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APOD: 2016 August 15 - Human as Spaceship
Human as Spaceship - Explanation: You are a spaceship soaring through the universe. So is your dog. We all carry with us trillions of microorganisms as we go through life. These multitudes of bacteria, fungi, and archaea have different DNA than you. Collectively called your microbiome, your shipmates outnumber your own cells. Your crew members form communities, help digest food, engage in battles against intruders, and sometimes commute on a liquid superhig... [Astronomy Picture of the Day NASA]
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Comet West 1976 was a spectacular comet, sometimes considered to qualify for the status of 'great comet'. is expired
The Heart Nebula (IC 1805) lies about 7500 light years away from Earth and is located in the constellation Cassiopeia. Beautiful Valentine’s...
#Pleiades #M45 #Cluster. High resolution (1920x1080) wallpaper of this image…
The black-hole collision that reshaped physics | Amazing Science
The black-hole collision that reshaped physics
Bill Wakeley - Artwork for Sale - Sharon, CT - United States
The giant star Zeta Ophiuchi and a veil of space dust.A single image from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Credit NASA/JPL-Caltech -&nbsptakequickbreak Resources and Information.