
420 Pins
6 Effective Hand Mudras for High Blood Pressure
6 Effective Hand Mudras for High Blood Pressure - Fitsri Yoga
Relive mental stress😖#yogmudra #mudrayoga
How To Do The Apan Mudra Properly To Detoxify And Energise
Four Mudras for Anxiety and Healing | Ambuja Yoga
Four Mudras for Anxiety and Healing | Ambuja Yoga
Khechri mudra
Khechri mudra - YouTube
Mudra therapy for Weight loss Surya mudra is said to be one of the best mudras to lose weight #suryamudra #weightloss #mudratherapy #mudra #mudrabenefits
Yoga Practice for Weight Loss
Did you know Yoga can help you to lose weight? One of the mudras that promote weight loss is Surya Mudra. To practice the Surya mudra for weight loss, it is important to first sit comfortably with your spine erect. Next, fold your ring finger and use your thumb to hold the fingertip. Your palms should be facing upwards and placed on your thighs or knees in a comfortable position. We offer Yoga Teacher Certification. Visit our website for program dates.
Ksepana Mudra | Hand Mudra and their meaning | Yoga
Ksepana Mudra | Hand Mudra and their meaning | Yoga | Mudras, Hand mudras, Mudras meanings #Mudra_For_Letting_Go #Mudras_Meanings_Hands #Ksepana_Mudra #Mudras_Meanings
Kashyapa Mudra: Meaning, Benefits, & How to Do | Siddhi Yoga
Kashyapa Mudra: Meaning, Benefits, & How to Do | Siddhi Yoga