123 Pins
Children's Fairytale School Mural
This mural in a primary school was inspired by storybook characters and themes. The teachers want to encourage the children to find joy in reading by making it a central part of the classrooms. These designs will have bookshelves added to them to display their favourite books of the week. Murals, Mural Ideas, School Classroom, Library, Childrens Decor
Theatre isn’t just entertainment—it’s a powerhouse for kids’ growth. From exploring emotions to unleashing creativity, it’s a journey worth taking. 🧡 For the smallest visitors to @hetnationaletheater , I created these Podiumdieren! Have you seen there cool children’s program?🤩 #kunstencultuur #kidstheatre #aniekbartels #hetnationaletheater #stageillustration #podiumdier #kinderkamerdecoratie #artonthewall #theater #denhaag #illustration #kidsroom #kinderkamerstyling #kinderkamerinspiratie #...
Aniek Bartels | Theatre isn’t just entertainment—it’s a powerhouse for kids’ growth. From exploring emotions to unleashing creativity, it’s a journey worth... | Instagram
Theatre isn’t just entertainment—it’s a powerhouse for kids’ growth. From exploring emotions to unleashing creativity, it’s a journey worth taking. 🧡 For the smallest visitors to @hetnationaletheater , I created these Podiumdieren! Have you seen there cool children’s program?🤩 #kunstencultuur #kidstheatre #aniekbartels #hetnationaletheater #stageillustration #podiumdier #kinderkamerdecoratie #artonthewall #theater #denhaag #illustration #kidsroom #kinderkamerstyling #kinderkamerinspiratie #...
Woodland Themed Typography Mural
This woodland themed mural in a charity cafe highlights the charity's values and a quote to live by 'find joy in every day'. Using the Mint + Mabel colour palette and illustration style, inspired by abstract shapes and Scandi minimalism.
Reading Nook Mural for Book Lovers
"Books are adventures waiting to happen". Visualising the sense of wonder books can provide and using Scandinavian inspired illustration to highlight the joy of written adventures.