Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea and adjacent areas
- Country:Germany
- Site number:537
- Area:454,988 ha
- Designation date:15-11-1991
- Coordinates:54°32'N 08°27'E
- Transboundary Site:
- Duinen Ameland (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Duinen Schiermonnikoog (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Duinen Terschelling (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Duinen Vlieland (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Duinen en Lage Land Texel (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Hamburgisches Wattenmeer (Germany)
- North Sea Coastal Area (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Vadehavet (Denmark)
- Wadden Sea (Netherlands (Kingdom of the))
- Wattenmeer, Elbe-Weser-Dreieck (Germany)
- Wattenmeer, Jadebusen & westliche Wesermündung (Germany)
- Wattenmeer, Ostfriesisches Wattenmeer & Dollart (Germany)
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea and adjacent areas (Schleswig-Holsteinisches Wattenmeer). 15/11/91; Schleswig-Holstein; 454,988 ha; 54°30'N 008°40'E. National Park, Nature Reserves. This site comprises 40% of the Wadden Sea (shared by Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany) and consists of extensive mudflats, rivers, sandbanks, dunes, saltmarshes, heathland and islands. It supports internationally important breeding numbers of several species of birds and more than two million staging waterbirds, including internationally important numbers of 24 species. In particular, approximately 70% of the entire European population of Tadorna tadorna (180,000) gather here in molting flocks. The site supports endemic aquatic invertebrates, endangered reptiles and amphibians, and is an important breeding area for Phoca vitulina. It is also an important nursery area for several commercially exploited fish species. Human activities include grazing livestock, tourism, hunting, shell fishing, military activities, and boating. Significantly extended in 2002. Ramsar site no. 537. Most recent RIS information: 2002.
Transboundary designation:
The "Wadden Sea" Transboundary Ramsar Site was declared in 2015 and it includes 13 Ramsar Sites in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands: Site No. 356 in Denmark; Sites No. 501, 537, 80, 81, 82 in Germany; Sites No. 1252, 289, 2212, 2213, 2214, 2215, 2216 in the Netherlands.
Administrative region:
- Global international designation:
- UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
- National legal designation:
- national park
- naturschutzgebiet
- Last publication date:01-01-2002
Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)
Site map
Additional reports and documents
- Taxonomic lists of plant and animal species occurring in the site