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Happy Memorial Day🇺🇲 Add this place to your USA travel Bucketlist ✨ Mount Rushmore, located in the Black Hills of South Dakota, is more than just the iconic carved faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. ✨You can explore the Presidential Trail, a scenic walking path that offers closer views of the monument and informative exhibits. ✨The Lincoln Borglum Visitor Center provides educational displays about the monument's history and c...
Anglais : Quiz sur les États-Unis (Quiz about the United States of America)
Voici un petit quiz sur les États-Unis, en 20 questions. Il s’agira de compléter les espaces vides du texte à partir des mots de la liste : 4th of July, 13, 50, 330, Alaska, California, freedom, Hawaii, Abraham Lincoln, monuments, November, Barack Obama, parks, Sam, Spanish, Big Apple, White House, Washington, Washington D.C. Ce questionnaire est destiné aux élèves d’anglais niveau A1 minimum. Un corrigé est joint au document.
Facts about United States of America
USA Fact Card for your Girl Scout World Thinking Day or International celebration. Free printable available at Fits perfectly in the World Thinking Passport, also available at
Free Printables Featuring Famous Firsts in October
Free Printables Featuring Famous Firsts in October: Mount Rushmore Coloring Page
Bald Eagle Reading Comprehension Passage and Essay Response Grade 2
This reading passage contains many fascinating facts about bald eagles as well as images. It is then is followed by six comprehension questions about the passage. This is followed by directions and parameters for writing a five sentence paragraph along with lines surrounded by a border where students can write their paragraph. Before writing the paragraph, students are to fill in the hamburger graphic organizer. It has a grade 2 reading level. There is an answer key.