu0.5 4.73 ± 0.46 (3100 Å) - - -

Table 2.3: Acquisiton conditions for x-ray diffraction of Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 thin films (unless stated
otherwise in the text).

Tube voltage (kV) 40
Tube current (mA) 20
2θ range (o ) 5-50
2θ step (o ) 0.02
Acqusition time per step (s) 3

This is a non-destructive technique and allows the probing of the crystallographic structure of the
sample, as well as its chemical composition and physical properties. X-ray photons hit the surface of
the sample and are scattered by the atoms in the periodic lattice. Those x-rays that are in phase create
constructive interference, at the incident angles given by Bragg’s Law (eq.: 2.2):

nλ = 2 d sin θ (2.2)

where the integer n is the order of reflection, λ is the x-ray wavelength (in this case, a Mo Kα generator
with λ = 0.70930 Å), dhkl is the spacing between crystal planes (where (hkl) refers to the Miller indices
of planes in a crystal) and θ is the angle formed by the incident beam and the normal to the reflecting
lattice plane.
The analyses were carried out in a Siemens D5000 diffractometer, where the samples are mounted
in the center of the holder to maximize the intensity of the reflected wave. The equipment is controlled
by a computer software where one inserts the desired parameters, namely the 2θ range and step and
acquisition time per step. These conditions are summarized in Table 2.3.
The resulting spectra will present peaks if the material turns out to be crystalline, which needs to
be analyzed in order to understand what is the preferential direction of scattering, thus discovering the
crystal structure.
A fitting function is applied to each peak, namely a Lorentzian profile (Eq. 2.3), which fit better to the
results (χ2 /df values are lower than with a Gaussian profile) and is used to extract the values of the peak
centroid (2θ0 ) and full width at half maximum (FWHM), that is given by w.

Figure 2.1: Geometrical condition for diffraction within a crystal [38].

y=  2 + b (2.3)
2θ0 −2θ
1+ w/2

From the peak positions 2θ0 , the distance between adjacent atom planes dexp was calculated using
Bragg’s law.
The main contributing factor for peak broadening in a polycrystalline sample is the size of the crys-
tallites (grains). These are subdomains of a larger crystal exhibiting a continuous lattice of atoms and a
certain orientation. The size of these crystallites can be estimated in XRD analysis through the Scherrer
equation (eq. 2.4), where D is the average crystallite size, λ the x-ray wavelength, β the FWHM of the
sample broadening contribution and K, a factor depending on the peak shape and crystallite geometry,
among other attributes. Assuming spherical crystallites, K = 0.9 [39].

D=K (2.4)
β cos θ

These results are summarized in Table 2.4, along with reference values taken from literature of
interplanar distances.
Figure 2.2 depicts the spectra obtained in these measurements, where the plot in fig. 3.14b shows
the curves of the three flexible substrates with no film deposited. This allows us not only to later compare
with the film diffraction spectrum but also to have an idea about the crystallinity degree of the substrates.
The 2θ sweep values were chosen based on literature and consecutive tests, so all the possible
peaks both from substrates and films would appear in the plots.
According to the information present on the product datasheets, the polyimide substrates are amor-
phous, typically showing only broad peaks, as seen in fig. 3.14b. These peaks appear in the range of
5o to 15o (2θ), which are in accordance to literature results [40].
The PEN curve shows a broad peak characteristic of the amorphous phase, but on the other hand,
presents also a sharp peak at 2θ ≈ 12o . This is probably due to its fabrication process, which causes its
partial crystallization, as stated on the datasheet. Crystalline polymers as PEN present two condensed
forms of polymer chains, crystalline and amorphous. The ratio of crystalline parts in the whole polymer
volume is changeable by various processes, the most common being mechanical stretching techniques,
such as cold drawing, as well as thermal treatments.
Although references [13] and [27] for PEN showed a larger number of peaks in XRD, those obser-
vations were made under temperature tests above Tg that crystallized the polymer. In comparison, the
peak obtained at 2θ = 11.96o corresponds to the 26.3o value acquired by Odaka et al. [13]. The calcu-
lated interplanar distance is 3.40 Å, which is very close to the result obtained by these authors, 3.33 Å.
This peak corresponds to the (-1 1 0) plane in the crystal form α, which is known to be orthorhombic.
In Figure 3.14c the three Ni80 Fe20 curves are shown, each corresponding to the film deposited on a
different substrate. For all three substrates, a peak appears at 2θ ≈ 20o . According to literature, this is
a highly crystalline peak related to the (1 1 1) orientation in face-centered cubic (FCC) structures [41].
Two weaker peaks should also appear, corresponding to orientations (2 0 0) and (2 2 0), but that was

Table 2.4: Fitting parameters, average crystallite sizes, calculated and reference interplanar distances
and Miller indices for the peaks in the thin films XRD spectra. All samples have a buffer and cap layer of
Ta 100 Å.

Sample 2θ0 (o ) w (o ) χ2 /df D (Å) dexp (Å) dteor (Å) (hkl)

PEN 75 µm 11.96 0.632 8.67 58.17 3.40 3.33 [13] -1 1 0

Ni80 Fe20 500 Å PEN 20.21 0.275 6.12 135.17 2.02

Ni80 Fe20 500 Å PI-25 20.15 0.431 10.62 86.26 2.03 2.04 [42] 111
Ni80 Fe20 500 Å PI-125 20.09 0.262 7.77 141.78 2.03

not the case in this work, probably due to the high degree of texture of the deposited thin films, which
exhibit a strongly preferred orientation.
The results yielded the same interplanar distance for all three samples, which is a good indicator
that the film is growing in the same structure on the different substrates. In addition, the obtained value
for this property is in accordance to dteor [42]. The crystallite sizes are very similar when looking at the
thicker substrates (PEN and PI - 125), but the 25 µm kapton sheet yields a smaller result. Guittoum
et al. verified that the average crystallite size for Ni80 Fe20 on kapton did not depend on film thickness
and was around 140 Å, although the substrate thickness used in their experiment was not specified [31].
Since the diffraction peak of this sample is highly coincident with the others, the influencing variable
is w (FWHM) which gives us information about peak broadening effects. Namely, the bigger w, the
more broad the peak is. This difference could be related to the position of the sample when mounted
on the holder. Flexible substrates have a high tendency to bend, so if the surface is slightly curved
during measurements this could affect the peak shape and position, consequently affecting the grain
size estimate.
Co90 Fe10 samples did not yield meaningful results, but it is known from literature that its structure is
BCC, normally exhibiting the (110) and (200) peaks.

2.3.3 Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM)

A study of the magnetic properties of the samples was performed prior to fabrication, for validation of the
sensors characterization results, and also as another test to the thin films quality. For such, a vibrating
sample magnetometer (DMS 1660 system) was used to acquire a hysteresis loop for each sample.
A sample is fixed to the tip of a glass rod that vibrates between two electromagnets that generate
a programmable magnetic field. When the test starts, a magnetic field H is applied and the sample
becomes magnetized in its direction. Once the sample begins to vibrate, it induces changes in the
magnetic flux that are collected by the sensing coils in terms of voltage, which is proportional to the
magnetization of the sample. Changes in the signal are converted to magnetization M values by a
software to produce a graph of M versus H.
The samples were measured in two directions, the easy axis (induced by a magnetic field during
film deposition) and the hard axis, orthogonal to the first. A magnetic field from -100 mT to 100 mT


Figure 2.2: XRD spectra: a) PEN, PI 25 µm and PI 125 µm with no film on top; Inset: PI 25 µm and
PI 125 µm curves shown in detail; b) Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 500 Å/ Ta 100 Å on different substrates; Inset:
Ni80 Fe20 (111) peak zoomed on different substrates.

was applied during all measurements and the results are shown in fig. 2.5. We can extract valuable
information from both curves, namely the coercive (Hc ) field from the first and anisotropy (Hk ) field and
saturation magnetization (Ms ) from the latter. The coercive field can be described as the magnetic field
necessary to revert the magnetized state of a material, whereas the anisotropy field is the field needed
to saturate the magnetization of an uniaxial crystal in the hard direction. Saturation is the state reached
by a material when an increase in the external applied field cannot increase the magnetization further.
For comparison, 200 Å of Ni were deposited in Alcatel by magnetron sputtering on PI 125 µm with
a buffer and cap layer of Ta 100 Å. Table 2.5 presents a summary of the values extracted from the
magnetization plots. The first column refers to the normalized magnetization, the second to the coercive
fields (Hc ) and the third depicts the anisotropy fields (Hk ).
According to the Stoner-Wohlfarth model [17], when the field is applied in the direction of the easy
anisotropy axis, the coercivity is equal to the anisotropy field:

Hc = (2.5)
µ0 Ms

where Ku is the sum of the magnetocrystalline and shape anisotropy [17]. The experimental values
do not differ significantly, but Hk is higher than Hc in all samples except Ni. This difference is probably due
to the effective anisotropy constant being larger than what the model considers, due to other contribution
such as the field induced anisotropy during film deposition.
Co90 Fe10 results present a higher coercivity and anisotropy field than Ni80 Fe20 , as expected, since it
has a much higher contribution from the magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Furthermore, the coercive field
values are in accordance to literature [43].
Ni80 Fe20 coercivity values are also as expected, it has a low coercive and anisotropy field due to its
low magnetostriction [44]. Values for the anisotropy field are in accordance with [32], [45] and as for the
coercive field, very similar results were obtained on Kapton HN [46].

As for the substrate influence, it appears to be almost negligible. When looking at both Ni80 Fe20 and
Co90 Fe10 few differences can be observed, as all values are of the same order. However, there seems
to be a slightly influence on Co90 Fe10 , as there is a bigger dispersion of the Hc and Hk values.
From Hk results, the effective anisotropy constant was estimated through the following equation:

Hk µ0 Ms
Ku = (2.6)

with µ0 = 4π×10-7 J/A2 /m and theoretical Ms values of 830 kA/m [17] and 1600 kA/m [47] for Ni80 Fe20
and Co90 Fe10 , respectively. These values represent a rough but valid estimate for the anisotropy, with
Co90 Fe10 values with one order of magnitude bigger than Ni80 Fe20 .

Table 2.5: Magnetic properties of unpatterned samples with 200 Å of sensing layer encapsulated with
100 Å Ta. M/Msat (normalized magnetization), Hc (coercive field) and Hk (anisotropy field) were extracted
from the plots; Ku is the effective anisotropy constant.

Sample M/Msat Hc (mT) Hk (mT) Ku (J/m3 )

Ta 100 Å /Ni 200 Å/Ta 100 Å // PI-125 0.89 ± 0.03 2.5 0.9 -

Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PEN 0.89 ± 0.03 0.4 0.7 290
Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 0.87 ± 0.01 0.3 0.5 208
Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 0.91 ± 0.03 0.4 0.7 290

Ta 100 Å/Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PEN 0.89 ± 0.01 3.7 4.4 3520
Ta 100 Å/Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 0.82 ± 0.01 4.1 5.5 4400
Ta 100 Å/Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 0.91 ± 0.03 3.0 3.9 3120


(b) (c)

Figure 2.3: VSM plots of PI - 125 µm samples: (a) Ta/Ni/Ta, field sweep from -600 to 600 mT; (b)
Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT; (c) Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.4: VSM plots of PEN - 75 µm samples: (a) Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT;
(b) Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT.

(a) (b)

Figure 2.5: VSM plots of PI - 25 µm samples: (a) Ta/Co90 Fe10 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT; (b)
Ta/Ni80 Fe20 /Ta, field sweep from -100 to 100 mT.

Chapter 3

Fabrication process

As details of substrate cleaning were explained earlier in the document, and can also be consulted in
the runsheet attached, the next step of fabrication is to deposit the thin films. Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10
alloys are the sensing layers (with 200 Å), and both were encapsulated with 100 Å of Ta, serving as a
bottom layer to improve adherence of the film and promote epitaxial growth and as top to protect the
sensor and prevent oxidation. As stated above, two different deposition methods were used, ion beam
deposition and magnetron sputtering.
A general overlook of the process is illustrated in fig. 3.1 and each step designation is explained in
Table 3.1.

3.1 1st lithography: sensor layer

After material deposition, the next task is to define the sensors. This operation consists of defining
the sensor shape, and is accomplished by a direct-write laser (Heidelberg DWL 2.0) that exposes a
photosensitive polymer (photoresist) through the desired mask, to be revealed after development. Prior
to lithography, the samples are coated with photoresist (PR), which can be positive if it becomes soluble

Figure 3.1: Fabrication process overview.

Table 3.1: Fabrication process summary of Fig. 3.1.

Step Sketch

0 (a) Stack deposition

1 (b) 1 level of lithography to design and protect the sensor (inverted mask)
2 (c) Etching and photoresist strip
3 (d) 2 level of lithography to define the electrical contacts (non-inverted mask)
4 (e) Deposition of electrical contacts (AlSiCu or Au)
5 (f) Lift-off to remove the photoresist

after exposure to light (for this instance), or negative and it will harden upon exposure. This step is
made in an automatic SVG track system, which has two stations: one for coating, and the other for
development. A sample is mounted on a 6-inch holder wafer that goes on a spin-coater previously
programmed for a speed of 2500 rpm in order to achieve a PR thickness of 1.45 µm, followed by a
baking step of 60 seconds at 85 o C to build up the resist profile and evaporate any remaining solvent.
To define which areas are to be exposed, a mask file is created in AutoCAD software, and subsequently
converted and divided into 200 µm wide stripes, which are exposed in sequence. This equipment has a
minimum feature size of 0.8 µm whereas the alignment between two levels of lithography can be made
with a precision of 0.1 µm, using a control software that automatically recognizes an alignment cross
and centers one layer in accordance with the other. The last step requires heating the sample again
at 85 o C for 60 seconds, cool for another 30s and the exposed areas of PR are dissolved after a bath
and spin with a chemical developer (TMA238WA). Depending on what is the next step of fabrication,
the patterned mask may be inverted or not-inverted. An inverted mask is used to protect structures,
for example for etching, whereas a not-inverted is applied when the next stage is depositing contacts
for lift-off. For this work, only 2 levels of lithography were required to fabricate the sensors, the first is
the sensing layer and the second defines the electrical contacts that allow the characterization of the
structures. A two layer mask was created in AutoCAD and was continuously altered throughout the
fabrication of several samples.
The first layer is inverted, and it is the one that underwent more changes. The substrate size was 1
× 2 inches, and the mask die was 19000 × 35000 µm. In Figure 3.2 parts of the three versions of the
mask are shown so the first layer is seen in detail. The first version served as test, only one sensor was
designed and the five pairs of contacts were all redundantly connected to the sensor. It had a projected
nominal resistance of 1kΩ so we could have a fairly good electrical output. Each stripe is 150 × 15000
µm. The next two versions of the mask had five sensors plus several others for testing. In Table 3.2
the different sizes of the designed sensors for the second and third version of the mask is depicted, the
idea was to test the practicability of the fabrication with several sensor dimensions, and to see if it was
possible to obtain working sensors to characterize in the end.
The lithographies were carried out with 85% of the laser energy and the sample was placed on a
proper holder with small holes that allows the sample to flatten through vacuum suction of the laser
stage. After every lithography, it is crucial to observe the designed structures in an optical microscope,

Table 3.2: Different sensor sizes from versions 2 and 3 (width × length) in µm.

Sensor Size
S1 20 × 800
S2 40 × 800
S3 80 × 1000
S4 100 × 2500

whether to search for defects or check if the photoresist is successfully developed. If it passes the optical
inspection, the sample moves to the next phase.

3.2 Etching by ion-beam

The etching step was performed in Nordiko 3000, the same machine used for Ni80 Fe20 deposition that
was described in the previous chapter. This step is made in order to remove all the material from the
sample, except the sensor stripes protected with photoresist. The etching is only supposed to stop when
the substrate is reached. The working conditions such as power, voltage, current and working pressure
are displayed in Table 3.3. The etching rate of the machine was calibrated for a spin valve stack, but
it works for almost any material and is approximately 1 Å/s with the substrate pan at 60o . Since all
samples had 400 Å of material, in the first samples fabricated, the programmed etching times were 400
seconds. This rate worked for Ni80 Fe20 , but it wasn’t enough to remove all the material from Co90 Fe10
samples. This is due to this material being harder than Ni80 Fe20 , so the etching time had to be prolonged
for 500 or even 600 seconds in some cases. To assure that the etching step is completed, a multimeter
is used in the substrate area to test for any electrical contact, since the polymers are not conductive,


(a) (c)

Figure 3.2: First layer of the different mask versions. (a) Version 1; (b) Version 2; (c) Version 3;

there should be no electrical output.

The etching steps didn’t yield any visible deffects in the samples, regardless of the material or sub-
strate. This is observable in fig. 3.4. Figure 3.4a shows a Ni80 Fe20 S4 test sample from mask version
3 on PI - 125 µm. Figures 3.4b and 3.4c display S2 sensors from version 2, on PEN and PI - 25 µm
respetively. All sensors are successfully defined, although in PEN and PI - 125 µm the surface looks
smoother but this is due to the substrate thickness being larger that PI - 25 µm.

Figure 3.3: Example of Ni80 Fe20 S2 sensor in PI-25 µm after the first lithography. The stripes (darker
color) represent the sensor protected with photoresist. Background imperfections are features of the
substrate and do not affect performance.

Table 3.3: Etching conditions in N3000 for Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 .

RF Power (W) V+ (V) I+ (mA) V- (V) I- (mA) Gas flux (sccm) W.P. (Torr)
54 487.5 28.1 193.3 1.8 7.9 1.7 × 10-4


(b) (c)

Figure 3.4: Optical microscope images of Ni80 Fe20 samples after etching. (a) Sensor S4 in PI 125 µm;
(b) Sensor S2 in PEN; (c) Sensor S2 in PI 25 µm.

3.2.1 Photoresist strip

As illustrated in Fig.3.1 (c), the etching step should be immediately followed by the photoresist strip, as
the longer it stays on the sample, the more it hardens and becomes difficult to dissolve and remove. In
order to do so, the sample is placed in a glass beaker and submerged in acetone for about 5 minutes.
To help dissolve the PR faster, the container was manually agitated or placed in the ultrasounds for 2 to
3 minutes. When it seems that all PR has dissolved from the sample surface, the sample is rinsed with
IPA (isopropyl alcohol) and deionized water. Once again, the sample is observed with the help of the
optical microscope to check if in fact all the PR has disappeared.

In figure 3.5a there’s an example of incomplete striping of the PR, namely on the left stripe when
compared to the one on the right which is already clean. When this occurs, the sample needs to return
to acetone a few more minutes. Lastly, the first layer of a PEN sample can be seen in Fig.3.5b.



Figure 3.5: (a) Incomplete striping of photoresist on a Ni80 Fe20 sample; (b) Ni80 Fe20 sensors defined by
etching on PEN substrate.

3.3 2nd lithography: electrical contacts

The second level of lithography is a non-inverted mask that defines the metal pads and leads that make
the connections between sensors and the characterization acquisition system. The coating process was
very similar to the first, but with the detail of making a pre-development (20 seconds) of the PR right after
coating and prior to the lithography. This is mostly done in non-inverted layers that will further undergo
a lift-off step, to improve the photoresist profile and facilitate its removal. Furthermore, when exposing a
layer for lift-off, the amount of energy used is usually increased, and in this particular case it was 95% of
100 mW (maximum laser output power).

The second layer was only modified two times, as shown in Fig.3.6. In 3.6a the second layer cor-
responding to version 2 of the mask is showed although most of the pads are not visible due to the its
size relative to the whole mask. The main difference between 3.6a and 3.6b is the shape of the contact
leads: version 2 features right angle corners (3.6a) while version 3 (3.6b) has 45o junctions. Further-
more, as displayed in the detail figures for both versions, the contact pads size in 3.6b was increased in
order to increase the probability of overlap between the first and second layer. The challenges that led
to all alterations performed on the masks throughout the process will be explained in detail further on
this chapter.

As depicted in Fig.3.1d, after lithography and development, the PR covers all the sample surface,
except for the spots designed on the exposure where the photoresist dissolved. These spots will then be
filled with metal to achieve electric contact. An example of a sensor after the second exposure is shown
in Fig.3.7.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.6: Mask schemes: (a) V2 contact pads detail; (b) V3 contact pads details.

Figure 3.7: Example of sensor S2 after the second lithography.

3.4 Metallization and lift-off

To establish the electric contacts, a layer of metal (namely Al98.5 Si1 Cu0.5 ) is deposited in Nordiko 7000, a
multi-process system that features 4 chambers plus a dealer chamber. To perform this task only 3 of the
4 modules are used: module 2 does a sputter etch with Ar ions, which is used for a 30-60 seconds soft
etch to clean the sample surface prior to metallization; Modules 4 is for depositing the Al98.5 Si1 Cu0.5 ,
which in this case was 3000 Å and module 3 was used for 100 Å TiW deposition that protects the
contacts from oxidation. The depositions in N7000 are achieved through DC magnetron sputtering.
The power applied to the target during deposition is usually 0.5 kW but it had be decreased to 0.25
kW so the substrate doesn’t suffer great temperature variations. In addition, the deposition of AlSiCu
was made in a total of 6 × 500 Å steps with 5 cool down steps of 300 seconds between each deposition.
The conditions are summarized in Table 3.4.

(a) (b)

Figure 3.8: Samples after metallization in N7000: (a) Test samples; Substrate of the highlighted sample
on the right is PET while the left is PI-25; (b) Sample with the first version of the mask in PI-25;

In Figure 3.11 we can observe three examples of samples after metallization in N7000, where in fig.
3.8a the PET sample on the right has clear defects on the metal film, and afterwards during lift-off the
sensor layer also peeled from the substrate. This is a strong indication that polyimide substrates handle
temperature variations better.

Alternatively to N7000, in the last batch of samples the metallization step was made in a different

Alcatel SCM 450 is also a magnetron sputtering machine, semi-automatic, as it is not controlable
by software nor allows the creation of recipes with defined power and deposition times. It features 3
targets (2 RF and 1 DC) and 4 stations with sample holders and depositions can be performed in static
or dynamic mode, with the samples rotating on top of the targets. Depositions must be stopped manually
by rotating the shutter to a position between target and holder, and the plasma only stops by turning off
the power supply. Despite these characteristics, this machine is suitable for quality thin film deposition
with a chamber base pressure of 10-7 Torr and deposition pressures of around 10-3 Torr.

The metal available in this machine for depositing contacts is gold, with a buffer layer of chromium to
improve adhesion. For this purpose, 100 Å Cr + 1000 Å Au were deposited with the conditions observed
in Table 3.5. In fig. 3.9 samples after deposition in Alcatel are shown still in the proper machine holder.

Table 3.4: Deposition conditions in N7000.

Material DC Power (W) Voltage (V) Current (A) Gas flux (sccm) Pressure (mTorr) Rate (Å/s)

AlSiCu 0.22 327 0.8 49.9 3 4.8

TiW 0.25 395 0.64 49.6 3.2 2.5

Table 3.5: Deposition conditions in Alcatel.

Material Power (W) Bias (V) Gas flux (sccm) Pressure (mTorr) Rate (Å/s)

Cr 20 (DC) - 20 2.6 0.7

Au 20 (RF) 180 20 2.6 0.9

Figure 3.9: Samples after gold contacts deposition in Alcatel; Left sample is PI-25 substrate and right
one is PI-125.

3.4.1 Lift-off

Lift-off is the last step of this process, and most times one of the most critical. When fabricating on rigid
substrates, a commonly used reagent is Microstrip (as well as for PR strip) but as it requires a 65 o C
bath, it’s not recommend for polymers. Instead, acetone is used once more to remove the photoresist
and the excess metal on top. This step is very similar to the striping of photoresist after etch, but
sometimes takes a little more time to remove everything. There’s also an additional challenge with the
25 µm polyimide, as it rolls itself inwards when submerged in acetone for a couple of minutes, as it’s
shown in fig. 3.10. In this case, the lift-off is interrupted, the sample is cleaned with IPA and DI water to
make it flat again, and then the process restarts. On average, the samples took 6 to 7 minutes to remove
all the metal and photoresist, always with the help of ultrasounds. The main difficulty found during this
step was being able to remove the excess metal from between contacts, since those are the spots in
the sample where features are closest to each other. To give an example, between contact pads in the
smaller sensors like S1 and S2 there’s only a 10 µm distance, so these were the most problematic. Also,
between the long contact leads, despite being 200 µm apart, in some samples this was also a challenge,
as some metal would remain there after lift-off, short-circuiting the sensors. To solve this issue, a cotton
bud impregnated with acetone was used to try and remove the metal from those spots, scratching the
zone very lightly. For most of the samples where this was performed it worked well, removing the metal
unreachable with lift-off, but there were a few samples where it was fatal for the sensors, as they came
off because of the applied force on the surface. An example is shown in Fig.3.12, where the PEN sample

Figure 3.10: Samples with gold metallization from Alcatel in lift-off process; Sample on the left is PI -
125 and on the right is PI - 25.

on the right has the contacts scratched from the substrate, making it inappropriate for measuring.

3.5 Fabrication challenges and mitigation

Fabricating on flexible substrates is a challenge, as the established techniques for silicon and glass are
not the most indicated and need adaptations. In addition to changes already described above, such as
using acetone to dissolve the PR instead of microstrip or a different holder during lithography, there were
more technicalities that will be explained in this section.
The first obstacle appeared on the coating step of the samples. When performing the lithography of
the first sample, film cracks were visible in the laser camera. After the lithography process, the sample
was inspected in the optical microscope and the defects were visible (Fig. 3.13). The fabrication of the
sample proceeded and when trying to measure the magnetic transport we came to the conclusion that

(a) (b)

Figure 3.11: Lift-off defects: (a) AlSiCu test feature; (b) Sensor in a PI-25/Co90 Fe10 alloy sample.

Figure 3.12: Finished samples on the three different substrates attached to a wafer for optical inspection.

it was open circuited. After some tests it was seen that in fact, if the cracks cross the majority of the
sensor stripes, electric current is unable to flow through the sensor.

The samples were also observed in a SEM at INESC-MN, which is a Raith-150 system, consisting of
an electron-beam lithography tool converted from a LEO 1500 series scanning electron microscope. It
integrates the thermal field emission filament technology, with a nominal resolution of 20 nm and capable
of processing up to 8 inch wafers [19]. In fig. 3.14 some acquired photos of the cracking are shown.

Possible causes were weighted, and one of the factors influencing these defects might be the thermal
expansion coefficients (CTE) mismatch between polymer and metal. When joining two materials, this
property has to be taken into account during cooling processes, because it will induce tensile stress in
one material and compressive stress in the other [48]. The CTE of polyimide is around 20 × 10-6 /K while
for Ni80 Fe20 alloy, in a percentage close to ours, it is around 12 × 10-6 /K [49]. This implies a coefficient
ratio of around 1.7 between the two materials, meaning that polyimide expands 1.7 times more than
NiFe with the same amount of heating.

Measures were taken towards mitigating this issue, including promoting a slow cooling of the sample
after the photoresist bake at 85 o C; in the development, the baking step at 110 o C was also adapted

Figure 3.13: First sample fabricated, with cracks visible after the first layer lithography.

to 85 o C. Adopting these changes, the sample mask was modified to include 5 sensors with different
sizes, at it was shown above. As it’s possible to observe in the mask layout (see fig. 3.6b), 4 sensors
are located on the peripheral region to try to minimize the cracks, as it was observed during heating of
the samples that the middle region suffers more induced stress from the temperature variations.
There’s also an important aspect to consider: this micro-cracking phenomena was only observed in
the films deposited on the thinnest polyimide (25 µm). The Stoney formula [50] presents a good explana-
tion for this, which is the fact that the radius of curvature of substrate plus film increases with the square
of the substrate thickness. This means that, considering the same amount of stress generated during
deposition, the samples with PI-125 µm and PEN-75 µm have a larger radius of curvature, implying less
bending of the sample. Upon heating, for example in the baking steps, the thermal stress will contribute
to increase the residual stress of the substrate, thus decreasing the radius of curvature and causing the
thin film to crack.

1 Es t2s
Rs+f = (3.1)
6 σs t f 1 − ν

where R is the radius of curvature of the substrate and thin film structure, σ s , E s , ts are the stress,
Young’s Modulus and the thickness of the substrate and tf is the thickness of the film.
After fabricating a few samples, it was clearly observed that the bigger sensors S3 and S4 had
notably more cracks that S1 and S2, however, we still were able to measure more AMR curves in these
sensors than in the smaller.
Finally, the last version of the sensors was achieved in a mask that did not have a sensor in the
middle region, as this had suffered severely more cracks than any other sensor during fabrication.


(b) (c)

Figure 3.14: SEM images of Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 samples fabricated on PI - 25: (a) Co90 Fe10 alloy
sample; (b) Ni80 Fe20 alloy sample, junction between sensor and contact pad; (c) Co90 Fe10 alloy sample,
sensor stripes.

Chapter 4

Device characterization: results and


4.1 Assembly of bending setup

The samples in this work were designed to be directly connected to a printed circuit board (PCB) for
structures characterization. Since the main scope of this analysis was to measure bent samples, an
alternative solution to the conventional micro-probes had to be developed. Magnetic characterization at
INESC-MN is perfomed on a setup (Fig.4.1) comprising a Keithley 220 programmable current source, a
Keithley 182 digital voltmeter, microscope, 4 micro-probes, and two coils capable of generating a field
up to 140 Oe (14 mT).
Instead of the probes, samples are inserted in a flex cable connector (Fig.4.2c), which in turn was

Figure 4.1: Sensor transfer-curve measurement setup installed at INESC-MN.

Figure 4.2: Components of the bending characterization setup: (a) Sample bent and inserted on the
PCB connector; (b) PCB; (c) Flex cable connector; (d) ZIF connector and terminal box.

soldered to a PCB designed especially for this work (Fig.4.2b). In Fig.4.2a there is an example of a
sample connected to the PCB and bent on one of the bending supports. These were 3D printed with
different radii of curvature, namely 2.5, 10 and 12 mm.

It is important to highlight that the design of the samples mask was elaborated in accordance with
this flex cable connector, which has 10 pads, so each sample has 5 sensors (each has 2 metal leads
that fit exactly on top of the connector pads). The PCB was then designed to have also 10 leads and
each pair of pins is connected to one sensor.

To integrate this assembly on the existing setup, the PCB is inserted in a ZIF (zero insertion force)
connector attached to a terminal box (Fig.4.2d). This is shown in Fig.4.3, where a sample is mounted
on the smallest bending support (2.5 mm radius); the setup is placed between the two coils for char-
acterization. The connections between sensor and acquisition system are made through the terminal
box with cables. This system also helps to prevent the sensors from cracking, as it allows to choose the
sensor to measure on the terminal box without actually touching the sample. This is an advantage when
working with flexible substrates, as handling of the sample may lead to a decrease in performance of
the sensors.

Figure 4.3: PCB inserted in the ZIF connector, with a sample mounted in a bent mode ready for mea-

4.2 Anisotropic Magnetoresistance curves

The most important tool for characterizing the behavior and performance of a magnetoresistive sensor
is a magneto-transport curve. The relevant parameters are the minimum and maximum resistance (Rmin
and Rmax ), which define the AMR ratio, as well as the saturation field, which is intrinsically related to the
effective magnetic anisotropy. These curves have a bell shape, as discussed in Chapter 2, and display
the resistance or AMR ratio as a function of the applied magnetic field.

To obtain these curves, a sample is placed between the Helmholtz coils, which in turn generate a
variable magnetic field. Measures were performed from - 14 to 14 mT, with a current bias to the active
AMR sensor of 1 µA. Field steps were not constant throughout the whole measurement: from -14 to -4
the step was 2 mT, from -4 to 4 it was 0.4 mT (in order to increase resolution in this zone) and increases
to 2 mT again until 14 mT. Hsat refers to the field at which the magnetization is saturated along the
direction of the external applied field. Fig.4.4 shows a layout of the characterization, where Happ is the
applied field, M and M’ are the initial magnetization direction and the magnetization rotation with the

Measurements were performed in sequence as illustrated in Fig.4.5. Each sample has 5 sensors, all
of them were first tested for output signal, and then to obtain a transport curve. The curves that depicted
the best electrical signal and shape were chosen to discuss further the representative magnetic and
transport behavior.

Figure 4.4: Characterization layout: Happ is the applied field, M and M’ are the initial magnetization
direction and the magnetization rotation with the field. The image shows a sample with a sensor close-

Figure 4.5: Measurements with bending sequence flowchart.

4.2.1 Ni80 Fe20 curves

Ni80 Fe20 was measured on the three substrates. The sample on PI-125 µm was not measured with rbend
= 2.5 mm due to handling difficulties caused by the stiffness of the substrate. In Fig.4.3 there is an
example of the Ni80 Fe20 sample on PEN bent to 2.5 mm radius, and this can also be seen in detail in
Fig.4.7. Regarding the AMR signal, the typical values for films on silicon substrates go up to 2% [51],
and on flexible substrates studies report that this value is around 0.6 to 1% [52].

Starting by comparing the curves without any bending (Fig.4.6 and first plot in all samples), there
is a clear evidence that PI-125 µm is the substrate that yielded the highest AMR ratio, with values
around 0.9%, very close to values obtained in rigid substrates. Looking at the measured resistance, we
can see that the values are around 4000 Ω for the three substrates, and since the measured sensors
have different sizes, they also had different nominal resistances. The sensor on PI-125 µm showed the
smallest resistance increase comparing to the nominal value, which indicates that it did not deteriorate
during fabrication as much as the sensors on other substrates, presenting less defects such as micro-
cracking. Regarding the saturation field, PI-25 µm presents the smallest value (1.6 mT), followed by
PEN-75 µm (2.2 mT) and PI-125 µm (2.3 mT).

Both AMR signal and Hsat values seem to be stable even with increased curvature. Only on PI-
25 µm a reduction in signal is observable, especially with rbend = 2.5 mm. The signal decrease was
accompanied by an increase in resistance, probably due to sensor degradation after several bending
cycles. The saturation field appears to be more sensitive on PI-125 µm, where a slight broadening of the
curve happens with the consecutive bending, thus increasing Hsat . On PI-125 µm it is observable that
the ascending and descending curves are shifted, and this can be quantified by a switching field (Hsw ),

Figure 4.6: Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // on the three substrates AMR curves measured on flat
mode (r = ∞).

Figure 4.7: Ni80 Fe20 sample on PEN bent on 2.5 mm radius support.

Figure 4.8: Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PEN µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r = ∞),
bending #1, #2 and #3.

in this case of 0.4 mT. This shift is due to the easy axis induced during deposition being tilted relatively to
the current direction. A possible source for this is the internal stress during deposition or a geometrical

Figure 4.9: Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r = ∞),
bending #1 and #2 and #3.

4.2.2 Co90 Fe10 curves

Regarding Co90 Fe10 samples, it was not possible to measure this film on PEN, nor with rbend = 2.5 mm.
The curves on PI-25 µm present a very low AMR ratio. Literature reports AMR signals for CoFe alloys
around 0.5 to 0.55% [53]. The presented values for Hsat are a rough estimate, as the curves shape
does not allow a very precise estimation, but looking at the curves, this value seems to be constant with
increased bending. Furthermore, they are significantly higher than the saturation values of Ni80 Fe20 , as
expected. On PI-125 µm, the first two curves without bending refer to 2 different sensors; the first is a test
sensor, meaning that it was measured with the micro-probes instead of the flex cable connector, while
the second curve is from one of the 5 main sensors that connect to the PCB. Although their shape is
very similar, S4B showed a considerable increase in resistance, as compared to the testing counterpart.
This is probably due to degradation of the conductive metal leads, which in turn led to a loss of AMR
signal. The curve with rbend = 10 mm shows a further reduction of this output and increase in resistance.
Also, this curve did not reach saturation even at 14 mT.

4.2.3 Anisotropy contributions and influence on sensor behavior

As discussed in Chapter 1, there are different sources of anisotropy that influence the system. As stated
earlier, Hsat is the field required to saturate the magnetization, and in order for this to happen, this

Figure 4.10: Ta 100 Å /Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1 and #2.

field has to overcome the total anisotropy of the system, which makes magnetization lie along a certain

When the thin film is patterned, shape anisotropy is no longer negligible and the demagnetizing field
is an important factor that can be estimated to understand its influence on the total anisotropy. This
depends on sample shape, namely the thin film thickness and the width of the structure. The length is
assumed to be infinite. The demagnetizing field can then be estimated through Eq. 4.1:

Hdem = 4πMs (CGS) (4.1)

where Hdem comes in CGS units (Oe), Ms is the saturation magnetization (same value used in
Chapter 2), t is the ferromagnetic thickness (200 Å) and w is the width of the sensor stripe. The results
for each sample are presented in Table 4.1 in SI units.

The smaller the sensor width and the larger the magnetization value, the more pronounced this
phenomenon is. In the case of this work, the demagnetizing field contributes to anisotropy, but it is not
the dominant factor, since it is estimated to vary from 0.3 to 0.5 mT through all the samples, but the
minimum saturation field measured is 1.6 mT.

Induced stress through bending is a crucial aspect to be considered. This parameter can be calcu-
lated through an equation deriving from the isotropic Hooke’s law (Eq. 4.2):

Figure 4.11: Ta 100 Å /Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞), bending #1, #2.

t E t

tf + ts
 1 + 2 tfs + Efs tf2
σu = Ef    (4.2)
2R t
1 + tfs
E t
1 + Efs tfs

where Ef , Es are respectively the film and substrate Young’s modulus, tf , ts are respectively the
film and substrate thicknesses and R is the radius of curvature at which the sample is bent [54]. The
values for the Young’s modulus of the films were taken from Ref. [54]. For Co90 Fe10 thin film, E was
assumed to be the same as for Ni80 Fe20 (180 GPa). The stress was calculated for each curvature radius
at which the samples were subjected and the results are presented in Table 4.1 in MPa. These values
are in accordance to literature for stress values on thin films [55]. Since the thin film properties were
considered to be the same (thickness and Young’s modulus), the substrate plays an important role in
these estimations. Both polyimide substrates have the same Es , so it is visible that a difference of 100
µm in thickness has a critical impact on the final stress of the sample. For example, for a curvature
radius of 10 mm, PI-25 µm yields a stress of 54 MPa, whistle PI-125 µm displays a stress of 549 MPa.
When applying a bending of 2.5 mm, the stress on the sample also increases by a factor of 4, comparing
to rbend = 10 and 12 mm.
It is possible to estimate the anisotropy constant, Kuσ , generated by stress:

Kuσ = σλs (4.3)

Figure 4.12: Ta 100 Å /Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 µm AMR curves measured on flat mode (r =
∞) (two sensors) and bending #2.

The values for the magnetostriction coefficient were considered to be λs = 0.75×10-6 for Ni80 Fe20
[54] and λs = 3.58×10-6 for Co90 Fe10 [56]. Since the magnetostriction coefficients for these alloys are
low, the values of the magnetoelastic anisotropy are also small; however they are in the expected range
Finally, the field associated with the induced stress is calculated according to Eq. 4.4:

Hσ = (4.4)
µ0 Ms

The values are all summarized in Table 4.1.

Looking at the results, it follows that in Ni80 Fe20 samples on PEN-75 µm and PI-125 µm, Hσ has a
strong contribution to the saturation field, as these values are in the same order of magnitude and are
considerably larger than Hdem . This stress comes from the substrate thickness, and although Ni80 Fe20
has near zero magnetostriction, when deposited on these substrates the stress influence is not negligi-
ble. The same does not hold for PI-25 µm, where both anisotropies contribute almost equally on both
ferromagnetic alloys.
Co90 Fe10 results are somewhat different, as seen that its saturation field on both substrates has a
greater discrepancy from Hdem and Hσ . On PI-125 µm it was not possible to estimate Hsat because
with the field of 14 mT the saturation of magnetization was not reached, meaning that Hσ = 3.7 mT is
a very small contribution. This is probably due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy of Co90 Fe10 being

more determining in the total anisotropy when compared to Ni80 Fe20 .

Table 4.1: Magneto-transport properties of the patterned samples with 200 Å of sensing layer encapsulated with 100 Å Ta. AMR (%) is the anisotropic
magnetoresistance ratio, Hsat is the saturation field and Hsw the switching field extracted from the curves. Hk is the anisotropy field estimated from the VSM
hysteresis loops. Hdem , σ, Kuσ and Hσ were calculated from several parameters. For each sample, the values correspond to the same sensor, except for Ta
/Co90 Fe10 / Ta // PI-125, in which it was not possible to measure for more bending radius and instead, 2 sensors are present with r = ∞.

Sample rbending (mm) AMR (%) Hcurve

sat (mT) Hcurve
sw (mT) Hvsm
k (mT) Hcalc.
dem (mT) σ calc. (MPa) Kcalc. 3
uσ (J/m ) Hcalc.
σ (mT)
∞ 0.53 2.2 - 0.7 - - -
12 0.60 2.1 - - 310 348 0.8
Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PEN 0.5
10 0.62 2.1 - - 372 418 1.0
2.5 0.60 2.1 - - 1490 1670 4.0
∞ 0.57 1.6 - 0.5 - - -
12 0.51 1.7 - - 45 51 0.1
Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 0.3

10 0.48 1.6 - - 54 61 0.2

2.5 0.34 1.7 0.4 - 216 243 0.6
∞ 0.89 2.3 0.4 0.7 - - -
Ta 100 Å/Ni80 Fe20 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 12 0.91 2.6 0.4 - 0.2 458 515 1.2
10 0.90 2.7 0.4 - 549 618 1.5
∞ 0.33 6.4 2.1 5.5 - - -
Ta 100 Å/Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-25 12 0.39 6.6 2.0 - 0.5 45 241 0.3
10 0.28 5.8 2.3 - 54 290 0.4
∞ (S4A) 0.58 5.2 1.1 3.9 - - -
Ta 100 Å/Co90 Fe10 200 Å/ Ta 100 Å // PI-125 ∞ (S4B) 0.28 5.4 0.8 - 0.4 - - -
10 0.21 - - - 549 2950 3.7
Chapter 5

Conclusions and future work

This dissertation focused on the fabrication and characterization of magnetic sensors based on anisotropic
magnetoresistance onto three flexible substrates. Two alloys (Ni80 Fe20 and Co90 Fe10 ) were deposited
with different intrinsic magnetic properties and the impact of the substrate on their final behavior was
evaluated using different characterization techniques.
Resistivity measurements displayed consistent values with literature and previous works done at
INESC-MN. X-ray diffraction analysis of PEN and Ni80 Fe20 revealed highly textured materials with a
single highly preferred crystallographic orientation, respectively and using Miller indices notation, (-110)
and (111), which correspond to average interplanar distances of 3.40 Å and 2.03 Å.
A study of magnetic properties of as-deposited films was also performed. The results obtained for
Hsat and Hc are consistent with literature and among samples of the same alloy in different substrates. As
expected, Co90 Fe10 has higher coercive and anisotropy fields than Ni80 Fe20 , and therefore the estimated
anisotropy constant is also higher for this material.
Three mask versions were designed to optimize the sensors fabrication. The final version has 5
sensors to be measured with a flex cable connector, plus several others for testing, and the metal leads
have 45o junctions instead of right angles, to minimize damage between handling and bending. Sensors
were allocated only in the peripheral region of the mask to avoid thermal cracking. To prevent open
circuit between sensor and contact pads, the stripes of the first were connected with the same material,
and the size of the later was increased to have greater probability of overlap between the first and
second layer. This design improvement was effective, as the final fabrication batch showed little to none
damageg structures.
To characterize the fabricated sensors, a setup was developed and adapted to the existing magneto-
transport characterization apparatus. Instead of the common electric micro-probes, samples are in-
serted in a flex cable connector soldered onto a PCB that allows the electric connection between sam-
ple and acquisition system. To apply bending to the samples, supports were fabricated with different
curvature radii.
AMR curves were obtained for each material deposited on different substrates and bending condi-
tions. The tested curvature radii were rbend = 12, 10 and 2.5 mm. The highest AMR ratio obtained was

0.90% in Ni80 Fe20 // PI-125 µm sample, which is very close to values obtained on silicon counterparts.
In general, both AMR signal and Hsat values seemed to be stable even with increased curvature,
which is indicative of a good resilience of both sensors and metal leads. Only on PI-25 µm a reduction in
signal is observable with rbend = 2.5 mm. Co90 Fe10 curves yielded lower AMR ratios in general, the larger
being 0.58% on PI-125 µm. Furthermore, the sample on PI-25 µm showed a strong presence of noise
affecting the curves shape. This material exhibits a larger degradation in performance with increasing
bending, as sample on PI-125 µm did not even reach saturation with the maximum magnetic field.
The demagnetizing field is not the dominant contribution for the overall magnetic anisotropy in the
measured sensors, but if we want to achieve smaller structures with only a few micrometers wide, special
attention will be required to minimize this term. Induced stress through bending depicts a strong varia-
tion with substrate thickness, as for Ni80 Fe20 // PI-25 µm, σ2.5mm = 216 MPa and for PEN-75 µm, σ2.5mm
= 1490 MPa. This stress can be translated to an anisotropy constant, taking into account the magne-
tostriction coefficient of the material. It is recognizable that for Ni80 Fe20 samples the stress anisotropy
plays a role on the saturation field, since both Hsat and Hσ are in the same order of magnitude, however,
Hk gives almost the same contribution. On the other hand, Co90 Fe10 saturation field clearly has other
strong contribution besides induced stress, which probably comes from the magnetocrystalline term,
as it is perceptible through the Hk value that comes from the hysteresis curve. The magnetostriction
constant enhances the effect of stress, such that the magnetoelastic constant is ruled by these two pa-
rameters, the larger the magnetostriction coefficient and induced stress, the more pronounced this effect
will be.
In conclusion, although PI-125 µm seems to be a better substrate for the sensor layer, as it yielded
better AMR signal, it has the drawback of not reaching the same curvature as easily as PEN-75 µm and
PI-25 µm. The thinner polyimide showed the lowest AMR ratio, but on the other hand it also presented
the lowest saturation field and stress values, with the advantage of conforming to almost any shape. For
future work, further optimization of the fabrication techniques should be performed, namely on lithogra-
phy steps to improve the sensor quality and minimize alignment errors. Successful fabrication of smaller
sensors of, for example, 20 µm wide should be attained in order to characterize those structures and un-
derstand if it such sizes are a viable option. Furthermore, fabrication on PEN should be further explored
with smaller foil thickness to improve conformability and reduce stress on the film. PI-25 µm seems to
be a very promising material for flexible applications for the reasons stated earlier, so other bending radii
should be used to study in depth the potential of this polymer.


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Appendix A


A.1 Fabrication process runsheet

Run Sheet – AMR samples STEP 3: 1st Lithography (sensors definition)

Responsible: Catarina Janeiro (9550, 39850)

1) Photoresist spin coating (150, 34800) (18749, 39850)

STEP 1: Substrate preparation Machine: Automatic Coating Track System

Machine: Workbench and ultrasounds  Coat 1.5 μm PR (Recipe 6/2)

Coating Parameters
Substrate: PEN film (75 μm) / Polyimide Film ( 25 and 125 μm) Dispense photoresist on
First Step the sample and spinning
Conditions: (150, 21950) (18749, 21950)
at 800 rpm for 5 sec.
Spin at 2500 rpm for 30
• Alconox and Ultrasounds (no temperature) for both substrates;
sec. to obtain ~1.45μm
• Typically 30 min are enough, but if it’s seen at naked eye that the substrate is not clean, Second step
do another 30 min;
• PEN and 125 PI can be cleaned vertically in the coplin jar, but 25 PI will adhere to the Soft bake at 85ºC for 60
Third step (150, 11950) (18749, 11950)
wall of the container, so it has to be cleaned horizontally in a glass beaker; seconds.

STEP 2: Film deposition 2) Lithography

Machine: DWL
Ta 100 / CoFe 200 / Ta 100 Ta 100 / NiFe 200 / Ta 100 Ta 100 / Ni 200 / Ta 100 (9550, 150)
Substrate (150, 150) (18749, 150)

PI (25 μm)
Sensor (L1)
Mask CJ_AMR_V4_L1 Layer
PI (125 μm) (INVERTED)
Nr of Dies 1
PEN (75 μm)
Die size 19000 x 35000

(0,0) Alignment marks

Deposition conditions (write read values, batch/wafer recipe, process steps, B.P.): 3000, 3000 -
position (from (0,0))

Energy 85.m12
• Ni in Alcatel: 30 W (RF) / 20 sccm / Deposition rate ~ 0,11 A/s / 200 Ȧ / 1.86 mTorr Power 100mW w/ grey filter
Focus 10
• CoFe (N2000): 49 W (RF) / 209 V / 9.7 sccm / 8.2 mTorr / 200 A
• Ta (N2000): 10 W (DC) / 390 V / 30 mA / 10.3 sccm / 4.7 mTorr

3) Develop: Recipe 6/manual Developer: TMA238WA

Development parameters:

Bake at 85°C for 60s

Cool for 30s

Developer for 60s

STEP 5: Photoresist Strip
(3211, 33093)
Machine: Chemical Workbench + Ultrasounds

(1270, 31970)
Conditions: Acetone bath + ultrasounds (no temperature)

Start: Total time:

(2650, 30350) (17550,30550)

 Ultrassonic time can be from 5-10 min, depending on the substrate and how long has been since
 In acetone, PI 25 will roll itself in a tube, so in order to promote a good and fast strip, it should
(5250, 28350) (15250, 28550) be rinsed with IPA several times;
Layer one sensors close up and alignment coordinates.
Optical Inspection:

STEP 6: 2st Lithography (Contact leads definition)

STEP 4: 1st Etch (Ion Milling)

1) Photoresist spin coating

Machine: N3000 B.P = 3 x 10-7 Torr Machine: Automatic Coating Track System
Sample ID Total to etch (Ȧ) Etch rate t(s)
 Coat 1.5 μm PR (Recipe 6/2)
~1 Ȧ/s @60ºpan Coating Parameters
(NiFe) Dispense photoresist on
First Step the sample and spinning
400 ~0,5 Ȧ/s @60ºpan
(CoFe) at 800 rpm for 5 sec.
Spin at 2500 rpm for 30
sec. to obtain ~1.45μm
Second step
Batch Recipe: thickness.

Slot# Wafer Recipe Process Steps Soft bake at 85ºC for 60

Third step

Set-Points: 54 W / +500 V / -200 V / 8 sccm

Read conditions
Gas flux W.P Notes: Let the wafer cool slowly at room temperature after the soft bake, as a rapid cooling is more
RF Power (W) V+(V) I+(mA) V-(V) I-(mA)
(sccm) (torr) probable to cause cracks on the film.
Assist Gun
Use Pre-Development for 20s
 Sample should be stretched and flatten to its best in the etching wafer to guarantee a uniform Manually do a 20 seconds pre-development on track 1 station 2
 The back of the sample to be etched and the etching wafer used should be cleaned with acetone
before etching in order to avoid unwanted PR to burn and enhance better thermal contact.

Optical Inspection
2) Lithography Deposition conditions:

Machine: DWL • Cr (DC): 100 Ȧ / 20 W / 20 sccm / 2.6 mTorr

• Au (RF): 1000 Ȧ / 30 W / 20 sccm / 2.6 mTorr

Contact pads (NON-
Mask CJ_AMR_V4_L2 Layer
Nr of Dies 1 STEP 8: Lift-Off
Die size 19 000 x 35 000
Map AMSION_C Machine: Wet Bench + Ultrasounds

The best alignment mark Alignment The best alignment Conditions: Acetone bath + ultrasounds (no temperature)
(0,0) marks
from the previous mark from the previous
position (from
lithography (0,0)) lithography Start: Total time:

Energy 95.m12
Power 100mW w/ grey filter Notes:
Focus 10
 Ultrassonic time can be from 5-10 min, depending on the substrate and how long has been since
 In acetone, PI 25 will roll itself in a tube, so in order to promote a good and fast strip, it should
be rinsed with IPA several times;

3) Develop: Recipe 6/manual Developer: TMA238WA

Optical Inspection:

Development parameters:

Bake at 85°C for 120s

Cool for 30s

Developer for 60s

Don’t forget optical inspection!!

STEP 7: Contact leads deposition

Machine: Alcatel

 Deposit 2 calibration bars (Glass and polymer) for thickness and resistivity control;

Reference Deposition Rate ( Å/s) Deposition time (s)

Cr 0.7 2 min 30 s
Au 0.9 18 min

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