
490 Pins
The most neglected way to grow closer to Jesus is one of the most powerful.
Like a chain around our hearts, we can unknowingly shackle our lives to earthly things and miss out on pursuing heaven-minded dreams. Read or listen to learn more about the 3 ways money sneaks up on us and can interfere with our faith, the 3 things God is calling us to do about it, and the 3 ways we’ll be blessed if we do them. #money #budgeting #tithing #givingback #inspirational #devotional #Jesus #financialpeace #spiritualgrowth #Christian #encouragement
Christ in Context
It is alarming when New Covenant ministers, inadvertently or explicitly, steer their people away from a thorough understanding of the Old Testament. . . . #livinghopechico #chicolivinghope #chicochurch #christianity #biblicaltheology #heathjarrett #biblicalhermeneutics #hermeneutics #understandingscripture #christincontext #biblecovenants #oldtestament #christcentered
Hebrews 10:8-9
Christ said, “Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings You did not desire, nor did You delight in them” (although they are offered according to the law). Then He adds, “Here I am, I have come to do Your will.” He takes away the first to establish the second. Hebrews 10:8-9
What is the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? (with Bible Verses)
Discover how to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit by exploring Bible verses. Explore its transformative power and significance in faith. Read:
Navigating Truth: Testing the Spirit for Biblical Discernment
📖✨ Dive into the depths of biblical wisdom with our latest blog post on "Testing the Spirit." Explore 1 John 4:1 and other scriptures to understand the call for discernment in our spiritual journey. Discover practical steps, the role of the Holy Spirit, and navigate the diverse spiritual currents with confidence. Pin now to deepen your understanding of biblical discernment! 🌟 #TestingTheSpirit #BiblicalDiscernment #FaithJourney #ChristianLiving 🙏✨
64 Hidden iPhone Tips and Tricks You Never Knew About
Renew Your Faith
It is time to renew your faith in God. Today. There are so many things we renew but often our faith is left behind.
Come Follow Me 2022 - Abraham Waiting on the Lord
Come Follow Me 2022 February 7-13 Feb 7-13 Genesis 12-17 Abraham 1-2 When Abraham asked the Lord about his lack of children, he had a vision of the life of Jesus Christ and found peace. He didn’t have a vision of his future children, and he didn’t receive his promised children (at that moment). Instead, he saw Christ. His faith and trust in Christ developed, and THAT was when Abraham found peace.
In God's Kingdom the leader takes the lowest place (Matt 20:26). The one laying down their life and sacrificially serving is the one imitating Jesus. All believers are called to imitate Christ.